18 research outputs found

    The Žune Ba-F epithermal deposit: Geophysical characterization and exploration perspective

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    The Žune barite-fluorite ore body in northwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina has been explored using geophysical methods to determine the spatial distribution of the mineralization. The mineralization occurs in a 50 m long ESE-WNW fault zone in the form of a subvertical barite-fluorite vein, transforming to strings of tiny barite veins and impregnations at the immediate contact with the host dolostone. The geophysical research included 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) measured along four profiles. In addition to resistivity inversion results, forward modelling has been performed along two profiles transecting the mining cut. Prior to surface geophysical measurements, detailed geological field mapping of the ore body and host rocks was undertaken. The main faults defined by geological field mapping, have been confirmed with geophysical results as well as the contact of the host dolostone with Lower to Middle Triassic sandstones. The contact is defined to the south of the deposit. However, based on the resistivity model, the position of the contact is about ten metres further south. The forward modelling results revealed that the barite-fluorite vein in the area of the mining cut is limited to a depth of about 10 m and the length is about 70 m. The vein is up to 5 m thick and almost 10 m wide. There is no indication for barite-fluorite mineralization in the area south of the studied mining cut with predominant Triassic sandstones, while anomalies that may be associated with ore bodies are present in the northern and northeastern parts, composed of Carboniferous dolostone

    Yield and Yield Components of Maize (Zea Mays L.) Hybrids as Affected by Irrigation Scheduling and Meteorological Conditions

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    During the last decade eastern Republic of Croatia have experienced several drought and flood events which seriously affected not only the crop production but also the effectiveness of irrigation practice, meaning irrigation scheduling and water use efficiency. This study was conducted to quantify the effect of irrigation scheduling on yield and yield components (hectolitre weight (HW), 1000-grain weight, cob weight (CW), cob length (CL), cob height (CH), grain weight (GW) and grain number/cob (GN/C) of maize (Zea Mays L.) hybrids during three growing seasons (2010 ā€“ 2012) characterised by extreme weather conditions. The study was conducted at the research site of Agricultural Institute in Osijek, Croatia. Three irrigation treatments (a1 = rainfed, a2 = 60 ā€“ 100% field water capacity (FWC), a3 = 80 ā€“ 100% FWC) and four maize hybrids (b1 = OSSK 596; b2 = OSSK 617; b3 = OSSK 602; b4 = OSSK 552) were studied. During the study grain yield ranged from 7.4 t ha-1 (2012, a1) to 10.3 t ha-1 (2012, a3) and was yearly-dependent. In 2010 irrigation significantly reduced CW (a1 = 0.8 kg; a3 = 0.7 kg), CH (a1 = 72 cm, a3 = 38 cm), 1000-GW (a1 = 284 g; a3 = 254 cm) and CL (a1 = 16 cm; a3 = 15 cm). In 2011 irrigation significantly increased only 1000-GW (a1 = 305 g; a3 = 330 g) while in 2012 irrigation increased all tested yield components as follows: 1000-GW (a1 = 340 g; a2 = 361 g); CH (a1 = 116 cm; a2 = 126 cm); CW (a1 = 1,15 kg; a3 = 1,79 kg), GN/C (a1 = 578; a2 = 701) and HW (a1 = 67 kg; a3 = 69 kg). As for maize hybrids (b), according to results of our study yield of maize grain varied (p<0.01) across tested hybrids in all three growing seasons while the significance for tested yield components was year dependent

    Effciency of irriagtion system of maize (Zea mays L.) in different weather conditions, irrigation treatments and N fertilizers

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati trogodiÅ”njeg (2010. ā€“ 2012.) poljskog pokusa u kojem je istraživan utjecaj godine (a1 = 2010.; a2 = 2011.; a3 = 2012.), učinkovitost normi navodnjavanja (b1 = kontrola; b2 = 60 do 80% poljskog vodnog kapaciteta (PVK), b3 = 80 do 100% PVK), količine N gnojiva (c1 = kontrola; c2 = 100 kg N ha-1; c3 = 200 kg N ha-1) te njihova interakcija na prinos i komponente prinosa kukuruza: duljina klipa (DK), visina klipa (VK), masa zrna po klipu (MZ/K) te broj zrna po klipu (BZ/K) i njihova korelacijsku povezanost. Utjecaj godine na prinos zrna kukuruza u pokusu nije bio izrazit (a1: 8,6 t ha-1, a2: 8,4 t ha-1 i 8,3 t ha-1), jer je navodnjavanje vrlo značajno utjecalo na prinos zrna kukuruza posebice u ekstremno vrlo suÅ”noj i ekstremno toploj 2012. godini (a3b1: 6,7 t ha-1, a3b2: 8,2 t ha-1 i a3b3: 9,9 t ha-1). Vrlo značajno (P<0,01) godina je utjecala na VK s rasponom od 97,4 (a1) do 133,5 cm (a2), DK od 18,6 (a1) do 21,4 cm (a3) i BZ/K od 566 (a1) do 628 (a3). Povećanjem norme navodnjavanja (od b1 do b3) vrlo je značajno povećan prinos zrna od 7,5 do 9 t ha-1, VK od 115,1 do 125,8 cm i značajno (P<0,05) je povećan BZ/K od 536 do 612. Povećanjem količine N gnojiva (od c1 do c3) vrlo značajno je povećan prinos zrna 6,5 do 10,3 t ha-1, DK od 18,4 do 20,9 cm, BZ/K 536 do 651 i VK od 113,5 do 124,8 cm. Rezultati istraživanja variraju u odnosu na godinu jer su vegetacijska razdoblja obilježili ekstremni vremenski uvjeti, od prekomjerne količine oborine 2010. godine do pojave suÅ”nih razdoblja 2011. i 2012. godine praćenih nadprosječno visokim temperaturama zraka. Značajnost interakcija razlikovale su se po godini istraživanja. Jaka pozitivna korelacija je između prinosa zrna i DK (0,55) te prinosa zrna i BZ/K (0,62).Field trials (2010 ā€“ 2012) were conducted to study the influence of the year (a1 = 2010; a2 = 2011; a3 = 2012); irrigation treatment (b1 = control; b2 = 60 to 80% field water capacity (FWC), b3 = 80 to 100% FWC) and N fertilizers (c1 = control; c2 = 100 kg N ha-1; c3 = 200 kg N ha-1) on grain yield (GY) and following yield components: cob length (CL), cob height (CH), grain number/cob (GN/C) and correlation connections between the tested variables. GY (P < 0,05; a1: 8.6 to a3: 8.3 t ha-1, CH (P < 0.01; a1: 97.4 to a2: 133.5 cm), CL (P < 0.01; a1: 18.6 to a3: 21.4 cm) and GN/C (a1: 566 to a3: 628) were year depenedent. Irrigation water increased (P < 0.01) GY (b1: 7.5 to b3: 9 t ha-1), CH (a1: 115.1 to a3: 125.8 cm) and GN/C (b1: 536 to b3: 612). The larger amount of N fertilizers increased GY (P < 0.01; c1: 6.5 to c3: 10.3 t ha-1), CL (c1: 18.4 to c3: 20.9 cm), GN/C (c1: 536 to c3: 651) and CH (c1: 113.5 to c3: 124.8 cm). Strong postivie correlation is between GY and CL (r = 0.55) and GY and GN/C (r = 0.62)


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    In this study the confectionery sunflower seed was tested to germination at different pH media, from 3.5 to 8.5. The experiment was set up at room temperature (22Ā°C) and at 24 h dark conditions for 10 days. The mean germination rate was 76%. The highest germination rate was 86% at pH 3.5, whereas the lowest was 68% at pH 5.5. The ANOVA resulted with very significant influence of pH on sunflower seedlings root, stem and total length (p<0.001). The total length of seedlings was the shortest at acid media (9.2 cm at 3.5) and the longest at alkaline media (12.5 cm at pH 8.5). Regression equitations showed that increment of stem or root length and total length have a positive trendline at all pH levels. It was found that the alkaline water solution has a positive influence on protein sunflower seedlings development, but it would be valuable to found how the seeds would germinate at the field conditions.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi klijavost proteinskog tipa suncokreta na različitim pH vrijednostima (3,5 - 8,5). Eksperiment je postavljen na sobnoj temperaturi (22Ā°C) i to u mraku 24 h kroz 10 dana. Ukupna klijavost proteinskog suncokreta bila je 76%. NajviÅ”a klijavost iznosila je 86% pri pH 3,5, dok je najniža bila 68% pri pH 5,5. ANOVA je rezultirala vrlo značajnim utjecajem pH na korijen, stabljiku i ukupnu duljinu klijanaca proteinskog tipa suncokreta (p<0,001). Ukupna duljina klijanaca bila je najkraća u jako kiseloj sredini (9,2 cm kod pH 3,5), a najduža u alkalnoj sredini (12,5 cm kod pH 8,5). Jednadžba regresije pokazala je da priraÅ”taj duljine stabljike ili korijena i ukupna duljina imaju pozitivan trend na svim pH razinama. Utvrđeno je da na razvoj klijanaca proteinskog suncokreta pozitivan utjecaj ima alkalna otopina

    Yield and Yield Components of Maize (Zea Mays L.) Hybrids as Affected by Irrigation Scheduling and Meteorological Conditions

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    During the last decade eastern Republic of Croatia have experienced several drought and flood events which seriously affected not only the crop production but also the effectiveness of irrigation practice, meaning irrigation scheduling and water use efficiency. This study was conducted to quantify the effect of irrigation scheduling on yield and yield components (hectolitre weight (HW), 1000-grain weight, cob weight (CW), cob length (CL), cob height (CH), grain weight (GW) and grain number/cob (GN/C) of maize (Zea Mays L.) hybrids during three growing seasons (2010 ā€“ 2012) characterised by extreme weather conditions. The study was conducted at the research site of Agricultural Institute in Osijek, Croatia. Three irrigation treatments (a1 = rainfed, a2 = 60 ā€“ 100% field water capacity (FWC), a3 = 80 ā€“ 100% FWC) and four maize hybrids (b1 = OSSK 596; b2 = OSSK 617; b3 = OSSK 602; b4 = OSSK 552) were studied. During the study grain yield ranged from 7.4 t ha-1 (2012, a1) to 10.3 t ha-1 (2012, a3) and was yearly-dependent. In 2010 irrigation significantly reduced CW (a1 = 0.8 kg; a3 = 0.7 kg), CH (a1 = 72 cm, a3 = 38 cm), 1000-GW (a1 = 284 g; a3 = 254 cm) and CL (a1 = 16 cm; a3 = 15 cm). In 2011 irrigation significantly increased only 1000-GW (a1 = 305 g; a3 = 330 g) while in 2012 irrigation increased all tested yield components as follows: 1000-GW (a1 = 340 g; a2 = 361 g); CH (a1 = 116 cm; a2 = 126 cm); CW (a1 = 1,15 kg; a3 = 1,79 kg), GN/C (a1 = 578; a2 = 701) and HW (a1 = 67 kg; a3 = 69 kg). As for maize hybrids (b), according to results of our study yield of maize grain varied (p<0.01) across tested hybrids in all three growing seasons while the significance for tested yield components was year dependent

    Raman spectroscopy associated with chemometrics for determining Origanum oil adulteration

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    Essential oils (EOs) are complex mixtures of volatile and semivolatile compounds (aldehydes, ketones, alcohols and esters) obtained usually by hydro-distillation from the dry or fresh plant material (seeds, leaves, stems, bark or wood) [1]. Most of the EOs are used in aroma therapy, plant protection (as pesticide), food industry (as food preservatives), perfume industry etc. Because of high demand, EOs are often counterfeited and the quality of EOs is usually controlled by gas chromatography. The aim of this paper is to analyze Origanum oil and its counterfeits by Raman spectroscopy. As an adulterant sunflower oil was used. Adulterated essential oils contained 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 % of sunflower oil. Raman spectra of pure Origano oil and its counterfeits were measured by Witec R300 system equipped with 532 nm laser. Visual inspection of raw spectra led to conclusion that band at 2851 cm-1 is a marker for sunflower oil presence in Origanum oil. However, this band was obvious only when concentration of sunflower oil is higher than, or equal to 10% and could not be seen in lower concentration. In order to reveal presence of this this band in lower concentration, region between 2800 and 3000 cm-1 was subjected to derivatization and then smoothing. Results displayed that Raman spectroscopy in combination with mathematical transformation of spectra can reveal small concentration of unwanted adulterant in Origanum oil


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    Livade i paÅ”njake uglavnom nalazimo u područjima (močvarno ā€“ glejnih vertičnih tala, amfigleja, epigleja i hipogleja) loÅ”ih i/ili vrlo loÅ”ih proizvodnih svojstava. To je i razlogom da se poljoprivredna proizvodnja u ovim područjima razvija po prioritetu: 1. Stočarstvo, 2. Proizvodnja krme na oranicama i livadama i 3. Ratarstvo. Ograničenost u pogodnosti tala za travnjake ogleda se u: nedostatku hraniva (prvenstveno duÅ”ika, fosfora i kalija), te povremenim pojavama manjka i viÅ”ka vode u tlu. Praksa je potvrdila potrebu i ispravnost uređenja zemljiÅ”ta sljedećim redom: zaÅ”tita od vanjskih voda, odvodnja suviÅ”nih povrÅ”inskih voda, odvodnja suviÅ”nih podzemnih voda i navodnjavanje zemljiÅ”ta. Na teÅ”kim, glinovitim i vlažnim tlima ā€“ tlima pogodnim za travnjake, preporuča se izvođenje krtične drenaže. Njena primjena se pokazala vrlo uspjeÅ”nom i dužeg je vijeka djelovanja pod livadama i paÅ”njacima, za razliku od oraničnih povrÅ”ina. Stabilna proizvodnja sa Å”to manjim oscilacijama priroda sijena je veličina kojoj teži svaki poljoprivredni proizvođač. Prirodi sijena u RH u razdoblju od 1989. do 1998. kreću se od 1,9 do 2,4 t/ha na livadama, a 2,4 do 3,7 t/ha na paÅ”njacima. U istom se razdoblju uočava smanjenje pokoÅ”enih povrÅ”ina na području RH tijekom i nakon Domovinskog rata. ZaÅ”tita od voda, zaÅ”tita voda, kao i održivo gospodarenje raspoloživim vodama u cilju navodnjavanja, značajna je i neodloživa zadaća radi osiguranja uspjeÅ”nije poljoprivredne proizvodnje i općeg druÅ”tvenog napretka.Grassland and pasture can usually be found in areas (marsh gley vertic soil, amphigley, epigley, hypogley) of poor and/or very poor soil properties. This is the main reason why agricultural production develops according to the following priorities: 1) cattle breeding, 2) fodder production on arable land and meadows and 3) crop farming. Limited soil properties of grassland are reflected in insufficient nutrients in arable lands (primarily nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and periodic phenomenon of lack or abundance of water in the soil. The practice has justified the need for soil melioration in the following order: protection of surface water, drainage of surface and subsurface water and irrigation. On heavy gley and wet soils, which are suitable for grasslands, mole drainage is recommended. In comparison to arable lands, its application has given quite successful results and longer overall duration. Each farmer aims at stable production and good hay yield. Hay yield in Croatia in the period of 1989-1998 varied from 1.9 ā€“ 2.4 t/ha and 2.4 ā€“ 3.7t/ha on grasslands and pasture respectively. Decrease of grassland and pasture has been observed during and after the war period. Water protection and sustainable water management for irrigation is a significant mission for successful agricultural production and development of the society in general

    Extreme Weather Events Affect Agronomic Practices and Their Environmental Impact in Maize Cultivation

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    Sustainable and profitable crop production has become a challenge due to frequent weather extremes, where unstable crop yields are often followed by the negative impacts of agronomic practices on the environment, i.e., nitrate leaching in irrigated and nitrogen (N)-fertilized crop production. To study this issue, a three-year field study was conducted during quite different growing seasons in terms of weather conditions, i.e., extremely wet, extremely dry, and average years. Over three consecutive years, the irrigation and N fertilizers rates were tested for their effect on grain yield and composition, i.e., protein, starch, and oil content of the maize hybrids; soil N level (%); and nitrate leaching. The results showed that the impact of the tested factors and their significance was year- or weather-condition-dependent. The grain yield result stood out during the extremely wet year, where the irrigation rate reduced the grain yield by 7.6% due to the stress caused by the excessive amount of water. In the remainder of the study, the irrigation rate expectedly increased the grain yield by 13.9% (a2) and 20.8% (a3) in the extremely dry year and 22.7% (a2) and 39.5% (a3) during the average year. Regardless of the weather conditions, the N fertilizer rate increased the grain yield and protein content. The soil N level showed a typical pattern, where the maximum levels were at the beginning of the study period and were higher as the N fertilizer rate was increased. Significant variations in the soil N level were found between weather conditions (r = āˆ’0.719) and N fertilizer rate (r = 0.401). Nitrate leaching losses were expectedly found for irrigation and N fertilizer treatments with the highest rates (a3b3 = 79.8 mg NO3āˆ’ L)


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    The aim of this research was to determine the possibility of tomato production in the organic-biological conditions and to compare it with the conventional tomato production. The research lasted for three years. Each type of organic manure and organic substrates used as the preparation of the organic-biological production underwent many agrochemical and microbiological analyses. There were no significant plant diseases or pests during the entire course of organic-biological tomato production. Duration of organic-biological production from the day of planting till picking time was shorter than for the conventional production. Moreover, the Monroe hybrid had heavier mean fruit weight, whereas both hybrids had approximately the same mean fruit number per plant. Regular monitoring and control of all technological parameters which are the most influential in greenhouse conditions for organic-biological tomato production provided satisfying qualitative and quantitative tomato yield for further market demands. Statistical data analysis was conducted through three way covariance analysis (ABC) with three repetitions for each trial. The trial revealed statistically justified difference for the studied hybrid types (P<0,05) throughout the three years' period (P<0,01). The differences between the crop production were not statistically significant (P<0,05), whereas interaction of hybrids and crop production was statistically very significant (P<0,01). Interaction of the studied factors has not been statistically justified (P<0,05)