4 research outputs found

    Tendencies on ability related to competence education when realizing undergraduate public health study system

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    The aim of this paper is to reveal tendencies on competence and ability education when realizing undergraduate public health study program in the interaction context of traditional and modern higher education features. Competence is implementation of qualification or the ability to act, conditioned by individual’s knowledge, skills, motives, personal characteristics, and values. The integrated competence is necessary for the change of the internal and external work conditions; it is based on the integrity of behavior and knowledge that conditions the essential change of activity. The holistic competence is necessary for a new work development and the transfer of qualification to new situations; it is conditioned by holistic approach toward education. When researching undergraduate public health study program in the context of traditional and modern higher education features at Kaunas University of Medicine, the following problems were stated: insufficient qualities of student’s self-analysis, self-directed learning and formation of communication skills; insufficient communication of teachers and students during study process; limited possibilities team work with representatives of other professions when solving problems of public health improvement

    Studentų ir dėstytojų vaidmenų kaitos ypatumai diegiant probleminio mokymosi sistemą

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    Problem-based learning is studies strategy which involves students into confrontation with practical problems which stimulate their learning. Idea of problem-based learning is based on three principles: scenario of case or real problem, work in small group under the guidance of tutor, and self-education. In the learning process, students acquire thorough knowledge and ability to apply them creatively. On the basis of analysis of results of questionnaire survey of two groups of students, peculiarities of changes of roles of students and lecturers in implementation of problem-based learning system in medium of traditional features of university have been disclosed. With changing of lecturer's role from conveyor of information to learning assistant, conflict of traditional and modem attitudes towards a student shows up and this conflict conditions problems of realization of tutor's functions, and with changing of student's role from passive assignee of information to active participant in study process, features of attachment to lecturer as source of information show up and they obstruct successful learning in group solving learning problems

    Post graduate public health professionals need assessment in terms

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    Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgti 2010 metais vykdyto tyrimo rezultatai tarp visuomenės sveikatos specialistų. Tyrimu siekta išsiaiškinti, kaip visuomenės sveikatos profesionalai vertina savo žinias įvairiose visuomenės sveikatos srityse ir kokias su moderniosios visuomenės sveikatos priežiūra susijusias profesines kompetencijas jie pageidauja pagilinti. Tyrimo objektas – Kauno, Šiaulių ir Marijampolės visuomenės sveikatos centrų bei jų filialų darbuotojai, taip pat Kauno bei Šiaulių visuomenės sveikatos biurų darbuotojai. Tyrimo metu buvo išdalinta 190 anketų. Anketas užpildė ir grąžino 148 respondentai (atsako dažnis 77 proc.). Rezultatai. Įvertinus respondentų podiplominių studijų kvalifikacijos kėlimo poreikį ir galimybes, paaiškėjo, kad tik puse (47,6 proc.) visuomenės sveikatos specialistų turi galimybę tobulinti profesinius įgūdžius. Visuomenės sveikatos specialistai didžiausią žinių trūkumą nurodė turintys šiose srityse: pagrindinių sveikatos priežiūros rodiklių interpretavimas ir vertinimas, epidemiologinių visuomenės sveikatos duomenų vertinimas, įvykdytų tyrimų analizė, sveikatos sistemos ekonominių rodiklių vertinimas. Kaip dažniausią būdą profesiniam raštingumui gerinti didžioji dalis visuomenės sveikatos profesionalų (69,2 proc.) rinkosi mažai patikimas priemones - įvairius seminarus ar tobulinosi savarankiškai (internetas, vadovėliai, kita literatūra).This article is an overview of a conducted survey among Public health professionals in 2010. The aim of the study is to examine how Public health professionals assess their knowledge in various areas of public health workforce and what new Public health-related professional competencies they wish to improve most. The object of research – Public health professionals of Kaunas, Siauliai and Marijampole Public health centers and their branches, as well as office workers of Kaunas, Siauliai and Marijampole Public health bureaus. There were 190 questionnaires delivered, 148 questionnaires were filled in and returned by respondents (response rate: 77%). Results. It was estimated that almost half (47.6%) of public health professionals have an opportunity to improve their professional skills. Public health experts indicated the greatest lack of knowledge at the following fields: the analysis and explanation (interpretation) of basic health indicators; public health epidemiological data evaluation; a research data analysis and health economic data assessment. As the most common method to improve the professional competence, 69.2% respondents chose a few trusty tools - various workshops or studied independently (internet, textbooks or other literature)

    Advantages and Downsides of the Problem-Based Learning Process: Teachers’ Approach

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    Problem-based learning (PBL) is a strategy of studies based on the interaction between students and the teacher, which is characterized by a systematic independent cognitive activity – i.e. acquiring new knowledge and mastering new modes of activity by tackling practical issues. This paper is based on the obtained findings of our study, and analyzes the attitude of the teachers of the Faculty of Medicine of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences towards the principles of the system of problem-based learning, the roles of the teacher and the student within this system, and the quality of acquired knowledge. The results of our study showed that the future tutors had positive attitudes towards problem-based learning because they identified the advantages of PBL, which could be associated with the possibilities for the creation of the effective learning environment. Through positive or critical evaluations of the manifestations of PBL, teachers can also set aims for the improvement of their own educational competence to ensure the effectiveness of the educational environment that they are creating. In our study, the advantages of problem-based learning were associated with the creation of an effective learning environment, ensuring and maintaining competence-based and psychological conditions of such environment. The downsides of PBL were associated with the creation and maintenance of suitable organizational conditions