17 research outputs found

    Law requirements for GMO analysis and the role of GMO reference laboratories in Poland

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    Genetically modified organisms are commonly used for scientific and practical purposes. Genetically modified crops have been cultivated worldwide including EU (102 mln ha total in 2006). The use of GMO is regulated by the Directive 90/219 on contained use, Directive 2001/2003 on deliberate release to the environment, Regulation 1829/2003 on genetically modified food and feed, Regulation 1830/2003 on traceability and labeling, and the Polish GMO Law act from 2001. The regulation on food and feed implements a threshold of 0.9% GMO for product labeling. This threshold, however, can be applied to unintended or technically unavoidable GMO presence and corresponds to single ingredient only. Genetically modified organisms can be detected using DNA (PCR) or protein (ELISA) based methods. PCR screening for commonly used DNA fragments (35S promoter or Nos terminator) can be broadly applied, however the proper interpretation of the results requires good knowledge of different GMO constitution. Event specific is the most accurate PCR method for GMO identification. Quantification of GMO in products is done using a RealTime PCR. All analytical methods developed for GMO identification and quantification have to be validated before GMO approval. Validation is performed by the Community Reference Laboratory (CRL) in collaboration with National Reference Laboratories. According to Polish GMO Law the Minister of Environment is responsible for GMO control in Poland that is performed by national competent authorities (eg. Sanitary Inspection, Veterinary Inspection, Seed Inspection)

    Preview Control applied for humanoid robot motion generation

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    This paper presents a concept of humanoid robot motion generation using the dedicated simplified dynamic model of the robot (Extended Cart-Table model). Humanoid robot gait with equal steps length is considered. Motion pattern is obtained here with use of Preview Control method. Motion trajectories are first obtained in simulations (off-line) and then they are verified on a test-bed. Tests performed using the real robot confirmed the correctness of the method. Robot completed a set of steps without losing its balance

    Philological buffet

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    Filologiskt smörgåsbord 3 to zbiór prac skandynawistycznych w dziedzinie literaturoznawstwa, językoznawstwa i translatologii, obejmujący szeroki wachlarz zagadnień i najnowszych ujęć metodologicznych. Teksty językoznawcze proponują podejście kognitywne i kontrastywne, (również w perspektywie glottodydaktycznej) rozszerzając perspektywę na rolę innych języków w przyswajaniu języka szwedzkiego. Artykuły literaturoznawcze poszukują nieszablonowych powiązań transtekstualnych, otwierając twórczość klasyków (m.in. Augusta Strindberga) na nowe konteksty: feministyczny, queerowy i postkolonialny. Analizy translatologiczne wychodzą od przekładów Gombrowicza i Szymborskiej na język szwedzki, formułując wnikliwe wnioski na temat poetyki przekładu. Teksty w języku szwedzkim opatrzone są streszczeniami angielskimi oraz bogatą literaturą przedmiotu. Kierowane są do badaczy wymienionych dziedzin, szczególnie skandynawistów.Filologiskt smörgåsbord 3 är den tredje samling vetenskapliga texter som presenterar aktuella intresseområden hos forskare knutna till Avdelningen för svenska språket och litteraturen vid Jagellonska universitetet med fokus på språk, litteratur och översättning. Bidragen är metodologiskt differentierade, vilket öppnar nya perspektiv på svenskans kognitiva och grammatiska aspekter, svenska litterära klassiker i ett transtextuellt och transkulturellt fält samt översättningsvetenskapliga ämnen som exemplifieras med litterära översättningar från polska till svenska. Texterna riktas till skandinavister, akademiska lärare och nordiska forskare inom respektive områden


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    12. Seminarium Open Access, 26-29.10.2021

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    Tegoroczna edycja Seminarium Open Access Week organizowana przez Bibliotekę Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego odbywa się w formie cyklu warsztatów online dla społeczności akademickiej Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Warsztaty adresowane do pracowników naukowych i dydaktycznych, doktorantów oraz studentów prowadzą eksperci w zakresie zarządzania danymi badawczymi, publikowania otwartego, otwartych zasobów edukacyjnych, a także narzędzi wspierających badania naukowe. Edycja objęta Patronatem Honorowym Rektora UŁ. Ponadto patronat: Koalicji Otwartej Edukacji oraz czasopisma "Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich"

    The importance of validation for detection and quantification methods of genetically modified organisms for the purpose of GMO control in the European Union

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    Przed dopuszczeniem na rynek UE produkty zmodyfikowane genetycznie (GM) muszą zostać ocenione pod względem bezpieczeństwa dla zdrowia człowieka i zwierząt a w przypadku uprawy również pod względem bezpieczeństwa dla środowiska. Niezbędnym elementem autoryzacji GMO w UE jako żywność i pasza jest również opracowanie wiarygodnych metod wykrywania i oznaczania ilościowego modyfikacji genetycznych. Metody te umożliwiają identyfikację każdego autoryzowanego GMO i są stosowane przez państwa członkowskie dla potrzeb kontroli rynku. Zgodnie z zaleceniami Komisji Europejskiej do analiz jakościowych i ilościowych GMO wykorzystuje się metody molekularne oparte na technikach PCR i Real Time PCR. Walidacja tych metod, spełniająca określone wymagania, pozwala na uzyskiwanie wiarygodnych, powtarzalnych i porównywalnych wyników pozwalających kontrolować GMO na rynku europejskim.Before placing on the EU market all genetically modified (GM) products must be assessed in terms of safety for human and animal health and, in the case of crop cultivation in terms of safety for the environment. An essential component of the authorization of GMOs in the EU as a food and feed is also the development of reliable methods of detection and quantification of genetic modification. These methods allow to identify each authorized GMO and are applied by the Member States for control of the EU market. In accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission for the qualitative and quantitative GMO analysis molecular methods based on the PCR and Real Time PCR techniques are developed. Validation of these methods, by checking if they meet specific requirements is a prerequisite to produce reliable, reproducible and comparable results which allow control of GMOs on the European market

    Glycoconjugates of Mucochloric Acid—Synthesis and Biological Activity

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    The pharmacological effects of the presence of a sugar moiety, 1,2,3-triazole ring and silyl groups in the structure of biologically active compounds have been extensively studied in drug design and medicinal chemistry. These components can be useful tools to tailoring the bioavailability of target molecules. Herein we present the study on the impact of the sugar substituent structure and triisopropylsilyl group presence on the anticancer activity of mucochloric acid (MCA) derivatives containing the furan-2(5H)-one or 2H-pyrrol-2-one core. The obtained results clearly indicated that tested compounds caused a significant decrease in cell viability of HCT116 and MCF-7 cell lines. MCF-7 cells indicate serious resistance toward investigated compounds in comparison with HCT116 cell line, it suggests that estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells are significantly less sensitive to the tested derivatives. Depending on the structure of the sugar, the type and site of connection with the furanone or 2H-pyrrol-2-one derivative and the presence of the silyl group, the selectivity of the compound towards cancer cells can be controlled. The obtained results may have an impact on the design of new furanone-based anticancer compounds

    Glass–Zirconia Composites as Seals for Solid Oxide Cells: Preparation, Properties, and Stability over Repeated Thermal Cycles

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    This study focuses on the preparation and characterization of composite gaskets designed for the sealing of the solid oxide cell stacks operating below 700 °C. The seals were fabricated with the addition of various amounts (10–90 wt.%) of 3 mol.% yttria partially stabilized zirconia to a BaO-Al2O3-CaO-SiO2 glass matrix. The sample gaskets in the form of thin frames were shaped by tape casting. The quality of the junctions between the composites and Crofer 22APU steel commonly used as an SOC interconnect was evaluated after thermal treatment of heating to 710 °C, then cooling to the working temperature of around 620 °C and then leaving them for 10h in an air atmosphere, before cooling to room temperature. The samples were also studied after 3, 5, and 10 thermal cycles to determine the changes in microstructure and to evaluate the porosity and possible crystallization of the glass phase. The compression of the seals was calculated on the basis of differences in thickness before and after thermal treatment. The influence of zirconia additions on the mechanical properties of the seals was studied. The experimental results confirmed that glass–ceramic composites are promising materials for gaskets in SOC stacks. The most beneficial properties were obtained for a composite containing 40 wt.% of YSZ

    Assessment of the usefulness of silicone plaster application on a postoperative scar in women after mastectomy because of breast malignancy: a preliminary report

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    Introduction: In the natural process of wound healing a scar is formed, which by its build, colour, and function does not resemble healthy tissue. This concerns not only the appearance of the outer integument, but above all, the deeper layers, which are also subject to the process of scarring. In some cases, a disorder of the decomposition and synthesis of collagen takes place and then hypertrophied scars and colloids are formed. Therefore, in physiotherapeutic practice, a scar should be seen in the three-dimensional aspect. Oncology patients can have so-called silicone dressings applied in the healing process of hypertrophied scars and colloids. The therapy using plasters with silicone gel is safe and non-invasive. Aim of the research: To assess the impact of silicone plasters on postoperative scars in the rehabilitation of women after mastectomy. Material and methods : The study, in which women after mastectomy took part, was performed in the Holycross Cancer Centre in Kielce. The assessment of a postoperative scar was based on the Patient and Observer Scar Assessment Scale (POSAS). Results and conclusions: Silicone dressings applied on a postoperative scar influenced its flexibility, colour, and size. The achieved results are satisfactory, and the applied method is effective and promising. However, the methods used to assess the scar, which are commonly recommended but not quite objective, raise some reservations and doubts among the authors