11 research outputs found

    Analysis of Operational Risks in Manufacturing Plant and Recommendations for Risk Management

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    Import 22/07/2015Cieľom diplomovej práce je rámcová analýza prevádzkových rizík v spoločnosti TATRA TRUCKS a. s., pričom na základe vzniknutej analýzy sa pokúsime navrhnúť možné smery eliminácie zistených rizikových faktorov. Prvá časť je zameraná na teoretický rozbor a v druhej časti sú analyzované prevádzkové riziká v tomto podniku. Poslednou časťou je časť návrhová, kde sú zmienené konkrétne ochranné opatrenia, ktoré je možné použiť.The aim of the thesis is the analysis of the operational risk framework in TATRA TRUCKS company, and based on the analysis results will try to propose possible directions for elimination of risk factors identified. The first part focuses on the theoretical analysis and in the second part are analyzed operational risks in this company. The last section is part of the suggestions where are mentioned specific protective measures that can be used.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávelmi dobř

    Problems of Reversal Bottles Buyout in the Selected Company

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    Import 26/06/2013Predmetom bakalársej práce je problematika spätného výkupu vratných fliaš u vybraného podniku. Cieľom práce bolo navrhnúť možné smery riešenia daného problému. Práca bola spracovaná na základe spolupráce s pivovarom Ostravar. V praktickej časti bola uskutočnená analýza problému, na základe ktorej boli špecifikované niektoré ekonomické dôsledky, ktoré daný problém vyvoláva a boli navrhnuté možné smery riešenia problému.The subject of the bachelor thesis is problems of reversal bottles buyout in the selected company. The goal of thesis is to suggest solution ways of this problem which are possible. The elaboration of thesis was based on co-operation with brewery Ostravar. In the practical part of thesis was make analysis of the problem, which allows us to specify some economic consequences, which are caused by this problem and some possible ways of solution was suggested.152 - Katedra podnikohospodářskávelmi dobř

    Small and Medium-sized Entrepreneurship

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    Import 18/11/2009Prezenční115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    The Apparatus for Thermomechanical Analysis of Clay-based Ceramics

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    A dynamic thermomechanical analysis (D-TMA) apparatus is described for measuring the resonant frequency of the flexural vibration and the internal damping of the sample using the impulse excitation technique (IET). Since the measurement is conducted at temperatures up to 1250 °C, an electromagnetic impulser is used for excitation. The free vibrations are registered by an electret microphone, stored and then converted into a frequency spectrum using the fast Fourier transform, from which the resonant frequency can be found. The furnace is built from refractory porous alumina bricks and alumina fiber pads. The heating elements are four SiC rods connected to a temperature controller. The temperature is measured with a Pt-PtRh10 thermocouple in close proximity to the sample

    The Sonic Resonance Method and the Impulse Excitation Technique: A Comparison Study

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    In this study, resonant frequencies of flexurally vibrating samples were measured using the sonic resonant method (SRM) and the impulse excitation technique (IET) to assess the equivalency of these two methods. Samples were made from different materials and with two shapes (prism with rectangular cross-section and cylinder with circular cross-section). The mean values and standard deviations of the resonant frequencies were compared using the t-test and the F-test. The tests showed an equivalency of both methods in measuring resonant frequency. The differences between the values measured using SRM and IET were not significant. Graphically, the relationship between the resonant frequencies is a line with a slope of 0.9993 ≈ 1


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    Young’s modulus of green illite from Füzérradvány (Hungary) was measured in-situ in the temperature interval 20 °C – 1100 °C and auxiliary analyses DTA, TG and TDA, XRD and EGA, were also performed. It was found that a removal of the physically bound water (20 °C – 250 °C) sets illite crystals closer which leads to a significant increase of Young’s modulus from its initial value of 7 GPa and reaches the maximum 12 GPa at 300 °C. Young’s modulus slightly decreases in the temperature interval of dehydroxylation of illite (300 °C – 800 °C), and which then reaches up to 45 GPa at 1100 °C, increasing exponentially as a consequence of the sintering above 800 °C.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5755/j01.ms.21.3.7152</p

    The REE-Induced Absorption and Luminescence in Yellow Gem-Quality Durango-Type Hydroxylapatite from Muránska Dlhá Lúka, Slovakia

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    In talc-magnesite veins in serpentinite near Mur&aacute;nska Dlh&aacute; L&uacute;ka (MDL), Slovakia, yellow euhedral to subhedral crystals apatite of a gem quality occur. It has a composition of hydroxylapatite with F&minus; varying between 0.29 and 0.34 apfu, Cl&minus; in range of 0.02&ndash;0.05 apfu and calculated OH&minus; content between 0.62&ndash;0.68 apfu. Moreover, [CO3]2&minus; molecules were identified by FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. MDL apatite contains only up to 0.003 apfu As5+ and Si4+ substituting for P5+; Ca is substituted by small amount of Na, Fe2+, Mn2+ (all up to 0.006 apfu), and Rare Earth Elements (REE&mdash;in total up to 0.017 apfu). Compared to trace-element composition of similar apatites from Durango, Mexico, the REE content in MDL apatite is around ten times lower with Nd &gt; Ce &gt;&gt; La, its chondrite-normalized REE pattern has almost a horizontal slope and larger negative Eu anomaly. The MDL apatite is richer in Mn, Pb and Li, but poorer in As, V, Th and U. The concentrations of Sr and Y are similar. In the optical absorption spectra, the most prominent bands are at 585&ndash;590 nm (Nd3+) and between 600 and 800 nm (Mn2+, Ce3+-SiO3&minus; photochromic center and Nd3+). The photoluminescence spectrum of MDL apatite shows bands between 550 and 620 nm (Dy3+, Sm3+, Pr3+ and also Mn2+) which likely enhance its yellow color. MDL hydroxylapatite likely formed from fluids derived from granitic rocks as evidenced by the chondrite-normalized REE patterns, Li, Mn and Y concentrations. The Sr content reflects the host-rock serpentinite composition. Fluids for its crystallization were likely derived from Mur&aacute;ň complex orthogneisses by the Alpine deformation and recrystallization in greenschist to lower amphibolite facies

    Crystal-Chemical and Spectroscopic Study of Gem Sphalerite from Banská Štiavnica, Slovakia

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    A complex crystal-chemical investigation based on spectroscopic methods, Electron MicroProbe Analysis (EMPA), and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was made on sphalerite samples from the Terézia and Rozália veins in the Banská Štiavnica ore district. The yellow (sample A) and olive-green sphalerite (C) are in association only with quartz; orange sphalerite (B) is associated with quartz and chalcopyrite; and black sphalerite (D) is associated with galena, chalcopyrite, quartz, and baryte. EMPA revealed that Cd and Fe are substituting for Zn with variable proportions; the Cd/Fe ratio decreases from 2.82–2.85 in the A sample to 0.42 in the D sample. LA-ICP-MS showed that, except Cd and Fe, only Mn has content above 20; Co and Cu vary between 2 and 17 ppm. The optical absorption spectra exhibit absorption between 644 and 740 nm with three smaller humps at 669–671, 698–702, and 732–743 nm, and weaker absorption bands at 858–894 nm in the NIR region, which can be all assigned to crystal-field transitions of Fe2+. The absorption edge starts at about 600 nm to the UV region. Minimal absorption is in the yellow-red part of the visible spectrum giving rise to yellowish-orange and orange-red colors. Absorption in the red region for olive-green sphalerite is more pronounced, explaining the shift to greenish hues. In black sphalerite, the absorption pattern is similar to the olive-green sphalerite, but the bands in the 644 to 740 nm region are less defined. The black color could be caused by slightly higher concentrations of Fe, the smaller size of individual crystals in the aggregate reducing macroscopic transparency, and/or the presence of submicroscopic inclusions

    Study of Thermooxidation of Oil Shale Samples and Basics of Processes for Utilization of Oil Shale Ashes

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    A circular economy becomes an object of actual discussions as a real alternative to the existing linear economy system. The problem is actually in Estonia also, first of all in the sector of heat and power production which based mainly on the combustion of local solid fossil fuel—Estonian oil shale (OS) resulting in the formation of ~5–6 million tons of OS ashes annually. The thermooxidative decomposition of OS samples from different deposits and estimation of the possibilities of utilization of OS ashes formed at both—pulverized firing (PF) and circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) of Estonian OS were studied. The thermal analysis combined with evolved gas analysis (EGA) methods like Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and mass-spectroscopy (MS) was exploited. It was established that the differences in the thermal behaviour of different OS samples are caused by the differences in the chemical matrix of organic matter, chemical and mineralogical composition of the inorganic part of OS, and morphology of samples. It was also found that moderate grinding of OS ashes with simultaneous moderate water treatment notably improved the SO2 binding efficiency of cyclone ash, and that the strength and leachability characteristics of granulated OS ashes strongly depend on the post-granulation treatment conditions allowing to increase the soil neutralizing ability of the granulated products. This overview was based on our investigations carried out during the last fifteen years

    Study of Thermooxidation of Oil Shale Samples and Basics of Processes for Utilization of Oil Shale Ashes

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    A circular economy becomes an object of actual discussions as a real alternative to the existing linear economy system. The problem is actually in Estonia also, first of all in the sector of heat and power production which based mainly on the combustion of local solid fossil fuel—Estonian oil shale (OS) resulting in the formation of ~5–6 million tons of OS ashes annually. The thermooxidative decomposition of OS samples from different deposits and estimation of the possibilities of utilization of OS ashes formed at both—pulverized firing (PF) and circulating fluidized bed combustion (CFBC) of Estonian OS were studied. The thermal analysis combined with evolved gas analysis (EGA) methods like Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and mass-spectroscopy (MS) was exploited. It was established that the differences in the thermal behaviour of different OS samples are caused by the differences in the chemical matrix of organic matter, chemical and mineralogical composition of the inorganic part of OS, and morphology of samples. It was also found that moderate grinding of OS ashes with simultaneous moderate water treatment notably improved the SO2 binding efficiency of cyclone ash, and that the strength and leachability characteristics of granulated OS ashes strongly depend on the post-granulation treatment conditions allowing to increase the soil neutralizing ability of the granulated products. This overview was based on our investigations carried out during the last fifteen years