25 research outputs found

    Stratygrafia dolnego karbonu (missisippian) Pomorza Zachodniego: porównanie zon konodontowych, miosporowych i małżoraczkowych

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    Detailed stratigraphy of the Tournaisian and Viséan in western Pomerania has been established on conodonts, miospores and ostracods recovered from 25 boreholes. Miospore associations from the Tournaisian and Viséan are assigned to nine biostratigraphic units (zones and subzones) erected earlier. Three successive benthic ostracod assemblages and two sub-assemblages are distinguished for the Tournaisian. The miospore zones/subzones and the ostracod assemblages/subassemblages are correlated with the Tournaisian sandbergi, Lower crenulata, isosticha-Upper crenulata, and typicus conodont zones. Stratigraphic gap has been demonstrated at the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary, using the results of both conodont and miospore studies. The Tournaisian/ Viséan boundary has been established approximately on the first appearance of the miospore species Lycospora pusilla Somers.Przedstawiono szczegółową stratygrafię turneju i wizenu Pomorza Zachodniego w oparciu o konodonty, miospory i małżoraczki. Materiał do badań biostratygraficznych pochodził z 25 otworów wiertniczych. Zespoły miospor z badanych utworów zaliczono do dziewięciu wcześniej wyróżnionych jednostek biostratygraficznych (zon i podzon). Dla turneju wyróżniono trzy kolejne zespoły i dwa podzespoły małżoraczków bentonicznych. Zony/podzony miosporowe i zespoły/podzespoły małżoraczkowe skorelowano z turnejskimi zonami konodontowymi sandbergi, dolna crenulata, isosticha-górna crenulata i typicus. Obecność luki stratygraficznej na granicy dewon/karbon udokumentowano na podstawie konodontów i miospor. Granica turnej/wizen została ustalona jedynie w przybliżeniu, na podstawie pierwszego pojawienia się gatunku miosporowego Lycospora pusilla Somers


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    There are numerous cases of dermatitis described world-wide and resulting from the influence of the furcocercaria of the bird schistosome. The host snail species of the schistosome, producing thousands of furcocercaria are common in our country. But, because of too general symptoms of dermatitis resulting from the influence of the schistosome of the larvae, there are many unrecognisable cases. The reaction described was typical of a twenty-seven-year-old man collecting snails in the Piechota Bay in Gostynin (the Province of Kuyavia and Pomerania). In that reservoir, individuals of Lymnaea stagnalis were found, which were infected with sporocysts and furcocercaria of Trichobilharzia ocellata. In the laboratory conditions, a high expulsion of cercaria was observed, which amounted to over 8000 larvae per snail


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    The studies were conducted between 1999 and 2001 in two hunting regions. Larval alariosis was revealed in the boars only in one of the studied regions. In this region, the results of the parasitological studies, conducted towards A.alata in the direct host (domestic dogs) and indirect hosts (snails: Planorbis planorbis and Anisus vortex as well as frogs: Rana temporaria and Rana terrestris) were also positive. The lack of the host snails A.alata in the other region might have resulted from no presence of the parasite in the boar

    Inwazja Dermanyssus gallinae [DE GEER, 1778] w fermach drobiu w rejonie Torunia

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    The studies were conducted in three big fully automaticised egg-laying farms within the boundaries of Toruń Voivodship, where Dermanyssus gallinae (DE GEER 1778) was present. The increased invasion of the parasite on one of the farms resulted in the presence of all clinical symptoms of dennanyssosis. A considerable decrease in the body weight, anaemia and organism exhaustion were observed. A growth in the hens' death rate from 1% (when they were not contaminated) to 4% was observed. There was also a decrease in egg-laying, particularly in its top phase. When breeding farms are not contaminated, egg-laying amounts nonnally to 91-93%, whereas in the contaminated farm the percentage lowered to 80-82%. The hens' death rate, a decrease in the egg production as well as a fall in the productive cycle by two months resulted in economical losses suffered by the farm owner. Having excluded the treatment costs, the sum amounted to c. 36,000 PLN in a single production cycle. To fight the parasite effectively, cleansing frequency, desinfecting with Wirkon and Pollena Jod K or caustic soda, and disinsectization with Neguvon and Alfasep 10WP were increased

    Ekonomiczne straty w hodowli bażantów wywołane pasożytami wewnętrznymi

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    Parasitical invasions constitute a serious veterinary-economic problem in pheasant breeding. The studies were carried out between 1995-1997 in a big breeding centre situated in the Middle Pomerania region, where the basic flock amounted to 1000-1200 bird individuals. The aim of the study was to determine a condition of the pheasants' affliction with nematodes, reasons for the invasion and possibilities of a decrease in the losses thus brought about. In the subsequent years, the flock affliction reached the following proportions: 40% in 1995, 42% in 1996, and 68% in 1997. Between 1995 and 1996, the findings revealed eggs of the nematode Capillaria sp (C. anatis and C. phasianina) in their faeces, with less frequent cases of Trichostrongylus tenuis, Heterakis isolonche and Syngamus trachea. Between 1995-1996 40% deaths in the afflicted flock were brought about by Syngamus trachea whilst in 1997 syngamosis resulted in 80% deaths among the afflicted birds. To determine reasons for the confirmed nematode invasion in the studied period during which all the requirements were fulfilled in the pheasant breeding, conclusions were drawn on the basis of the study. Also, preventive measures were suggested to stop any further appearance of syngamosis or losses due to other endoparasites, as those in 1997


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    The aim of the study was to determine a reason for failing health condition and deaths amang the ostriches in the newly-established breeding farm situated within the boundaries of Toruń Voivodship. Both initial observations and examinations of three alive and two dead birds presupposed an appearance of ectoparasitical disease. The autopsies were performed and the specimens for bacteriological and perasitological studies were subsequently obtained. The ectoparasitically-directed studies were the only positive result; the individuals of Cnemidocoptes mutans and unrecognised Acarina species were found. Although the overall treatment (Ivomec) and breeding-rooms extennination of vermin (Neguvon 2%) were held, health conditions of the ostriches failed to improve and, as a result, all the birds died. The breeding farm was closed down wich the owner having suffered financially. The study allowed to draw conclusions concerning reasons for Acarina invasion and subsequent deaths among the birds

    Unwanted ‘hitchhikers’ of ornamental snails : a case report of digeneans transported via the international pet trade

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    In the European Union, aquarium pets are organisms intended for closed places (e.g., pet shops, garden ponds, home aquariums). Until April 2021, regulations did not require veterinary inspection of these animals within the EU, although there is a potential risk of such organisms being released into the environment along with their symbiotes or parasites. Currently, a “disease-free” declaration is required, but no aquarium snail pathogen that needs attention in international trade has been included in the list of potential hazards. Here, we intended to check whether molluscs from the pet trade could be a source of parasites. We answered this question by using Anentome helena, a popular commodity in the ornamental pet industry, as a research model. Snail specimens were randomly collected from aquarium pet stocks imported from Bangkok (Thailand) to Warsaw (Poland) in March 2020. In total, three specimens were subjected to histological examination and 27 specimens were autopsied. Histological analysis revealed that one snail was infected with rediae (and the cercariae inside them). Our study is the first to show the presence of digenean larvae in A. helena originating from the ornamental pet industry. The spread of such “hitchhikers” in non-native areas will likely be associated with threats to environmental and public health. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly draw public attention to the possible consequences of releasing ornamental pets into the non-native environment