44 research outputs found
U disertaciji je prikazano istraživanje na temu odnosa nekih eksploatacijskih činitelja na pojavu buke i vibracija kao ergonomskih pokazatelja. Mjerenje je obavljeno na traktoru marke LANDINI tipa POWERFARM 100 na proizvodnim poljoprivrednim površinama i pristupnim putovima Poljoprivredne i veterinarske škole Osijek. Mjerenje je obavljeno sukladno normi HRN ISO 5008 koja opisuje izradu testnih traka. Mjerenje buke obavljeno je uređajem Metrel Multinorm s filterom „A“, isti je postavljen u skladu s normom HRN ISO 6396 (2000.). Norma HRN ISO 5131 (2000.) nalaže kako se zvukomjer nalazi 250 mm ± 20 mm od sredine glave rukovatelja i visine 700 mm ± 20 mm iznad referentne točke sjedala. Mjerenja vibracija trupa obavljena su u skladu s propisanim normama HRN ISO 2631-1 (1999.) i HRN ISO 2631-4 (2010.). Mjerenja vibracija sustava ruka-šaka provedena su u skladu s propisanim normama HRN ISO 5349-1 (2008.) i HRN ISO 5349-2 (2008.). Istraživanjem je utvrđeno kako niti jedan izmjereni podatak ne prelazi donju (80 dB) i gornju (85 dB) upozoravajuću vrijednost kao niti graničnu vrijednost izloženosti (87 dB), a što se tiče vibracija koje utječu na sustav ruka-šaka utvrđeno je kako niti jedan izmjereni podatak ne prelazi upozoravajuću (2,5 ms-2) i graničnu (5 ms-2) vrijednost dnevne izloženosti. Nadalje, izmjerenim vibracijama koje utječu na trup rukovatelja u smjeru osi x pri većim brzinama i tlakovima C2 i C3 te u smjeru osi y pri većim brzinama i tlakovima C1 i C2 i u smjeru osi z pri najvišoj brzini i tlakovima C1 i C2 utvrđeno je kako iste prelaze upozoravajuću vrijednost dnevne izloženosti od 0,5 ms-2 te je zaključeno kako je zdravlje rukovatelja ugroženo i preporuka je da se obavi pregled zračnog ogibljenja sjedala kako bi se na vrijeme mogle spriječiti započete komplikacijeThe dissertation presents research on the relationship between some of the exploitation factors on the occurrence of noise and vibration as ergonomic indicators. The measurement was done on LANDINI POWERFARM 100 tractor at the production agricultural areas and access roads of the Agricultural and Veterinary School Osijek. The measurement was carried out in accordance with the HRN ISO 5008 standard which determines test strips. Noise measurement was performed with the Metrel Multinorm device with filter "A", the same being in accordance with HRN ISO 6396 (2000). The height of the operator when seated should be 800 mm to 960 mm, measured from the seating surface to the top of the head. HRN ISO 5131 (2000) instructs that the sound detector is 250 mm ± 20 mm from the center of the operator head, 700 mm ± 20 mm above the seat reference point. Whole body vibration measurement was performed in accordance with the standards HRN ISO 2631-1 (1999) and HRN ISO 2631-4 (2010). The hand-arm vibration measurement was carried out in accordance with the HRN ISO 5349-1 (2008) and HRN ISO 5349-2 (2008) standards. The survey found that no measured data excees the lower (80 dB) and the upper (85 dB) warning values as well as the limit value of exposure (87 dB), the vibration which affects the hand-arm system, it is established that none of the measured data exceeds the warning (2.5 ms-2) and the limit (5 ms-2) value of daily exposure. Furthermore, the measured vibration data affecting the operator's whole body in the direction of the x-axis at higher speeds and at C2 and C3 pressures, in the direction of y-axis at higher speeds and at C1 and C2 pressures, and in the direction of the z axis at maximum speed and at C1 and C2 pressures exceed the value of daily exposure of 0.5 ms-2 and it is recommended to inspect the pneumatic suspension of the seat so the complications can be prevented, since the operator's health is threatened
Određivanje pogodnosti poljoprivrednog zemljišta za uzgoj kukuruza (Zea mays L.) primjenom višerazinske GIS multikriterijske analize u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj
Previous research in continental Croatia indicated that cropland suitability levels are highly variable and existing natural resources could be better utilized. To overcome this issue, a method of multilevel Geographic information system (GIS)-based multicriteria analysis based on Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for maize cropland suitability determination was proposed and evaluated. Free spatial data and free open-source software were implemented in the research in 250 m spatial resolution. The effects of air temperature, precipitation, soil and topography were modelled with the multilevel approach to avoid inconsistency in pairwise comparison due to criteria count. The maize suitability index (MSI) was calculated using the weighted linear combination, with higher values indicating proportionally higher suitability. According to the results of the AHP method, the weight consistency ratio was lower than the borderline value (0.042 < 0.100). Soil type and mean air temperature in June had the most impact on the suitability result, with 14.3% and 13.6% influence, respectively. The highest MSI values were achieved along the Sava River, especially in the proximity of Sisak and Nova Gradiška, resulting up to 3.9 of the possible 5.0. The sensitivity analysis of criteria indicated precipitation data in May, July and August particularly impactful in continental Croatia, while mean air temperature in September had very low variability of the suitability and was the least impactful on calculated MSI values.Prethodna istraživanja u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj pokazala su da su razine pogodnosti poljoprivrednog zemljišta vrlo promjenjive i da bi se postojeći prirodni resursi mogli iskoristiti na bolji način. Da bi se prevladalo ovo pitanje, predložena je i evaluirana metoda višerazinske GIS multikriterijske analize temeljena na analitičkom hijerarhijskom procesu (AHP) za utvrđivanje pogodnosti poljoprivrednog zemljišta za uzgoj kukuruza. Istraživanje je temeljeno na besplatnim prostornim podacima i besplatnom GIS softveru otvorenog koda s prostornom razlučivost od 250 m. Kriteriji temperature zraka, oborina, tla i topografije modelirani su višerazinskim pristupom kako bi se izbjegla nedosljednost u usporedbi parova kriterija. Indeks pogodnosti područja za uzgoj kukuruza (MSI) izračunat je primjenom težinske linearne kombinacije, pri čemu veće vrijednosti proporcionalno ukazuju na veću pogodnost. Prema rezultatima AHP metode, omjer konzistencije težina bio je niži od granične vrijednosti (0,042 <0,100). Vrsta tla i srednja temperatura zraka u lipnju najviše su utjecali na rezultat pogodnosti, s 14,3%, odnosno 13,6% utjecaja. Najveće MSI vrijednosti postignute su uz rijeku Savu, posebno u okolici Siska i Nove Gradiške, rezultirajući s 3,9 of mogućih 5,0. Analiza osjetljivosti kriterija ukazala je da su podaci o oborinama u svibnju, srpnju i kolovozu bili posebno utjecajni u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj, dok je srednja temperatura zraka u rujnu imala vrlo nisku varijabilnost pogodnosti i najmanje je utjecala na izračunate MSI vrijednosti
Planiranje nasada lijeske uporabom GIS-a i multikriterijske analize
Spatial and environmental conditions on the agricultural land are invariable components and any plantation planning should take them into consideration. The conducted research presented methodology for suitability calculation of hazel plantations based on multicriteria analysis, performed in Vukovar-Srijem County. Nine criteria representing topographic, climate, pedology and infrastructure properties were modelled in GIS environment. Values of created layers were standardized using stepwise standardization and their respective weights were calculated by Analytical Hierarchical Process. These values were integrated using weighted linear combination, resulting with suitability values. The surrounding area of the City of Ilok had the highest suitability for hazel plantation in the studied locality, with maximum suitability 4.1 out of 5.0. Suitability was visualized on a thematic map, which enables farmers to interpret the data.Poljoprivredno je zemljište stacionarna komponenta s prostornim i ekološkim uvjetima na koje se ne može utjecati, kao što su topografija i klima. Provedeno istraživanje predstavlja metodologiju za izračun pogodnosti nasada lijeske temeljenu na multikriterijskoj analizi i primijenjenu u Vukovarsko-srijemskoj županiji. Devet kriterija koji predstavljaju topografska, klimatska, pedološka i infrastrukturna svojstva modelirana su u GIS okruženju. Vrijednosti stvorenih slojeva standardizirane su pomoću postupne standardizacije, a njihove težine izračunate su analitičkim hijerarhijskim procesom. Te su vrijednosti integrirane pomoću težinske linearne kombinacije, što je rezultiralo vrijednostima pogodnosti. Područje najviše pogodnosti za nasade lijeske na području istraživanja okolica je grada Iloka, s maksimalnom prikladnošću 4,1 od mogućih 5,0. Razina pogodnosti vizualizirana je u obliku tematske karte, koja omogućuje poljoprivrednicima interpretaciju podataka
Yield and Yield Components of Maize (Zea Mays L.) Hybrids as Affected by Irrigation Scheduling and Meteorological Conditions
During the last decade eastern Republic of Croatia have experienced several drought and flood events which seriously affected not only the crop production but also the effectiveness of irrigation practice, meaning irrigation scheduling and water use efficiency. This study was conducted to quantify the effect of irrigation scheduling on yield and yield components (hectolitre weight (HW), 1000-grain weight, cob weight (CW), cob length (CL), cob height (CH), grain weight (GW) and grain number/cob (GN/C) of maize (Zea Mays L.) hybrids during three growing seasons (2010 – 2012) characterised by extreme weather conditions. The study was conducted at the research site of Agricultural Institute in Osijek, Croatia. Three irrigation treatments (a1 = rainfed, a2 = 60 – 100% field water capacity (FWC), a3 = 80 – 100% FWC) and four maize hybrids (b1 = OSSK 596; b2 = OSSK 617; b3 = OSSK 602; b4 = OSSK 552) were studied. During the study grain yield ranged from 7.4 t ha-1 (2012, a1) to 10.3 t ha-1 (2012, a3) and was yearly-dependent. In 2010 irrigation significantly reduced CW (a1 = 0.8 kg; a3 = 0.7 kg), CH (a1 = 72 cm, a3 = 38 cm), 1000-GW (a1 = 284 g; a3 = 254 cm) and CL (a1 = 16 cm; a3 = 15 cm). In 2011 irrigation significantly increased only 1000-GW (a1 = 305 g; a3 = 330 g) while in 2012 irrigation increased all tested yield components as follows: 1000-GW (a1 = 340 g; a2 = 361 g); CH (a1 = 116 cm; a2 = 126 cm); CW (a1 = 1,15 kg; a3 = 1,79 kg), GN/C (a1 = 578; a2 = 701) and HW (a1 = 67 kg; a3 = 69 kg). As for maize hybrids (b), according to results of our study yield of maize grain varied (p<0.01) across tested hybrids in all three growing seasons while the significance for tested yield components was year dependent
Sensors and Their Application in Precision Agriculture
The paper depicts sensors in precision agriculture. It encompasses the most significant and frequently used sensors in agriculture. Furthermore, the paper explains the main sensor types according to their design, the recorded range of electromagnetic spectrum, as well as the way of detection, recording, measuring, and representation of the detected energy. The development of remote research has provided deeper understanding of remote sensors and their advantages. The sensors installed on soil testing equipment, fertilizing and crop protection machinery, as well as crop picking machinery have been analyzed relative to precision farming. The paper depicts widely known sensors OptRx, ISARIA and VRT technology. The results of the paper assess the data collected by sensors and processed in order to produce maps for agrotechnical operations. The application of maps decreases the employment of human resources, heightens the capacity of data collection, increases the precision of agricultural activities, and finally results in decreasing the cost of final products. The technological progress over the past decade has enabled the development of technology with variable application standards (VRT) that, according to current needs, enables input optimization
The Impact of Conventional and Sensor Spraying on Drift and Deposit in Cherry Orchard
The research results of the spraying technical factors\u27 impact on ground and air drift, and the deposit on the treetop in cherry orchards, are presented in the paper. Two different spraying systems (classical and sensory system) are investigated, Agromehanika AGP 200 ENU sprayer being used. The research is conducted according to ISO standard 22866 (Plant Protection Equipment - Drift Measurement Methods in Field Conditions). The impact of spraying norm as factor A (A1 – 250 l/ha; A2 – 200 l/ha); the nozzle type as factor B (B1 – Lechler TR 8002 C; B2 – Lechler ITR 8002 C) and the fan air velocity as factor C (C1 – 18 m/s; C2 – 12 m/s) are examined by the variance analysis. To spray and evaluate the drift, Tartazine organic dye solution with 4% concentration is used. The filter papers, used as collectors, according to the specified ISO standard, are placed directly in the spraying zone. The sampled filter papers are washed out with 10 ml of deionised water under laboratory conditions. After washing, the colour intensity, i.e., the solution wave-length, is read by a spectrophotometer (Varian Cary 50 UV-Visible). Different drift intensity (ground and air drift) and treetop deposits are realized by the usage of various treatments of technical spraying factors and various spraying systems. Unlike the ground and air drifts, the deposit within the treetop does not show statistically significant change by using a sensory spraying system, i.e. by using a selective application
Inovativni ekspertni sustav – računalna aplikacija “AgBase – Priručnik za ekološki uzgoj bilja – opća načela i agrotehnika (tehnologija) ekološkog uzgoja bilja” sadrži cjelovitu i sažetu tehnologiju (agrotehniku) povrćarskih i ratarskih kultura na ekološki način te opća načela proizvodnje bilja, temeljna načela biodinamičke poljoprivrede (BD) i opća načela uzgoja bilja. Ova računalna aplikacija je izrađena kreirana u CSS-u po standardu CSS3, te Javascript tehnologiji i u sustavu prikladnom za WEB sučelje. U svijetu je sličan način prikazivanja vrlo zastupljen, jer je riječ o ekspertnim sustavima u ekološkom načinu uzgoja bilja (poljoprivredi), pogodnim za postavljanje na internetska sučelja. Na taj se jednostavan za uporabu i inovativan način omogućuje potencijalnim korisnicima brz pristup saznanjima o novim sortama, agrotehničkim zahvatima te nizu drugih korisnih informacija o profitabilnom uzgoju bilja. Izrađena je digitalna baza ekološkog načina uzgoja i temeljnih načela ekološke proizvodnje bilja, iz kojih su realizirani digitalni priručnici za potrebe obiteljskog gospodarstva. Otvaranjem aplikacija pojavi se grafičko sučelje (frame) s nizom izbornika vezanih za pojedine teme i padajuće menije. U svega nekoliko sekundi moguć je pristup svim temama od interesa za korisnike. Cilj kreiranja ovakvog ekspertnog sustava bio je omogućiti velikom broju poljoprivrednih proizvođača korištenje znanja koje inače posjeduje jedna osoba – stručnjak/znanstvenik. Ekspertni sustavi značajni su zbog sadržaja i ažuriranja značajne količine informacija. Ujedno ovakvi sustavi u praksi značajno smanjuju i troškove obuke zaposlenika. Iz navedenog su realizirana tri digitalna priručnika za potrebe obiteljskih gospodarstava (AgBase I. – Digitalni priručnik za ekološki uzgoj bilja – Opća načela ekološkog uzgoja bilja - ratarske kulture, AgBase II. – Digitalni priručnik za ekološki uzgoj bilja – Opća načela ekološkog uzgoja bilja - povrćarske kulture, te AgBase III. – Digitalni priručnik za ekološki uzgoj bilja – Tehnologija (agrotehnika) ekološkog uzgoja).Innovative Expert System - Computer Application "The AgBase - Ecological Plant Production Manual - General Principles and Agrotechnque (Ecological Crops Technology)" contains a comprehensive and summarized technology (agrotechnique) of vegetable cultures in an ecological manner and general principles of integrated plant production, basic principles of biodynamic agriculture (BD) and general principles of ecological plant breeding. This computer application was created in CSS by CSS3 standard, and JavaScript technology and in a WEB-compatible system. In the world, this way of display is very frequent, because it is an expert system in ecological farming (agriculture), suitable for setting up internet interfaces. This easy-to-use and innovative way enables potential users quick access (in just a few seconds) to the knowledge on new varieties, agro-tech interventions and a range of other useful information on profitable plant production. A digital ecological breeding ground and the basic principles of organic plant production were developed, from which digital manuals for the needs of a family farm were realized. When you open an application, a graphic interface (frame) appears with a series of menus related to specific topics and drop-down menus. In just a few seconds, access to all topics of interest to users is possible. The aim of creating such an expert system was to enable a large number of agricultural producers to benefit from the knowledge of one person - an expert / scientist. Expert systems are significant because of the content and updating of a significant amount of information. At the same time, these systems in practice significantly reduce employee training costs. Three digital manuals for the needs of family farms hve been written (AgBase I - Digital Ecology Plant Management Manual - General Principles of Organic Crops - Crops Cultivation, AgBase II - Digital Ecological Plant Management Manual - General Principles of Organic Crops - Vegetable culture, and AgBase III - Digital Ecological Growth Handbook - Ecological Crop Technology (Agrotechnics))
Godine 2011. i 2014. na pokušalištu tvrtke Belje obavljena su znanstvena istraživanja o elektrovodljivosti tla i njenoj važnosti pri inventarizaciji. Kreirane su karte elektrovodljivosti i karte hraniva za mineralnu gnojidbu (KCl, MAP). Ovim istraživanjem potvrdila se hipoteza o važnosti primjene načela elektrovodljivosti pri utvrđivanju svojstava tla i izradi karata hraniva za mineralnu gnojidbu uporabom skenera EC. U pogledu primjene metoda prema načelu elektrovodljivosti tla, evidentno je da standardno (ili konvencionalna) korištena randomizirana metoda sadrži uzorke koji nisu dovoljno homogeni i precizni, dok je prediktivna metoda naprednija a uzorci su homogeniji i bolje reprezentiraju stanje proizvodne površine. Usporedbom randomizirane metode i „Z sheme“ pri izradi karata hraniva vidljivo je da je utrošak mineralnog gnojiva KCl kod „Z sheme“ značajno veći. Pri izradi karata hraniva MAP te njihovom usporedbom utvrđeno je značajno smanjenje utroška mineralnog gnojiva kod „Z sheme“. Uporabom „Z sheme“ prekrivena je cijela površina, a uzorci su homogeniji i precizniji. Za istu metodu je utvrđeno da je količina apliciranog mineralnog gnojiva KCl dvostruko veća dok je količina apliciranog mineralnog gnojiva MAP-a dvostruko manja. Tijekom provedenih istraživanja metodom „Z sheme“ izbrojane su 324 GPS točke, dok su pri uporabi randomizirane metode izbrojane 252 GPS točke s time da primjenom ove metode nije potrebno prekriti cijelu površinu. Ove činjenice ukazuje na to da je pri izradi karata hraniva metoda „Z sheme“ posebno pouzdana pri predikciji i određivanju količine gnojiva. Primjenom načela elektrovodljivosti, odnosno kreiranjem karata elektrovodljivosti postignuto je preciznije uzorkovanje, a kreiranjem karta hraniva i znatnije veća preciznost i učinkovitost gnojidbe.In 2011 and 2014 on the experimental fields of Belje scientific research was conducted on the electrical conductivity of the soil and its importance in inventory making. Maps of conductivity and maps of nutrients for mineral fertilization (KCl, MAP) were created. This study has confirmed the hypothesis on the importance of applying the principle of electrical conductivity in determining the properties of the soil and creating a map of nutrients for mineral fertilization using an EC scanner. In terms of application of the methods in accordance with electrical conductivity of the soil, it is evident that standardly (or conventionally) used randomized method contains patterns that are not sufficiently homogeneous and precise, while the predictive method is more advanced and the samples are more homogeneous and better represent the state of the production area. Comparison of randomized method and “Z scheme” when making a map of nutrients shows that the consumption of mineral fertilizers KCl with “Z scheme” is significantly higher. When creating a map of nutrients (MAP) their comparison shows a significant reduction in consumption of fertilizer with the “Z scheme” method. With the use of “Z scheme” the entire area is covered and the samples are more homogenous and more precise. For that method it has been found that the amount of the applied KCl fertilizer is twice as large while the amount of the applied MAP fertilizer is twice as small less. During the research using “Z scheme” method 324 GPS points were counted, while using randomized method 252 GPS points were counted so that using this method it is not necessary to cover the entire area. This fact indicates that in the mapping of nutrients the “Z scheme” method is particularly reliable in predicting and determining the amount of fertilizer. The application of the principle of electrical conductivity or the creation of electrical conductivity charts achieves a more precise sampling, and the creation of forage charts allows for a more significant precision and effectiveness of fertilization
Remote detection of ragweed (ambrosia artemisiifolia l.)
The paper presents the contemporary findings of remote sensing regarding the control of common ragweed on agricultural land. The two-year research was performed in co-operation with the company Ciklonzacija Ltd., Serbia. The remote sensing process starts with the collection of images captured by several types of cameras equipped with special filters. Images are obtained by modified cameras mounted on helicopters, drones, and airplanes. Next, a special software is used to produce maps based on the obtained images that show the level of weed spread on agricultural land, illegal waste dumping areas, and other uncultivated areas, i.e. the areas that are potential sources of ragweed spread. The maps have a considerable economic benefit when mapping agricultural, wood, and other areas. Moreover, they reduce the use of human resources, and increase the capacity of data acquisition as well as the accuracy of the model of weed spread and its control