20 research outputs found

    Factor structure of time-sharing performance at different levels of practice

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    Previous attempts to identify a general time-sharing ability have been investigated at the low level of practice and have proven unsuccessful. Therefore, in the present study we examined whether the hypothetical time-sharing ability would emerge at a higher level of dual-task practice. To test this possibility, 111 participants performed various tracking and choice-reaction tasks during 10 consecutive days of practice both singly and concurrently. Under single-task conditions participants carried out seven simple tasks two times a day, while under dual-task conditions they carried out 14 different combinations of two simple tasks, three times each. This yielded 20 performance measures for each simple task and 30 performance measures for every dual-task combination. The data were analyzed with a series of factor analyses, separately for every level of practice: the low level (the first 3 days), intermediate level (the following 4 days) and high level one (during the last 3 days). The results showed that practice has no significant impact on the factor structure of single- and dual-task measures. Almost identical factor solutions have been obtained for all three levels of practice, and the general time-sharing factor representing hypothetical ability has not been identified at any level of practice. Instead, at all levels, three group time-sharing factors have been obtained. These findings support the idea of a multifactor model of time-sharing performance according to which the performance on various multiple tasks would depend on several relatively independent time-sharing abilities

    Job attitudes, job performance and turnover intentions of scientists

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    Cilj provedenog istraživanja bio je trojak: (a) ispitati razlike između znanstvenih novaka i ostalih znanstvenih radnika u zadovoljstvu poslom, zaokupljenosti poslom i odanosti organizaciji, (b) utvrditi kakva je povezanost ovih stavova prema radu s objektivno određenim radnim učinkom i namjerom napuÅ”tanja organizacije, te (c) provjeriti moderira li status znanstvenih radnika (znanstvenici vs novaci) povezanost stavova s kriterijskim mjerama. Istraživanje je provedeno na 184 znanstvena djelatnika jedne neprofitne znanstveno-istraživačke ustanove. Testiranjem značajnosti razlika u stavovima utvrđeno je da su znanstveni novaci (N = 72) manje zaokupljeni poslom te da imaju manje izraženu afektivnu, instrumentalnu i normativnu odanost organizaciji nego znanstvenici (N = 112). U skladu s hipotezom o kozmopolitskoj orijentaciji znanstvenih radnika i njihovoj jačoj vezanosti uz profesiju i profesionalnu zajednicu nego uz radnu organizaciju, zaokupljenost poslom se pokazala najboljim prediktorom radnog učinka i u uzorku novaka i u uzorku znanstvenika. S druge strane, značajne prediktore namjere napuÅ”tanja organizacije predstavljali su zadovoljstvo poslom te afektivna i instrumentalna odanost organizaciji. Status znanstvenih radnika nije moderirao povezanost stavova prema radu i radnog učinka, ali jest njihovu povezanost s namjerom napuÅ”tanja organizacije. Značajne interakcije dobivene su za zadovoljstvo poslom i afektivnu odanost organizaciji. Zadovoljstvo poslom bilo je snažnije povezano s namjerom napuÅ”tanja organizacije kod novaka nego kod znanstvenika, dok je afektivna odanost korelirala s namjerom napuÅ”tanja organizacije samo u uzorku znanstvenika. Ovakvi rezultati potvrđuju važnost stavova prema radu u predviđanju radnih ishoda, ali ujedno pokazuju da su znanstvenici specifična profesionalna skupina kod koje je radna uspjeÅ”nost determinirana drugačijim stavom prema radu nego kod drugih profesionalnih skupina. Oni također pokazuju da prognostička valjanost pojedinih stavova ovisi o tome predviđa li se namjera odlaska iz organizacije kod znanstvenika ili kod novaka.The aim of this study was threefold: (a) to investigate the differences in job satisfaction, job involvement and organizational commitment between junior researchers and researchers, (b) to establish how job attitudes are related to objective measures of their job performance and turnover intentions, and (c) to examine if their status (researchers vs. junior researchers) moderates the relationship between job attitudes and work outcomes. The study was conducted on a sample of 184 scientists employed in one nonprofit public research institute. The results showed that junior researchers (N= 72) are less job-involved and have lower levels of affective, normative and instrumental commitment in comparison to the researchers (N=112). In accordance with the hypothesis of cosmopolitan orientation of scientists and their stronger commitment to profession and professional community than to the employing organization, job involvement was the best predictor of job performance in both, the sample of researchers and the sample of junior researchers. On the other hand, significant predictors of turnover intentions were job satisfaction, and affective and instrumental commitment. The scientist status was not a moderator of the relationship between job attitudes and job performance, but it moderated their relationship with turnover intentions. Significant interactions were obtained for job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment. Job satisfaction correlated more strongly with turnover intentions of junior researchers than with those of researchers, while affective commitment correlated only with turnover intentions of researchers. The results confirm the importance of job attitudes in prediction of work outcomes, but also indicate that scientists represent a specific professional group whose job performance is determined by different job attitudes compared with other professional groups. They also imply that predictive validity of certain job attitudes is different for predicting turnover intention of researches and junior researchers

    Ɯber Heilige und Superhelden: Das Paulhus-Modell der gesellschaftlichen ErwĆ¼nschtheit auf dem PrĆ¼fstand

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    Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio ispitati temeljne postavke Paulhusova modela (2002.), prema kojemu se socijalno poželjno odgovaranje može razdvojiti na moralističko i egoističko iskrivljavanje, od kojih oba imaju svjesne i nesvjesne komponente. Model smo provjeravali usporedbom socijalno poželjnog odgovaranja u situaciji iskrenog odgovaranja sa situacijama u kojima je poticano moralističko, odnosno egoističko, iskrivljavanje. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 669 studenata, koji su u tri nezavisne situacije ispunjavali CIDR upitnik namijenjen mjerenju socijalno poželjnog odgovaranja (Paulhus, 2006.) i jedan pet-faktorski upitnik ličnosti. Razlike na komponentama socijalno poželjnog odgovaranja između tri situacije ispunjavanja upitnika te njihove veze s osobinama ličnosti dale su tek djelomičnu potporu modelu, upućujući na mogućnost razdvajanja moralističkog i egoističkog iskrivljavanja, ali ne i razlikovanja svjesnog od nesvjesnog socijalno poželjnog odgovaranja.The aim of this study was to test Paulhus\u27 model which states that there are two social desirability factors (egoistic and moralistic bias), both of which have conscious and unconscious aspects (management and enhancement). In order to test the model, we compared social desirable responding among three situations: anonymous, induced moralistic bias and induced egoistic bias. In our study 669 students participated, who filled in the Comprehensive Inventory of Desirable Responding (Paulhus, 2006) and a five-factor personality inventory. Differences on social desirability components among the three situations and their relationship with personality traits only partially confirmed the model, supporting the distinction of moralistic from egoistic but not conscious from unconscious bias.Mit dieser Arbeit sollten die GrundsƤtze des Paulhus-Modells (2002) untersucht werden, dem zufolge gesellschaftlich erwĆ¼nschtes Verhalten in eine moralistische und eine egoistische Deformation unterteilt werden kann, wobei in beiden FƤllen bewusste und unbewusste Komponenten mit im Spiel sind. Die Verfasser prĆ¼ften das Modell anhand eines Vergleichs zwischen sozial erwĆ¼nschtem Verhalten im Rahmen einer ehrlichen Beantwortung eines Fragebogens einerseits und Situationen andererseits, in denen die Befragten zu moralistischen bzw. egoistischen Abweichungen ermuntert wurden. An einer entsprechenden Untersuchung nahmen 669 Studenten teil, denen in jeweils drei voneinander unabhƤngigen Situationen der CIDRFragebogen zur Ermittlung gesellschaftlich erwĆ¼nschten Verhaltens (Paulhus, 2006) sowie der Big-Five- Persƶnlichkeitstest vorgelegt wurden. Die jeweils situativ ermittelten Unterschiede in den Komponenten gesellschaftlich erwĆ¼nschter ƄuƟerungen und ihr Bezug zu verschiedenen Persƶnlichkeitsmerkmalen konnten das untersuchte Modell nur teilweise untermauern und verweisen auf die Mƶglichkeit moralistischer bzw. egoistischer Abweichungen, nicht jedoch darauf, bewusst hervorgebrachte gesellschaftlich erwĆ¼nschte ƄuƟerungen von unbewussten unterscheiden zu kƶnnen

    When Employers Betray: A Study of Psychological Contract Breach Among Croatian Employees

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    In this paper we report the results of a study exploring psychological contract breach (PCB) in a heterogeneous sample of Croatian employees (N=363). In addition to reporting PCB, the participants informed us about their basic demographic characteristics, job attitudes (job satisfaction and organizational commitment) and reported three aspects of their job performance (in-role performance, organizational citizenship behavior, counterproductive work behavior). Our analyses showed that PCB experience depended on participantsā€™ characteristics, and, more importantly, was negatively related to job attitudes and job performance. Thus, the detrimental effect of PCB reported in the organizational behavior literature was replicated among Croatian employees

    Socially Desirable Response, Personality and Intelligence in Selection Situation

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitati povezanost dimenzija socijalno poželjnog odgovaranja s osobinama ličnosti i inteligencijom u realnoj selekcijskoj situaciji. Polazeći od Paulhusova modela (1984) socijalno poželjnog odgovaranja ispitali smo povezanost upravljanja dojmovima i samozavaravanja s općom inteligencijom i tri dimenzije ličnosti ā€“ ekstraverzijom, neuroticizmom i psihoticizmom. Istraživanje je provedeno na kandidatima koji su se natjecali za prijem u obrazovni program Ministarstva obrane Republike Hrvatske. U skladu s polaznom hipotezom, dvije su komponente socijalne poželjnosti imale različite obrasce povezanosti s dimenzijama ličnosti i općom inteligencijom. Samozavaravanje je bilo u pozitivnoj korelaciji s neuroticizmom i ekstraverzijom, a upravljanje dojmovima u negativnoj korelaciji s psihoticizmom i općom inteligencijom. Razlike u dobivenom sklopu korelacija podržavaju tezu da samozavaravanje i upravljanje dojmovima predstavljaju dva različita oblika socijalno poželjnog odgovaranja. Međutim, suprotno osnovnoj pretpostavci modela, komponente se razlikuju po sadržaju samoprezentacije, a ne po stupnju svjesnosti.The aim of this study was to examine the relationship of a socially desirable response with personality traits and intelligence in a real selection situation. Starting from the Paulhusā€™ (1984) social desirability model, we examined a relationship of impression management and self-deception with general cognitive ability and three personality traits (extraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism) on a sample of applicants competing for the Ministry of Defenseā€™s educational program (N=602). In accordance with the hypothesis, two social desirability components showed different correlations with personality traits and intelligence. Self-deception correlated positively with emotional stability and extraversion, and impression management negatively with psychoticism and intelligence. Differences in correlation patterns supported the thesis that self-deception and impression management represent two different forms of socially desirable response. Contrary to the basic hypothesis of Paulhusā€™ model, it seems that the difference between components is not in their level of consciousness but in manner of self-presentation

    Development of a counterproductive work behavior questionnaire for student population

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je konstruirati upitnik nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponaÅ”anja koji mjeri organizacijsku i interpersonalnu devijantnost, a sadržajno je prilagođen studentskoj populaciji. Dvije komparabilne skupine studenata ispunjavale su upitnik s preliminarnim skupom čestica koje su se odnosile na priznanja različitih nepoželjnih ponaÅ”anja u svakodnevnom životu, te radnom i akademskom kontekstu. Jedna skupina studenata (N = 184) ispunjavala je upitnik neanonimno, a druga skupina studenata (N = 183) anonimno. Na temelju preliminarne primjene na neanonimnom uzorku, sadržajnom i psihometrijskom analizom, konstruiran je upitnik nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponaÅ”anja sa skalama organizacijske (k = 9) i interpersonalne (k = 9) devijantnosti. Provedene eksploratorne i konfirmatorne faktorske analize potvrdile su konstruktnu valjanost upitnika, a multigrupnom konfirmatornom faktorskom analizom potvrđena je invarijantnost strukture upitnika u anonimnoj i neanonimnoj situaciji primjene. Takvi rezultati upućuju na zaključak da novokonstruirane skale organizacijske i interpersonalne devijantnosti omogućuju mjerenje nepoželjnog organizacijskog ponaÅ”anja na studentskom uzorku bez obzira na to radi li se o anonimnim ili neanonimnim uvjetima primjene upitnika.The aim of this study was to develop a counterproductive work behavior questionnaire that measures organizational and interpersonal deviance and that is adjusted for content to the student population. Two comparable groups of students filled in a questionnaire with a preliminary set of items that referred to confessions of various counterproductive behaviors in everyday life, in work and the academic context. One group of students (N = 184) filled in the questionnaire non-anonymously, while the other group of students (N = 183) completed it anonymously. Based on preliminary application on the non-anonymous sample, using content and psychometric analysis, counterproductive work behavior questionnaire with organizational (k = 9) and interpersonal (k = 9) deviance scales was constructed. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses confirmed the construct validity of the questionnaire and multigroup confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the invariance of questionnaire structure in anonymous and non-anonymous application settings. These results lead to the conclusion that newly constructed scales of organizational and interpersonal deviance allow the measurement of counterproductive work behavior on the student sample, in both anonymous and non-anonymous application settings

    Response latency as an indicator of personality test item response dissimulation

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    Cilj istraživanja bio je provjeriti model disimulacije na česticama upitnika ličnosti koji su postavili Holden, Kroner, Fakken i Popham (1992). Model objaÅ”njava procese koji se nalaze u osnovi razlika u vremenima odgovaranja iskrenih ispitanika i ispitanika koji iskrivljavaju svoje odgovore. Temeljna je pretpostavka modela da ispitanici prilikom odgovaranja na upitnik ličnosti uspoređuju čestice upitnika s trenutnom kognitivnom shemom te da postoji interakcija te sheme i socijalne poželjnosti odgovora ispitanika. Ova interakcija određuje duljinu vremena odgovaranja, a njezin efekt vidljiv je na intraindividualnoj i na interindividualnoj razini. Istraživanjem su ispitani nezavisni uzorci ispitanika u dvije motivacijske situacije: iskreno odgovaranje (N = 66) i uljepÅ”avanje sebe (N = 56). U obje situacije koriÅ”tena je on-line verzije IPIP-100 upitnika kojim se mjeri pet velikih dimenzija ličnosti i dvije skale socijalne poželjnosti namijenjene mjerenju samozavaravanja i upravljanja dojmovima. Od sedam koriÅ”tenih skala, na dvjema skalama potvrđene su postavke modela na intraindividualnoj razini (skala ekstraverzije i skala upravljanja dojmovima) a na jednoj postavke modela na interindividualnoj razini (skala upravljanja dojmovima). Dobiveni rezultati djelomično potvrđuju model disimulacije na česticama upitnika ličnosti i upućuju na potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima.The aim of the study was to test the model of personality test item response dissimulation proposed by Holden and associates (1992). The model explains the processes beyond the differences in item response latencies of honest respondents and respondents who fake their responses. The basic assumptions of the model are that, while responding on a personality questionnaire, participants compare test items with their cognitive schema and that there is an interaction between the schema and social desirability of a response. This interaction determines item response latency and has an effect on within-individual and between-individuals level. The study was conducted in two motivational conditions: honest responding (N = 66) and ā€œfake goodā€ responding (N = 56). In both situations, an on-line version of the IPIP-100 personality questionnaire for the measurement of five broad personality factors and two social desirability scales of self-deception and impression management were used. Out of seven scales used, assumptions of the model on within-individual level were confirmed for two scales (extraversion and impression management scales) and on between-individuals level for one scale (impression management scale). The results partially confirm the model of personality test item response dissimulation and indicate a need for further study