118 research outputs found

    Biologija i suzbijanje žitne pijavice Oulema melanopus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

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    Small grains are an important part of agricultural production in Serbia and are sown on more than half a million hectares, and are second only to maize. The ceral leaf beetle Oulema melanopus L. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is one of the most destructive pest of cereals. The percentages of fields treated against this pest can vary from 2% to 28% in Vojvodina. Plants from Poaceae family are the natural hosts of the Cereal leaf beetle, and in agricultural production the highest damages are recorded on wheat, oat and barley, while rye is less affected. Both adults and larvae are harmful, however, larval damage is considered to be more significant. Fourth instar larvae account for more than 70% of total damage done by this pest. Several control strategies against the Cereal leaf beetle can be applied, like the use of tolerant or resistant cultivars/varieties, biological control through the use of natural enemies, and agricultural measures which would negatively influence the survival of this species in the fields. Chemical control is still one of the most used supression methods for the cereal leaf beetle. Adopting chemical control measures is only recommended when the treshhold of 5-10 larvae per square meter is breached. Pyrethroid insecticides showed the highest efficacy and resistance occurence has not been documented.Strna žita zauzimaju značajne povrÅ”ine u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji u Srbiji i sa oko pola miliona hektara nalaze se odmah iza kukuruza. Jedna od ekonomski značajnih Å”tetočina strnih žita u Srbiji je žitna pijavica, Oulema melanopus L. Na području Vojvodine, povrÅ”ine na kojima se ova vrsta suzbija izuzetno variraju u zavisnosti od godine i kreću se od 2% do 28%. Žitna pijavica oÅ”tećuje vrste iz porodice trava, a od poljoprivredno značajnih kultura iz ove porodice najveću Å”tetu pričinjava na ječmu, ovsu i pÅ”enici, neÅ”to manju na raži. Å tetne su odrasle jedinke i larve, ali se larve smatraju značajnijim, posebno larve četvrtog uzrasta, za koje je procenjeno da nanose oko 70% od svih Å”teta koje ova vrsta nanosi. Postoji nekoliko strategija za smanjenje Å”teta od žitne pijavice kao Å”to su: setva sorti koje su pokazale otpornost ili tolerantnost na napad Å”tetočine, bioloÅ”ka kontrola koriŔćenjem prirodnih neprijatelja, kao i primena agrotehničkih mera koje mogu uticati na smanjenje brojnosti populacije. Upotreba insekticida predstavlja ipak najčeŔći način suzbijanja. Žitnu pijavicu treba suzbijati isključivo kada njena brojnost pređe prag Å”tetnosti, odnosno kada brojnost larvi dostigne 5 do 10 jedinki po m2. Insekticidi iz grupe piretroida su pokazali visoku efikasnost u suzbijanju žitne pijavice, a rezistentnost na insekticide iz ove grupe nije dokumentovana

    Bionomija i mogućnosti suzbijanja repičinih pipa Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus (Marsham) i Ceutorhynchus napi gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    Investigation on cabbage stem weevil (Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus) and rape stem weevil (Ceutorhynchus napi) bionomy was done on two sites in Vojvodina province, Serbia. One of them, Rimski Å”ančevi, is located in the southern part, and the other, Crvenka, in the central part of Bačka region. The species were monitored from 2011 to 2013 using yellow water traps method (Moericke dishes), sweep netting and visual method. The yellow water trap method was the most efficient, yielding 73% of the total collected specimens, followed by the sweeping method, with 17.5% of sampled specimens, while the visual method gave the poorest results with 9.5% of specimens. In total, 1007 specimens were collected, 530 of which at Rimski Å”ančevi (285 cabbage stem weevil specimens and 245 rape stem weevil specimens) and 477 at Crvenka (117 cabbage stem weevil specimens and 360 rape stem weevil specimens). The cabbage stem weevil was more abundant at Rimski Å”ančevi while the situation was inverted in Crvenka where rape stem weevil was more common species. Males and females appeared synchronically at both localities. The sex ratio was approximately 1:1, with variations between sites and year. The beginning and the end of the flight period, as well as its maximum, were determined for the two species in both sites during every year. Both species usually resume their feeding activities starting from the middle of March, while maximum flight usually occurs at the beginning of April. In the second half of April activity declined. The occurrence of the new generation was recorded in the second half of May and beginning of June. The potential harmfulness of both species to oilseed rape was estimated using isolation cages during 2012 and 2013 with different combinations of both species. Although there were significant statistical differences (PĖ‚0.05) between variants for plant height and first lateral raceme height parameters, no specific correlation with certain variant was obtained. The highest mean number of damaged leafs was recorded in cages with one cabbage stem weevil on five plants (CSW 1/5).Ispitivanje bionomije male repičine pipe (Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus) i velike repičine pipe (Ceutorhynchus napi) obavljeno je na dva lokaliteta u Bačkoj, Vojvodina, Srbija. Jedan od lokaliteta, Rimski Å”ančevi, nalazi se u južnom delu, a drugi, Crvenka, u centralnom delu Bačke. Brojnost vrsta je praćena upotrebom metoda žutih lovnih posuda (Merikovi sudovi), sakupljanjem kečerom i vizuelnim pregledom, tokom sezona 2011-2013. Najefikasnija je bila metoda žutih lovnih posuda sa 73% od ukupno uhvaćenih jedinki. Na drugom mestu je metoda izlovljavanja kečerom (17,5%) a na trećem vizuelna metoda (9,5%). Ukupno je uhvaćeno 1007 jedinki od kojih 530 na lokalitetu Rimski Å”ančevi (285 jedinki male repičine pipe i 245 jedinki velike repičine pipe) i 477 jedinki na lokalitetu Crvenka (117 jedinki male repičine pipe i 360 jedinki velike repičine pipe). Mala repičina pipa je bila brojnija na lokalitetu Rimski Å”ančevi dok je na lokalitetu Crvenka brojnija bila velika repičina pipa. Mužjaci i ženke obe vrste su se javljali skoro u isto vreme. Seksualni indeks je iznosio približno 1:1 sa variranjima u odnosu na lokalitet i godinu. Utvrđen je početak aktivnosti, maksimalna brojnost odraslih jedinki kao i zavrÅ”etak aktivnosti na oba lokaliteta tokom svake godine praćenja. Početak aktivnosti, za obe vrste, je uglavnom sredinom marta a maksimum leta krajem marta i početkom aprila. U drugoj polovini aprila brojnost opada. Zabeležena je sporadična pojava jedinki nove generacije krajem maja i početkom juna meseca. Uticaj larvi male i velike repičine pipe na biljke uljane repice ispitivan je u izolacionim kavezima tokom 2012. i 2013. godine u varijantama sa različitim brojem jedinki svake vrste pojedinačno i kombinovano. Iako su postojale statistički značajne razlike (PĖ‚0,05) između varijanti za parametre visina biljaka i visina prve bočne grane, nisu uočene pravilnosti u vezi sa uticajem konkretne varijante na date parametre. Broj oÅ”tećenih listova bio je najveći kod varijante sa jednom malom repičinom pipom na svakih pet biljaka uljane repice (MRP 1/5) a neÅ”to manji u varijantama sa jednom malom repičinom pipom na svakih osam biljaka uljane repice (MRP 1/8) i obe vrste na svakih pet biljaka (VRP+MRP 1/5)..

    Bionomy and control possibilities of two rapeseed stem weevils: Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus (Marsham) and Ceutorhynchus napi gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    Ispitivanje bionomije male repičine pipe (Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus) i velike repičine pipe (Ceutorhynchus napi) obavljeno je na dva lokaliteta u Bačkoj, Vojvodina, Srbija. Jedan od lokaliteta, Rimski Å”ančevi, nalazi se u južnom delu, a drugi, Crvenka, u centralnom delu Bačke. Brojnost vrsta je praćena upotrebom metoda žutih lovnih posuda (Merikovi sudovi), sakupljanjem kečerom i vizuelnim pregledom, tokom sezona 2011-2013. Najefikasnija je bila metoda žutih lovnih posuda sa 73% od ukupno uhvaćenih jedinki. Na drugom mestu je metoda izlovljavanja kečerom (17,5%) a na trećem vizuelna metoda (9,5%). Ukupno je uhvaćeno 1007 jedinki od kojih 530 na lokalitetu Rimski Å”ančevi (285 jedinki male repičine pipe i 245 jedinki velike repičine pipe) i 477 jedinki na lokalitetu Crvenka (117 jedinki male repičine pipe i 360 jedinki velike repičine pipe). Mala repičina pipa je bila brojnija na lokalitetu Rimski Å”ančevi dok je na lokalitetu Crvenka brojnija bila velika repičina pipa. Mužjaci i ženke obe vrste su se javljali skoro u isto vreme. Seksualni indeks je iznosio približno 1:1 sa variranjima u odnosu na lokalitet i godinu. Utvrđen je početak aktivnosti, maksimalna brojnost odraslih jedinki kao i zavrÅ”etak aktivnosti na oba lokaliteta tokom svake godine praćenja. Početak aktivnosti, za obe vrste, je uglavnom sredinom marta a maksimum leta krajem marta i početkom aprila. U drugoj polovini aprila brojnost opada. Zabeležena je sporadična pojava jedinki nove generacije krajem maja i početkom juna meseca. Uticaj larvi male i velike repičine pipe na biljke uljane repice ispitivan je u izolacionim kavezima tokom 2012. i 2013. godine u varijantama sa različitim brojem jedinki svake vrste pojedinačno i kombinovano. Iako su postojale statistički značajne razlike (PĖ‚0,05) između varijanti za parametre visina biljaka i visina prve bočne grane, nisu uočene pravilnosti u vezi sa uticajem konkretne varijante na date parametre. Broj oÅ”tećenih listova bio je najveći kod varijante sa jednom malom repičinom pipom na svakih pet biljaka uljane repice (MRP 1/5) a neÅ”to manji u varijantama sa jednom malom repičinom pipom na svakih osam biljaka uljane repice (MRP 1/8) i obe vrste na svakih pet biljaka (VRP+MRP 1/5)...Investigation on cabbage stem weevil (Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus) and rape stem weevil (Ceutorhynchus napi) bionomy was done on two sites in Vojvodina province, Serbia. One of them, Rimski Å”ančevi, is located in the southern part, and the other, Crvenka, in the central part of Bačka region. The species were monitored from 2011 to 2013 using yellow water traps method (Moericke dishes), sweep netting and visual method. The yellow water trap method was the most efficient, yielding 73% of the total collected specimens, followed by the sweeping method, with 17.5% of sampled specimens, while the visual method gave the poorest results with 9.5% of specimens. In total, 1007 specimens were collected, 530 of which at Rimski Å”ančevi (285 cabbage stem weevil specimens and 245 rape stem weevil specimens) and 477 at Crvenka (117 cabbage stem weevil specimens and 360 rape stem weevil specimens). The cabbage stem weevil was more abundant at Rimski Å”ančevi while the situation was inverted in Crvenka where rape stem weevil was more common species. Males and females appeared synchronically at both localities. The sex ratio was approximately 1:1, with variations between sites and year. The beginning and the end of the flight period, as well as its maximum, were determined for the two species in both sites during every year. Both species usually resume their feeding activities starting from the middle of March, while maximum flight usually occurs at the beginning of April. In the second half of April activity declined. The occurrence of the new generation was recorded in the second half of May and beginning of June. The potential harmfulness of both species to oilseed rape was estimated using isolation cages during 2012 and 2013 with different combinations of both species. Although there were significant statistical differences (PĖ‚0.05) between variants for plant height and first lateral raceme height parameters, no specific correlation with certain variant was obtained. The highest mean number of damaged leafs was recorded in cages with one cabbage stem weevil on five plants (CSW 1/5)

    Uticaj različitih insekticida na poljsku klijavost semena Å”ećerne repe

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    Aim of this research was to determine influence of the insecticides on sugar beet germination in field conditions. Further, connection between field germination and yield was also analyzed. Trials were conducted during two years, 2010 and 2011, with the most common insecticides used for this purpose. Some of them were used as seed treatment and some were incorporated in soil during sowing. As a seed was used hybrid variety Lara from Institute of field and vegetable crops, Novi Sad. Statistical analysis showed that treatments with insecticides imidacloprid, thiamethoxam and furathiocarb had the highest rates of field germination. Also, high positive correlation was determined between field germination and sugar beet yield.Osnovni cilj rada je da se odredi uticaj insekticida na poljsku klijavost Å”ećerne repe. Analizirana je i međuzavisnost poljske klijavosti i prinosa korena Å”ećene repe. Ogled je izveden tokom dve godine, sa kod nas najčeŔće primenjivanim insekticidima u peleti semena Å”ećerne repe, kao i unoÅ”enjem insekticida u zemljiÅ”te. Kao seme poslužila je hibridna sorta Lara, nastala u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo. Statistički visoko značajnu poljsku klijavost ostvarilo je seme tretirano insekticidima imidakloprid, tiametoksam i furatiokarb. Visoka pozitivna korelacija ustanovljena je između poljske klijavosti i prinosa korena Å”ećerne repe

    Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea): Important members of rapeseed entomofauna in vicinity of Novi Sad

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    The area under rapeseed is increasing in the world as well as in Serbia, which makes appearance and harmfulness of some insects more important. Weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) are group of insects whose presence and destructiveness on oilseed rape are not explored enough. Results of rapeseed entomofauna exploration at site Rimski Šančevi during 2008 are presented in this paper. Insects were collected using yellow traps method, also known as Moericke's dishes, which can be considered as one of the most appropriate methods for this kind of research. During spring, 433 adult specimens were collected (all belong to five genera and ten species). More than tenfold less specimens were collected in autumn - 42 (seven genera and 11 species). The most abundant genus was Ceutorhynchus, and species Ceutorhynchus pallidactylus (Marsham) (=quadridens Panzer).

    Molekularna karakterizacija i identifikacija gljiva uzročnika raka stabla uljane repice u Srbiji

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    During 2008-2010 the infected Brassica napus plant material was collected from nine localities: Karavukovo, Crvenka, Prigrevica, Subotica, Rimski Å ančevi, Srbobran, BeÅ”ka, Banatsko Karađorđevo, and Srpski Miletić. Infected tissue samples were taken from the root of both upper and basal stems, as well as from the leaf, flower and pods. Two reference isolates from Great Britain were used in these studies for the analysis of 119 isolates from Serbia, using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-RFLP. Digestion of PCR products was performed with 5 selected endonucleases: BamHI, HaeIII, Rsal, EcoRII, and AluI. On the basis of PCR analysis, all isolates originating from Serbia belong to L. complex: 111 belong to species Leptosphaeria maculans, and 8 to species Leptosphaeria biglobosa NA1 ('Leptosphaeria biglobosa brassicae), respectively.Kulture gljiva izolovane su iz obolelih biljnih delova uljane repice koji su prikupljeni iz devet lokaliteta (Karavukovo, Crvenka, Prigrevica, Subotica, Rimski Å”ančevi, Srbobran, BeÅ”ka, Banatsko Karađorđevo, Srpski Miletić) u periodu od 2008 do 2010. godine. Uzorci obolelog tkiva su uzeti sa korena, prizemnog stabla, gornjeg dela stabla i grana, kao i sa lista, cveta, ljuski i semena. Molekularna karakterizacija je sprovedena koriŔćenjem lančane reakcije polimeraze PCR i PCR-RFLP, a ukupno je ispitivano 119 izolata poreklom iz Srbije i dva referentna izolata iz Velike Britanije. Digestija PCR produkata je sprovedena sa 5 odabranih endonukleaza: BamHI, HaeIII, RsaI, EcoRII i AluI. Na osnovu PCR analize, svi izolati poreklom iz Srbije pripadaju L. kompleksu: 111 pripada vrsti Leptosphaeria maculans, a 8 vrsti Leptosphaeria biglobosa NA1 (Leptosphaeria biglobosa brassicae)


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    The North American aphid Rhopalosiphoninus latysiphon (Davidson, 1912) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) was found in Serbia for the first time. It is a polyphagous species, mainly feeding on roots, bulbs and tubers. This cryptic living species was detected in yellow water traps on fields of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad (Rimski Šančevi) during the monitoring of aphid flight activity in sugar beet. In total, three specimens were trapped in 2019 and 2020. The main morphological and biological characteristics of the species are given in the text

    Coerced addiction treatment: How, when and whom?

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    From the psychiatric point of view the aim and purpose of coercive treatment of addicts imply the creation of positive therapeutic pressure which could induce mobilization of all available motivational mechanisms focused on improving general health and on correction of inappropriate social behavior. An increasing number of individuals have been referred to treatment protocol under legal coercion from the criminal justice system related to family law act, whereat optimal therapeutic results can be seen in alcoholics with conditional sentence along with coercive treatment within security measure. Adherence and acceptance of the treatment protocol is significantly higher in coerced population of addicts, emphasizing longer retention, better treatment attendance and reduction in criminal activity and drug use, compared to the voluntarily referred patients. Considering a significant number of coerced patients in treatment, one would expect to find a substantial body of structured researches addressing the relationship between the coercion and outcomes in comparison with addicts who entered treatment voluntarily, but this is not the case. Available data on drug addicts showed the efficiency of the treatment itself when completed and that even brief exposure to treatment protocol can result in fewer drug consumption and lower criminal activity. In this paper, we tried to explore the facts mentioned and the role of coercive treatment as well as the most frequent parameters of coercive treatment efficacy such as retention, abstinence duration and treatment attendance
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