299 research outputs found

    General Čadā€™s warfare and the departure of the 13th JNA Corps from Croatia

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    Za poznavanje zbivanja u Domovinskom ratu na područjima zapadne Hrvatske nezaobilazna je prosudba zapovijedanja i postupaka komandanta 13. riječkog korpusa JNA general-potpukovnika Marijana Čada. General je sve do potpisivanja sporazuma s predstavnicima hrvatske vlasti u studenom 1991. dosljedno izvrÅ”avao povjerene mu zadatke od strane nadređenih mu zapovjedniÅ”tava JNA. Zapovijedajući postrojbama na području Like i Gorskog kotara upravljao je borbenim djelovanjima postrojbi JNA i pobunjenih Srba, u okviru napadne operacije na Republiku Hrvatsku u jesen 1991. godine. Izvlačenjem postrojbi 13. korpusa s riječkog područja general Čad je ispunio svoj ratni zadatak te povrh svega očuvao svoja građanska prava u Republici Hrvatskoj. U javnom mnijenju je za mnoge ostao spasitelj grada Rijeke od ratnih razaranja. Razmatrajući slijed događaja i pojedine manje poznate činjenice, u tekstu se nastojalo dati cjelovitu sliku i utemeljenu ocjenu njegove uloge, i odgovornosti u ratnim sukobima do potpisivanja sporazuma o odlasku 13. korpusa iz Hrvatske.In order to be familiar with events in the Homeland War on the territory of western Croatia it is obligatory to assess the command and actions of the commandant of the 13th Rijeka Corps of the Yugoslav Peopleā€™s Army (JNA), the Lieutenant General Marijan Čad. Up until the signature of the agreement with the representatives of the Croatian Government in November 1991 the General consistently carried out tasks entrusted to him by the JNA commands that were his superior. Commanding the troops in the territory of Lika and Gorski kotar he directed the armed combat of the JNA and the rebelled Serbs troops within the attack operation at the Republic of Croatia in the autumn of 1991. By getting the troops of the 13th Corps out of the area of Rijeka General Čad fulfilled his war mission and most of all he kept his civil rights in the Republic of Croatia. He remained for the many in the public opinion the saviour of the city of Rijeka from the destruction of war. By considering the sequence of events and some lesser known facts the paper endeavours to give the complete picture and the based assessment of his role and responsibility in war conflicts until the signature of the agreement regarding the 13th Corps departing from Croatia

    Partial rip scenarioā€”a cosmology with a growing cosmologicalĀ term

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    AbstractA cosmology with the growing cosmological term is considered. If there is no exchange of energy between vacuum and matter components, the requirement of general covariance implies the time dependence of the gravitational constant G. Irrespectively of the exact functional form of the cosmological term growth, the universe ends in a de Sitter regime with a constant asymptoticĀ Ī›, but vanishing G. Although there is no divergence of the scale factor in finite time, such as in the ā€œBig Ripā€ scenario, gravitationally bound systems eventually become unbound. In the case of systems bound by non-gravitational forces, there is no unbounding effect, as the asymptotic Ī› is insufficiently large to disturb these systems

    Dark energy transition between quintessence and phantom regimes - an equation of state analysis

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    The dark energy transition between quintessence (w>āˆ’1w>-1) and phantom (w<āˆ’1w<-1) regimes (the crossing of the cosmological constant boundary) is studied using the dark energy equation of state. Models characterized by this type of transition are explicitly constructed and their equation of state is found to be {\em implicitly} defined. The behavior of the more general models with the implicitly defined equation of state, obtained by the generalization of the explicitly constructed models, is studied to gain insight into the necessary conditions for the occurrence of the transition, as well as to investigate the mechanism behind the transition. It is found that the parameters of the generalized models need to satisfy special conditions for the transition to happen and that the mechanism behind the transition is the cancellation of the contribution of the cosmological constant boundary. The aspects of the behavior of the generalized models which are not related to the transition are briefly discussed and the role of the implicitly defined dark energy equation of state in the description of the dark energy evolution is emphasized.Comment: v1: 9 pages, 6 figures. v2: references added. v3: minor changes. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Geometric origin of scaling in large traffic networks

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    Large scale traffic networks are an indispensable part of contemporary human mobility and international trade. Networks of airport travel or cargo ships movements are invaluable for the understanding of human mobility patterns\cite{Guimera2005}, epidemic spreading\cite{Colizza2006}, global trade\cite{Imo2006} and spread of invasive species\cite{Ruiz2000}. Universal features of such networks are necessary ingredients of their description and can point to important mechanisms of their formation. Different studies\cite{Barthelemy2010} point to the universal character of some of the exponents measured in such networks. Here we show that exponents which relate i) the strength of nodes to their degree and ii) weights of links to degrees of nodes that they connect have a geometric origin. We present a simple robust model which exhibits the observed power laws and relates exponents to the dimensionality of 2D space in which traffic networks are embedded. The model is studied both analytically and in simulations and the conditions which result with previously reported exponents are clearly explained. We show that the relation between weight strength and degree is s(k)āˆ¼k3/2s(k)\sim k^{3/2}, the relation between distance strength and degree is sd(k)āˆ¼k3/2s^d(k)\sim k^{3/2} and the relation between weight of link and degrees of linked nodes is wijāˆ¼(kikj)1/2w_{ij}\sim(k_ik_j)^{1/2} on the plane 2D surface. We further analyse the influence of spherical geometry, relevant for the whole planet, on exact values of these exponents. Our model predicts that these exponents should be found in future studies of port networks and impose constraints on more refined models of port networks.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Statefinders, higher-order energy conditions and sudden future singularities

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    We link observational parameters such as the deceleration parameter, the jerk, the kerk (snap) and higher-order derivatives of the scale factor, called statefinders, to the conditions which allow to develop sudden future singularities of pressure with finite energy density. In this context, and within the framework of Friedmann cosmology, we also propose higher-order energy conditions which relate time derivatives of the energy density and pressure which may be useful in general relativity.Comment: LATEX, 11 pages, no figures, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Nutritivna potpora onkoloŔkih bolesnika

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    The incidence of malnutrition in cancer patients treated in the intensive care unit (ICU) is significantly higher than in other patient groups. Hypermetabolism and increased energy requirements resulting from surgery further aggravate nutritional status in malnourished patients and increase the incidence of adverse events including infections, sepsis, wound dehiscence, tissue edema, decubitus and death. The estimation of nutritional status and nutritional needs, compensation for all energy requirements, including vitamin and mineral supplementation using parenteral, enteral or combination of both feeding techniques should become everyday practice in the ICU. Monitoring the success of treatment through laboratory test results and clinical status as well as early recognition of adverse effects of nutritional support minimize the frequency of complications resulting from nutritional therapy.Pojavnost pothranjenosti u bolesnika oboljelih od malignih bolesti koji se liječe u jedinicama intenzivnog liječenja (JIL) je znatno veća nego u drugim skupinama bolesnika. Hipermetabolizam i povećane energetske potrebe koji su posljedica operacijskog zahvata dodatno pogorÅ”avaju nutritivni status u pothranjenih bolesnika i povećavaju učestalost neželjenih posljedica u vidu infekcija, sepse, dehiscijencije rana, edema tkiva, dekubitusa kao i smrtnost. Procjena nutritivnog statusa i nutritivnih potreba, nadoknada svih energetskih potreba, uz suplementaciju vitamina i minerala primjenom parenteralne, enteralne ili kombinacijom obaju tehnika prehrane nužno treba postati svakodnevna praksa u JIL-u. Praćenje uspjeÅ”nosti liječenja kontrolom laboratorijskih nalaza i kliničkog statusa kao i rano prepoznavanje neželjenih učinaka nutritivne potpore minimaliziraju učestalost komplikacija koje su posljedica nutritivnog liječenja

    Multimodalni pristup liječenju poslijeoperacijske mučnine i povraćanja (PONV)

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    The paper shows a new, multimodal approach to the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), which are among the most common complications in surgically treated patients. The approach combines the following procedures: risk assessment of postoperative nausea and vomiting, minimization of adverse effects of anesthesia and surgery, prophylaxis using drugs with anti-emetic effect, and optimization of therapy in case the complication develops. Besides reducing the incidence rate of PONV, such approach also reduces both the number of PONV-related serious complications and treatment costs.Ovim radom prikazan je novi, multimodalni pristup prevenciji i liječenju postoperacijske mučnine i povraćanja (PONV, od engl. postoperative nausea and vomiting) jedne od najčeŔćih komplikacija koja se pojavljuje u operiranih bolesnika. Objedinjuje sljedeće postupke procjenu rizika za razvoj PONV-a, minimaliziranje nepovoljnih učinaka anestezije i operacijskog zahvata, preventivnu primjenu kombinacije lijekova sa antiemetskim učinkom kao i optimalizaciju terapije ako se komplikacija razvije. Ovom metodom, pored snižavanja učestalosti PONV- a, smanjujemo i broj ozbiljnih komplikacija ove pojave kao i troÅ”kove liječenja
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