56 research outputs found

    Neuropeptide Y reduces migration capacity of human choriocarcinoma cell line by altering oxidative / antioxidative status

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    Reduced migration capacity of trophoblast cells leads to poor placentation and correlates with severe pregnancy disorders such as intrauterine growth restriction and preeclampsia. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is sympathetic cotransmitter involved in various physiological processes and its levels are significantly increased in preeclamptic pregnancy compared to healthy pregnancy. In this study the prooxidative role of NPY and its effects on migration capacity of human trophoblast cell line JEG-3 were investigated together with the effects of nitric oxide (NO) depletion, a molecule that was shown to play an important role in promoting cell migration. The cells were treated for 24 h (short-term stimulation) and 72 h (long-term stimulation) respectively with 1 nM NPY. Oxidative/antioxidative status and the migration index of cells were measured. The results showed increased concentrations of oxidative stress parameters (O 2 ā€¢ā€“ , H 2 O 2 ) and molecules of the antioxidant defense system (reduced glutathione and oxidized glutathione), while the levels of intracellular nitrites (indicators of NO) and cell migration index were significantly decreased in trophoblast cells treated with NPY (both at 24 h and 72 h of exposure) compared to the control cells. These results suggest that NPY may significantly contribute to reduced migration capacity of trophoblast cells by generating oxidative stress and reducing the bioavailability of NO.Turkish Journal of Biology (2017), 41(2): 292-30

    Paracetamol-induced changes of haemato-biochemical and oxidative stress parameters in rat blood: protective role of vitamin C and betaglucan

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    Paracetamol (acetaminophen) is widely used as an ov er-the-counter analgesic and antipyretic drug. The aim of this stu dy was to investigate the possible protective effects of vitamin C (100mg/kg/day i.p.) and Ī² -glucan (40 mg/kg/day i.p.) on altered haematological, biochemical and oxidative s tress parameters in the blood of rats treated with paracetamol (100 mg/kg/day i.p.) for 3 days. Exposure of rats to paracetamol caused changes of some haematological parameters (R BCs count, Hb concentration, Ht value and WBCs count), suggesting that the paraceta mol induced haematotoxicity. Paracetamol reduced serum total protein (TP), album in and globulin, while increased alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotran sferase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities compared to the cont rol. The results indicate that paracetamol is led to significant decrease in the c oncentration of Na + and K + and increase of Ca 2+ in the serum compared to the control. Coadministra tion of vitamin C and Ī² -glucan with paracetamol reversed these changes of haematol ogical and biochemical parameters and diminished the toxic effects of paracetamol. Th e obtained results indicated that the concentration of LPO in erythrocytes significantly increased in, while the concentration of GSH significantly decreased in the group treated with paracetamol compared to control group. Coadministration of vitamin C and Ī² -glucan with paracetamol reversed paracetamol-induced alterations in these oxidative stress parameters. This study suggests that paracetamol has significant prooxidative effec ts and may disrupt oxidant/antioxidant balance in erythrocytes. Furthermore, coadministrat ion with vitamin C and Ī² -glucan have protective effects on paracetamol-induced oxidative damage and haematotoxicity.Kragujevac Journal of Science (2016), 38: 135-14

    Cadmium-induced changes in haemato-biochemical parameters, lipid peroxidation and glutathione content in blood of rats

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    Cadmium (Cd+2) is an ubiquitous toxic metal that may induce oxidative damage by disturbing the prooxidant-antioxidant balance in the blood. Wistar albino rats (3 months old), were injected with a single dose of CdCh (0.4 mg Cd/kg i.p. and sacrificed after 24h). The hematological parameters: red blood cells count (RBCs), hematocrite (Ht) value and hemoglobin (Hb) concentration were significantly decreased in the blood of Cd treated rats. The activities of enzymes alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in plasma, as well as concentration of blood glucose were significantly increased in animals treated with cadmium in comparison to control values. The treatment with Cd increased lipid peroxidation (LP) and reduced glutathione (GSH) contents in the blood, suggesting that the Cd induced oxidative stress. These results of our study suggested that Cd induced alterations in hemato-biochemical parameters and LP and GSH content.Kadmijum (Cd+2) je Å”iroko rasprostranjen toksičan metal koji može izazvati oksidaciona oÅ”tećenja u krvi remeteći prooksidaciono-antioksidacionu ravnotežu. Wistar albino pacovi (stari 3 meseca), tretirani su pojedinačnim dozama CdCl; (0.4 mg Cd/kg i.p) i žrtvovani posle 24 časa. HematoloÅ”ki parametri, i to: broj eritrocita (RBCs), hematokritska vredno.st (Ht) i koncentracija hemoglobina (Hb) značajno su smanjeni u krvi tretiranih pacova. Aktivnost enzima alanin aminotransaminaze (ALT) i aspartat aminotransaminaze (AST) u plazmi, kao i koncentracija glukoze u krvi značajno su povećani kod životinja tretiranih kadmijumom u poređenju sa kontrolnim vrednostima. Tretman sa kadmijumom, takođe je doveo do povećanja lipidne peroksidacije (LP) i redukovanog glutationa (GSH). Sve to ukazuje da je kadmijum izazvao oksidacioni stres u krvi pacova. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je Cd indukovao promenĆ© u hemato-biohemijskim parametrima, kao i u sadržaju LP i GSH u krvi tretiranih pacova.nul

    A possible protective role of coenzyme Q10 on antioxidant defense enzyme activities in kidneys of rats treated with cadmium

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    The aim of this study is to establish the effects of cadmium (Cd), coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) and Cd + CoQ10 on the activities of: Superoxide dismutases (total SOD, manganese containing, Mn SOD, copper zinc containing, CuZn SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), as well as glutathione reductase (GR) in the kidneys of male Wistar albino rats in comparison with control animals. Significantly increased activities of Tot SOD and CuZn SOD in the kidneys of Cd-treated animals were observed. At the same time, the activity of Mn SOD was significantly decreased in the kidneys of animals treated with Cd, as well as with CoQ10. The activity of CAT was significantly lower in rats exposed to CoQ10 and Cd+CoQ10 in respect to the control animals. GSH-Px and GST activities were significantly decreased in all treated groups of animals (Cd, CoQ10 and Cd+CoQ10), while GR activity was not changed. Presented results reveal, that CoQ10 only partially reversed Cd-induced changes of antioxidant defense enzyme activities in kidney by reversing the effect of Cd on Tot SOD and CuZn SOD activities.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se objasni efekat kadmijuma (Cd), koenzima Q10 (CoQ10) i Cd + CoQ10 na aktivnost: superoksid dismutaza (ukupne, Uk SOD, mangan sadržavajuće, Mn SOD, bakar cink sadržavajuće, CuZn SOD, katalaze (CAT), glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px), glutation-S-transferaze (GST) kao i glutation reduktaze (GR) u bubrezima mužjaka Wistar albino pacova u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom životinja. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju značajno povećanje aktivnosti Uk SOD i CuZn SOD u bubrezima pacova tretiranih sa Cd. U isto vreme aktivnost Mn SOD je bila značajno smanjena u bubrezima pacova tretiranih sa Cd, kao i tretiranih sa Cd+CoQ10. U poređenju sa kontrolnim životinjama, aktivnost CAT je bila značajno smanjena u bubrezima pacova tretiranih sa CoQ10, kao i tretiranih kombinacijom Cd+CoQ10. Aktivnosti GSH-Px i GST su bile značajno smanjene u bubrezima svih tretiranih grupa životinja (Cd, CoQ10 i Cd+CoQ10), dok se aktivnost GR nije statistički značajno menjala. Iz prikazanih rezultata može se zaključiti, da CoQ10 samo delimično utiče na promenĆ© aktivnosti antioksidacionih zaÅ”titnih enzima nastale pod uticajem Cd, kao i da vraća aktivnosti Uk SOD i CuZn SOD na normalne vrednosti.nul

    Metabolism of sodium nitroprusside (SNP) in rat red blood cells

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    Sodium nitroprusside (SNP) is an established drug, clinically used in the treatment of hypertensive emergencies. The aim of this study is further elucidation of the molecular mechanism of the SNP action, particularly its metabolism in rat erythrocytes and reticulocytes. Rats erythrocyte and reticulocyte-rich suspensions were aerobically incubated without (control) or in the presence of SNP (0.1,0.25,0.5,1.0 and 1.5 mM). The concentrations of reactive nitrogen species (RNS) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) were determined after incubation. In rat erythrocytes, SNP did not alter nitrite level (NO+ ion indicator), while significantly increased concentrations of hydroxylamine (NO- ion indicator), S-nitrosothiols (SNO) and 3-nitrotyrosine (peroxynitrite indicator). Concentration of superoxide anion (O2-) decreased in the presence of low doses of SNP only, while level of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) increased in dose-dependent manner in rat erythrocytes. On the other hand, SNP significantly increased nitrite, hydroxylamine and 3-nitrotyrosine concentrations in rat reticulocytes. In addition, low doses of SNP induced decrease of O2- level. Concentration of H2O2 did not alter in rat reticulocytes. On the basis of these data, we can conclude: SNP spontaneously liberated nitric oxide as NO- ion in rat erythrocytes and reticulocytes. In addition, applied experimental doses of SNP induced strong nitrosative and oxidative stress in these cells.Natrijum nitroprusid (SNP) je lek koji se klinički koristi u tretmanu hipertenzija. Cilj ovog rada je da se objasne molekularni mehanizmi delovanja SNPa, sa posebnim akcentom na metabolizam ovog leka u eritrocitima i retikulocitima pacova. Suspenzije eritrocita i crvenih krvnih ćelija bogate retikulocitima su aerobno inkubirane bez (kontrola) ili u prisustvu različitih koncentracija SNPa (0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 i 1.5 mM). Koncentracije reaktivnih vrsta azota (RNS) i kiseonika (ROS) su određivane nakon inkubacije. U eritrocitima pacova, SNP ne menja koncentraciju nitrita (indikator NO+ jona), dok značajno povećava koncentracije hidroksilamina (indicator NO- jona), S-nitrozotiola (SNO) and 3-nitrotirozina (indikator peroksinitrita). Koncentracija superoksid anjon radikala (O2-) je smanjena samo u prisustvu niskih doza SNP, dok je nivo vodonik peroksida (H2O2) povećan na dozno-zavisan način u eritrocitima pacova. S druge strane, SNP značajno povećava koncentracije nitrita, hidroksilamina i 3-nitrotirozina u retikulocitima pacova. Niske doze SNPa indukuju smanjenje O2- nivoa. Koncentracije H2O2 nisu promenjenje u retikulocitima pacova. Na osnovu iznetih podataka, možemo zaključiti: SNP spontano oslobađa azot monoksid kao NO" jon u eritrocitima i retikulocitima pacova. Primenjene eksperimentalne doze SNPa indukuju snažan nitrozacioni i oksidacioni stres u ovim ćelijama.nul

    Antioxidant effect of coenzyme Q10 in blood from cadmium-exposed rats

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    The effects of acute exposure to cadmium (Cd) on the blood antioxidant defense system (AOS), lipid peroxide (LP) concentration and hematological parameters, and the possible protective role of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) was studied. Male Wistar albino rats 3 months old were treated with cadmium as CdCl2 (0,4mg Cd/kg b.m., i.p., 24h before the sacrificing) or with coenzyme Q10 + Cd (20mg CoQ10/kg b.m., i.m., 48h + 0,4 mg Cd/kg b.m., i.p., 24h before the sacrificing). The hematological parameters: red blood cells count (RBCs), hemoglobin (Hb) concentration and hematocrite (Ht) value were significantly decreased in the blood of Cd treated rats. Intoxication with Cd was also followed by significantly increased of LP concentration. We also observed increased concentrations of non-enzymatic components of antioxidant defense system (AOS): reduced glutathione (GSH), vitamin C (Vit C) and vitamin E (Vit E). Pretreatment with CoQ10 exhibited a protective role on the toxic effects of Cd on the hematological values, LP concentration as well as on endogeneous antioxidant components.Cilj ovog rada je bio da se ispita uticaj kadmijuma (Cd) na antioksidacioni zaÅ”titni sistem (AOS), koncentraciju lipidnih peroksida (LP) i hematoloÅ”ke parametre u krvi, kao i zaÅ”titna uloga koenzima Q10 (CoQ10). Mužjaci pacova Wistar albino, stari tri meseca, akutno su tretirani kadmijumom (0,4mg Cd/kg t.m., i.p., 24h pre žrtvovanja) i koenzimom Q10 + Cd (20mg CoQ10/kg t.m., i.m., 48h + 0,4mg Cd/kg t.m., 24h pre žrtvovanja). HematoloÅ”ki parametri: broj eritrocita (RBCs), koncentracija hemoglobina (Hb) i hematoloÅ”ka vrednost (Ht) su značajno smanjeni u krvi pacova posle tretmana kadmijumom. Cd značajno povećava i koncentraciju LP, kao i koncentracije neenzimskih komponenti AOS-a: redukovani glutation (GSH), vitamin C (Vit C) i vitamin E (Vit E). Eksperimenti sa pacovima koji su izazvanu anemiju i oksidaciona oÅ”tećenja (smanjuje koncentraciju LP), kao i značajno umanjuje toksične efekte Cd na komponente AOS-a.nul

    Cadmium-induced changes in haemato-biochemical parameters, lipid peroxidation and glutathione content in blood of rats

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    Cadmium (Cd+2) is an ubiquitous toxic metal that may induce oxidative damage by disturbing the prooxidant-antioxidant balance in the blood. Wistar albino rats (3 months old), were injected with a single dose of CdCh (0.4 mg Cd/kg i.p. and sacrificed after 24h). The hematological parameters: red blood cells count (RBCs), hematocrite (Ht) value and hemoglobin (Hb) concentration were significantly decreased in the blood of Cd treated rats. The activities of enzymes alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in plasma, as well as concentration of blood glucose were significantly increased in animals treated with cadmium in comparison to control values. The treatment with Cd increased lipid peroxidation (LP) and reduced glutathione (GSH) contents in the blood, suggesting that the Cd induced oxidative stress. These results of our study suggested that Cd induced alterations in hemato-biochemical parameters and LP and GSH content.Kadmijum (Cd+2) je Å”iroko rasprostranjen toksičan metal koji može izazvati oksidaciona oÅ”tećenja u krvi remeteći prooksidaciono-antioksidacionu ravnotežu. Wistar albino pacovi (stari 3 meseca), tretirani su pojedinačnim dozama CdCl; (0.4 mg Cd/kg i.p) i žrtvovani posle 24 časa. HematoloÅ”ki parametri, i to: broj eritrocita (RBCs), hematokritska vredno.st (Ht) i koncentracija hemoglobina (Hb) značajno su smanjeni u krvi tretiranih pacova. Aktivnost enzima alanin aminotransaminaze (ALT) i aspartat aminotransaminaze (AST) u plazmi, kao i koncentracija glukoze u krvi značajno su povećani kod životinja tretiranih kadmijumom u poređenju sa kontrolnim vrednostima. Tretman sa kadmijumom, takođe je doveo do povećanja lipidne peroksidacije (LP) i redukovanog glutationa (GSH). Sve to ukazuje da je kadmijum izazvao oksidacioni stres u krvi pacova. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je Cd indukovao promenĆ© u hemato-biohemijskim parametrima, kao i u sadržaju LP i GSH u krvi tretiranih pacova.nul
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