68 research outputs found
Croatian Demographic and Migration Disparity
Demografski su trendovi i pokazatelji te brojni dosadašnji stručni i znanstveni objavljeni radovi jasno upozoravali na hrvatsku demografsku stvarnost, koju obilježava demografski i migracijski nesklad vidljiv praktički u cijelom hrvatskom društvu i prostoru. Potvrda je stigla i s objavom službenih rezultata popisa stanovništva 2021. godine i razinom depopulacije, ali posebno i s objavom prirodnog pada stanovništva posljednje tri godine. Provedena anketna ispitivanja javnog mijenja 2019. i 2020. godine o stavovima
ispitanika o emigraciji i najnovija 2022. u okviru Projekta, također jasno potvrđuju nastavak depopulacije, prirodnog pada, nestanka učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola, pražnjenja hrvatskih ruralnih prostora, ugrožavanja osnovnih sustava i razvojne neizvjesnosti. Demografski se i migracijski nesklad treba početi ublažavati kao strateško nacionalno pitanje prema obama revitalizacijskima poticajnim modelima: klasičnom populacijskom politikom i selektivnom imigracijskom u interesu hrvatske razvojne budućnosti.Demographic trends and indicators, as well as numerous expert and scientific works published earlier, clearly indicate Croatian demographic reality, marked
by demographic and migration disparity that is visible practically in the entirety of Croatian society and area. This has been confirmed with the publication of
the official results of the 2021 population census and is also visible in the level of depopulation, particulary with the publication of the natural decline of the
population over the last three years. Public opinion polls on respondents’ views on emigration conducted in 2019 and 2020, alongside the latest poll conducted in 2022 within the framework of the Project, also clearly confirm processes that are present: continued depopulation, natural decline, disappearance of primary and secondary school students, emptying of Croatian rural areas, endangerment of basic systems and uncertain nature of development. Demographic and migration disparity should be mitigated as a strategic national issue according to the two revitalization incentive models - classic population policy and selective immigration, in the interest of the future of Croatia’s development
Razmatranjem ruralnog područja u urbanoj prisavskoj sjeni između Zagreba i Siska,
u kojem su gotovo svi demografski pokazatelji negativni, nastojalo se u okviru općeg
procesa u RH pokazati trenutno demografsko stanje i upozoriti na svu težinu problematike
čije nas rješavanje čeka. Dugogodišnje iseljavanje i sve intenzivniji
prirodni pad stanovništva u skoro cijelom ruralnom području u tolikoj su mjeri
poremetili demografske odnose da je revitalizacija takvih regija vrlo neizvjesna.
Prisutna neizvjesnost revitalizacije ovakvih područja u kojima nije bilo ratnih
razaranje, i koja se još uz to nalaze između i u neposrednoj blizini jakih regionalnih
i industrijskih centara Zagreba i Siska, još više produbljava sumnju u mogućnost
revitalizacije ratom razorenih, mahom ruralnih naselja Repulike Htvetske. Ako se zna
da su danas još uvijek okupirana područja RH prije rata također imala prevladavajuće
negativne trendove, da se radi o brdsko-planinskim ili nizinskim, slabo povezanim
naseljima, da je nesrpsko stanovništvo iz njih protjerano, da se Hrvatska nalazi u
velikim gospodarskim poteškoćama i da se prijeratna demografska slika praktički
ne može obnoviti, onda je jasno da će demografski slom u njima biti nastavljen.
Rješenja problema ipak postoje, no ona su niti jednostavna niti kratkoročna, a pored
toga moraju biti i selektivna. Nužne pretpostavke bilo kakve revitalizacije jesu
promjena globalne politike prema selu i poljoprivredi, objektivno vrednovanje rada
na selu i davanje ruralnom stanovništvu mjesta u društvu kakvo mu objektivno i
pripada - s obzirom na značenje u ukupnoj društvenoj reprodukciji, gospodarstvu i rezultatima rada.By examining the rural area in the urban Sava river valley shadow between Zagreb
and Sisak, in which almost all demographic indicators displaya negative trend, an
attempt was made to demonstrate the current demographic situation and warn about
the very difficult problems waiting to be dealt with. Emigration throughout the years
and an ever more intensive natural decrease in population, in virtually the whole rural
area, have disturbed demographic relations to such an extent that revitalization has
become extremely uncertain. The uncertainty of the revitalization of such areas in
which there was no war destruction and which are situated amongst or in the near
vicinity of the powerful regional and industrial centers Zagreb and Sisak, even
deepens our doubt in the possibility of revitalizing those mostly rural settlements in
the Croatian Republic which have suffered from war destruction. If one is aware that
in areas within the Republic of Croatia which are still under occupation there
prevailed a negative trend even before the war, that these are mostly highland and
lowland settlements poorly connected, that the non-Serbian population has been
expelled from them, that Croatia finds itself in great economic difficulties and that
the pre-war demographic picture cannot in fact be restored, then it is clear that the
demographic collapse in these settlements shall continue. There are solutions to the
problems, but they are neither simple nor short-term, and in addition to that they must
be selective. Necessary preconditions of any revitalization are changes in global
politics in favour of the country and agriculture, objective evaluation of work in the
country, and giving the rural population the position it deserves with regard to its
importance in the global social reproduction, economy and working results
Svojstvene vrijednosti kovarijacijskih matrica za razdiobe teških repova
Posljednjih godina, motivirani zahtjevima iz primjena, mnogi matematičari svoja su istraživanja usmjerili na slučajne matrice rastućih dimenzija. U ovom radu opisani su razlozi usmjeravanja pažnje na uzoračke kovarijacijske i korelacijske matrice podataka te pripadne svojstvene vrijednosti i svojstvene vektore. U prvom poglavlju je napravljen kratak pregled dosadašnjih rezultata na temu asimptotskog ponašanja najvećih svojstvenih vrijednosti slučajnih kovarijacijskih matrica rastućih dimenzija u kontekstu tzv. gaussovskih matrica. Također, napravljen je pregled rezultata u slučaju razdioba s regularno varirajućim repovima, kod kojih je razvoj teorije išao sporije. Naredna poglavlja bave se recentnim rezultatima u slučaju razdioba s regularno varirajućim repovima. Drugo poglavlje sadrži rezultate najnovijih istraživanja o asimptotskom ponašanju najveće svojstvene vrijednosti uzoračke kovarijacijske matrice za matricu podataka s nezavisno jednako distribuiranim komponentama, čije pripadne distribucije karakterizira težak rep. Također, prikazani su rezultati o svojstvenim vektorima pridruženim najvećim svojstvenim vrijednostima i generalizacija na autokovarijacijske matrice. U trećem poglavlju uvedena je zavisnost između redaka i stupaca matrice podataka. Nadalje, prikazano je kako se asimptotska konvergencija najveće svojstvene vrijednosti može dobiti iz konvergencije odgovarajućeg točkovnog procesa. Konačno, u četvrtom poglavlju su ilustrirani rezultati iz prethodnih poglavlja na simuliranim i empirijskim podacima. Na kraju je provedena kratka analiza vremenskih nizova komponenti S&P 500 dioničkog indeksa.In recent years, motivated by the application, many mathematicians have been focusing their research on random matrices of growing dimensions. This Master’s Thesis describes the reason why great attention is paid to the sample covariance and correlation data matrices and their eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors. In the first chapter, in the context of so-called Gaussian data matrices, a brief review of the results on the asymptotic behaviour of the largest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of random covariance matrices with growing dimensions is presented. Also, an overview of the results in the case of the distributions which satisfy regular variation condition was made, where the development of the theory progressed more slowly. Chapters afterwards contain recent results in the case of distributions which satisfy regular variation condition. The second chapter contains the results of the newest research on the asymptotic behavior of the largest eigenvalue of the sample covariance matrix for data matrix with independent and identically distributed components, coming from heavy tailed distribution. Also, the results on the eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalues, as well as the generalization on the autocovariance matrices, are presented. The third chapter introduces the dependence between the rows and columns of the data matrix. Furthermore, it is presented that asymptotic convergence of the largest eigenvalue can be obtained from the convergence of the corresponding point processes. Finally, the illustrations on simulated and empirical data of theoretical results from the preceding chapters are given in the fourth chapter. Lastly, a brief analysis of the time series components of the S&P 500 stock index was conducted
On cyclic characterizations of regular pentagons and heptagons: Two approaches
In this paper we present two different proofs of an algebraic
characterization of regular pentagons and regular pentagrams in
terms of two cyclic (complex) algebraic equations on a
five--dimensional torus (Theorem1 and Theorem2). The problem arose in functional analysis (as communicated to one of the authors by A. Björner some twenty years ago). No published proof has appeared so far.
Apparently a proof was given by L. Lovász (unpublished and not
known to the authors). Here we give two different proofs, both
somewhat tricky. The first one relies upon discrete Fourier
transform and the second one is more direct. Also several
generalizations to heptagons are presented including an explicit
description of some new irregular heptagrams. Some additional
conjectures on general polygons are stated
Demographic Development of Settlements in the Conditions of Geographic Isolation. Some Examples of Settlements Near the Sava River Between Zagreb and Sisak
Razmatran je demografski razvoj prisavskih prostorno izoliranih naselja. Utvrđen je jasan utjecaj geografskog položaja i osnovnih prirodno-geografskih elemenata prostora na demografski i općenito društveno-ekonomski razvoj naselja.The demographic development of spatially isolated settlements near ther Sava river, was studied. A clear influence of geographic location and basic natural-geographic spatial elements on the demographic and general economic development of settlements, was determined
Basic Physio-geographic Characteristics of the Sava River Basin Between Radeče and Sisak
Autor obrađuje fizičko-geografsku tematiku porječja Save između Radeča i Siska
Svojstvene vrijednosti kovarijacijskih matrica za razdiobe teških repova
Posljednjih godina, motivirani zahtjevima iz primjena, mnogi matematičari svoja su istraživanja usmjerili na slučajne matrice rastućih dimenzija. U ovom radu opisani su razlozi usmjeravanja pažnje na uzoračke kovarijacijske i korelacijske matrice podataka te pripadne svojstvene vrijednosti i svojstvene vektore. U prvom poglavlju je napravljen kratak pregled dosadašnjih rezultata na temu asimptotskog ponašanja najvećih svojstvenih vrijednosti slučajnih kovarijacijskih matrica rastućih dimenzija u kontekstu tzv. gaussovskih matrica. Također, napravljen je pregled rezultata u slučaju razdioba s regularno varirajućim repovima, kod kojih je razvoj teorije išao sporije. Naredna poglavlja bave se recentnim rezultatima u slučaju razdioba s regularno varirajućim repovima. Drugo poglavlje sadrži rezultate najnovijih istraživanja o asimptotskom ponašanju najveće svojstvene vrijednosti uzoračke kovarijacijske matrice za matricu podataka s nezavisno jednako distribuiranim komponentama, čije pripadne distribucije karakterizira težak rep. Također, prikazani su rezultati o svojstvenim vektorima pridruženim najvećim svojstvenim vrijednostima i generalizacija na autokovarijacijske matrice. U trećem poglavlju uvedena je zavisnost između redaka i stupaca matrice podataka. Nadalje, prikazano je kako se asimptotska konvergencija najveće svojstvene vrijednosti može dobiti iz konvergencije odgovarajućeg točkovnog procesa. Konačno, u četvrtom poglavlju su ilustrirani rezultati iz prethodnih poglavlja na simuliranim i empirijskim podacima. Na kraju je provedena kratka analiza vremenskih nizova komponenti S&P 500 dioničkog indeksa.In recent years, motivated by the application, many mathematicians have been focusing their research on random matrices of growing dimensions. This Master’s Thesis describes the reason why great attention is paid to the sample covariance and correlation data matrices and their eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors. In the first chapter, in the context of so-called Gaussian data matrices, a brief review of the results on the asymptotic behaviour of the largest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of random covariance matrices with growing dimensions is presented. Also, an overview of the results in the case of the distributions which satisfy regular variation condition was made, where the development of the theory progressed more slowly. Chapters afterwards contain recent results in the case of distributions which satisfy regular variation condition. The second chapter contains the results of the newest research on the asymptotic behavior of the largest eigenvalue of the sample covariance matrix for data matrix with independent and identically distributed components, coming from heavy tailed distribution. Also, the results on the eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalues, as well as the generalization on the autocovariance matrices, are presented. The third chapter introduces the dependence between the rows and columns of the data matrix. Furthermore, it is presented that asymptotic convergence of the largest eigenvalue can be obtained from the convergence of the corresponding point processes. Finally, the illustrations on simulated and empirical data of theoretical results from the preceding chapters are given in the fourth chapter. Lastly, a brief analysis of the time series components of the S&P 500 stock index was conducted
Net migration in the communes of Croatia in the period 1971—1981
This article defines and investigates
regional migration in Croatia. It
shows that the regions of
emigration are developed below the
average, that they have fewer
people employed in the
socially-owned sector, have a
greater participation of agricultural
inhabitants, a smaller participation
of the immigrant population in the
total population and that the
process of emigration is the basic
cause of depopulation. In regions
of immigration all the
characteristics listed have the
opposite sign.
Regional socio-economic differences
correspond in a great measure
with migrational polarization so
that migration flows can be
optimalized through the continuous
and uniform development of the
republic as a whole. More evenly
balanced regional development
should be based on a restrictive
migration policy and a policy
supporting the return of migrants
through integral development
planning in regions of emigration.
It is considered that a more
evenly balanced regional
development will gradually
alleviate the negative aspects of
migration, and so will the already
partly exhausted migrant
population. It must be also
mentioned that the effects of the
social crisis will be felt until
practically the end of the century,
and this will make the regions of
immigration less attractive
(unemployment, housing crisis,
ecological problems, etc.
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