142 research outputs found

    U mreži putova

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    A notable event in the Crikvenica Town Museum last year was the exhibition "In the Network of Paths", which presented old paths, trails and roads of Vinodol. The exhibition lasted from July 17, 2018 to February 28, 2019, and it is currently situated in the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka, where it will remain until the first half of August. The exhibition's creators and authors of the catalogue are archaeologist Tea Rosić and historian Stjepan Špalj.U Muzeju Grada Crikvenice prošla je godina bila obilježena izložbom "U mreži putova" koja je prikazala stare putove, staze i ceste Vinodola. Izložba je trajala od 17. 7. 2018. do 28. 2. 2019., a sve do prve polovice kolovoza gostuje u Pomorskom i povijesnom muzeju Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka. Autori su izložbe i kataloga Tea Rosić, dipl. arheolog i Stjepan Špalj, dipl. mag. povijesti

    Comparison of Periodontal Health in Two Different Rural Population Types in Croatia

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    Planinsko selo ima manji stupanj parodontne bolesti i gubitka pričvrstka od primorskoga sela. Usporedba parodontnog zdravlja i potreba tretmana između primorske i planinske seoske sredine učinjena je na uzorku od 441 osobe (40% populacije) dobi iznad 15 godina uporabom Parodontnog indeksa zajednice (CPI) i indeksa Gubitka pričvrstka (LA). Prevalencija parodontne bolesti u u objema sredinama vrlo je visoka. Gingivitis i parodontitis javljaju se vrlo rano. Prevalencija zdravog parodonta nije zabilježena iznad 30. godine ni u primorskoj ni u planinskoj sredini. Plitiki parodontni džepovi postoje već u adolescenata u primorju 11,76% (p < 0,05), a u planini od 20. godine - 14, 26%. Iznad 30. godine u objema sredinama više od 50% populacije ima plitki ili duboki džep, a iznad 55. godine oko 40% obiju populacija ima registriran barem jedan duboki džep. Isključenih sekstanata u svim dobnim skupinama ima planinsko selo i to u rasponu od 2 do 11 puta više (p < 0,05). U objema populacijama više od 4 sekstanta je iznad 65. godine isključeno. Zbog manjega broja preostalih zubi planinsko selo ima i manji stupanj parodontne bolesti. Više od 50% populacija iznad 35. godine ima gubitak pričvrstka > 6mm (prosječno u 1 sekstantu). Iznad 45. godine gotovo da i nema sekstanata s gubitkom pričvrstka < 3mm. Više od 90% ispitanika obaju područja treba neku vrstu parodontnog tretmana.The rural population in mountain region has less periodonal disease and attachment loss degree. A comparison of periodontal health and necessary treatment between the littoral and rural populations in mountain region was conducted on a sample of 441 individuals (40% of the population) in the 15+ age group, by applying the Community Periodontal Index (CPI) and the Loss of Attachment Index (LA). The prevalence of periodontal disease in both areas appears to be very high. The occurrence of gingivitis and parodontitis is evident at an early age. Neither in the littoral nor in the mountains region was the prevalence of healthy periodont in the 30+ age group recorded. In the littoral area shallow periodontal pockets are already present with adolescents - 11.76% (p<0.05), and in the mountain region from the age of 20 - 14.26%. More than 50% of the 30+ population of both regions has either deep or shallow pockets, while approximately 40% of the 55+ population in both groups has at least one deep pocket. The mountain village has excluded sextants in all age groups, ranging from 2 to 11 times more then the littoral village (p<0.05). In the 65+ group of both populations more than 4 sextants are excluded. Because of the smaller number of remaining teeth, the mountain village records less periodontal disease. More than 50% of the 35+ age group has loss of attachment >6mm (approximately in one sextant). In the 45+ age group there is almost no sextant with loss of attachment <3mm. More than 90% of the examinees in both regions need some kind of periodontal treatment

    Ortodontski priručnik

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    Ortodontski priručnik

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    Oralna epidemiologija

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    Oralna epidemiologija

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    Kliničko iskustvo ortodonta i klinička situacija značajno utječu na retencijski protokol

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    The aim was to assess the views and practice of Croatian orthodontists concerning retention protocols. A total of 150 questionnaire copies were distributed, of which 92 were validly completed. The survey included sociodemographic characteristics, practices of informing patients about retention options, commonly used appliances, and reasons for choosing a particular type of retention and treatment duration. Orthodontists informed patients about retention mostly verbally, the retention period was 3-5 years, the choice of method depended on the malocclusion (76%), and the protocol was influenced by clinical experience of the orthodontist (39%). The most commonly used appliance in the maxilla was the vacuum-formed retainer (52%), whereas a combination of fixed and removable retainers was most common in the mandible (34%). Modus of acquiring knowledge, biological reasons (malocclusion type, oral health, treatment outcome, and growth) and the patient’s wishes were not a predictor of retention duration or recall frequency. With an increase in orthodontic experience, the duration of retention decreased and orthodontists were more likely to change the duration of retention (p=0.001), as well as the type of retention appliance (p<0.001). In conclusion, retention protocols among Croatian orthodontists were influenced mostly by their clinical experience and clinical situation.Cilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti stavove i praksu hrvatskih ortodonta u vezi s retencijskim protokolima. Distribuirano je ukupno 150 upitnika, od kojih su 92 valjano ispunjena. Pitanja su uključivala sociodemografske karakteristike, praksu informiranja pacijenta o mogućnostima retencije, najčešće korištene naprave i razloge korištenja određenog protokola te trajanje retencije. Ortodonti su pacijente informirali o mogućnostima retencije najčešće usmeno, retencijsko razdoblje je bilo 3-5 godina, izbor metode ovisio je o malokluziji (76%) te je na protokol utjecalo kliničko iskustvo ortodonta (39%). Najčešće korištena naprava u maksili bila je termoplastična retencijska naprava (52%), a u mandibuli kombinacija fiksne i mobilne retencijske naprave (34%). Način usvajanja znanja, biološki razlozi (vrsta malokluzije, oralno zdravlje, terapijski ishod i rast) i pacijentove želje nisu bili prediktori trajanja retencije niti učestalosti kontrolnih pregleda. Porastom ortodontskog iskustva trajanje retencije smanjilo se te su ortodonti bili skloniji promijeniti trajanje retencije (p=0,001), kao i vrstu retencijske naprave (p<0,001). Zaključno, na retencijske protokole u hrvatskih ortodonta najviše je utjecalo njihovo kliničko iskustvo i klinička situacija

    In the Network of Paths

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    U Muzeju Grada Crikvenice prošla je godina bila obilježena izložbom "U mreži putova" koja je prikazala stare putove, staze i ceste Vinodola. Izložba je trajala od 17. 7. 2018. do 28. 2. 2019., a sve do prve polovice kolovoza gostuje u Pomorskom i povijesnom muzeju Hrvatskog primorja Rijeka. Autori su izložbe i kataloga Tea Rosić, dipl. arheolog i Stjepan Špalj, dipl. mag. povijesti.A notable event in the Crikvenica Town Museum last year was the exhibition "In the Network of Paths", which presented old paths, trails and roads of Vinodol. The exhibition lasted from July 17, 2018 to February 28, 2019, and it is currently situated in the Maritime and History Museum of the Croatian Littoral Rijeka, where it will remain until the first half of August. The exhibition\u27s creators and authors of the catalogue are archaeologist Tea Rosić and historian Stjepan Špalj