4 research outputs found

    Procjena zdravstvenoga rizika nakon istovremenog izlaganja olovu, kadmiju i živi iz poljoprivrednoga tla s područja Tuzlanskoga kantona (Bosna i Hercegovina)

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    The aim of this study was to assess the risk of human exposure to lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and mercury (Hg) through agricultural soil by considering both uncertainty and variability in key exposure parameters. For this reason we collected soil samples from 29 locations in the Tuzla Canton (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and measured their metal levels with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission or absorption spectrometry (ICP-AES and ICP-AAS, respectively). The levels of Pb ranged from 13.33 to 1692.33 mg/kg, of Cd from 0.05 to 3.67 mg/kg, and of Hg from 0.02 to 2.73 mg/kg. To estimate cancer and non-cancer risks we used deterministic and semi-probabilistic methods. Lead was found to involve higher health risk than the other two heavy metals. Its hazard index (HI) decreased between population groups (children>women>men) and exposure routes (ingestion>skin contact>inhalation). Our Monte Carlo simulations indicated that Pb HIs for both adult populations had a 0.6 % probability to exceed the threshold value of 1, while in children this probability was 14.2 %. Cd and Hg showed no probability to exceed the threshold in any scenario. Our simulation results raise concern about possible adverse health effects of heavy metals from soil, especially in children. It is very important to continue monitoring environmental pollution and assess human health risk, not only with respect to soil, but also with other important environmental compartments, such as air and water.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti izloženost ljudi olovu (Pb), kadmiju (Cd) i živi (Hg) iz poljoprivrednog tla, uzimajući u obzir pridružene nesigurnosti i varijabilnosti u ključnim parametrima izloženosti. Primjenom metoda induktivno spregnute plazme i atomske emisijske ili apsorpcijske spektrometrije (ICP-AES i AAS) određena je koncentracija metala u uzorcima poljoprivrednoga tla prikupljenog s 29 lokacija u Tuzlanskom kantonu (Bosna i Hercegovina). Koncentracije Pb kretale su se u rasponu od 13,33 do 1692,33 mg/kg, Cd od 0,05 do 3,67 mg/kg i Hg od 0,02 do 2,73 mg/kg. Za procjenu kancerogenog i nekancerogenog rizika koristili smo se determinističkim i semiprobabilističkim pristupom u procjeni rizika. Utvrđeno je da Pb doprinosi povećanom zdravstvenom riziku viÅ”e nego druga dva teÅ”ka metala. Indeks opasnosti (eng. hazard index ā€’ HI) smanjivao se među populacijskim skupinama (djeca > žene > muÅ”karci) i putevima izloženosti (ingestija > dermalni kontakt > inhalacija). NaÅ”e Monte Carlo simulacije pokazale su da HI za Pb uključujuči obje populacije odraslih imaju 0,6 % vjerojatnosti da će prijeći vrijednost praga od 1, dok je u djece ta vjerojatnost bila 14,2 %. Vjerojatnost da će premaÅ”iti prag u bilo kom scenariju nisu pokazali Cd i Hg. Rezultati naÅ”ih simulacija izazivaju zabrinutost zbog mogućih Å”tetnih učinaka teÅ”kih metala iz tla, posebice u djece. Vrlo je važno nastaviti pratiti onečiŔćenje okoliÅ”a i procijeniti rizik za zdravlje ljudi, ne samo putem tla, već i putem drugih značajnih dijelova okoliÅ”a, poput zraka i vode


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    Đumbir (lat. Zingiber officinale) je korijen porijeklom iz Indije. Upotrebljava se prvenstveno kao svjež korijen i kao samljeveni prah, prethodno osuÅ”enog korijena. Kod akutnih ili kroničnih bolova prave se obloge koje se koriste kod: reumatizma, artritisa, bolova u leđima, grčeva u stomaku, ukočenosti vrata, bronhitisa i bronhijalne astme, zapaljenja jetre i bubrega i kod asmatičnog napada, a dobro djeluje na metabolizam kod oboljelih od dijabetesa. Djeluje viÅ”estruko: analgetički, sedativno, diuretski, antimikrobno i antiupalno. Đumbir se pokazao i kao djelotvoran lijek u liječenju osteoartritisa. Sadrži nekoliko stotina poznatih komponenti, među kojim su gingeroles, beta karoten, kapsaicin, kafeinska kiselina, kurkumin. U svježem korijenu pronađeni su i salicilati u količinama od 4,5 mg/100 mg. Đumbir je snažan antioksidans koji ublažava ili sprječava generacije slobodnih radikala. U nekim dijelovima svijeta sok od đumbira se aplicira na kožu kako bi se liječile opekotine. Također se koristi u industriji jela i pića, kao začin i dodatak jelima. Đumbir sadrži kemijsku supsatancu gingerol koja se koristi kao antacid, laksativ i u lijekovima protiv nadimanja. Stoljećima se pouzdano koristi kao hrana i lijek. Niti u jednom ispitivanju na ljudima nije zabilježen nikakav izrazito nepovoljan učinak đumbira, a u medicinskoj literaturi nema podataka o njegovoj toksičnosti. Cilj ovog rada bio je da pokaže koje su to osobine đumbira koje su bitne u medicinskom tretmanu. U radu su opisane različite studije koje dokazuju učinkovitost đumbira u tretmanima navedenih oboljenja.Ginger (lat. Zingiber officinale) is a root originating from India. It is used primarily as a fresh root or as a ground powder, from previously dried roots. In the form of compress, it is used with acute or chronic pain (rheumatism, arthritis, back pain, abdominal cramps, neck stiffness, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, inflammation of the liver and kidney with asthmatic attacks, and works well on metabolism in patients with diabetes). It has multiple properties: analgesic, sedative, diuretic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. Ginger has been proved as an effective drug in the treatment of osteoarthritis. It contains hundreds of known components including gingeroles, beta carotene, capsaicin, coffeine acid and curcumin. Fresh roots were found to contain salicylates in quantities of 4.5 mg / 100 mg. Ginger is a powerful antioxidant that reduces or prevents generation of free radicals. In some parts of the world, ginger juice is applied to the skin to treat burns. It is also used in the food and beverage industry, as a spice and seasoning. Ginger contains a chemical substance gingerol used as an antacid, laxative and carminative medicine. For centuries, ginger has been reliably used as food and medicine. None of the trials on humans have shown extremely negative effects of ginger, and in the medical literature there are no data of its toxicity. The aim of this study was to present characteristics of ginger that are important in medical treatment. The final goal of this paper is to summarize the latest knowledge of ginger as a plant and its use in the prevention and treatment of diseases


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    Introduction : Diabetes mellitus is the most common metabolic disease in the world. There is very important influence of patients knowledge and their families knowledge about type 2 diabetes to the risk reduction, treatment and prevention of disease. The aim : The aim of the research was to estimate the connection between the knowledge of patients and their families about the risk factors, symptoms, treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes and occurrence of diabetes. Participians and methods : The study was conducted by randomly interviewing 102 volunteers in Tuzla. The main instrument of the research was self-designed questionnaire on risk, symptoms and the treatment of diabetes. We measured values of glucose in blood for all volunteers. Results : The results of this study suggest that patients and their family members are not informed enough about the risks, symptoms and treatment of type 2 diabetes. Conclusion : There was a significant connection between the number of correct answers with the knowledge of diabetes