470 research outputs found

    Assessing the Improvements GAIA-DR1 Will Bring to Dynamical Astronomy

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    The first part of this thesis deals with the dynamical estimation of the Oort constants using proper motions and parallaxes provided from the Gaia-DR1 TGAS catalogue. The photometric information was provided by the 2MASS catalogue. The Oort constants calculated from the TGAS catalogue are compared to those obtained from the original Hipparcos catalogue in order to attempt to estimate how well Gaia-DR1 performs. A least squares approach was implemented to calculate the Oort constants. This routine contained seven parameters where the stellar LSR velocity components were included as well. The overall trend seems to be such that the TGAS catalogue can provide meaningful and potentially better results compared to that of the Hipparcos catalogue if the study is not sensitive to a catalogue that is colour incomplete. TGAS worked fairly well in the determination of the Oort constants mainly due to its large sample size, giving it a statistical edge over the Hipparcos catalogue. In the second part of the thesis the local mass density, ρ₀, was determined using tracer star populations for two catalogues. The first one was the original Hipparcos catalogue where the data was propagated to the year 2015. The second catalogue was a combination of Hipparcos stars obtained from both the TGAS and the propagated HIP catalogues. This was done in order to avoid the incompleteness issue that resulted after the creation of the TGAS catalogue. The estimated local mass density from the propagated Hipparcos catalogue was ρ₀ = 0.112 ± 0.009 solar masses per pc³ while the combined TGAS sample got ρ₀ = 0.113 ± 0.006 solar masses per pc³. This result implies that the TGAS catalogue is slightly better compared to the HIP catalogue in performance since it provides with lower formal errors. Based on the results of the two dynamical estimations performed, the TGAS catalogue can be seen as marginally better when compared to the HIP catalogue. In addition, the formal errors resulting from the calculations using the TGAS catalogue are better compared to those obtained using the HIP catalogue. The formal errors are especially good when dynamically estimating the Oort constants since so many stars are included in the calculations. It is, however, difficult to estimate the performance of the complete Gaia catalogue by simply considering the first data release. The release of Gaia-DR2 will hopefully resolve the questions surrounding the performance of the Gaia catalogue.Genom att observera och intervjua invånarna i Lund, kan man erhålla mycket information om historien och infrastrukturen för staden. Detta tyder på en särskilt självklar princip; om man studerar de mindre beståndsdelarna av ett system, så kan man erhålla egenskaper som är gällande för systemet i helhet. Detta är precis vad dagens astronomer utnyttjar för att lära sig mera om vårt universum. De minsta beståndsdelarna i en galax är stjärnorna, och genom att samla information för alla dessa så kan man erhålla detaljer kring galaxens utveckling och struktur. Gaia uppdraget har precis detta i åtanke. I detta väldigt ambitiösa projekt så hoppas man kunna kartlägga Vintergatan genom att ta mätningar för ungefär en miljard stjärnor. Med denna moderna kartläggningen av galaxen så hoppas man kunna upptäcka mer om vad Vintergatan består av, dess historia och dess evolution. Gaia lanserades 2014 och förmodas vara helt avslutad omkring 2022 och kommer då kunna erbjuda den största astrometriska stjärnkatalogen någonsin. Eftersom man inte förväntas få en komplett stjärnkatalog från Gaia förräns om ungefär 5 år, så kommer det lanseras mellanliggande, mindre kataloger som innehåller den information man lyckats samla in under tiden. Den första av dessa mindre katalogerna kallas för Gaia-DR1 (Gaia Data Release 1) och innehåller information för de första 14 månaderna som projektet varit aktivt. Det är denna mindre katalog som vi har använt i detta examensarbete i ett försök att uppskatta den totala prestandan som den kompletta Gaia katalogen kommer att erbjuda. Genom att redan nu undersöka möjligheterna och begränsningarna med Gaia, kan vi planera i förtid på hur de kommande projekten som använder sig av Gaia kommer kunna ge oss en större inblick i hur vårt universum fungerar. Astronomerna hoppas kunna erhålla den mest kompletta beskrivningen av vår galax någonsin genom implementationen av den information som Gaia kommer att erbjuda


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    New Modalities to Treat Laryngeal Cancer

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    Early laryngeal cancer comprises T1 and T2 stages of the disease. Open functional operations achieve local control of the disease in 90–95% of T1 patients and in 70–90% of T2 patients. Primary RT achieves local control in 85–94% of T1 tumors and in 70–80% of patients with T2 tumors. Introduction of endoscopic laser surgery resulted in further popularization of preservation laryngeal surgery, whereby equally successful treatment results are achieved with minimal invasiveness. Quality of voice is also better after RT and laser resection. In the last century a golden standard of treatment of advanced laryngeal cancer (T3/T4 stage) was total laryngectomy (TL) with neck dissection followed by adjuvant RT. Overall 5 year survival was around 50%. Due to impact of TL on quality of life, »Larynx preservation strategy« (LPS) was developed in the early \u2790 for advanced stages of the disease. Novel approach is an introduction of targeted therapy, such as anti-EGFR monoclonal antibody, cetuximab. Concomitant cetuximab with RT achieves higher survival, and better locoregional disease control in comparison to administration of single RT modality. Therefore non-surgical methods of treatment of advanced laryngeal carcinoma are constantly changing and improving as new chemotherapeutics are being introduced into protocols. Uncritical enthusiasm with non-surgical methods of treatment resulted in higher incidence of treatment toxicities, higher rates of »salvage surgery« with more frequent adverse effects. That resulted in a consensus attempt around »LPS« project with reevaluation of clinical studies and uniform recommendations for future studies. When choosing appropriate therapy for oncological patient, quality of life (QOL) is a special category to be taken into account besides complications, pain, duration of treatment and overall benefit for the patient

    Sociologija Dinka Tomašića

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    Društvena istraživanja 2(8), 1993: 887-1001

    A review of Zvonimir Krajina’s professional heritage in the light of the hundredth anniversary of the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases and Head and Neck Surgery of the Zagreb School of Medicine

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    Among the many great physicians who headed the Department for Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases and Head and Neck Surgery at the Zagreb School of Medicine a significant place belongs to profes- sor Zvonimir Krajina since his scientific and professional work was through his entire career centred around this department. He was elected Head of the Department in 1971, exactly half a century after its founding. Since then, he sought to enrich it with a series of innovations in professional and scien- tific areas, as well as make organisational changes in its management. Zvonimir Krajina was equally skilful in all areas of head and neck surgery. He developed rhinology and functional nose surgery, head and neck oncology, and especially functional laryngeal surgery. Besides running the Department, Professor Krajina was also the vice dean of the School of Medicine in the period of 1970 – 1974, and dean in 1974 – 1978. At the University of Zagreb, he was Head of the Committee on International Relations from 1978 – 1982, and in the period of 1982 – 1986 he was the rector of the University of Zagreb. He was a member of many international scientific societies and was a visiting professor at universities in Europe, USA and Japan. Professor Krajina was truly an exceptional person and doctor and we can claim with full conviction that Zvonimir Krajina is one of the representative personalities of Croatian otorhinolaryngology

    A review of Zvonimir Krajina’s professional heritage in the light of the hundredth anniversary of the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases and Head and Neck Surgery of the Zagreb School of Medicine

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    Among the many great physicians who headed the Department for Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases and Head and Neck Surgery at the Zagreb School of Medicine a significant place belongs to profes- sor Zvonimir Krajina since his scientific and professional work was through his entire career centred around this department. He was elected Head of the Department in 1971, exactly half a century after its founding. Since then, he sought to enrich it with a series of innovations in professional and scien- tific areas, as well as make organisational changes in its management. Zvonimir Krajina was equally skilful in all areas of head and neck surgery. He developed rhinology and functional nose surgery, head and neck oncology, and especially functional laryngeal surgery. Besides running the Department, Professor Krajina was also the vice dean of the School of Medicine in the period of 1970 – 1974, and dean in 1974 – 1978. At the University of Zagreb, he was Head of the Committee on International Relations from 1978 – 1982, and in the period of 1982 – 1986 he was the rector of the University of Zagreb. He was a member of many international scientific societies and was a visiting professor at universities in Europe, USA and Japan. Professor Krajina was truly an exceptional person and doctor and we can claim with full conviction that Zvonimir Krajina is one of the representative personalities of Croatian otorhinolaryngology

    Pomološka i senzorna svojstva osam različitih sorata smokve u Hrvatskoj

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    The common fig (Ficus carica L.) is a fruit species traditionally cultivated in coastal Croatia. After some years of being of low commercial value, the interest in fig consumption and cultivation in this region seems to start following the increasing trend. One way of promoting fig consumption is to identify the varietal sensory properties, intending to match the consumer preferences. For this reason, the goal of this study was to evaluate sensory properties and pomological characteristics of fresh fruits of five dark (‘Šaraguja’, ‘Miljska’, ‘Crnica’, ‘Piombinese’, ‘Nero Rosso’) and three light-coloured (‘Petrovača bijela’, ‘Tiger’, ‘San Martino’) skin fig varieties, grown in Croatia. Figs were harvested from 5-years old trees in the fig experimental orchard located in Istria County (Croatia). Significant differences were observed for the properties of appearance, odour, flavour, and taste. Fresh fruits of varieties \u27Šaraguja\u27 and \u27Tiger\u27 reached the highest scores for the intensity of taste, fig odour, and flavour, compared to all the others. The highest values regarding fruit thickness and width were recorded from the variety \u27Petrovača bijela\u27, lenght from the variety \u27Šaraguja\u27, while \u27San Martino\u27 variety had the fruits of biggest weight. The variety \u27Miljska\u27 displayed the lowest values in all the observed pomological parameters. The importance of the pomological description and observation of sensory parameters of fresh figs lies in permitting the producers to decide the potential of each variety based on consumer preferences.Smokva (Ficus carica L.) je voćna vrsta koja se tradicionalno uzgaja u primorskoj Hrvatskoj. Nakon nekoliko godina niske komercijalne vrijednosti ove kulture, čini se da interes za potrošnjom i uzgojem smokava u ovoj regiji počinje rasti. Jedan od načina promicanja konzumacije smokava je prepoznavanje sortnih senzornih svojstava, sa ciljem usklađivanja sklonosti potrošača. Iz tog razloga cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti senzorna i pomološka svojstva svježih plodova pet crnih (\u27Šaraguja\u27, \u27Miljska\u27, \u27Crnica\u27, \u27Piombinese\u27, \u27Nero Rosso\u27) i tri bijele (\u27Petrovača bijela\u27, \u27Tiger\u27, \u27San Martino\u27) sorte smokve uzgojene u Hrvatskoj. Smokve su ubrane s pet godina starih stabala u pokusnom smokviku u Istarskoj županiji (Hrvatska). Uočene su značajne razlike u svojstvima izgleda, mirisa, arome i okusa. Svježi plodovi smokve sorti ‘Šaraguja’ i ‘Tiger’ postigli su najviše ocjene za intenzitet okusa, mirisa i arome smokve u odnosu na sve ostale sorte. Najviše vrijednosti debljine i širine ploda utvrđene su za sortu \u27Petrovača bijela\u27, širine za sortu \u27Šaraguja\u27, dok je sorta \u27San Martino\u27 imala plodove najveće mase. Sorta \u27Miljska\u27 imala je najmanje vrijednosti za sva istraživana pomološka svojstva. Važnost pomološkog opisa i istraživanja senzornih svojstava svježih smokava leži u omogućavanju proizvođačima da odluče o potencijalu svake sorte na temelju preferencija potrošača