Ekonomiczne straty w hodowli bażantów wywołane pasożytami wewnętrznymi


Parasitical invasions constitute a serious veterinary-economic problem in pheasant breeding. The studies were carried out between 1995-1997 in a big breeding centre situated in the Middle Pomerania region, where the basic flock amounted to 1000-1200 bird individuals. The aim of the study was to determine a condition of the pheasants' affliction with nematodes, reasons for the invasion and possibilities of a decrease in the losses thus brought about. In the subsequent years, the flock affliction reached the following proportions: 40% in 1995, 42% in 1996, and 68% in 1997. Between 1995 and 1996, the findings revealed eggs of the nematode Capillaria sp (C. anatis and C. phasianina) in their faeces, with less frequent cases of Trichostrongylus tenuis, Heterakis isolonche and Syngamus trachea. Between 1995-1996 40% deaths in the afflicted flock were brought about by Syngamus trachea whilst in 1997 syngamosis resulted in 80% deaths among the afflicted birds. To determine reasons for the confirmed nematode invasion in the studied period during which all the requirements were fulfilled in the pheasant breeding, conclusions were drawn on the basis of the study. Also, preventive measures were suggested to stop any further appearance of syngamosis or losses due to other endoparasites, as those in 1997

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