25 research outputs found


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    Secondary Metabolites of Hypericum leptophyllum Hochst., an Endemic Turkish Species

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    In the present study, the presence of the phloroglucinol derivative hyperforin, the naphthodianthrones hypericin and pseudohypericin, the phenylpropane chlorogenic acid and the flavonoids rutin, hyperoside, kaempferol, isoquercetine, quercitrine, and quercetine was investigated in Hypericum leptophyllum Hochst., an endemic Turkish species for the first time. The aerial parts representing a total of 30 individuals were collected at full flowering and dissected into floral, leaf, and stem tissues. After being dried at room temperature, the plant materials were assayed for secondary metabolite concentrations by HPLC. Aerial plant parts accumulated chlorogenic acid, hyperoside, isoquercetine, quercitrine, and quercetine, but they did not accumulate hyperforin, hypericin, pseudohypericin, rutin, and kaempferol. Accumulation levels of the detected compounds varied with plant tissues. Such kind of data could be useful for elucidation of the chemotaxonomical significance of the corresponding compounds and phytochemical evaluation of this endemic species

    Chemical composition of Hypericum pruinatum Boiss. and Bal. from wild populations of Northern Turkey

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    The present study was conducted to determine the variation in the content of several plant chemicals, namely hyperforin, hypericin, pseudohypericin, chlorogenic acid, rutin, hyperoside, isoquercetine, kaempferol, quercitrine and quercetine among five Hypericum pruinatum Boiss. & Bal. populations from Northern Turkey. The aerial parts representing a total of 30 shoots were collected at full flowering. After dried at room temperature, they were assayed for the chemicals by HPLC and the presence of isoquercetine and kaempferol in this species was reported by us for the first time. The populations varied significantly in chemical contents. Plants from Ladik population produced the highest amount of hypericin, chlorogenic acid, hyperoside, isoquercetine, quercitrine and quercetine. Hyperforin and rutin of whole shoots reached the highest level in Cankiri population. The chemical variation among the populations and plant parts was discussed as possible results of different genetic and environmental factors

    The communication project of new catering trade mark's introduction into the market in order to achieve customer loyalty

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    Naujoms viešojo maitinimo įstaigoms ypatingai svarbus naujų klientų pritraukimas ir jų išlaikymas. Pasiekti šiam tikslui, nauji prekės ženklai pasitelkia skirtingus komunikacinius būdus ir kanalus. Vis dažniau įmonės naudojasi socialinių tinklų teikiamomis reklamos paslaugomis, o vartotojų dėmesiui patraukti investuoja į kokybiškas patiekalų asortimento fotografijas. Šiame darbe siekiama atskleisti kokia komunikacija yra efektyviausia ir labiausiai ugdanti klientų lojalumą, įvedant naują viešojo maitinimo prekės ženklą į rinką.It is vital for new catering companies to win and retain new customers. To reach this goal, new trademarks use different communication methods and channels. Companies are increasingly using advertising services provided by social networks and in order to attract consumers’ attention, they invest in the high-quality food photographs. The aim of this work is to reveal which communication methods is the most effective and most develops customer loyalty by introducing a new catering trademark to the marketMenų fakultetasMenotyros katedr

    Efficiency research of sonoporation using ethidium bromide

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    Sonoporacija yra ultragarso (UG) poveikio metu mikroburbulų (MB) kavitacijos sukeltas ląstelių membranų pralaidumo didėjimas, kurio metu į ląstelę galima įnešti įvairias molekules. Sonoporacijos efektyvumas priklauso nuo UG parametrų ir nuo MB koncentracijos. Siekiant nustatyti efektyvius sonoporacijos parametrus, naudotos CHO (kiniško žiurkėno sukultūrintos kiaušidžių ląstelės) 3.3 x 105 ląstelių/ml ląstelių su MB suspensiją buvo paveikta 1 MHz UG centriniu dažniu, skirtingais akustiniais slėgiais (100 kPa – 500 kPa), 10 % veikimo ciklu. UG poveikio trukmė 2s – 30s.Naudotas MB santykis nuo 1:10 iki 1:60. Taip pat buvo tiriama MB tolygaus pasiskirstymo suspensijoje įtaką Etidžio bromido sonopernašai.Po UG poveikio sonopernašos efektyvumas vertintas fluorescenciniu mikroskopu. Šio darbo metu naudojant TM ir EB fluorescensinius dažus pritaikytas fluosescensijos rezonansinės energijos perdavimo (FRET) mechanizmas EB sonopernašos ir gyvybingumo nustatymui. Fluorescensija matuota fluorescensiniu mikroskopu. Fluorescentinės mikroskopijos nuotraukų apdorojimui naudota ImageJ programa, dėl kurios vaizdinimo įvertinimo galimybių padidėjo sonopernašos nustatymo tikslumas. Taip pat su ImageJ programa išmatuotas ląstelių fluorescensijos intensyvumas. Tirtas EB sonopernašos efektyvumas priklausomai nuo MB koncentracijos. Optimaliausias MB ir ląstelių santykis yra 1:40. Tačiau prieš UG poveikį užtikrinus tolygų MB pasiskirstymą, optimalus Ląstelių:MB santykis efektyviai sonopernašai sumažėjo iki 1:20. Taip pat pastebėta, kad tolygaus mikroburbulų pasiskirstymas prieš UG turi įtakos sonopernašos efektyvumui ir gyvybingumui. Maišant terpę 2s prieš UG poveikį, matuotas sonopernašos efektyvumas yra 10 % didesnis,o ląstelių gyvybingumas 6 % - 8 % mažesnis. Naudojant 1:20 ląstelių ir MB santykį, 500 kPa akustinį slėgį, 30s UG poveikio trukmę, sonoporacijos efektyvumas siekė 26,8 %.Ultrasound (US) application, in the presence of microbubbles (MB) in extracellular medium enables various exogenous molecules transfer into the cell. Sonoporation efficiency depends on US parameters and MB concentration. In order to determine efficient sonoporation parameters, CHO (Chinese hamster ovary cells) cells, 3.3 x 105 cells / ml, were exposed to ultrasound with frequency of 1 MHz, the acoustic pressure ranged from 100 kPa to 500 kPa, 10 % duty cycle, and total operating time of 2s – 30s. During the experiment cell and MB ratio was: 1:10, 1:20, 1:40 and 1:60. It was also investigated eaqual distribution of MB influence to Ethidium bromide sonotransfection. Sonotransfection efficiency was evaluated by fluorescent microscope. In this work we adapted fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) mechanism using fluorescent dye ethidium bromide (EB) and trypan blue to evaluate sonotransfection and cell viability. Fluorescent microscopy images were processed with open source program ImageJ to enhance sonotransfection evaluation. Moreover, ImageJ allowed us to measure fluorescent intensity inside of the cell. Sonotransfection efficiency dependence on MB concentration were observed. The optimal cell to MB ratio was 1:40. However, the optimal ratio for efficient sonotransfection dropped to 1:20 when equal MB distribution before US exposure were ensured. It was also noted that equal MB distribution before US exposure influences sonotransfection effciciency and cell viability. Sonotransfection efficiency increased 10 % and cell viability dropped 6 % - 8 % when medium was mixed 2s before US exposure. Sonoporation efficiency was 26,8 % when 500 kPa acoustic pressure, 30s UG exposure duration and 1:20 cell to MB ratio were used.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Book review

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    Methodological developments in evaluation of antioxidant activity of complex mixtures : towards miniaturization and coupling of analytical methods

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    Antioxidant compounds in food play an important role as a health-protecting factor. Highly reactive free radicals and oxygen species are present in biological systems. Antioxidant compounds like phenolic acids, polyphenols and flavonoids scavenge free radicals such as peroxide, hydroperoxide or lipid peroxyl and thus inhibit the oxidative mechanisms that lead to degenerative diseases. There is a number of the free radical scavenging assays for evaluation of plant extracts. The main task of this work was to create rapid, simple and less material and time consuming method to separate analytes and evaluate antioxidant activity within a single analytical run. The on-line capillary electrophoresis-reaction (antioxidant activity) detection method can be used for a rapid evaluation of individual antioxidants in complex mixtures, particularly plant extracts. Combined UV (positive signals of all UV absorbing separated compounds) and DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) reaction detector (negative signals for colored DPPH radical bleaching) signal profiles are registered. Electropherograms of the methanolic extracts of wild hops forms cones as well as antioxidant activity detection profiles will be presentedBiochemijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Coupling of capillary electrophoresis with reaction detection for the on-line evaluation of radical scavenging activity of analytes

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    5th Symposium by Nordic Separation Science Society (NoSSS 2009); Tallinn Univ Technol, Tallinn, ESTONIA, AUG 26-29, 2009The main task of this work was to create a rapid, simple and less material and time consuming method involving capillary electrophoretic separation in order to separate analytes and evaluate antioxidant activity within a single analytical run. Several interfaces were developed and used to couple CE to the reaction detector. The method developed enables simultaneous electrophoretic separation and evaluation of antioxidant activity of each separated compound in the mixture. The analysis was performed using DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) as synthetic radical reagent. The on-line capillary electrophoresis-reaction (antioxidant activity) detection method can be used for a rapid evaluation of individual antioxidants in complex mixtures, particularly extracts of natural products. Possibility to evaluate radical scavenging activity of extracts of natural products components is demonstrated on an example of aqueous propolis extract. Four phenolic acids where separated and their radical scavenging activity was on-line evaluatedBiochemijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta