294 research outputs found

    Air strikes on uranium enrichment plants as potential sources of radioecological danger

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    According to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT), the signatory countries are not forbidden to preform uranium enrichment for peaceful purposes. However, if there is a justified doubt that the uranium enrichment is performed with the aim to produce nuclear weapons, this certainly causes great concern. In this case, the international community can apply pressure to a certain country if it determines that the country does not want to cease activities of making its own nuclear weapons. The international community pressure on the country can be intesified until its political leadership is not made to question and cease all activities of producing nuclear weapons. This pressure can be political, economic, and as a last resort-military. As a gesture of goodwill the country can stop the uranium enrichment process. In this way, the country shows that it finally gives up the intention to produce nuclear weapons. However, when military pressure is applied, i.e. military strikes (air strikes for example) on nuclear plants used for uranium enrichment, this certainly creates a risk of releasing radioactivity into the environment. That is why the aim of this paper is to signal this very fact. Using military force in these cases leads to additional radioactive contamination of the environment, so this way of solving conflicts should be avoided within the international community

    Efikasnost Trichoderma spp. izolata protiv najčešćih gljivičnih patogena

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    Nowadays, organic food production demands more environmental friendly control of plant diseases. Biocontrol based on Trichoderma spp. usage is a promising due to Trichoderma is aggressive to broad range of phytopathogenic fungi. Given that, the aim of this study was to test in vitro antagonistic ability of ten native Serbian Trichoderma strains to ten common fungal pathogens. Study confirmed that Trichoderma spp. inhibits radial growth of Ascochyta pinodella (76.9%), A. pinodes (60.0%), A. pisi (68.5%), Fusarium graminearum (71.1%), F. proliferatum (63.9%), F. verticillioides (62.6%), F. oxysporum (63.9%), Macrophomina phaseolina (63.8%), and Pyrenophora teres (83.9%). These are first reports of Trichoderma spp. in vitro efficacy against A. pisi, A. pinodes, A. pinodella and P. teres. The lowest inhibitory effect was registered in dual cultures with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum - 52.2%.U današnje vreme, organska proizvodnja sve više zahteva primenu ekoloških metoda u suzbijanju biljnih bolesti. Biološka kontrola bazirana na upotrebi Trichoderma vrsta obećava jer su Trichoderma vrste izuzetno agresivne prema velikom broju fitopatogenih gljiva. Stoga je cilj ovih istraživanja bio da se in vitro testira antagonističko dejstvo deset Trichoderma spp. izolata poreklom iz Srbije na deset ekonomski značajnih fitopatogenih gljiva. Istraživanja su potvrdila da su testirani izolati Trichoderma spp. inhibirali radijalni porast vrsta do: Ascochyta pinodella (76,9%), A. pinodes (60,0%), A. pisi (68,5%), Fusarium graminearum (71,1%), F. proliferatum (63,9%), F. verticillioides (62,6%), F. oxysporum (63,9%), Macrophomina phaseolina (63,8%) i Pyrenophora teres (83,9%). Najniža inhibicija porasta patogena je registrovana u dvojnim kulturama sa vrstom S. sclerotiorum – do 52,2% inhibicije

    The Device for Communication in the Tool for Measurement in Boreholes

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    In this paper an implementation and test of the device for communication between Telemetry system and Surface unit with the tool for measurement of pipe diameter, fluid velocity and direction of flow in the borehole (Calliper-Fullbore Flowmeter - CFF) are presented. This communication is done according to SIPLOS (Simultaneous Production Logging String) protocol and it is used by Hotwell company [1] as a part of a larger system for borehole investigations

    Nuklearni terorizam kao izvor radioekološke opasnosti

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    World terrorism has been spreading and advancing in quality. Because of that nuclear terrorism should be countied on as one of the forms of its manifestations. A very serious debate was held on nuclear terrorism in Vienna in 2002. at the International Atomic Energy Agency Headquarters. At this debate it was confirmed, among other things, that this form of terrorism is a very likely possibility.Terorizam u svetu sve više uzima maha i kvalitativno napreduje. Zbog toga treba računati i sa nuklearnim terorizmom kao jednim od oblika njegovog ispoljavanja. O nuklearnom terorizmu vođena je vrlo ozbiljna rasprava u Beču 2002. godine, u sedištu Međunarodne agencije za atomsku energiju. U raspravi je, između ostalog, potvrđeno da ovaj oblik terorizma nije malo verovatna mogućnost

    Screening of different trichoderma isolates as antagonists of various maize phytopathogens

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    The increasing use of chemical plant protection agents in recent years has become a serious problem. Environmental pollution, non-selectivity, the emergence of resistant species, and chemicals in the food chain, has led to need to find new agents with improved characteristics. One of the solutions is certainly the use of beneficial microorganisms. The genus Trichoderma is genetically very diverse with a number of capabilities among different strains with agricultural and industrial significance. Maize is an agricultural crop that is susceptible to infections by various phytopathogenic fungi, producers of mycotoxins harmful to humans and animals. Since this agricultural crop has an important place in the human diet, its health safety is very important. In this work, the screening of antagonistic activity of three Trichoderma isolates, isolated from the environment, against the most common maize phytopathogens, was examined using dual culture technique. The results showed that there is a statistically very significant difference between the applied Trichoderma isolates. Using the Scheffe test, it was determined that the isolate of Tricoderma harzianum shows the best effect on the tested phytopathogens of maize by forming Radial Growth Inhibition (RGI) of 100% for Penicilium sp., 53.67% for Helminthosporium carbonum, 52.33% for Fusarium graminearum and 35% for Aspergillus flavus. Considering that Trichoderma spp. isolates were considered as effective when RGI exceeded 50%, from the obtained results it can be concluded that T. harzianum shows a very significant effect on all phytopathogenic isolates. It shows slightly weaker activity only on isolate A. flavus. This result once again confirms the great antagonistic potential of Trichoderma isolates and their use in biological control would contribute to the development of sustainable agricultural production and would affect the healthier environment

    Morphological and molecular characterization of Ascochyta species

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    Poslednjih godina u različitim delovima Srbije zapažena je manja ili veća pojava patogena iz Ascochyta spp. kompleksa, kako na stočnom, tako i na konzumnom grašku. Navedeni kompleks čine tri fitopatogene gljive: Didymella pinodes, Didymella pinodella i Ascochyta pisi. Kompleksno oboljenje prouzrokovano gljivama iz Ascochyta spp. kompleksa se naziva Crna pegavost graška. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se prouče morfološke, molekularne i odgajivačke odlike gljiva D. pinodes, D. pinodella i A. pisi, kao i njihova patogenost i rasprostranjenost na teritoriji Republike Srbije, kao i da se ispita tolerantnost domaćeg sortimenta stočnog graška prema navedenim patogenima. U periodu od 2013. do 2015. godine, utvrđeno je prisustvo Ascochyta spp. na 27 različitih lokaliteta u Srbiji, kao i na po jednom lokalitetu u Bosni i Hercegovini, Turskoj i Francuskoj. Morfološko - molekularnim analizama sakupljenih izolata, prvi put je potvrđeno prisustvo D. pinodes i D. pinodella na teritoriji Srbije, kao i prisustvo A. pisi na teritoriji BiH. Od ukupnog broja izolata poreklom iz Srbije, 48 izolata (62%) pripada vrsti D. pinodes, 26 izolata (34%) vrsti A. pisi i 3 izolata (4%) vrsti D. pinodella. Molekularna identifikacija svih 89 izolata sprovedena je na osnovu ITS i TEF1-α sekvenci, kao i na osnovu dužine amplikona IGS1 prajmera. IGS1 prajmeri su omogućili pouzdanu i nedvosmislenu identifikaciju pojedinačnih vrsta D. pinodes, D. pinodella i A. pisi. Navedeni prajmerski par je po prvi put uspešno primenjen na vrsti A. pisi. Sagledavanjem interakcija između različitih uslova gajenja i testiranih izolata Ascochyta spp., uočene su statistički značajne intraspecijske varijacije u pogledu porasta kolonija. Kod ispitivanih izolata D. pinodes, D. pinodella i A. pisi, u zavisnosti od svetlosno-temperaturnog režima i hranljive podloge uočena je velika varijabilnost u boji supstratne i vazdušne micelije. Kod pojedinih izolata vrste D. pinodella registrovano je formiranje belih kristala lepezastog, pahuljastog i paperjastog oblika na PDA hranljivoj podlozi pri temperaturi od 20ºC. Peritecije gljive D. pinodes su se formirale samo na Conn’s hranljivoj podlozi na 15ºC u tami, kao i na 20ºC pri oba svetlosna režima. Izolati D. pinodes, D. pinodella i A. pisi ispoljili su veliku varijabilnost u dužini i širini obrazovanih askospora i piknospora kao i hlamidospora u različitim uslovima gajenja. U ovom radu je po prvi put zabeleženo formiranje sklerocija kod izolata vrsta D. pinodes i D. pinodella u ispitivanim laboratorijskim uslovima. Veštačkom inokulacijom uočena je i velika varijabilnost u patogenosti između izolata D. pinodes, D. pinodella i A. pisi, prema domaćim sortama stočnog graška. Sorta Dukat je bila najosetljivija na ispitivane patogene Ascochyta spp. kompleksa, dok je sorta Kosmaj bila najtolerantnija.The presence of pathogens from the complex Ascochyta spp., either in low or high levels, has been confirmed on both forage pea and field pea in different regions of Serbia in the previous several years. This complex consists of three phytopathogenic fungi: Didymella pinodes, Didymella pinodella and Ascochyta pisi. Ascochyta blight (blackspot) of field pea is a composite disease caused by the fungi belonging to Ascochyta spp. complex. The aim of this dissertation was to study the morphological, molecular and selection characteristics of the fungi D. pinodes, D. pinodella and A. pisi, and their pathogenicity and distribution on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, as well as to test the tolerance of domestic forage pea cultivars to the given pathogens. In the period 2013-2015, the presence of Ascochyta spp. was confirmed on 27 different sites in Serbia, as well as on one site in Bosnia and Herzegovina, one in Turkey, and one in France. Morphological and molecular analyses of the collected isolates confirmed the first appearance of D. pinodes and D. pinodella in Serbia, and A. pisi in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Out of the total number of isolates that originated from Serbia, 48 isolates (62%) belong to the species D. pinodes, 26 isolates (34%) belong to A. pisi and 3 isolates (4%) belong to D. pinodella. Molecular identification of all 89 isolates was based on ITS and TEF1-α sequences and amplicon length of IGS1 primer. IGS1 primers enabled reliable and unambiguous identification of individual species of D. pinodes, D. pinodella and A. pisi. The mentioned primer pair was successfully applied to A. pisi for the first time. The interactions between different growing conditions and the tested isolates of Ascochyta spp. were studied, and statistically significant intraspecies variations in colony growth were found. Depending on the light-temperature regime and growth medium, the tested isolates of D. pinodes, D. pinodella and A. pisi showed high variability in the colour of substrate and aerial mycelia. Certain isolates of D. pinodella formed white fan-shaped, dendritic and plumose crystals on PDA growth medium at 20ºC. Perithecia of D. pinodes formed only on Conn’s medium at 15ºC in the dark, and at 20ºC in both lights regimes. Isolates of D. pinodes, D. pinodella and A. pisi showed high variability in length and width of the formed ascospores and picnospores, as well as chlamydospores under different growing conditions. This study is the first report on the formation of sclerotia in isolates of D. pinodes and D. pinodella under the tested laboratory conditions. Artificial inoculation also showed a high variability in pathogenicity among the isolates of D. pinodes, D. pinodella and A. pisi to domestic cultivars of forage pea. The cultivar Dukat was the most susceptible to the tested pathogens of Ascochyta spp. complex, and the cultivar Kosmaj was the most tolerant

    Morfološko - molekularna karakterizacija patogena iz Ascochyta spp. kompleksa

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    The presence of pathogens from the complex Ascochyta spp., either in low or high levels, has been confirmed on both forage pea and field pea in different regions of Serbia in the previous several years. This complex consists of three phytopathogenic fungi: Didymella pinodes, Didymella pinodella and Ascochyta pisi. Ascochyta blight (blackspot) of field pea is a composite disease caused by the fungi belonging to Ascochyta spp. complex. The aim of this dissertation was to study the morphological, molecular and selection characteristics of the fungi D. pinodes, D. pinodella and A. pisi, and their pathogenicity and distribution on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, as well as to test the tolerance of domestic forage pea cultivars to the given pathogens. In the period 2013-2015, the presence of Ascochyta spp. was confirmed on 27 different sites in Serbia, as well as on one site in Bosnia and Herzegovina, one in Turkey, and one in France. Morphological and molecular analyses of the collected isolates confirmed the first appearance of D. pinodes and D. pinodella in Serbia, and A. pisi in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Out of the total number of isolates that originated from Serbia, 48 isolates (62%) belong to the species D. pinodes, 26 isolates (34%) belong to A. pisi and 3 isolates (4%) belong to D. pinodella. Molecular identification of all 89 isolates was based on ITS and TEF1-α sequences and amplicon length of IGS1 primer. IGS1 primers enabled reliable and unambiguous identification of individual species of D. pinodes, D. pinodella and A. pisi. The mentioned primer pair was successfully applied to A. pisi for the first time. The interactions between different growing conditions and the tested isolates of Ascochyta spp. were studied, and statistically significant intraspecies variations in colony growth were found. Depending on the light-temperature regime and growth medium, the tested isolates of D. pinodes, D. pinodella and A. pisi showed high variability in the colour of substrate and aerial mycelia. Certain isolates of D. pinodella formed white fan-shaped, dendritic and plumose crystals on PDA growth medium at 20ºC. Perithecia of D. pinodes formed only on Conn’s medium at 15ºC in the dark, and at 20ºC in both lights regimes. Isolates of D. pinodes, D. pinodella and A. pisi showed high variability in length and width of the formed ascospores and picnospores, as well as chlamydospores under different growing conditions. This study is the first report on the formation of sclerotia in isolates of D. pinodes and D. pinodella under the tested laboratory conditions. Artificial inoculation also showed a high variability in pathogenicity among the isolates of D. pinodes, D. pinodella and A. pisi to domestic cultivars of forage pea. The cultivar Dukat was the most susceptible to the tested pathogens of Ascochyta spp. complex, and the cultivar Kosmaj was the most tolerant.Poslednjih godina u različitim delovima Srbije zapažena je manja ili veća pojava patogena iz Ascochyta spp. kompleksa, kako na stočnom, tako i na konzumnom grašku. Navedeni kompleks čine tri fitopatogene gljive: Didymella pinodes, Didymella pinodella i Ascochyta pisi. Kompleksno oboljenje prouzrokovano gljivama iz Ascochyta spp. kompleksa se naziva Crna pegavost graška. Cilj istraživanja je bio da se prouče morfološke, molekularne i odgajivačke odlike gljiva D. pinodes, D. pinodella i A. pisi, kao i njihova patogenost i rasprostranjenost na teritoriji Republike Srbije, kao i da se ispita tolerantnost domaćeg sortimenta stočnog graška prema navedenim patogenima. U periodu od 2013. do 2015. godine, utvrđeno je prisustvo Ascochyta spp. na 27 različitih lokaliteta u Srbiji, kao i na po jednom lokalitetu u Bosni i Hercegovini, Turskoj i Francuskoj. Morfološko - molekularnim analizama sakupljenih izolata, prvi put je potvrđeno prisustvo D. pinodes i D. pinodella na teritoriji Srbije, kao i prisustvo A. pisi na teritoriji BiH. Od ukupnog broja izolata poreklom iz Srbije, 48 izolata (62%) pripada vrsti D. pinodes, 26 izolata (34%) vrsti A. pisi i 3 izolata (4%) vrsti D. pinodella. Molekularna identifikacija svih 89 izolata sprovedena je na osnovu ITS i TEF1-α sekvenci, kao i na osnovu dužine amplikona IGS1 prajmera. IGS1 prajmeri su omogućili pouzdanu i nedvosmislenu identifikaciju pojedinačnih vrsta D. pinodes, D. pinodella i A. pisi. Navedeni prajmerski par je po prvi put uspešno primenjen na vrsti A. pisi. Sagledavanjem interakcija između različitih uslova gajenja i testiranih izolata Ascochyta spp., uočene su statistički značajne intraspecijske varijacije u pogledu porasta kolonija. Kod ispitivanih izolata D. pinodes, D. pinodella i A. pisi, u zavisnosti od svetlosno-temperaturnog režima i hranljive podloge uočena je velika varijabilnost u boji supstratne i vazdušne micelije. Kod pojedinih izolata vrste D. pinodella registrovano je formiranje belih kristala lepezastog, pahuljastog i paperjastog oblika na PDA hranljivoj podlozi pri temperaturi od 20ºC. Peritecije gljive D. pinodes su se formirale samo na Conn’s hranljivoj podlozi na 15ºC u tami, kao i na 20ºC pri oba svetlosna režima. Izolati D. pinodes, D. pinodella i A. pisi ispoljili su veliku varijabilnost u dužini i širini obrazovanih askospora i piknospora kao i hlamidospora u različitim uslovima gajenja. U ovom radu je po prvi put zabeleženo formiranje sklerocija kod izolata vrsta D. pinodes i D. pinodella u ispitivanim laboratorijskim uslovima. Veštačkom inokulacijom uočena je i velika varijabilnost u patogenosti između izolata D. pinodes, D. pinodella i A. pisi, prema domaćim sortama stočnog graška. Sorta Dukat je bila najosetljivija na ispitivane patogene Ascochyta spp. kompleksa, dok je sorta Kosmaj bila najtolerantnija

    Značaj izbora sorte u intenzivnoj proizvodnji lucerke

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    Alfalfa is an autotetraploid, perennial forage crop adapted to different environments and management systems. Trial with 12 alfalfa populations was established in spring of 2014. The research involved 9 commercial alfalfa varieties from IFVCNS, Serbia, and included 3 experimental populations in the final phase of breeding program. The main objectives of this paper were to examine the impact of variety selection on alfalfa yield and plant height in intensive cutting management in order to define harvesting strategies (using 6 and 5 cuts per season), with main goal to maximize profit on alfalfa farms in Serbia and Southeast Europe. Our study clearly demonstrates that there is genetic potential in some Serbian varieties (NS Sila, Nera, NS Jelena, and Banat VS) for use in intensive cutting systems with 6 cuts per year that can meet farmers' needs in conventional or organic type of alfalfa hay production.This research represents an initial guideline for the alfalfa variety selection in intensive cutting management systems in Serbia and Southeast Europe.Lucerka (Medicago sativa L.) je najznačajnija višegodišnja krmna biljka visokih prinosa krme, sena, senaže, odlične hranljive vrednosti. Sistem kosidbe predstavlja odlučujući faktor u determinaciji prinosa i kvaliteta lucerke. U cilju provere reakcije populacija lucerke stvorenih u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo na intenzivan sistem kosidbe (sa primenjenih 6 otkosa u II i III godini života i 5 otkosa u IV godini trajanja useva) postavljen je ogled u Novom Sadu u 2014. godini, a rezultati su praćeni tokom 2015-2017. godine. U ispitivanje je uključeno 9 priznatih sorti i 3 eksperimentalne populacije lucerke stvorene u različitom vremenskom periodu, primenom različitih metoda oplemenjivanja i germplazme različitog porekla. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da režim kosidbe lucerke treba prilagoditi tipu/grupi sorti, načinu proizvodnje i rejonu gajenja. Najveći prinosi suve materije tokom perioda ispitivanja registrovani su kod sorti NS Sila (18,4 t/ha), Nera (18,2 t/ha), Banat VS (17,9 t/ha) i NS Jelena (17,7 t/ha) u intenzivnom sistemu kosidbe. Režim kosidbe sa 6 otkosa u Srbiji predstavlja realan način proizvodnje, ali prilagođavanje ovom sistemu kosidbe zavisi od cilja proizvodnje, sorte, rejona gajenja, starosti useva. Genetički potencijal NS sorti lucerke koji odgovara maksimalnom intenzitetu kosidbe sa 6 otkosa u godini ostvaren je sa sortama NS Sila, Nera, Banat VS i NS Jelena, a za sistem kosidbe sa 5 otkosa u godinama pune eksploatacije, a koji najviše odgovara farmerima u umereno-kontinentalnom klimatu Srbije, mogu se preporučiti i sorte NS Banat ZMS II, NS Mediana ZSM V. Ostvareni rezultati predstavljaju značajan doprinos razumevanju značaja primene intezivnog sistema kosidbe tokom godina iskorišćavanja a posebno kritičnoj fazi vezanoj za izbor sorte i različite rejone gajenja, načine iskorišćavanja, kao i potrebe različitih tržišta za senom lucerke