6 research outputs found

    The abatement of Legionella: Thermal disinfection of the drinking water network in a hospital

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    The thesis deals with the issue of Legionella control in an internal drinking water network in a hospital. It follows the entire process of recording and decision-making in establishing a system for the control of legionella. In the beginning, the basic information, e.g. the review of the current technics, is presented. The classical method of thermal disinfection is introduced, and later on compared to the modern automatic method. The case of installation and operation in the reference object is described as well. The analysis of public and internal plumbing system, including the identification of pipelines in the main old building of Golnik Hospital follows. Based on the findings of the analysis the costs of the current disinfection plan are calculated, and the comparison of the investment costs for the automatic thermal disinfection, which is made on the basis of a renovation proposal, is presented. The focus is also put on the guidelines that should be taken into consideration before making a decision about the system\ud for the control of legionella in the hospital

    Programske smernice DORA

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    Državni presejalni program za raka dojk DORA (v nadaljevanju: program DORA) vabi ženske med 50. in 69. letom vsaki dve leti na presejanje z mamografijo, katerega cilj je zmanjšati umrljivost za rakom dojk v ciljni populaciji za 25 do 30 odstotkov. Nosilec programa DORA je Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana. Presejalno mamografijo opravlja 16 javnih zdravstvenih zavodov po Sloveniji na 20 digitalnih mamografih s kadri, ki so za svoje delo posebej usposobljeni. Dodatno diagnostiko in zdravljenje raka dojk, odkritega v presejanju, izvajata presejalno-diagnostična centra na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana in v Univerzitetnem kliničnem centru Maribor. Te programske smernice opredeljujejo presejalno politiko programa DORA, postopek obravnave žensk, organizacijo in dejavnosti programa DORA. Delijo se na upravljalske, zdravstvene in druge storitve. Sestavni del teh programskih smernic je tudi določitev strokovnega nadzora, ki se opravlja v presejalnem programu, ter podrobnejši Standardni operativni postopki (SOP) delovanja programa DORA. Sestavni del tega dokumenta so tudi Protokoli in priloge

    The abatement of Legionella:Thermal disinfection of the drinking water network in a hospital

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    Diplomska naloga obravnava problematiko zatiranja bakterij iz rodu Legionella v internem omrežju pitne vode v bolnišnici. Sledi celotnemu postopku evidentiranja in odločanja pri vzpostavitvi sistema za zatiranje legionele v bolnišnici. Najprej navajamo osnovne podatke, kot so pregled stanja tehnike, nato se seznanimo s klasično metodo termične dezinfekcije in jo primerjamo s sodobnejšo samodejno metodo. Sledi primer vgradnje in delovanja sistema v referenčnem objektu. Nadaljujemo z analizo javnega in internega vodovodnega sistema, vključno z ugotavljanjem poteka napeljav v glavni stari stavbi Klinike Golnik. Na podlagi ugotovljenega sledijo izračuni stroškov za izvajanje dezinfekcije in primerjava z investicijskimi stroški za sistem samodejne termične dezinfekcije, ki jih izračunamo na podlagi predloga za adaptacijo. Poudarek je tudi na smernicah, ki jih je priporočljivo upoštevati pred odločitvijo o vzpostavitvi sistema za zatiranje legionele v bolnišnici.The thesis deals with the issue of Legionella control in an internal drinking water network in a hospital. It follows the entire process of recording and decision-making in establishing a system for the control of legionella. In the beginning, the basic information, e.g. the review of the current technics, is presented. The classical method of thermal disinfection is introduced, and later on compared to the modern automatic method. The case of installation and operation in the reference object is described as well. The analysis of public and internal plumbing system, including the identification of pipelines in the main old building of Golnik Hospital follows. Based on the findings of the analysis the costs of the current disinfection plan are calculated, and the comparison of the investment costs for the automatic thermal disinfection, which is made on the basis of a renovation proposal, is presented. The focus is also put on the guidelines that should be taken into consideration before making a decision about the system for the control of legionella in the hospital

    Revising students\u27 written texts

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    Objavljeni podatki so rezultati raziskave, ki je bila izvedena v šolskem letu 2022/23 v okviru projekta Empirična podlaga za digitalno podprt razvoj pisne jezikovne zmožnosti (PROP). V njem so sodelovale štiri fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani: Pedagoška fakulteta, Filozofska fakulteta, Fakulteta za računalništvo in informatiko in Fakulteta za upravo. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s spletnim anketnim vprašalnikom, ki ga je delno (415) ali v celoti (609) izpolnilo 1024 učiteljev iz osnovnih in srednjih šol. Vsebinski del vprašalnika je bil razdeljen na pet sklopov in je zajemal 50 zaprtih in odprtih vprašanj. V njem so učitelji odgovarjali na vprašanja: o načinu popravljanja besedil učencev/dijakov, napisanih v slovenskem jezikuo virih, ki jih pri tem uporabljajoo povratnih informacijah, ki jih prejmejo učenci/dijakio spremljanju napredka učencev/dijakov pri pisanju besedilo popravljanju besedil učencev/dijakov s posebnimi potrebami. Nekateri odgovori so zaradi anonimizacije odstranjeni.The published data are the results of a survey conducted in the academic year 2022/23 as part of of the project Empirical Foundations for Digitally-Supported Development of Writing Skills (PROP), in which four faculties of the University of Ljubljana were involved: the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Computer and Information Science and the Faculty of Public Administration. The data were collected using an online questionnaire, which was partially (415) or fully (609) completed by 1024 teachers from primary and secondary schools. The content part of the questionnaire was divided into five sections and consisted of 50 closed and open questions. In it, teachers answered questions about: how they revise their students\u27 texts written in Slovenewhat sources they usewhat feedback students receivewhether they monitor students\u27 progress in writing textsand how do they revise texts written by students with special needs. Some answers have been removed for anonymisation reasons

    Vipava River Basin Adaptation Plan

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    The specific aim of the Vipava river basin adaptation plan is to increase the resilience of the social and Ecologic Instituteal system of the Vipava river basin and to facilitate a proactive response to emerging global changes and related challenges. Therefore, the objective of the adaptation plan is the delineation of water management options that aim to implement sustainable water management in the Vipava river basin for the period until 2030