43 research outputs found

    Rynek nieruchomości mieszkaniowych – współczesne aspekty przestrzenne, prawne i finansowe

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    W monografii poruszono problematykę nasilających się nowych zjawisk i procesów, zmian zarówno w odniesieniu do uwarunkowań społeczno-gospodarczych, jak i środowiskowych, warunkujących mechanizmy rynku mieszkaniowego. Praca nie dotyczy wyłącznie specyfiki polskiego rynku mieszkaniowego, ale jest przeglądem o charakterze komparatywnym w kontekście międzynarodowym. Monografia rozpoczyna się szeroką analizą współczesnych i innowacyjnych przemian przestrzeni miejskiej w Holandii, wskazuje praktyczne rozwiązania dotyczące podaży mieszkań dostępnych według koncepcji Inclusionary Housing, analizuje potencjał spółdzielni mieszkaniowych jako uczestników rynków mieszkaniowych we współczesnych uwarunkowaniach. Ponadto w publikacji przedstawiono problem opuszczonych i negatywnie oddziałujących na otoczenie, a nawet stanowiących potencjalne zagrożenie zombi developments oraz niebezpieczeństwa wynikające z cykliczności rynku kredytowego

    WWOX expression in colorectal cancer—a real-time quantitative RT-PCR study

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    The WWOX gene is a tumour suppressor gene affected in various types of malignancies. Numerous studies showed either loss or reduction of the WWOX expression in variety of tumours, including breast, ovary, liver, stomach and pancreas. Recent study demonstrated that breast cancer patients exhibiting higher WWOX expression showed significantly longer disease-free survival in contrast to the group with lower relative WWOX level. This work was undertaken to show whether similar phenomena take place in colon tumours and cell lines. To assess the correlation of WWOX gene expression with prognosis and cancer recurrence in 99 colorectal cancer patients, we performed qRT-PCR analysis. We also performed analysis of WWOX promoter methylation status using MethylScreen method and analysis of loss of heterozygosity (LOH) status at two WWOX-related loci, previously shown to be frequently deleted in various types of tumours. A significantly better disease-free survival was observed among patients with tumours exhibiting high level of WWOX (hazard ratio = 0.39; p = 0.0452; Mantel–Cox log-rank test), but in multivariate analysis it was not an independent prognostic factor. We also found that although in colorectal cancer WWOX expression varies among patients and correlates with DFS, the exact mode of decrease in this type of tumour was not found. We failed to find the evidence of LOH in WWOX region, or hypermethylation in promoter regions of this gene. Although we provide the evidence for tumour-suppressive role of WWOX gene expression in colon, we were unable to identify the molecular mechanism responsible for this

    Konwergencja na regionalnych rynkach mieszkaniowych w Polsce

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    Celem artykułu jest ocena zakresu oraz dynamiki procesów konwergencji na regionalnych rynkach mieszkaniowych w Polsce. Weryfikacji poddano występowanie konwergencji zarówno realnej, jak i nominalnej. W ramach konwergencji realnej przedmiotem analizy była ilościowa i jakościowa struktura zasobów mieszkaniowych. Natomiast w obszarze konwergencji nominalnej uwzględnione zostały ceny nieruchomości mieszkaniowych oraz siła nabywcza gospodarstw domowych na rynkach mieszkaniowych. Wyniki badań wskazują na występowanie relatywnie silnych tendencji do konwergencji rynków regionalnych w zakresie jakości ich zasobów mieszkaniowych. W przypadku cen mieszkań i siły nabywczej gospodarstw domowych zachodzi słaba konwergencja bądź jest ona statystycznie nieistotna. Natomiast w odniesieniu do rozmiarów zasobu mieszkaniowego rynki regionalne podlegają zjawisku dywergencj

    Application Of Multiple-Based Methods In Valuation Of Real Estate Development Companies

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    The enterprise's market value is one of the main parameters characterizing the condition of the business entity, its development prospects and market position. It is an important criterion considered by managers and investors. Among the wide group of business valuation methods, multiple-based methods of valuation can be distinguished. Their undeniable advantage is the relative simplicity and speed of carrying out the process of valuation. An important condition for their application is a sufficiently developed and mature capital market

    Optimal Height Of Land Development – An Economic Perspective

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    Sky-scrapers are rising in the panorama of big modern cities more and more often, becoming a symbol of dynamic growth and prestige. High-rise development appears to be an answer to the expanding demand for new residential and commercial space as urban land prices continue to go up and the availability of land decreases

    Edilizia residenziale nel paesaggio urbanistico di Tolemaide in Cirenaica

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    The article presents the private houses of Ptolemais’ inhabitants in the context of the history and urban development of a city with a thousand-year-long history. Four periods can be distinguished in the history of Ptolemais: the first since the creation of the city’s final spatial development plan in the 2nd century BC until the Jewish Revolt in 115–117 AD; the second in the 2nd–3rd centuries AD under the sign of development and growing aspirations of Ptolemais; the third in the 4th century AD until the first half of the 5th century AD, when the city served as the capital of the province of Libya Superior; and the fourth, from the end of the 5th century AD until the mid-7th century AD, in which Ptolemais, after a short period of crisis related to the nomad invasions, flourished again until the appearance of the Arabs, marking the end of the ancient city, although not the end of settlement in its area. Within this historical framework, changes in the city’s buildings and the transformation of private houses can be identified, and various cultural influences associated with the arrival of new residents at different times with their baggage of experience or with the more or less significant presence of representatives of the civil and military administration of the Roman Empire can be seen

    Convergence of Housing Markets: European Perspective

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    The housing market is not only an important component of the national economy; it is also a place of meeting the basic and fundamental needs for the functioning of households. The structure of housing markets and their performance are primarily driven by local and national factors. This results mainly from the specificity of real estate (primarily from its immobility), historical factors, economic conditions, as well as from institutional environment. However, in the process of integration of the European economies, one can see a growing trend towards the unification of the housing markets


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    Housing markets as well as the overall economy develop unevenly. Business cycles are the result of the diverse dynamics of their development. The housing market, as one of the components of economic systems, is influenced by business cycles, at the same time affecting them as well. It should be noted, however, that the special nature of this market may determine a different course of housing market cycles in comparison with changes in business cycles. The aim of the paper is to identify similarities and differences in the shaping of the housing market cycle and the business cycle. The analysis will be conducted on the basis of experience from the Polish market and selected Western markets

    Evaluation of Attractiveness of Residential Markets in Poland

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    Residential market fulfills basic needs for security and shelter. The extent and quality of satisfying housing needs is an essential determinant of local market attractiveness and competitiveness. The aim of the paper is verification of housing attractiveness of regional capital cities in the years 2005–2011. For ranking purposes linear ordering methods were applied