50 research outputs found

    The Importance of Social Work and Psychosocial Assistance in Working with Victims of Human Trafficking

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    Human trafficking as transnational phenomenon is recognized as a felony in Croatian legislation. It is also regulated by the European legislation. The consequences are various and cover every aspect of a person. Consequently, successful coping with the consequences requires comprehensive assistance and protection, which is achieved through the cooperation of various experts. The victim will receive assistance and protection only when, at the sole beginning, is identified as a victim of human trafficking. Comprehensive assistance and protection provided through the cooperation of state institutions, non-profit organizations, social welfare centres and so on should be planned and targeted and professionals who participate in providing of assistance should be well informed as with the phenomenon of human trafficking as well with the professional methods which are appropriate for working with this often very specific population. The paper emphasizes psychosocial assistance where the role of social work profession is especially prominent

    The Importance of Social Work and Psychosocial Assistance in Working with Victims of Human Trafficking

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    Human trafficking as transnational phenomenon is recognized as a felony in Croatian legislation. It is also regulated by the European legislation. The consequences are various and cover every aspect of a person. Consequently, successful coping with the consequences requires comprehensive assistance and protection, which is achieved through the cooperation of various experts. The victim will receive assistance and protection only when, at the sole beginning, is identified as a victim of human trafficking. Comprehensive assistance and protection provided through the cooperation of state institutions, non-profit organizations, social welfare centres and so on should be planned and targeted and professionals who participate in providing of assistance should be well informed as with the phenomenon of human trafficking as well with the professional methods which are appropriate for working with this often very specific population. The paper emphasizes psychosocial assistance where the role of social work profession is especially prominent


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    Die Theorie über die Organisierung des Gemeinschaftslebens und einige Aspekte ihres Transfers in der Praxis

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    Kako bi se utvrdile razlike u poimanju temeljnih ciljeva procesa socijalnog rada u organiziranju zajednice te odredili neki aspekti transfera teorije organiziranja zajednice u praksu, provedeno je istraživanje na dvije skupine ispitanika, i to skupini 187 socijalnih radnika-praktičara zaposlenih u različitim vladinim i nevladinim institucijama i organizacijama te na skupini 52 studenta završne godine Studijskog centra socijalnog rada u Zagrebu. Rezultati diskriminativne analize pokazali su postojanje statistički značajne razlike među skupinama. Dok studenti ciljeve organiziranja zajednice vide više u borbi stanovnika lokalne zajednice za građanska prava i razvoju demokracije, dotle praktičari ciljeve definiraju ponajprije kao razvoj integracije, identifikacije i razvoj zajedničkih vrijednosti stanovnika lokalne zajednice. U radu se analiziraju moguće implikacije dobivenih rezultata na daljnji teorijski i praktični razvoj socijalnog rada u organiziranju zajednice u Hrvatskoj.In order to establish the differences in conceiving the fundamental aims of social work in organizing the community and to determine certain aspects of transfer into practice of the theory of community organization, research was conducted on two groups of examinees; a group of 187 social workers employed in various governmental and nongovernmental institutions and organizations and on a group of 52 students in their final year at the Study Centre of Social Work in Zagreb. The results of discriminant analysis indicate the existence of a statistically significant difference between the groups. While students see the goals of community organization more in the struggle of the local community’s population for citizens’ rights and the development of democracy, the social workers define these goals primarily as the development of integration, identification and development of communal values of the local community’s population. Possible implications of the results obtained regarding the further theoretical and practical development of social work in community organization in Croatia are analysed in the paper.Zur Ermittlung der unterschiedlichen Auffassungen über die Grundziele der Sozialarbeit bei der Organisierung des Gemeinschaftslebens und zur Bestimmung einiger Aspekte im Transfer der Theorie über die Organisierung des Gemeinschaftslebens in der Praxis wurde in zwei Gruppen von Testpersonen eine Umfrage durchgeführt. Die erste Gruppe bestand aus 187 Sozialarbeitern, die als Praktiker in verschiedenen Behörden und NGOs tätig sind, die zweite Gruppe aus 52 Sozialpädagogikstudenten des letzten Studienjahrs aus Zagreb. Eine diskriminative Analyse erbrachte statistisch relevante Unterschiede zwischen den befragten Gruppen. Während die Studenten die Meinung Gemeinschaftslebens eher im Kampf der Bewohner für die Bürgerrechte und die Förderung der Demokratie liegen, werden auf seiten der Praktiker diese Ziele hauptsächlich als Förderung von Integration, Identifikation und gemeinsamen Wertvorstellungen unter den Bewohnern einer lokalen Gemeinschaft definiert. Die Studie analysiert die möglichen Implikationen, die die Umfrageergebnisse auf die weitere theoretische und praktische Entwicklung der Sozialarbeit bei der Organisierung des Gemeinschaftslebens in Kroatien haben könnten


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    Suvremeni pristupi određenju zdravlja već su dugo pod utjecajem shvaćanja koji ga opisuju kao stanje potpunog tjelesnog, duševnog i socijalnog blagostanja, a ne samo odsustva bolesti. Naročito osjetljive društvene skupine poput obitelji, djece i mladih, ali i brojne specifične kategorije stanovništva poput izbjeglica, siromašnih, etničkih, seksualnih ili rasnih manjinskih skupina pogođene su dodatno u zajednicama u kojima žive upravo putem utjecaja koji prema njima vrše članovi te iste zajednice. Zbog toga su se tijekom posljednjih desetljeća u teoriji i praksi različitih profesija koje se bave zdravljem stanovništva (kao što su to medicina, socijalni rad, psihologija i druge) razvili pristupi i modeli koji zdravlju pristupaju unutar paradigme razvoja zajednice i promocije zdravlja. Time su na neki način zajednica i koncept zdravlja postali nerazdvojivo povezani. Zdravlje u zajednici predstavlja sposobnost zajednice da stvori i uspješno koristi resurse s ciljem podrške dobrobiti i kvalitete života zajednice. Razvoj zajednice odnosi se na proces njegovanja osjećaja zajednice, jačanja socijalnih veza među ljudima, podizanja kohezije s ciljem postizanja harmonične, podržavajuće, i za život poticajne i zanimljive okoline ljudima. On se zasniva na razvoju resursa u zajednici koji se mogu između ostalog pronaći u grupama za samopomoć, sustavu socijalne podrške ili razvoju sustava koji jačaju sudjelovanje građana u usmjeravanju i oblikovanju zdravstvenih prioriteta. Promocija zdravlja u zajednici predstavlja konceptualni okvir koji naglašava primarnu prevenciju i perspektivu utemeljenu na suradnji sa stanovništvom, a na nju se može gledati kao na filozofiju, proces, projekt ili ishod. Razvoj zajednice i promocija zdravlja u zajednici sadrže fundamentalno vjerovanje da ljudi mogu identificirati i rješavati svoje probleme. S tim ciljem razvijeni su brojni modeli rada u zajednici od kojih su neki postavljeni ideal-tipski, a neki su proizašli iz prakse rada stručnjaka diljem svijeta. U radu su prikazane neke ključne odrednice koncepata razvoja zajednice i promocije zdravlja, obilježja konteksta u kojima se procesi razvoja zajednice i promocije zdravlja odvijaju, specifičnosti pojedinih modela rada, njihovih ključnih vrijednosnih odrednica i njihovi ciljevi. Zaključno, istaknuto je kako razvoj zajednice i promocija zdravlja u zajednici predstavljaju suštinski aspekt suvremene prakse i politike zdravlja te kako se koristeći zajednicu kao ishodišnu točku svojih intervencija mogu postići značajni uspjesi u unapređenju položaja različitih, osobito ranjivih, društvenih skupina te ujedno utjecati na smanjenje financijskih troškova povezanih s postizanjem tog cilja.Modern approaches to health determination have been influenced since long time ago by the notions that describe it as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being,and not just the absence of illness. Particularly vulnerable social groups such as families, children and young people, as well as many specific categories of the population such as refugees, poor people, ethnic, sexual or racial minority groups are additionally affected in the communities in which they live by the influence exerted on them by members of that same community. As a result, approaches and models have evolved in the theory and practice of different professions dealing with population health (such as medicine, social work, psychology, etc.) within the last decades, within the paradigm of community development and health promotion. In this way, the community and the concept of health became inseparable. Community health is the ability of a community to create and successfully use resources to support the well-being and quality of life of the community. Community development refers to the process of fostering a sense of community, strengthening social ties between people, raising cohesion with the aim of achieving a harmonious, supportive, and stimulating and engaging environment for people. It builds on the development of community resources that can be found, among other things, in self-help groups, the social support system, or the development of systems that enhance citizen participation in directing and shaping health priorities. Community health promotion is a conceptual framework that emphasizes primary prevention and a community-based perspective, and can be viewed as a philosophy, process, project or outcome. Community development and community health promotion contain the fundamental belief that people can identify and solve their problems. To this end, a number of community-based work models have been developed, some of which are ideally-typed and some derived from the practice of professionals around the world. The paper presents some key determinants of the concepts of community development and health promotion, the characteristics of the contexts in which the processes of community development and health promotion take place, the specifics of particular models of work, their key values and their goals. In conclusion, it was emphasized that community development and promotion of community health are an essential aspect of contemporary health practices and policies, and that using the community as a starting point for their interventions can achieve significant success in promoting the position of diverse, especially vulnerable, social groups and at the same time reducing financial costs associated with achieving that goal

    Supervision in psycho social work

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    Nagli razvoj psihosocijalnog rada u Hrvatskoj ostao je cljelomično bez zadovoljavajuće teorijske pratnje. Osobito je to vidljivo u nekim elementima od kojih je medu najvažnijim supervizija odnosno njezina teorijska podloga. Cilj je rada opis i kritička analiza temeljnih obilježja supervizijeput.empregleda povijesnog razvoja supervizije, terminološkog određenja kao i funkcija i ciljeva supervizije u suvremenim shvaćanjima. U radu se daje pregled definicija supervizije nastalih tijekom posljednjih deset godina. Supervizija se u radu ponajprije dovodi u vezu sa psihosocijalnim radom koji autor locira unutar šireg okvira socijalnog rada. Prikazomfaza supervizijskog procesa te različitih podjela supenizijskih oblika želi sepotaknuti claljnja rasprava o superviziji kao nezamjenjivom dijelu svake pomažuće aktivnosti.Rapid development psychological work in Croatia has been left without satisfactory theoretical backup. That is particulary visible in some elements, especially in supervision. The aim of this article is description and critical analyse of the basic characteristics of supervision: review of historical supervision development, terminology, functions and goals in recent understanding. Article reviews definitions of supervision which came out in last ten years. Supervision is here related to psychosocial work which author locates whitin wider frame of social work. With phases of supervision process and different classifications of supervision author wants to induce further discussion on supervision as crucial part of every helping activity

    Possibilities in social work in organizing community

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    U članku se prikazuje razvoj socijalnog rada u organiziranju zajednice te glavna obilježja ove tzv treće metode socijalnog rada. Uz prikaz glavnih čimbenika zaslužnih za razvoj ove metode na prostoru Sjedinjenih Američkih Država te razvojnih faza njezinog teorijskog formuliranja, autor analizira neke od najvažnijih elemenata socijalnog rada u organiziranju zajednice. Kao jedna od metoda socijalnog rada, pored rada s pojedincem i socijalnog grupnog rada, organizacija zajednice kao svojevrsna makropraksa u prilici je da na najbolji način odgovori zahtjevima društva u uvjetima krize.This article presents development of social work in organizing community and it\u27s characteristics. Beside most important factors responsible for development of this method in USA and developmental stages of its theoretical background, author analyzes some of the most important elements of social work in organizing community. As one method of social work, together with casework and group social work, community work, as a kind of macropractise have an opportunity to respond to the requests of the community in crises in a best way