107 research outputs found

    Path Analysis Comparison of Plant Population and Hybrid Maturity for Maize Primary and Secondary Yield Components

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    Limited yield component analysis of maize (Zea mays L.) using path correlation analysis exists related to crop management in Europe and the United States. The objective of this study was to compare the results generated from path correlation analysis of primary to those of the primary plus secondary yield components and relate these to maize breeding and production research needs. Research was conducted in 2012 and 2013 at Zagreb, Croatia and Mead, Nebraska, United States with maize hybrids ranging from 520 to 650 FAO maturities, and plant populations ranging from 65,000 to 105,000 plants ha-1. Grain yield, ears m-2, rows ear-1, kernels ear-1, kernels row-1, and kernel weight were determined. The path coefficient analysis of primary yield components of ears m-2, kernels ear-1, and kernel weight confirmed that yield component compensation occurred partially accounting for similar yields over a broad range of plant populations and due to hybrid maturity, with all primary grain yield components having direct effect on grain yield. The primary plus secondary indicated the important role of the number of rows ear-1 for maize grain yield for high plant population and early-maturity maize hybrids, and the number of kernels row-1 and kernels ear-1 importance at low plant populations and for mid- and late-maturity maize hybrids. When only primary yield components are included in the analysis, the importance of the secondary grain yield components of rows ear-1 and kernels row-1 on later occurring yield components and on yield was unavailable. Future yield component studies should use path analysis and include both primary and secondary grain yield components to better understand production and genetic factors leading to yield similarities and differences


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    U povodu novog ZKP-a iz 2008. kojim je nakon desetljeća primjene apsolutnog oblika izdvajanja nezakonitih dokaza izričito normirano i relativno izdvajanje koje se temelji na razmjernosti, svrha rada je sagledavanje značaja promjena u odnosu na dosadaÅ”nju praksu te u odnosu na dominantna kretanja u poredbenom pravu. S obzirom na to da na bitne dijelove hrvatskog sustava nezakonitih dokaza utjecaj ostvaruju pojedina rjeÅ”enja iz poredbenog prava, rad prikazuje međuodnos relevantnih svjetskih modela te poteÅ”koće koje se mogu pojaviti i u primjeni hrvatskog sustava. Autori u radu opisuju promjene u odredbama novog ZKP-a koje su značajne za nezakonite dokaze

    Path Analysis Comparison of Plant Population and Hybrid Maturity for Maize Primary and Secondary Yield Components

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    Limited yield component analysis of maize (Zea mays L.) using path correlation analysis exists related to crop management in Europe and the United States. The objective of this study was to compare the results generated from path correlation analysis of primary to those of the primary plus secondary yield components and relate these to maize breeding and production research needs. Research was conducted in 2012 and 2013 at Zagreb, Croatia and Mead, Nebraska, United States with maize hybrids ranging from 520 to 650 FAO maturities, and plant populations ranging from 65,000 to 105,000 plants ha-1. Grain yield, ears m-2, rows ear-1, kernels ear-1, kernels row-1, and kernel weight were determined. The path coefficient analysis of primary yield components of ears m-2, kernels ear-1, and kernel weight confirmed that yield component compensation occurred partially accounting for similar yields over a broad range of plant populations and due to hybrid maturity, with all primary grain yield components having direct effect on grain yield. The primary plus secondary indicated the important role of the number of rows ear-1 for maize grain yield for high plant population and early-maturity maize hybrids, and the number of kernels row-1 and kernels ear-1 importance at low plant populations and for mid- and late-maturity maize hybrids. When only primary yield components are included in the analysis, the importance of the secondary grain yield components of rows ear-1 and kernels row-1 on later occurring yield components and on yield was unavailable. Future yield component studies should use path analysis and include both primary and secondary grain yield components to better understand production and genetic factors leading to yield similarities and differences

    Resistance of different wheat cultivars to granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius L.)

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    Ciljevi ovog rada bili su utvrditi razlike u otpornosti različitih sorata pÅ”enice na pÅ”eničnog žiÅ”ka i koliki su gubici od žižaka u masi zrna tijekom 20 tjedana skladiÅ”tenja. Istraživanje je provedeno u laboratoriju Zavoda za specijalnu proizvodnju bilja Agronomskog fakulteta SveučiliÅ”ta u Zagrebu na 3 sorte pÅ”enice: Divana, Renan i Sana. U staklenke (720 ml) stavljeno je 100 g zrna i 20 nasumično odabranih odraslih žižaka. Staklenke sa zrnom i žiÅ”cima bile su 20 tjedana smjeÅ”tene u laboratoriju pri prosječnoj temperatura zraka od 24,9Ā°C i prosječnoj relativnoj vlazi zraka od 64,7%. Tijekom perioda skladiÅ”tenja, uočen je rast populacije pÅ”eničnog žiÅ”ka kod sve tri sorte pÅ”enice. Najveći broj žižaka zabilježen je kod sorte Sana, Å”to čini povećanje početne populacije za 28 puta, dok je kod sorata Renan i Divana početna populacija povećana za 1,8, odnosno 1,6 puta. Nakon 20 tjedana skladiÅ”tenja gubitak mase zrna iznosio 1,30% za sortu Renan, 1,70% za sortu Divana te 12,45% za sortu Sana. ŽiÅ”ci su se hranili i razmnožavali viÅ”e na zrnima sorte Sana jer ima mekanije zrno od sorata Divana i Renan koje su tvrđeg zrna. Obzirom da su u ovom istraživanju promatrani samo neki čimbenici koji mogu utjecati na otpornost pÅ”enice na žiÅ”ke, potrebno je nastaviti istraživanja i pri tome uzeti i druge čimbenike u razmatranje kako bi se Å”to bolje istražile razlike u otpornosti između sorata pÅ”enice.The objectives of this study were to determine the differences in the resistance of some wheat cultivars to granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius L.) and grain weight loss during 20 weeks of storage caused by granary weevil. The research was carried out in the laboratory of Department of Field Crops, Forage and Grassland, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb, on three wheat cultivars: Divana, Renan and Sana. 20 randomly selected adult insects were placed in 720ml glass jars containing 100 g of whole seed of a particular cultivar. Glass jars were placed in the laboratory for 20 weeks. The mean temperature and relative humidity were 24,9Ā°C and 64,7%. During storage period, weevil population growth was found in grains all three wheat cultivars. The highest number of weevils was observed in the seeds of Sana cultivar, which is an increase of the initial population by 28 times, while in the seeds of Renan and Divana cultivars the initial population increased by 1.8 and 1.6 times, respectively. After 20 weeks of storage, grain weight loss was 1.30% for Renan, 1.70% for Divana and 12.45% for Sana. The granary weevils are fed and propagated more on the grains of Sana cultivar because it has a softer grain than the Divana and Renan cultivars, which have harder grains. It is necessary to continue the research and take in consideration other factors to better explain differences in resistance of different wheat cultivars to granary weevil


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    PÅ”enica (Triticum aestivum L.) je jedna od najvažnijih ratarskih kultura u Hrvatskoj. Nakon žetve, sprema se u skladiÅ”ta u kojima ostaje do trenutka prerade u mlinske proizvode. Dokazano je, da je kakvoća pÅ”enice neÅ”to slabija odmah nakon žetve i da je potrebno da pÅ”enica određeno vrijeme ostane uskladiÅ”tena. To razdoblje koje se joÅ” naziva i posliježetveno dozrijevanje, traje različito za različite sorte. Tijekom tog razdoblja ali i tijekom skladiÅ”tenja zrna pÅ”enice do prerade, određeni čimbenici mogu pozitivno, ali i negativno utjecati na proteine, ugljikohidrate, lipide, hektolitarsku masu, svojstva mljevenja i reoloÅ”ka svojstva. Cilj ovog rada je koriÅ”tenjem znanstvene literature prikazati koji čimbenici i na koji način utječu na promjenu ugljikohidrata, masti i proteina tijekom skladiÅ”tenja pÅ”enice te dinamiku poboljÅ”anja reoloÅ”kih svojstava pÅ”enice od uskladiÅ”tenja do početka prerade.Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the most important crops in Croatia. After harvest, it is stored in warehouses where it remains until the milling. It has been shown that the quality of wheat is somewhat weaker immediately after harvest and wheat must be stored for some time in the warehouses. This period, which is sometimes referred to as postharvest ripening, lasts differently for different varieties. During this period, but also during storage of wheat grain to processing, certain factors may positively or negatively affect proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, test weight, grinding properties and rheological properties. The aim of this paper is to present the factors that influence the change of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins during storage of wheat and the dynamics of improving the rheological properties of wheat from the storage to the start of processing

    Experience in production and utilization of renewable energy sources in the European Union

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    Europska unija danas u proizvodnji bioenergije prelazi u drugu fazu proizvodnje obnovljivih izvora energije. To znači da je proces proizvodnje biogoriva, na temeljima Zelene i Bijele knjige, u potpunosti definiran. Dakle, utvrđen je udio biogoriva u potroÅ”nji, način proizvodnje kao i kakvoća te je zakonski i legislativno utvrđen sustav njihove provedbe mogućnosti kontrole provedbe svake pojedine članice Europske unije. Europska unija je u drugu fazu proizvodnje biogoriva krenula izradom energetskih krugova i to uz joÅ” 7 vrsta biogoriva (EC 2003/30) na: - proizvodnju biodizela iz metilnih estera masnih kiselina koji se proizvode od biljnog ili životinjskog ulja te od otpadnog jestivog ulja, - proizvodnju bioetanola iz biomase i biorazgradivog dijela otpada, - proizvodnju bioplina iz biomase i biorazgradivog dijela otpada koji se može pročistiti do kakvoće prirodnog plina. Kako je biomasa jedini obnovljivi izvor energije iz kojeg je moguće proizvesti visokovrijedna tekuća i plinovita goriva, Europski parlament i Vijeće Europe izdali su gore navedenu Direktivu koju zemlje članice moraju postaviti kao nacionalni cilj te do 1. srpnja 2006. godine dati izvjeŔće komisiji Europske unije o dosad učinjenom, kao i o mogućim potezima u sljedećih godinu dana. Druga faza je izrada projekta za 2020. godinu, gdje za Republiku Hrvatsku vrijedi da u području transporta mora potroÅ”iti minimalno 260.000 t biogoriva. Međutim, uz navedeno će ostati i preko 500.000 t nusproizvoda, Å”to agronomska, veterinarska i ostale struke trebaju shvatiti kao izazov i načiniti program, najbolji za Republiku Hrvatsku, kako bi u potpunosti mogli odgovoriti zahtjevima Europske unije.The European Union is entering the second phase of production of renewable energy sources. Namely, biofuel production is entirely defined due to EU\u27s Green and White paper. Hence, share of biofuels\u27 consumption, their production and quality as well as the system of application and monitoring by a single member state is determined. This second phase has begun with drafting energy cycles\u27 after defining 7 types of biofuels (EC/30/2003): - biodiesel production from fatty acid methyl esters from vegetable oil or animal fat and from edible waste oil, - bioethanol production from biomass and biodegradable waste, - biogas production from biomass and biodegradable fat which can be purified to natural gas quality. As biomass is the only renewable energy source from which it is possible to produce valuable liquid and gaseous fuels, the EU Parliament and the EU Commission have issued a Directive which has to be set as a national goal by its member states. Furthermore, they must submit their reports on previous activities together with the future plans. When speaking of the Republic of Croatia, the second phase plan for the year 2020 is that in transportation area it minimum 260,000 t of biofuels should be spent. However, this will lead to production of more than 500,000 t of by-products, which should be considered as a challenge for agricultural, veterinarian and related professions to prepare the best program for the Republic of Croatia in order to fulfil EU\u27s demands

    Agricultural model of biodiesel fuel production

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    Kako Republika Hrvatska općenito nema modele koriÅ”tenja biogoriva, u ovom radu istraživali su se tehničko ā€“ tehnoloÅ”ko ā€“ troÅ”kovni agrarni modeli iskoriÅ”tenja jednog od najzanimljivijih poljoprivrednih biogoriva ā€“ biodizelskoga goriva. Na temelju dobivenih modela i ocjenom rentabilnosti strukture troÅ”kova, odredio se najučinkovitiji te najpovoljniji model proizvodnje biodizelskoga goriva u Republici Hrvatskoj, odnosno neposredno povećanje proizvodnje u poljoprivredi. Iz dobivenih rezultata vidi se da model proizvodnje bio-dizelskoga goriva s nositeljem proizvodnje, poljoprivrednom tvrtkom s pogonom za rafinaciju sirovoga ulja ima najbolju ocjenu rentabilnosti uz najbržu amortizaciju uloženih sredstava. Međutim, zbog trenutnih nerijeÅ”enih vlasničkih odnosa i loÅ”e financijske situacije poljoprivrednih tvrtki, model proizvodnje biodizelskoga goriva s nositeljem proizvodnje, poljoprivrednom zadrugom prihvaćen je kao najpovoljniji model proizvodnje biodizelskoga goriva u ovom trenutku za Republiku Hrvatsku.Since the Republic of Croatia does not have the biofuel utilization models, in this paper technical, technological, cost and agrarian models of utilization of one of the most interesting agricultural biofuels ā€“ biodiesel were investigated. Based on the obtained models and the cost-effectiveness evaluation of the costs, the most efficient and the most convenient model of biodiesel fuel production in the Republic of Croatia was determined. In the obtained results, it was observed that the biodiesel production model with producer an agricultural company with the machinery for raw oil refining, had the best cost-effectiveness evaluation together with a high amortization of invested capital. However, because of the current unresolved proprietary conditions and unsatisfactory financial situation of agricultural companies, the biodiesel fuel production model with the producer an agricultural cooperative society was accepted as currently the most prosperous biodiesel fuel production model in the Republic of Croatia
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