54 research outputs found

    Reivo kultūros ypatumai Lietuvoje (apie "tikruosius" ir "netikruosius" reiverius)

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    The aims of this article is to discuss and interpret the internal hierarchical principles of Lithuanian rave subculture. The article is based on 11 conversations, acquired through an informal interviews with the representatives of Lithuanian rave culture. The interviews were held in January and February of 1998. The analysis of the interviews revealed certain stereotypes defined through binary distinctions: alternative-commercial, underground culture-mass media, center-periphery, male raver-female raver, and true raver-fake raver. The analysis is developed by discussing the role of stereotypic distinctions for the internal hierarchy of the subculture.Šio straipsnio tikslas - nustatyti ir aptarti Lietuvos reivo subkultūros vidinės hierarchijos principus bei interpretuoti juos. Straipsnio šaltinis - vienuolika pokalbių, parengtų vadinamojo nestruktūrinio interviu pagrindu, su Lietuvos reivo kultūros atstovais. Su jais kalbėtasi 1998 m. sausio bei vasario mėn. Interviu analizė atskleidė tam tikrus jaunimo stereotipus, susijusius su tokiomis dvinarėmis priešpriešomis: alternatyvus/komercinis, pogrindžio kultūra/žiniasklaida, centras/periferija, reiveris/reiverė, "tikras reiveris"/"orinis reiveris". Pateikėjai skirtingus asmenis stereotipiškai apibūdindavo kaip "geresnius" ar "prastesnius" reiverius, o tai leidžia kalbėti apie tam tikrą reliatyvią perskyrą tarp "subkultūros elito" ir "subkultūros masių". Siekiant atskleisti subkultūros vidinės hierarchijos principus, straipsnyje analizuojami su minėtomis priešpriešomis susiję stereotipai

    In search of ethnic identity: the case of Belarussians in Vilnius

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    Šiame straipsnyje analizuojami tarptautinio projekto metu atlikti kokybiniai interviu su Vilniuje gyvenančiais baltarusiais. Autorę domina, kaip skirtingų kartų informantai konstruoja savo etninę tapatybę, kokie pagrindiniai baltarusiškojo identiteto elementai, kokiais kriterijais remiantis brėžiamos ribos tarp "mes" ir "jie" (Barth 1970). Tiek baltarusių kalba, tiek kilmė buvo svarbūs baltarusiškojo identiteto elementai, tačiau sykiu nebūtini, subjektyviai pasirenkami. Vilnius kaip vieta ir Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės istorijos interpretacijos buvo svarbios informantams konstruojant baltarusiškąjį identitetą. Teigiama, jog analizuojamas atvejis patvirtina teorines prieigas, kurios etninį identitetą traktuoja kaip pasirinktinį, o etniškumą kaip socialinį ir kultūrinį konstruktąThe author analyses 11 in-depth biographical interviews that were conducted in Vilnius with informants of Belarussian origin in 2010 in the frame of a collaborative international research project "ENRI-East. European, National and Regional Identities: Nations between the States along the New Eastern Borders of the European Union". The majority of informants were born into ethnically mixed families, in a number of cases informants were speaking of an important moment in their lives when they "realized that they were Belarussians", that is they "discovered their ethnic identity". The author discusses how informants of different generations construct their ethnic identity, how the "boundaries" between "us" and "them" are constructed and maintained (Barth 1970). The data reveals that language and ethnic origin were important elements in Belarussian identity construction, however, at the same time, they were negotiated and subjectively chosen. Vilnius as a place and interpretations of the history of the Grand Duchy Lithuania were important themes running through interviews. It is argued that the empirical case supports theoretical perspectives that percieve ethnicity as a social and cultural construct and that ethnic identity is situational and ambiguousLietuvos socialinių tyrimų centra

    Can we speak of neoliberal social justice? Interpretations and experiences of reorganization of the school network in Lithuania

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    Straipsnyje žvelgiama į tam tikrus švietimo srities procesus per socialinio teisingumo prizmę. Pirmojoje straipsnio dalyje apžvelgiamos pasirinktos socialinio teisingumo teorijos ir jų taikymas švietimo srityje. Antrojoje dalyje analizuojama, kaip socialinis teisingumas švietimo srityje konstruojamas konkrečiame pasirinktame politikos priemonių dokumente – „Mokyklų tinklo pertvarkos metodinėse rekomendacijose“ (LR ŠMM 2004). Trečiojoje straipsnio dalyje analizuojama lauko tyrimų medžiaga atskleidžiant, kokie procesai švietimo srityje suvokiami kaip (ne)teisingi, žvelgiant iš skirtingų visuomenės grupių perspektyvos. Kokybinis tyrimas vyko Vilniuje, Kaune, Klaipėdoje. Jo metu autorė atliko daugiau kaip trisdešimt pusiau struktūruotų ir giluminių interviu su mokyklų lietuvių ir rusų mokomosiomis kalbomis bendruomenių nariais, kaip stebėtoja dalyvavo kai kuriuose viešuose protestuose, kilusiuose dėl mokyklos uždarymo. Straipsnyje teigiama, kad tiek analizuotame politikos priemonių dokumente dėl mokyklų tinklo pertvarkos, tiek interviu su šios politikos kritikais atsiskleidžia skirtingos socialinio teisingumo sampratos, pagrįstos skirtingais prioritetais. Praktiniu požiūriu tai atskleidžia, kad skirtingoms visuomenėms grupėms, turinčioms nelygiavertę galią veikti procesus švietimo srityje, trūksta veiksmingos komunikacijos.The paper focuses on perceptions of social justice in education as constructed in selected policy document and in interviews with members of schools with Lithuanian or Russian language of instruction in Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda. The paper investigates the perceptions of school network reorganization which started in early 2000s and was forced by demographic situation in the country when due to diminished number of pupils a number of schools in different regions faced the problem of survival. The first part of paper overviews selected theories on social justice and social justice in education (Fraser 1996 and 2007; Cribb, Gewirtz 2003; Vincent 2003a and 2003b) as well as research conducted on similar issues in different countries (Clarke 2012 and 2014; Wrigley 2008; Walkenhorst 2008) and Lithuania (Merkys et al 2005; Duoblienė 2010; Žalimienė et al, 2011; Petrušauskaitė 2014; Bartaševičius 2015a and 2015b). The second part of a paper focuses on the analysis of selected policy document, i.e. recommendations to municipalities on the process of school network reorganization prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science (LR ŠMM 2004). It argues that these recommendations incorporate the themes of equal opportunities, quality of education and economic efficiency, however, economic efficiency is the primary theme there and this echoes researchers’ findings in different contexts (Bartaševičius 2015a and 2015b; Liaasidou, Symeou 2016). The last part of the paper analyses the data of the qualitative fieldwork in three major cities of Lithuania when more than 30 interviews were conducted with members of schools with different language of instruction and representatives of municipalities. The informants who provide critique to the process of school network reorganization emphasize the unequal power relations between representatives of authorities and school communities, and prioritize community sustainence to economic efficiency. Social justice is referred to in selected policy documents and in interviews with oponents of these reforms, however both parties have different priorities and different understandings of just and non-just decisions. A number of international and Lithuanian studies report that neoliberal ideas are spreading globally and they make a huge impact on national policies of education (Wrigley 2008; Walkenhorst 2008; Clarke 2012; Bartaševičius 2015a and 2015b; Vaitekaitis 2016). The author would argue that these alternative bottom-up critical perspectives on globally spread and locally adopted policies must be taken into account by national and municipal authorities when framing and strategizing policies

    Language, Religion, and Ethnicity-Making at Polish-language Schools in Lithuania

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    The focus of this paper is the perceived relation of language (Polish) and religion (Catholicism) to the Polish identity and whether and how these dimensions of identity are employed in interpreting processes of social integration and mobility in Lithuanian society by research participants at schools where Polish is the language of instruction. This paper argues that the native language (Polish) is seen as an important dimension of ethnic (Polish) identity while both majority (Lithuanian) and minority languages are seen as helpful instruments in the process of social inclusion and social mobility since they are perceived as dependent on the social context. Polish-language schools reaffirm the interrelation of the Catholic religion and the Polish identity in discursive and practical ways (via various cultural means). Nevertheless, religion, an essential dimension of Polish identity, does not come to the forefront when discussing social integration or mobility

    [New Lithuania in old hands: effects and outcomes of Europeanization in rural Lithuania] : recenzija

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    Danų antropologės Idos Harboe Knudsen knyga "Naujoji Lietuva senose rankose: Europeizacijos poveikis ir pasekmės Lietuvos kaime (New Lithuania in Old Hands. Effects and Outcomes of EUropeanization in Rural Lithuania) gali būti apibūdinta kaip naujos kartos Rytų Europos tyrimams skirtas antropologijos mokslo darbas. Čia iš antropologinės perspektyvos tiriami ir analizuojami integracijos į Europos Sąjungą procesų eiga ir rezultatai Lietuvos kaime. Autorė kelia naujus aktualius tyrimų klausimus, tačiau nemaža dalis Idos Harboe Knudsen naudojamų teorinių perspektyvų yra iš vadinamojo socializmo ir postsocializmo antropologijos teorinio lauko. Reikšminiai žodžiai: Etnografiniai tyrimai; Europinės pasekmės; Integracija į Europos Sąjungą; Lietuvos kaimas; Naujoji Lietuva senose rankose; Postsocializmas; Regioninė Lietuva; Žemės ūkis; Farming; Integration into the European Union; New Lithuania in old Hands; Outcomes of europeanization; Post-socialism; Rural Lithuania; Thnographic studiesIn this article an attempt is made to pinpoint all possibilities of expressing aspectual meanings in Lithuanian copular constructions. The author departs from the tradition of distinguishing only perfective vs. imperfective aspect in Lithuanian. Instead, in testing various possibilities of expressing aspect in the constructions under discussion, the relevant meanings are chosen from a wider range of aspectual grams established in recent typological work on aspect. Until now the aspect of copular constructions had remained an understudied and underdescribed topic not only in Lithuanian. This is because the main concern of linguists has been with general problems of predication (or identification) in equative structures. Researchers (mainly of the formal persuasion) have based their accounts on copular sentences where the copula “be”, more specifically its present tense form, is taken to be the default case. Of course such ‘default’ copular constructions deliver an unproblematic aspectual meaning, that of imperfective state. Empirically, however, present tense (or zero) copulas are the default instance only in the case of identificational equatives, for identity statements typically assert general truths that are ‘timeless’ or ‘omnitemporal’. As this research has shown, the remaining types of copular constructions have a much wider potential for choosing the desired aspectual meaning. First of all, the functional−structural properties of these constructions and the contexts in which they are used provide much more space for aspect−tense variation in their copular verbs than in the default cases of identificational equatives. Secondly, the aspectual properties of the copular construction can be changed externally by introducing, at clausal level, specialized adverbials or periphrastic aspectual constructions, such as jau ‘already’, du kartus ‘twice’, buvo be-tampąs, bet… ‘he was about to become, but…’ etc.; in this case the aspectual interpretation of the copula is coerced in line with the overall aspectual profile of the construction. Thirdly, the range of aspectual meanings in the copular constructions becomes even wider if we take into account other copulas than “be”, viz. those of dynamic or locative origin. The typological research of recent decades in this field (Stassen 1997; Pustet 2003) has shown that cross-linguistically it is not unusual for copulas to be grammaticalized from different lexical sources. One may reasonably suppose that one of the motives for including new lexemes in the class of copulas was the need of expressing relevant aspectual meanings in the predication of identity, i.e. in various types of copular constructions. So languages tend to have, in addition to their main copula, a small number of verbs that can qualify as copulas and that mainly serve the needs of aspectual expression in their constructions. In Lithuanian these copular verbs are tapti, pasidaryti / darytis ‘become’, virsti ‘turn into’, likti ‘remain’. Depending on their tense and syntactic environment, ‘dynamic’ copulas can express ingressive, progressive or habitual aspect. The copula likti denotes continuation of the profiled situation, as does the prefixed form tebe-būti (tebe-(nebe-) being the usual marker of (phasal / aspectual) continuative meaning in Lithuanian). In the article due attention is also paid to the aspectual properties of the different types of copular constructions. In his earlier works the author has provided a new classification based on the idea of type instantiation, developed by Ronald Langacker (1991). In the second section of this paper these types are briefly passed in review, but the classification is updated and enriched with new discussion. The main idea behind the new classification is that all types of copular constructions are treated as instantiations of one archetype, that of the identity relation. What distinguishes these constructional types is the syntactic class of their predicative complements (adjective vs. noun) and additionally, in the case of predicative nominals, their referential properties. Before turning, in the fourth section, to a discussion of concrete aspectual meanings as expressed in different types of copular constructions, the author first makes a brief excursion, in the third section, to the typology of strategies for encoding predicatives as defined in Leon Stassen’s comprehensive typological study on intransitive predication (1997). This seemed necessary as one may suspect that variation in this domain of morphosyntactic encoding is to a great extent motivated by the need of expressing additional aspectual meanings in the constructions under discussion

    Between risk and security : perception of nuclear power and unemployment in Visaginas

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    Straipsnyje analizuojami Visagino miesto gyventojų požiūriai į Įgnalinos atominę elektrinę ir su jos uždarymu susijusios nedarbo problemos. Autorę domina, ar Visagino miesto gyventojai pritaria IAE sustabdymui, ar įžvelgia kokį nors pavojų, riziką šalia jėgainės ar dirbti joje, ir kodėl, kaip vertinamos socialinės pasekmės vietiniams gyventojams uždarius atominę elektrinę. Analizuojama, kaip Visagino gyventojai supranta riziką, pavojų ir to priežastis, išgyvena šią riziką ir ką rizikos konstravimas/ įvardijimas mums sako apie miesto bendruomenę. Pagrindinis straipsnio šaltinis – 2000-2002 m. antropologinių lauko tyrimų metu Visagine autorės surinkta empirinė medžiaga.The article provides an analysis of views of Ignalina nuclear power plant, expressed by the residents of Visaginas town and the unemployment problems, which may arise in connection with its shutdown. The author is interested whether the residents of Visaginas town consent to the termination of work of Ignalina nuclear power plant, whether they see certain danger or risk near the power plant and why, how the social consequences to the local residents upon the shutdown of the plant are viewed and analyzes how the residents of Visaginas town view the risk, danger and its reasons, how they experience the risk and what does the recognition/definition of the risk tells us of the community of the town. The main source for the article is the empirical materials, collected by the author in Visaginas town during the anthropological field studies, performed by the author in 2000-2002

    Language, ethnic identity and equal opportunities in education: the perspectives of schools with Lithuanian, Polish and Russian language of instruction in Lithuania

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    Straipsnyje aptariama, kaip mokyklų skirtingomis mokomosiomis kalbomis bendruomenių nariai vertina mokyklos mokomosios kalbos, tautinio tapatumo ir lygių galimybių švietime sąveiką. Tekste apibendrinami dviejų skirtingais laikotarpiais etniškai mišriuose Lietuvos regionuose vykusių tyrimų duomenys. Tyrimo metu buvo atlikti interviu su mokyklų lietuvių, rusų ir lenkų kalbomis bendruomenių nariais (administracijos darbuotojais, mokytojais). Duomenys interpretuojami pasitelkiant Rogers Brubaker, Stephen May, Will Kymlicka teorines prieigas apie tautinių mažumų teises, tautinės mažumos ir daugumos sąveikos modelius. Straipsnyje teigiama, jog mokyklose skirtingomis mokomosiomis kalbomis konstruojamos iš dalies skirtingos socialinės įtraukties bei socialinio mobilumo vizijos ir instrumentaiThe language, ethnic identity and equal opportunities are important dimensions in discussions on minority rights (May 2003, 2012) and this paper focuses on how these issues are seen by informants at the schools with minority (Polish and Russian) and state (Lithuanian) language of instruction in Lithuania. The schools with Lithuanian, Polish, and Russian language of instruction are funded by state and education in national minority language is guaranteed by the Lithuanian laws. The paper focuses on how informants at the schools with different languages of instruction perceive the interrelation between school teaching language, ethnic identity and graduates’ prospects to get enrolled in the university studies. The paper is based on empirical data collected during two research projects. The first research project took place in April 2013 – June 2014 in the localities of Southeastern Lithuania, i.e. in Šalčininkai, Švenčionys, Pabradė, and Eišiškės. The second project was carried out in July 2016 – May 2018 in Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, and Visaginas. The sites where the research was conducted are multi-ethnic and the schools with Lithuanian, Russian, Polish languages of instruction function there. The interviews were conducted with members of administration and teachers at these schools. At the schools with Lithuanian language of instruction the author conducted 17 interviews, with Polish language of instruction – 9, with Russian language of instruction – 17, with Russian-Polish language of instruction 1 and with Russian-Lithuanian language of instruction – 2. The data are interpreted in the framework of the theoretical perspectives offered by Rogers Brubaker (1996, 2011), Stephen May (2003, 2012), and Will Kymlicka (2000) on the state policies and minority rights, minority-majority hierarchies and relations. [...]Lietuvos socialinių tyrimų centrasSociologijos katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta