33 research outputs found

    Collective Charge Fluctuations in Single-Electron Processes on Nano-Networks

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    Using numerical modeling we study emergence of structure and structure-related nonlinear conduction properties in the self-assembled nanoparticle films. Particularly, we show how different nanoparticle networks emerge within assembly processes with molecular bio-recognition binding. We then simulate the charge transport under voltage bias via single-electron tunnelings through the junctions between nanoparticles on such type of networks. We show how the regular nanoparticle array and topologically inhomogeneous nanonetworks affect the charge transport. We find long-range correlations in the time series of charge fluctuation at individual nanoparticles and of flow along the junctions within the network. These correlations explain the occurrence of a large nonlinearity in the simulated and experimentally measured current-voltage characteristics and non-Gaussian fluctuations of the current at the electrode.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Collective emotion dynamics in chats with agents, moderators and Bots

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    Using agent-directed simulations, we investigate fluctuations in the collective emotional states on a chat network where agents interchange messages with a fixed number of moderators and emotional Bot. To design a realistic chat system, the interaction rules and some statistical parameters, as well as the agent's attributes, are inferred from the empirical chat channel \texttt{Ubuntu}. In the simulations, the Bot's emotion is fixed; the moderators tune the level of its activity by passing a fraction ϵ\epsilon of messages to the Bot. At ϵ0\epsilon \gtrsim 0, the collective emotional state matching the Bot's emotion polarity gradually arises; the average growth rate of the dominant emotional charge serves as an order parameter. Due to self-organizing effects, the collective dynamics is more explosive when positive emotions arise by positive Bot than the onset of negative emotions in the presence of negative Bot at the same ϵ\epsilon. Furthermore, when the emotions matching the Bot's emotion polarity are spread over the system, the underlying fractal processes exhibit higher persistence and stronger clustering of events than the processes spreading of emotion polarity opposite to the Bot's emotion. On the other hand, the relaxation dynamics is controlled by the external noise; the related nonextensive parameter, estimated from the statistics of returns, is virtually independent of the Bot's activity level and emotion contents.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figure

    Approximate action-angle variables for the figure-eight and other periodic three-body orbits

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    We use the maximally permutation symmetric set of three-body coordinates, that consist of the "hyper-radius" R=ρ2+λ2R = \sqrt{\rho^{2} + \lambda^{2}}, the "rescaled area of the triangle" 32R2ρ×λ\frac{\sqrt 3}{2 R^2} |{\bm \rho} \times {\bm \lambda}|) and the (braiding) hyper-angle ϕ=arctan(2ρλλ2ρ2)\phi = \arctan(\frac{2{\bm \rho} \cdot {\bm \lambda}}{\lambda^2 - \rho^2}), to analyze the "figure-eight" choreographic three-body motion discovered by Moore \cite{Moore1993} in the Newtonian three-body problem. Here ρ,λ{\bm \rho}, {\bm \lambda} are the two Jacobi relative coordinate vectors. We show that the periodicity of this motion is closely related to the braiding hyper-angle ϕ\phi. We construct an approximate integral of motion Gˉ{\bar{G}} that together with the hyper-angle ϕ\phi forms the action-angle pair of variables for this problem and show that it is the underlying cause of figure-eight motion's stability. We construct figure-eight orbits in two other attractive permutation-symmetric three-body potentials. We compare the figure-eight orbits in these three potentials and discuss their generic features, as well as their differences. We apply these variables to two new periodic, but non-choreographic orbits: One has a continuously rising ϕ\phi in time tt, just like the figure-eight motion, but with a different, more complex periodicity, whereas the other one has an oscillating ϕ(t)\phi(t) temporal behavior.Comment: 11 pages, 19 figure

    Positron transport: the plasma-gas interface

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    Motivated by an increasing number of applications, new techniques in the analysis of electron transport have been developed over the past 30 years or so, but similar methods had yet to be applied to positrons. Recently, an in-depth look at positrontransport in pure argon gas has been performed using a recently established comprehensive set of cross sections and well-established Monte Carlo simulations. The key novelty as compared to electron transport is the effect of positronium formation which changes the number of particles and has a strong energy dependence. This coupled with spatial separation by energy of the positron swarm leads to counterintuitive behavior of some of the transport coefficients. Finally new results in how the presence of an applied magnetic field affects the transport coefficients are presented.This work was performed under MNTRS Project No. 141025

    Low-lying spectrum of the Y-string three-quark potential using hyper-spherical coordinates

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    We calculate the energies of three-quark states with definite permutation symmetry (i.e. of SU(6) multiplets) in the N=0,1,2 shells, confined by the Y-string three-quark potential. The exact Y-string potential consists of one, so-called three-string term, and three angle-dependent two-string terms. Due to this technical complication we treat the problem at three increasingly accurate levels of approximation: 1) the (approximate) three-string potential expanded to first order in trigonometric functions of hyper-spherical angles; 2) the (approximate) three-string potential to all orders in the power expansion in hyper-spherical harmonics, but without taking into account the transition(s) to two-string potentials; 3) the exact minimal-length string potential to all orders in power expansion in hyper-spherical harmonics, and taking into account the transition(s) to two-string potentials. We show the general trend of improvement %convergence of these approximations: The exact non-perturbative corrections to the total energy are of the order of one per cent, as compared with approximation 2), yet the exact energy differences between the [20,1+],[70,2+],[56,2+],[70,0+][20,1^{+}], [70,2^{+}], [56,2^{+}], [70,0^{+}]-plets are shifted to 2:2:0.9, from the Bowler and Tynemouth separation rule 2:2:1, which is obeyed by approximation 2) at the one per cent level. The precise value of the energy separation of the first radial excitation ("Roper") [56,0+][56^{\prime},0^{+}]-plet from the [70,1][70,1^{-}]-plet depends on the approximation, but does not become negative, i.e. the "Roper" remains heavier than the odd-parity [70,1][70,1^{-}]-plet in all of our approximations.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    A CF4 based positron trap

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    All buffer-gas positron traps in use today rely on N2 as the primary trapping gas due to its conveniently placed a1Π{{\rm{a}}}^{1}{\rm{\Pi }} electronic excitation cross-section. The energy loss per excitation in this process is 8.5 eV, which is sufficient to capture positrons from low-energy moderated beams into a Penning-trap configuration of electric and magnetic fields. However, the energy range over which this cross-section is accessible overlaps with that for positronium (Ps) formation, resulting in inevitable losses and setting an intrinsic upper limit on the overall trapping efficiency of ~25%. In this paper we present a numerical simulation of a device that uses CF4 as the primary trapping gas, exploiting vibrational excitation as the main inelastic capture process. The threshold for such excitations is far below that for Ps formation and hence, in principle, a CF4 trap can be highly efficient; our simulations indicate that it may be possible to achieve trapping efficiencies as high as 90%. We also report the results of an attempt to re-purpose an existing two-stage N2-based buffer-gas positron trap. Operating the device using CF4 proved unsuccessful, which we attribute to back scattering and expansion of the positron beam following interactions with the CF4 gas, and an unfavourably broad longitudinal beam energy spread arising from the magnetic field differential between the source and trap regions. The observed performance was broadly consistent with subsequent simulations that included parameters specific to the test system, and we outline the modifications that would be required to realise efficient positron trapping with CF4. However, additional losses appear to be present which require further investigation through both simulation and experiment