11 research outputs found

    Pedagogical Principles of Foreign Language Studies

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    Adult learners’ study process is affected by former life’s experiences: memories, various events, relations and former study habits etc. Adult learning that is based on adults‘ own initiative and responsibility have been defined in several ways: self-directed learning, self-planned studying, self-studying, independent studies, autonomous studying, autodidactics as well as open learning. Aim of the study: to propose pedagogical principles of foreign language studies. Materials and methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, modelling, observation, Methods of data processing and analysis: quantitative (data analysis by using the data processing software SPSS 17.0. In the Research results approve high necessity to optimise the study process taking into consideration the principles that were researched in adults’ learning and teaching

    Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

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    The aim of the article is development of structure of experience for the improvement of students’ learning experience. The research provides an explanation of models used in the process of language acquisition, it reflects the historical development of methodology, and it explores the student as a special subject of study work – an active person, performer of an activity. The process of foreign language acquisition is based on the attitude to the student as an active subject of this process. The process of language acquisition stimulates the students’ ability to use the foreign language in various situations of life. Research Methods Theoretical methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, modelling. Empirical research methods: methods of data acquisition – observation, experimenting, analysis. The research is based at the Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy RTTEMA Pre-School and Primary School Teacher programmes

    The Role of Journalistic Codes of Ethics in the Regulatory Mechanisms of Professional Journalism

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    Darba tēma „Žurnālistikas ētikas kodeksa normu loma žurnālistikas regulējošajā mehānismā”. Tēma aktuāla, jo Latvijas mediju ētikas vide ir nesakārtota un ir vērojamas ētikas krīzes pazīmes – nav vienota izpratne par mediju ētiku strādājošo profesionāļu vidū, teorētiskās pieejas būtiski atšķiras no praktiskajām. Pirmajā nodaļā ir apskatītas morālās teorijas, to attīstība un galvenās idejas, kā arī sociālais konteksts. Morālā regulācija ir viens no žurnālistikas regulācijas elementiem. Otrajā nodaļā ir analizēta Latvijas tiesu prakse saistībā ar ētikas jautājumiem. Tiesiskā regulācijā novērojamas nepilnības – maza mediju prāvu pieredze, terminoloģijas neskaidrība, tiesību robežu nenoteiktība. Otrajā nodaļā arī apskatīts cits institucionāls regulēšanas mehānisms – pašregulācijas sistēma. Trešajā nodaļā analizētas dziļās intervijas, kas atklāja reālo mediju ētikas situāciju, ētikas normu un robežu izpratni praksē un teorijā, risinājumu ierosinājumi. Darba hipotēze - žurnālistikas ētikas kodeksa normām kā regulējošā mehānisma sastāvdaļai ir minimāla ietekme žurnālistikas darbībā – apstiprinājās, balstoties uz diskusijas neesamību par šiem jautājumiem, kas nosaka, ka nav vienotas izpratnes par ētikas kodeksa normām un to pielietošanu."The Role of Journalistic Code of Ethics Norms in Regulating Mechanism of Journalism". The theme of this thesis is up-to-date, because the ethical environment of the Latvian media is inconsistent and there are obvious signs of an ethical crisis. There is a lack of universal understanding of media ethics amongst the working professionals as theories differ significantly from reality on the ground. In the first part of the thesis, the moral theories, their development, general ideas and the social contexts are being explored. Moral regulation is one of the elements of journalistic regulation. The second part analyzes workings of the Latvian courts in relation to ethical matters. There are imperfections in the juridical regulation - insignificant experience of media trials, ambiguousness in terminology, vagueness in comprehension of juridical bounds. Another institutional regulatory mechanism - self-regulation - is being explored in the second part. In the third part, in-depth interviews are being analyzed, which reflect the current situation of the media ethics, the understanding of ethical norms and bounds both in practice and theory, as well as suggestions of possible solutions. The hypothesis of this work - journalistic code of ethics norms as part of regulating mechanism have insignificant role in journalistic practices - has been proven correct, based on the lack of public discussion on the matter, and that in result verifies the lack of unitary understanding of code of ethics norms and their execution