8 research outputs found

    The Physical and Linear Viscoelastic Properties of Fresh Wet Foams Based on Egg White Proteins and Selected Hydrocolloids

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    The aim of this work was to evaluate the physicochemical properties of fresh foams based on egg white proteins, xanthan gum and gum Arabic. The distributions of the size of gas bubbles suspended in liquid were determined, as well as density and volume fraction of gas phase of the generated foams. Additionally, the viscoelastic properties in the linear range were measured, and the results were analyzed with the use of the fractional Zener model. It was shown, that foam supplementation with hydrocolloids considerably decreased their volume fraction of gas phase in comparison to pure egg white protein-based foams. Application of gum Arabic did not cause an increase in the size of foam bubbles when compared to pure white egg foam, whereas application of xanthan gum significantly decreased the size of the bubbles. Application of the fractional Zener model allowed to determine the relaxation times, their intensity in analyzed suspensions and also equilibrium module (G(e)). The increase in the concentration of xanthan gum resulted in the prolongation of the relaxation time and increased its intensity. Gum Arabic, when added, weakened the viscoelastic properties of the mixture as a viscoelastic solid

    Functional and Rheological Properties of Vicia faba L. Protein Isolates

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    A protein isolate (85.5%) was obtained from the Vicia faba L. seeds. The main protein fraction, typical for the seeds of this plant, was found to be most numerous: Legumin (35 kDa) and Vicilin (45 kDa). The hydrodynamic and surface properties of isolate aqueous solutions were studied with the help of dynamic light scattering, ζ-potential, and tensometry in a wide range of concentrations and pH conditions. Selected functional properties, like foaming and emulsifying abilities, were studied. An increase of water solubility was shown with a raising pH, as well as a water holding capacity (WHC). The protein isolate showed a tendency to decrease the surface tension of water solutions, with high hydrophobicity and a negative charge of the isolate enhancing the foaming and emulsifying properties. The analysis of the concentration and the pH influence on selected functional properties indicated alkaline conditions as favorable for good foaming and emulsifying properties of the isolate and affected on their rheological properties

    Functional and Rheological Properties of <i>Vicia faba</i> L. Protein Isolates

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    A protein isolate (85.5%) was obtained from the Vicia faba L. seeds. The main protein fraction, typical for the seeds of this plant, was found to be most numerous: Legumin (35 kDa) and Vicilin (45 kDa). The hydrodynamic and surface properties of isolate aqueous solutions were studied with the help of dynamic light scattering, ζ-potential, and tensometry in a wide range of concentrations and pH conditions. Selected functional properties, like foaming and emulsifying abilities, were studied. An increase of water solubility was shown with a raising pH, as well as a water holding capacity (WHC). The protein isolate showed a tendency to decrease the surface tension of water solutions, with high hydrophobicity and a negative charge of the isolate enhancing the foaming and emulsifying properties. The analysis of the concentration and the pH influence on selected functional properties indicated alkaline conditions as favorable for good foaming and emulsifying properties of the isolate and affected on their rheological properties

    Usefulness of Changes in the Food Safety System – on the Basis of the Audits of NIK, EC and Own Studies

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    Polski system nadzoru nad bezpieczeństwem żywności jest wieloinstytucjonalny. Powołanie Państwowej Inspekcji Bezpieczeństwa Żywności, dzięki konsolidacji Inspekcji Weterynaryjnej, Państwowej Inspekcji Ochrony Roślin i Nasiennictwa, Inspekcji Jakości Handlowej Artykułów Rolno-Spożywczych oraz przeniesienie do nowego podmiotu części zadań z Państwowej Inspekcji Sanitarnej, Inspekcji Handlowej, a w zakresie dotyczącym kontroli stosowania i składowania nawozów także zadań Inspekcji Ochrony Środowiska, posłużyłoby ujednoliceniu procesów kontrolnych i monitorujących, ograniczyło niejasności kompetencyjne i decyzyjne oraz poprawiło bezpieczeństwo żywności w Polsce. Biorąc pod uwagę wyniki kontroli przeprowadzonych przez Najwyższą Izbę Kontroli oraz audytów Dyrekcji Generalnej ds. Zdrowia i Bezpieczeństwa Żywności Komisji Europejskiej, jak również obserwacje własne, przedstawiono celowość zmian istniejącego systemu kontroli bezpieczeństwa żywności w Polsce.The Polish system for food safety supervision comprises numerous institutions. The establishment of the State Food Safety Inspectorate (Polish: Państwowa Inspekcja Bezpieczeństwa Żywności), thanks to consolidation of the Veterinary Inspectorate, the State Inspectorate of Protection of Plants and Seeds, the Inspectorate for Trade Quality of Food Produce, as well as to the transfer of several responsibilities of the State Sanitary Inspectorate, the Trade Inspectorate and the Environment Protection Inspectorate – with regard to using and storing of fertilizers – to the new institution, would lead to unification of supervision and monitoring processes. It would also reduce the blurred competence and decision-making responsibilities, ultimately adding to the improvement of food safety in Poland. Considering the results of the audits conducted by the Supreme Audit Office and by the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety of the European Commission, as well as their own observations, the authors of the article have discussed the justifications for changes in the current food safety system in Poland