8 research outputs found

    Albanian rebellions in Kosovo villayet in 1910

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    U radu se ukazuje na pokuÅ”aj novog, mladoturskog režima da uvede neke novine i izvrÅ”i naplatu zaostalih poreskih obaveza, koje su naiÅ”le na neodobravanje Arbanasa u Kosovskom vilajetu. Nastojanje turskih vlasti da sprovedu u delo svoje zamisli naiÅ”lo je na veliki otpor među arbanaÅ”kim stanovniÅ”tvom, koji je tokom prve polovine 1910. godine kulminirao i pretvorio se u otvoreni sukob sa turskom vojskom. Pobune su se javljale sporadično i prenosile se iz jednog u drugi kraj. Takva situacija dovela je do pomeranja turske vojske iz drugih delova Osmanskog carstva i koncentraciju u krajevima zahvaćenih pobunom. Pasivno ponaÅ”anje turskih državnih organa i vojske odlagalo je reÅ”avanje ovog problema. Tek kada se s turske strane odlučnije postupilo, doÅ”lo je uguÅ”enja pobune. Odlučujuću ulogu u tim zbivanjima imao je Å efket Turgut paÅ”a, koji je naneo nekoliko važnih poraza pobunjenicima. ArbanaÅ”ke pobune tokom prve polovine 1910. godine pokazale su svu slabost Osmanskog carstva, ali i spremnost velikih sila da se aktivno uključe u reÅ”avanje ovog pitanja, gledajući pre svega svoje interese.New Youth-Turkish movement tried to introduce some novelties and carry out the collection of the remaining tax liabilities which faced with the non-approval of the Albanians in Kosovo villayet. The Albanians opposed the introduction of new cash benefits including the payment of the already existing ones. The endeavour of the Turkish authorities to implement their thoughts faced with great resistance among the Albanian population, which escalated during the first half of 1910and turned into open conflict with Turkish army. The first greater conflicts broke out between Đakovica and Peć, and enlarged afterwards to Kosovsko Pomoravlje and Lab. The passivity of the Turkish authorities and army as well as the avoidance of conflicts with the Albanians led to the appearance of more mutually non-connected rebellions. The number of regular Turkish units at this area at the beginning of the uprising was small. The bodies of the central power avoided conflicts and tried to reconcile the Albanians but, as the movement was getting wider and expanding, there were the influx of Turkish army from other parts of the Ottoman Empire and its concentration in the rebelled parts. Shefket Turgut pasha was the army commander whose dedication to the tasks execution led to the preponderance over the rebelled Albanians. He had managed to eliminate all resistance-related points so that until the end of May the army established order and peace at the rebelled territories after that it came about the disarmament of the Albanians. Nevertheless, the disarmament was not carried out properly due to the fact the Youth-Turkish regime after military victories wanted to make a bargain with the Albanians and got them for their ideas - 'to stay as the rampart of the Empire in Europe', as they used to be during the sultan Abul Hamid. Although some leaders of the rebellions and their partisans had been prosecuted in Thessaloniki and Skopje, the penalties were mild, and some of them were released home at the end of the year. Differently from them, Serbian teachers accused of arms possession stayed in the prison any longer waiting to be taken to the court. During the first half of 1910, Albanian rebellions showed all weak points of the Ottoman Empire, which were to be found in unenviable financial position. The events in Old Serbia had been followed with attention by the surrounding Balkan states including great powers, out of which some took part in these events

    Identification of isolated viral strains of atypical avian influenza using molecular methods of virological diagnostics

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    In addition to the implementation of standard methods of virological diagnostics used for the isolation of the Newcastle disease virus from suspect material, as well as for its identification, nowadays there is increasing use of molecular diagnostic methods, primarily reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and the sequencing method. The objective of this work was to examine possibilities for the implementation of the above methods in the diagnosis of poultry infection caused by the Newcastle disease virus. The presence of hem agglutination antigens for the Newcastle disease virus was established in samples of allantoises liquid from 62 poultry embargoed eggs 72 h after inoculation, whose titers ranged from 1:16 to 1:2048, while the hem agglutination inhibition test (HI test) with the implementation of a referent immuno serum against the given cause provided the identification of isolated viruses in serum dilutions of 1:128 to 1:1024. The RT-PCR method and the PCR established that in eight examined samples one fragment each of viral RNA is formed in agars gel of a size of 254bp, which is characteristic for the Newcastle disease virus genome according to its nucleotide sequence. On the grounds of a comparative analysis of RNA sequences obtained from eight isolated NDV strains and the genome sequences of referent atypical poultry influenza viral strains using Mega 40 and BLAST programmers, it was established that the isolated strains of the Newcastle disease virus were highly virulent

    Variation of Soil Structure in the Foot and Toe Slopes of Mt. Vukan, East-central Serbia

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    This paper presents the variation of soil structure along the foot and toe slopes of Mt. Vukan, East-Central Serbia. The analysis of aggregate size distribution and structure indices were conducted by means of soil units, characteristic soil horizons and elevation differences along the study area. Soils of Great Field located at different elevations were found to have significant variation in ASD and soil structure indices. Topsoil horizon of Eutric Cambisols have higher MWD after dry sieving, but at the same time it has the highest variation in MWD after wet sieving, indicating low water stability, which is opposite to the coefficient of aggregability. We share an opinion that change in MWD better depicts soils structure stability to water. The results of correlation analysis indicated that clay content is correlated more to structure indices compared with SOM content. SOM is significantly correlated with ASD and soil structure indices only in Calcomelansols, whereas the significant correlation of clay content and soil structure is more evident in Eutric Cambisols and Non-calcaric Chernozems, compared with other soil units. Soil structure variation along the lowest chain of Catena might be strong, and that it has to be analyzed from the point of view of soil unit and their corresponding soil horizons

    Vrijednost multidetektorske kompjutorizirane tomografije orbita u određivanju stupnja protruzije bulbusa u usporedbi s Hertelovom egzoftalmometrijom

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    The use of multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) is an integral part of contemporary diagnostics of Gravesā€˜ orbitopathy. Th e aim of this study was to assess proptosis measurement by MDCT and to compare it to the current standard, Hertel exophthalmometry. A crosssectional study was conducted at the Clinical Centre of Serbia and included 91 patients (19 male and 72 female) with verified Gravesā€˜ orbitopathy. Globe protrusion measured by MDCT (globe protrusion, GPR) was correlated to Hertel measured protrusion (HR). Th ere was no constant or any systematic bias between the two methods. GPR significantly correlated with the best-corrected visual acuity, while HR did not. Age, body mass index and duration of the disease did not influence proptosis measurement by either method. Proptosis was significantly larger in males. According to our results, GPR compared to HR provides better assessment of the protrusion in Gravesā€˜ disease. GPR measurement is simple and should always be part of the radiological assessment of orbits in Gravesā€˜ disease.KoriÅ”tenje multidetektorske kompjutorizirane tomografije (MDCT) je sastavni dio suvremene dijagnostike Gravesove orbitopatije. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati mjerenje stupnja protruzije bulbusa pomoću MDCT i to usporediti s trenutnim standardom, Hertelovom egzoftalmometrijom. Presječno istraživanje je provedeno na Kliničkom centru Srbije, a uključilo je 91 bolesnika (19 muÅ”karaca i 72 žene) s provjerenom Gravesovom orbitopatijom. Stupanj protruzije bulbusa mjeren pomoću MDCT (globe protrusion, GPR) je povezan s izmjerenim stupnjem protruzije bulbusa prema Hertelu (HR). Nije bilo stalne ili sustavne pristranosti između dviju metoda. GPR je bio značajno povezan s najbolje korigiranom oÅ”trinom vida, a HR nije. Dob, indeks tjelesne mase i trajanje bolesti ne utječu na mjerenje stupnja protruzije bulbusa bilo kojim postupkom. Stupanj protruzije bulbusa bio je značajno veći u muÅ”karaca. Prema naÅ”im rezultatima, GPR u odnosu na HR omogućuje bolju procjenu stupnja protruzije bulbusa kod Gravesove orbitopatije. Mjerenje GPR je jednostavno i treba uvijek biti dio radioloÅ”ke procjene orbite kod Gravesove orbitopatije

    Ispitivanje osetljivosti i specifičnosti nekih seroloŔkih testova u dijagnostici bruceloze kod goveda

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    The most reliable diagnosis of an infectuous disease is confirmed by isolation of its pathogen. When it comes to brucellosis, it is important to know that brucella isolation is rarely successful; it is not only very complicated but is as well hazardous for laboratory workers. Due to the above mentioned reasons, it is reasonable to use serological tests for routine diagnosis of this zoonose. This paper deals with examination of bovine sera samples with the aim to detect the titer of specific antibodies against brucellosis. In order to choose and evaluate properly the best test in terms of applicability, speed of performance, and provision of correct results, five serological tests were assayed: rapid serum plate agglutination (Rose Bengal test), Brucella abortus bovis test (RB, BAB test); serum agglutination test (titration) - by Wright, as micro method (mSAT); reaction of complement fixation, and also as micro method (mCF); indirect imunoenzyime test (iELISA) and competitive imunoenzyme test (cELISA). This paper includes 630 samples of bovine blood sera, as well as positive and negative international antibrucella serum as the mandatory control. The presence of specific antibodies against brucella was determined in 125 samples of bovine blood sera. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, evaluation of sensitivity and specificity of these tests was conducted. iELISA and RB test proved to be the most sensitive, while the highest specificity was determined in mCF, and less specific were mSAT and iELISA. RB test had the lowest specificity.Najsigurnija dijagnostika bolesti infektivnog karaktera vrÅ”i se izolacijom uzroč nika. Kada je bruceloza u pitanju, mora da se ima u vidu, da je izolacija brucela uspeÅ”na u niskom procentu, veoma komplikovana i predstavlja opasnost po laboratorijske radnike. Zbog navedenih razloga, primena seroloÅ”kih testova u rutinskoj dijagnostici ove zoonoze je opravdana. U ovom radu su vrÅ”ena ispitivanja uzoraka seruma goveda radi određivanja prisustva titra specifičnih antitela protiv brucela, u svrhu dijagnostikovanja bruceloze. U nameri da se pravilno izbabere i proceni najbolji test u smislu aplikativnosti, brzine izvođenja i dobijanja pouzdanih rezultata, tokom ispitivanja je koriŔćeno pet seroloÅ”kih testova: brza serumska aglutinacija na pločici - Rose Bengal test - Brucella abortus bovis test (RB, BAB test); spora aglutinacija (u titraciji) - metoda po Wrightu, kao mikrometoda (mSAT); reakcija vezivanja komplementa, takođe kao mikrometoda (mRVK); indirektni imunoenzimski test (iELISA) i kompetitivni imunoenzimski test (cELISA). Ispitivanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 630 uzoraka krvnog seruma goveda kao i pozitivni i negativni internacionalni antibrucela serumi kao obavezne kontrole. Prisustvo specifičnih antitela protiv brucela vrsta ustanovljeno je u 125 uzoraka krvnog seruma goveda. Na osnovu analize dobijenih rezultata vrÅ”ena je procena osetljivosti i specifičnosti navedenih testova. Najosetljivijim su se pokazali iELISA i BAB test, a najveća specifičnost je ustanovljena kod mRVK. Manje specifični bili su mSAT i iELISA, a najmanja specifičnost je ustanovljena kod BAB testa


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    The global estimates of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks using modeling approaches are prone to under and overestimations. The aim of this work is to present the variation of SOC stocks at the foot and toe slopes of Mt. Vukan, East-Central Serbia. Investigated area is located at the contact of Jurassic limestones and dolomites, and fluviatile-colluvial deposits. Soil survey encountered 42 soil profiles and collection of 183 soil disturbed samples, and five undisturbed samples per each horizon. Humus content was determined by Tjurin method. Five different soil mapping units, according to national classification, were discovered at 168 ha of Great Field: Colluvial Kalkomelanosols, Calcaric Chernozems, non-carbonate Chernozems, Eutric Cambisols, and Colluvial Soils. SOC stocks extracted from Soilgrids ranges between 65ā€“72 t ha-1 for 0ā€“30 cm depth (avg. 67.0 t ha-1). Measured data indicate much higher variations, between 50.2 and 110.6 t ha-1, with an average value of 77.8Ā±16.3 t ha-1. Hence, around 15% difference was found between measured and estimated data. Eutric Cambisols have the lowest SOC stocks, 61.3Ā±9.9 t ha-1, lower then estimated value. All other soil types have higher SOC stocks compared with modeled data. Non carbonate Chernozems have an average SOC stocks of 72.6Ā±10.8 t ha-1, whereas Colluvial soil have similar values, 73.6Ā±8.2 t ha-1. The highest SOC stocks was found in Colluvial Kalkomelanosols, 89.6Ā±15.8 t ha-1, followed by Carbonate Chernozems, 84.3Ā±9.3 t ha-1. These values are for 25ā€“33% higher compared with modeled data. Variation of SOC stocks data has normal distribution for all soil types (11.0ā€“18.0%). Our results indicate that global SOC stocks are underestimated in the area of Great Field and that SOC stock can face large variations on small area. These variations might be related to the impact of landscape and land use practices, and are relevant to soil mapping units. Another raising question raised from this study is related to the number of samples that should be collected in SOC campaigns in the conditions of high soil spatial variability

    Resistance to antibiotics and genotype characteristics of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Mbandaka isolated from poultry

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    Salmonellas are one of the main zoonotic pathogens whose reservoirs are poultry, cattle and pigs. By means of the food chain salmonellas can be transferred to humans through contaminated food of animal origin. Multiresistant strains Salmonella are particularly dangerous since they can transfer genes of resistance to antibiotics to other microorganisms. Control of salmonellas primarily depends on a good surveillance system and knowledge of the strain types present in the epizootiologic area. In some geographical regions only a few Salmonella serotypes are usually of epidemiological importance. Due to the predomination of some serotypes and fagotypes, when an additional discrimination within serotypes and fagotypes is needed, DNA genotyping is used. In cases when it is necessary to compare the strains which caused the poisoning of patients, with strains isolated from food or animals, a highly discriminatory method is used - pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Due to a high degree of discrimination the results of PFGE testing enable decision making with a higher degree of certainty in epizootiologic and epidemiologic research work. The aim of this testing was to determine the antibiotics resistance and genotype characteristics of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Mbandaka isolated from poultry from some areas of the territory of Serbia

    Effects of biomass particles size and shape on combustion process in the swirl-stabilized burner reactor: CFD and machine learning approach

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    When planning the development of the energy sector, significant attention is given to the energy from the renewable sources, amongst which the biomass has an important role. Computational fluid mechanics and machine learning models are the powerful and efficient tools which allow the analysis of various heat and mass transfer phenomena in energy facilities. In this study, the in-house developed CFD code and machine learning models (Random Forest, Gradient Boosting and Artificial Neural Network) for predicting the biomass trajectories, particle mass burnout and residence time in a swirl burner reactor are presented. Pulverized biomass combustion cases (fine straw, pinewood and switch grass) with various mean diameters (ranging between 60 and 650Ā Ī¼m) and different shape factors (within the range 0ā€“1) are considered. The results of numerical simulations revealed a noticeably nonlinear dependence between the input values (particle types, sizes and shapes) and the output values (particle trajectories, mass burnout and residence time), mostly due to the complex swirling flow in the reactor. For particles with the mean diameters within the ranges considered, the mass burnout of particles generally decreases as the biomass particle shape factor increases. The residence time of pulverized biomass in the reactor shows in most cases a decreasing trend as the particle shape factor increases. Artificial Neural Network showed the best predictions for both particle mass burnout (RMSEĀ =Ā 0.083 and R2Ā =Ā 0.937) and particle residence time (RMSEĀ =Ā 1.145Ā s and R2Ā =Ā 0.900), providing the reliable assessment of these important indicators in the combustion process