27 research outputs found

    Agropedological characteristics of the Drežnik field and soil suitability for lawns

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    Agropedološka istraživanja su u funkciji izrade podloga idejnog rješenja Retencije Drežničko polje, (Vidaček Ž., 2004.). Pedološki pokrov čine Smeđe tlo na vapnencu, Tlo vrtača i manjih depresija, Smeđe tlo na ilovači pseudoglejno, Pseudoglej zaravni i Močvarno glejno epiglejno tlo. Površinu polja većinom pokrivaju livade košanice, a u sjevernom dijelu se nalazi hrastova šuma. Uvažavajući kriterije i načela konvencionalne poljoprivredne proizvodnje, prema stupnju pogodnosti za travnjake to su tla dobre pogodnosti (P-1), umjerene pogodnosti (klasa P-2), ograničene pogodnosti (klasa P-3) i trajne nepogodnosti (N-2), ovisno o vrsti privremenog ili/i trajnog ograničenja. Dominantna različito raspoređena ograničenja za intenzivnije korištenje travnjaka su kiselost, slaba opskrbljenost fiziološki aktivnim fosforom, sadržaj gline, dreniranost i mezoreljef.Agropedological research is in the function of making the basis of the conceptual design of the Drežničko polje Retention, (Vidaček Ž., 2004). The pedological cover consists of Brown soil on limestone, Soil of sinkholes and minor depressions, Brown pseudogley on loam, Pseudogley on the plateau and Gley epiglaye soil. The surface of the field is mostly covered by meadows and pastures. In the northern part there is an oak forest. Respecting the criteria and principles of conventional agricultural production, according to the degree of suitability for lawns, these are soils of good suitability (P-1), moderate suitability (class P-2), limited suitability (class P-3) and permanent unsuitability (N-2), depending on the type of temporary and / or permanent limitations. Dominant differently distributed limitation for more intensive use of lawns are acidity, poor supply of physiologically active phosphorus, clay content, drainage and mesorelie

    Land characteristics and soil suitability for arable land of Crnačko and Stajničko polje

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    U radu su korišteni neobjavljeni podaci o zemljišnim uvjetima, pedološkim značajkama i namjenskoj pogodnosti tala Crnačkog i Stajničkog polja. Analizirani su i namjenski interpretirani podaci o relevantnim čimbenicima, razvoju tala, geološko litološkoj podlozi - matičnom supstratu, oborinama, poplavama i vegetaciji. Razmatrana je sistematika i prostorna zastupljenost tala. Interpretirane su morfološke, fizikalne i kemijske značajke tala, oborinska voda u tlu, osjetljivost tla na propuštanje onečišćivača i pogodnost tla za oranice, te preporučene mjere za uređenjeUnpublished data on the pedological characteristics and dedicated soil suitability of Crnačko and Stajničko polje were used in this paper. Data on relevant factors of soil development, geological lithological substrate-parent substrate, precipitation, floods and vegetation were analyzed and purposefully interpreted. Systematics and spatial representation of soils are considered. The morphological, physical and chemical characteristics of the soil, rainwater in the soil, the sensitivity of the soil to the leaching of pollutants, the suitability of the soil for arable land, then land reclamation measures were interpreted

    Vineyards of the Marija Bistrica region and Marija Bistrica wine growers\u27 association

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    U radu raspravljamo o veličini i starosti nasada vinove loze, zemljišnim uvjetima i pogodnosti tla za uzgoj vinove loze, o uzgojnom obliku trsa, sortimentu, prinosima grožđa i uspješnom utjecaju Udruge vinogradara Marija Bistrica na unapređenju uzgoja vinove loze, proizvodnje vina i stolnog grožđa. Programske aktivnosti Udruge vinogradara, sadrže znanstveno stručna predavanja, posjete u tuzemstvu i inozemstvu, okrugle stolove i rasprave, obred blagoslova trsja na Vincekovo i ceremoniju Martinja u Mariji Bistrici.In the paper, we discuss the size and age of vine plantations, land conditions and suitability of the soil for growing vines, the growing form of vines, assortment, grape yields and the successful influence of the Association of Marija Bistrica winegrowers on the improvement of vine cultivation, wine and table grape production. The program activities of the Vine association include scientific expert lectures, visits in the country and abroad, round tables and discussions, the blessing of vines on Vincekovo and the Martinja ceremony in Marija Bistrica


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    Potpuno točnih podataka o korištenju poljoprivrednog zemljišta u Hrvatskoj nema zbog ne sređene nacionalne baze podatka, odnosno nepovezanosti nadležnih tijela u provođenju učinkovite zemljišne politike. Ne postoji jedinstvena evidencija o poljoprivrednom zemljištu i o oblicima uporabe i raspolaganja. Katastar nije usklađen s gruntovnicom, a to dvoje nije usklađeno sa stvarnim stanjem. Od 60-tih i 70-tih godina prošlog stoljeća u Hrvatskoj se koriste: Bonitiranje zemljišta, Kovačević P. i sur. 1987., Kovačević P. (1983.), Pravilnik o mjerilima za utvrđivanje osobito vrijednog obradivog (P1) i vrijednog obradivog (P2) poljoprivrednog zemljišta, NN 23/19, te Okvir za procjenu zemljišta, FAO 1976 u dorađenoj verziji Vidaček Ž., 1981. Preporučena je primjena uz doradu FAO okvira procjene zemljišta, ibidum. U cilju kvalitetne implementacije predloženo je osnivanje „Projektnog savjeta za procjenu poljoprivrednog zemljišta Hrvatske“ pri Ministarstvu poljoprivrede, Hrvatske agencije za poljoprivredu i hranu, Centru za tlo, dakako u suradnji sa znanstvenim institucijama.Fully accurate data on the use of agricultural land in Croatia are missing due to disordered national database, that is, the incompatibility of the competent authorities in the implementation of an effective land policy. There is no uniform record of agricultural land, forms of use and management. The cadastre is not aligned with the land register, and the two are not aligned with the actual situation. Since the 1960s and 1970s, the following have been used in Croatia: Land evalation, Kovačević P. et al. 1987, P. Kovačević (1983), Ordinance on the criteria for determining particularly suitable arable (S1) land and suitable arable (S2) land, NN 23/19, and finally A Framework for Land evaluation, FAO 1976, as revised by Vidaček Ž., 1981. The implementation of the FAO Framework is recommended to be refined and we propose the establishment of a "Project Council for Agricultural Land evaluation in Croatia" at the Ministry of Agriculture, Croatian Agency for Agriculture and Food, Soil Center, in collaboration with scientific institutions


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    U ovom radu o osjetljivosti tla na propuštanje onečišćivača i ranjivosti podzemne vode na onečišćenje s površine tla, korišten je dio rezultata petogodišnjih istraživanja nizinskog područja Međimurske županije, Vidaček i sur. 2008. U donjem dijelu Međimurja ima najviše obradivih površina. S agroekološkog gledišta, to su površine potencijalno visokog stupnja onečišćenja agrokemikalijama. Kvartarne sedimente pokrivaju automorfna i hidromorfna tla različite teksture, strukture i propusnosti za vodu. Vodonosni horizont nizinskog područja županije se sastoji od dobro granuliranog šljunka s različitim postotkom pijeska. Od ukupno 42.893,5 hektara poljoprivrednog zemljišta, nalazimo sljedeće klase osjetljivosti tla na potencijalno propuštanje onečišćivača u podzemnu vodu: tla II. klase slabe osjetljivosti 1.496,5 ha, tla III. klase umjerene osjetljivosti 6.157,6 ha i tla IV. klase jake osjetljivosti 20.311,9 hektara. Vidi kartu u prilogu na kraju teksta. Najplići otvoreni vodonosni horizont je u nizinskom području županije jako ranjiv na onečišćenje s površine tla. Godišnje izmjerene količine procijeđene vode iz lizimetara, sa ili bez onečišćivača u pet godišnjem razdoblju, variraju od 75,8-281,5 mm. Količine ispranog mineralnog dušika su najveće u natapanju nasada jabuka 13,5 do 47,7 kg N/ha. Pri uzgoju ratarskih kultura, dominantno kukuruza, te vrijednosti variraju u vrlo širokom rasponu od 7,2 kg N/ha do 30,5 kg N/ha.This work on soil sensitivity to leaching of pollutants and groundwater vulnerability to pollution is a part of a five-year research on the lowland area of Međimurje County by Vidaček at all 2008. In the lower part of Međimurje most of the land is arable. From the agroecological point of view, these are areas of potentially high degree of pollution by agrochemicals. Aquifers are covered by automorphic and hydromorphic soils of different texture and water permeability. The aquifer horizon consists of well-grained gravel with different percentage of sand. Of the total area of gross 42,893.5 hectares, we have the following soil sensitivity classes to potentially contaminate groundwater: soil of II. classes of weak sensitivity 1,496.5 ha, soil of III. moderate sensitivity classes, 6.157,6 ha and soil of IV. high sensitivity class, 20,311.9 hectares. See a map at the end of the text. The shallowest open water horizon in the lowland area of the county is highly vulnerable to pollution from the surface of the soil. Annual measured quantities of leached water from lysimeter in the five year period vary from 75.8 to 281.5 mm. Quantities of leached mineral nitrogen are the highest in apple plantation 13.5 to 47.7 kg N / ha. When cultivating field crops, predominantly corn, these values vary in a very wide range of 7.2 kg N / ha to 30.5 kg N / ha

    Factors of origin, pedological characteristics, use and soil cultivation in Petrinja and Glina area

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    Opisani su čimbenici postanka i razvoja tla petrinjskog i glinskog kraja, uključujući geološko litološku podlogu, klimu, vegetaciju, ljudske aktivnosti, elementarne nepogode i ratne štete na poljoprivrednom zemljištu. Tekstom i na pedološkoj karti su navedeni i opisani tipovi i niže pedosistematske jedinice poljoprivrednog zemljišta. Procijenjena je sadašnja pogodnost poljoprivrednog tla/zemljišta za obradu. Za utvrđene vrste ograničenja pogodnosti korištenja tla, preporučene su agro ili/i hidrotehničke mjere. Detaljnije raspravljamo o preporukama za održavanje plodnosti tla.Factors of soil origin and development of Petrinja and Glina region are described, including geological lithological background, climate, vegetation, human activities, natural disasters and war damage to agricultural land. The types and lower pedosystematic units of agricultural land are listed and described in the text and on the pedological map. The current suitability of agricultural soil / land for cultivation has been assessed. For the identified types of soil limitations for cultivation, agro and / or hydrotechnical measures are recommended. We discuss in more detail the recommendations for maintaining soil fertility


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    The detailed soil survey, land reclamation and crop production investigations are made for 706 hectars of Šemovec area. Investigated area belongs to the rather flat river Drava alluvial valley. The soils are semigley and hypogley with maximum height of groundwater talble for semigley soils 1—2 meters and for hypogley less than 1 meter. Changes in groundwater levels including water table are caused by changes in groundwater storage of unconfined phreatic aquifer and due to reduced natural water regime of river Drava and water regime of river Plitvica channel. The texture of semigley and hypogley topsoil is mostly silty loam while unconfined aquifer is mixture of gravel and sand (graf. 1). Effective soil depth vary from shallow (20—60 cm) to deep (more than 100 cm). Average content of available soil water is 150 mm/m (graf. 4) while infiltration rate of surface layers is very high. The primary source of water of semigley topsoil is rainfall. In general the rainfall in this humid area vary widely m respect to amount and frequency (graf. 2, 3). The present crop production is mostly extensive due to crop rotation and yields. The present land suitability for intensive crop production is evaluated in respect to suitable (S-1, S-2, S-3) and unsuitable (N-1, N-2) land classes. Limitations for intensive crop production are mostly due to some combinations of fertility status, effective soil depth and unregulated soil water regime. There are two land reclamation units. One priority for agroamelioration of 642 hectars (semigley) and another one of priority for agro and hydroamelioration of 58 hectara (hypogley). Land reclamation must be done in order to some combinations of soil loosening, soil fertilization (450 kg PgOg and KgO), supplementary irrigation (due to maximum monthly deficit of available soil water approximately 78 mm including net hydromodul 0,29—0,311/sec/ha), introduction of new crop rotations and soil drainage