17 research outputs found


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    Texture is one of the most important propeties of ultrasound image. Because subjective evaluation of there is limited by the lack of capability of a natural language to rigorous description of texture, there are used a wide spectrum of texture descriptors. In the viewpoint of mathematics is texture of an object in the digital image generally a discrete stochastic process. Texture of the concrete object is thus the realization of this stochastic process. It shows, in some mathematical simplifications, of course, the possible way to compare of two textures. In this work, we analyzed the usefulness of mixed statistical moments of textured pattern in ultrasound image. The main result is that mixed moments may be useful to texture analysis of ultrasound images. A little bit surprising is relatively high sensitivity of mixed moments on anisotropy of ultrasound images


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    The microvascular pattern in the histological section, i.e. the point-pattern composed of capillaries perpendicular to the plane of section, contains information about the three-dimensional structure of the capillary network. Histological processing is followed by the shrinkage of tissue of uncertain magnitude. In order to obtain relevant information, the scale-independent analysis is necessary. We used an approach based on the Minkowski cover of measured set. The true fractal dimension of the point pattern is obviously of zero, but the artificial result of the algorithm can be related to the complexity of shape. We fitted the log-log plot by the modified rounded ramp function and the slope of the oblique part was used as the fractal based descriptor. We demonstrated on histological samples of the heart that this fractal-based parameter has the property of scale and rotation invariance

    Artificial intelligence in operational applications of railway infrastructure manager

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    The main goal of this article is to present the possibility of using artificial intelligence in operational application of railway infrastructure manager. Railway 4.0 can be controlled fully digitally – operational applications based on the artificial intelligence can optimize the technology of railway traffic control. Thereafter, a wide range of equipment could be controlled by application through a secure interface


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    The aim of this paper is to use a new capacity parameter called capacity range for evaluation of individual operational concept on the same line before and after planned modernization. The paper uses a new capacity parameter called capacity range. The methodology of capacity range counting is based on one main number, but it takes more aspects. It deals with the operational facility occupancy rate, with the identifying of the bottleneck, with the simulation problems solved in the simulation program SimuT and with the quality aspect of capacity. It creates the link between capacity quality and quantity, between the displayed Ishikawa diagram and the possibility of the wrong operational concept selection. The definition is explained and then the parameter is calculated for a selected section of Týniště nad Orlicí – Choceň. The capacity range is counted for current conditions (single track line, old equipment) and then for comparison for future conditions (double track line, new safety equipment). Capacity range, expressed as dependence of the number of trains on average delay increment, is a useful capacity parameter particularly for coherent railway sections with remote traffic control

    Evaluation of timetable performance

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    Tento článek pojednává o možnosti zhodnocení výkonnosti jízdního řádu prostřednictvím jediného ukazatele. Tento ukazatel, nazvaný výkonnost jízdního řádu (VJŘ), je počítán na základě 3 parametrů – jednoho kvalitativního parametru (např. průměrný přírůstek zpoždění), jednoho kvantitativního parametru (např. počet vlaků) a jednoho doplňkového parametru (např. periodicita jízdního řádu).This article discusses the possibility of evaluating of timetable performace through a single indicator. This indicator, possibility of evaluating of timetable, is calculated on the basis of 3 parameters - one qualitative parameter (eg average delay increment), one quantitative parameter (eg number of trains) and one additional parameter (eg timetable frequency)


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    Tento článek se zabývá interním auditem technologických procesů a jeho implementací do prostředí kontejnerového terminálu. V rámci dané oblasti byla identifikována rizika, přiřazeni vlastnící rizik a formulována doporučení k eliminaci rizik. Tato doporučení směřují především k optimalizaci technologických procesů a zabránění omezení překládkových operací.This article deals with internal audit of technological processes and its implementation to the container terminal environment. In this area, there were identified risks, there were assigned to their owners and there were formulated recommendations to their elimination. These recommendations course to technical processes optimization and to the prevention of transhipment processes limitation


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    The main goal of this article is to determine new way of capacity counting. On the previous research basis it was created the cuboid capacity methodology, which counts timetable convenience value. This value includes chosen parameters and provides the possibility of timetable comparison based on one value, only

    Evaluation of timetable performance

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    Tento článek pojednává o možnosti zhodnocení výkonnosti jízdního řádu prostřednictvím jediného ukazatele. Tento ukazatel, nazvaný výkonnost jízdního řádu (VJŘ), je počítán na základě 3 parametrů – jednoho kvalitativního parametru (např. průměrný přírůstek zpoždění), jednoho kvantitativního parametru (např. počet vlaků) a jednoho doplňkového parametru (např. periodicita jízdního řádu).This article discusses the possibility of evaluating of timetable performace through a single indicator. This indicator, possibility of evaluating of timetable, is calculated on the basis of 3 parameters - one qualitative parameter (eg average delay increment), one quantitative parameter (eg number of trains) and one additional parameter (eg timetable frequency)


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    Tento článek se zabývá interním auditem technologických procesů a jeho implementací do prostředí kontejnerového terminálu. V rámci dané oblasti byla identifikována rizika, přiřazeni vlastnící rizik a formulována doporučení k eliminaci rizik. Tato doporučení směřují především k optimalizaci technologických procesů a zabránění omezení překládkových operací.This article deals with internal audit of technological processes and its implementation to the container terminal environment. In this area, there were identified risks, there were assigned to their owners and there were formulated recommendations to their elimination. These recommendations course to technical processes optimization and to the prevention of transhipment processes limitation