15 research outputs found

    Marketing strategy of selling socks

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    katedra: KHT; přílohy: CD ROM; rozsah: 69 s. (52 580 znaků)This bachelor work is concerned with the company Bapon-Stepon, which produces and sells hosiery, especially socks. In the first part of my work I would like to introduce the company and its sale in the last five years. In the second part of the work I will discuss results of my marketing research. The aim of this research was to determine, how should the company modify or extend its produced assortment. The research is also focused on the propagation of the goods and their sale. In the last part of my work I have proposed possible recommendations for the company, which will lead to the increase of sales. To get idea, what type of products the company produces, almost complete assortment of products is shown in supplement.Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá firmou Bapon-Štepon, která vyrábí a prodává punčochové zboží a zejména ponožky. V první části práce Vás seznámím s firmou a s jejím prodejem za posledních pět let. V druhé části bakalářské práce provedu marketingový výzkum. Tento výzkum měl zjistit, jak má firma upravit, případně doplnit svůj vyráběný sortiment. Výzkum se také zabývá propagací výrobků a jejich prodejem. V poslední části práce jsem navrhl možná doporučení pro firmu. Tato doporučení vedou ke zvýšení odbytu. Pro představu, jaké výrobky firma Bapon vyrábí, najdete v příloze její téměř kompletní sortiment

    Marketing strategy of selling socks

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    74 s. :obr., grafy +CD ROMTato práce se zabývá jednou částí kinetiky šíření vlhkosti v textiliích. Účelem je popis kinetiky šíření kapky vody na povrchu vybraných typů pletenin z hydrofobních vláken. Teoretická část se zabývá mechanismy smáčení a šíření kapalin v textiliích. Jsou zde stručně popsány možné problémy při modelování kinetiky šíření kapaliny v textiliích, které jsou z geometrického hlediska velmi složitě popsatelné. V teoretické části jsou také nastíněny a popsány různé metody, jak lze změřit vzlínání kapaliny do textilie, odpor textilie proti průchodu vody a testování hydrofobility. Zvláštní pozornost je zaměřena na přístroj Moisture Management Tester (MMT). V experimentální části je popis měření vybraných charakteristik textilií na přístroji MMT. Je navrhnuta nová metodika, jak měřit a popsat kinetiku rozpíjení kapky vody po povrchu textilii. Tato metodika využívá obrazové analýzy a pro vyhodnocení jsou použity původní programy v jazyku Matlab

    Lifestyle characteristics of members of the police in South Bohemia

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    This thesis deals with the lifestyle of policemen of Czech Republic in South Bohemia. The aim of this study is to discuss the most risky aspects the lifestyle of policemen of Czech Republic in South Bohemia. The questionnaire method and cotent analysis were used in this research. Policemen of South Bohemia, specifically jindřichohradecký and českobudějovický took part in research. Total number of respondents was 100. The theoretical part is concerning specific terms like lifestyle, funeral, exercise, nutrition, stress, relaxation and overall characteristic of policemen of Czech Republic. In the practical part the results of filled-in questionnaires were analyzed, using the method of Pearson´s chi square to test the null hypothesis. On the basis of data that we acquired, following statements can be pronounced: 67% of respondents are non-smokers; only 7% of respondents do not regullarly have breakfast; daily income of fluids is 2 l or more for 57% of respondents; stressful situations are fully handled by 66% of respondents. From those results we assume that most of policemen in South Bohemia are familiar with healthy lifestyle and that they abide to its rules

    SEO - Search Engine Optimization

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    Viditelnost stránky na webu předpokládá její umisťování na předních pozicích ve výsledcích vyhledávání různých vyhledávačů, pro daná klíčová slova. Optimalizace webu pro vyhledávače je soubor pravidel, která by měla splňovat každá stránka. V této práci je popsáno vše podstatné, co se této problematiky týká, včetně metodologie usnadňující tvorbu správně napsaných stránek.Visiblity of page assume that is situated at top positions in search engines results for particular keywords. Search engine optimization is collection of rules, that should pass every page. In this thesis is described all essences of this technique, including methodology, that helps create optimized pages.

    Using ArcMap for processing cartographic work

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    Nowadays computers take part in most human activities. They help us process and store data and also enable us to provide file management. As a lot of specialised programmes have been developed recently for various subjects, it is possible to find a special mapping software for cartography work and making maps. An example of GIS (geographic information system) mapping software is ArcMap. This thesis sums up possible applications of ArcMap in cartography. These in particular include orthophotomap connection and digitization, georeferencing followed by bitmap digitization, display methods of hypsometry (contour line, raster, TIN), generalization tools, topographical symbols creation and editing, making thematic maps and variety of ArcMap outcomes

    Simple Method of Water Surface Spreading Kinetic on Blended Textiles

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    Evaluation of changes in the functionality of the drainage systems of arable soils at Vysočina based on image analysis of time series multispectral satellite images

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    In Czechoslovakia 1 078 000 ha of agricultural land were drained. At present, the drain systems located in these areas are at the end of their lifetime because of unsatisfactory maintenance of these systems. This project deals with evaluation of changes in functionality of the drain systems used in arable land in Vysočina. In examined territory of the region Vysočina (except the district Pelhřimov) there were accidentally chosen testing spaces where the drain systems fill 25 -75% of surface area and where the analysis of vegetative factors and humidity was done. As a source for the vegetative factors and humidity, there were used satellite photographs Landsat. The aim was to discover whether the vitality of vegetation and humidity in the part of land with the drain systems and without the drain systems differ

    Creation and Evaluation of Psycho-training Programme on Base of Yoga Techniques for Taekwondo students

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    The graduation work describes the influence of mental coaching programme on sportsmen. The aim of the graduation work is create mental coaching programme and verify influence on sportsmen in selected branch (Taekwondo ITF). Participated sportsmen are students of Taekwondo school Won-Hyo Třeboň. Number of participated members is eight. Chosen students visits tournaments regularly. This work examines influence of mental training, relaxation techniques and yoga exercises on students. At the programme begin students have made tests. The d2 attention test, self-perception test POP and technique of incomplete sentences. The interventionist programme had twelve lessons. Each lesson was 45 minutes long. In the end of the interventionist programme have students made the same tests as at the begin. The researches results confirm significant improve at all tests. All of the researches hypothesis was confirmed