24 research outputs found
Sensory, nutritional and functional profile of whole grain pasta with buckwheat flour addition
U okviru disertacije ispitani su i upoređeni pokazatelji kvaliteta integralnog pšeničnog i integralnog heljdinog brašna dobijenog mlevenjem netretiranih (netretirano integralno heljdino brašno) i autoklaviranih zrna heljde (autoklavirano integralno heljdino brašno). Nakon ispitivanja nutritivnih i funkcionalnih svojstava pomenutih brašna, kreirane su i proizvedene integralne taljatele sa različitim sadržajem integralnog heljdinog brašna (10–30%). Pokazatelji senzorskog, nutritivnog i funkcionalnog kvaliteta proizvedenih taljatela sa integralnim heljdinim brašnima ispitani su u poređenju sa kontrolnim uzorkom taljatela od integralnog pšeničnog brašna. U ispitivanim uzorcima brašna i taljatela određeni su osnovni hemijski sastav, sadržaj mineralnih materija, sadržaj ukupnih rastvorljivih polifenola, utvrđen je kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav polifenolnih jedinjenja, ispitana je antiradikalska aktivnost na DPPH˙ i određen je sadržaj fitinske kiseline i 5-hidroksimetilfurfural. Pored analize nutritivnih i funkcionalnih svojstava, na taljatelama su sprovedena ispitivanja fizičkih osobina (dimenzije) i svojstva taljatela pri kuvanju. Instrumentalno su izmereni boja i teksturna svojstva nekuvanih i kuvanih taljatela. Senzorska ocena taljatela sprovedena je uz primenu panela utreniranih ocenjivača, metodom bodovanja i panela potrošača, testom dopadljivosti. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se supstitucijom dela integralnog pšeničnog brašna integralnim heljdinim brašnom (autoklaviranim ili netretiranim) postiže unapređenje nutritivnog i funkcionalnog profila uzoraka obogaćenih taljatela, uz manje ili više izraženo narušavanje senzorskog profila, u zavisnosti od stepena supstitucije i vrste integralnog heljdinog brašna.This study investigated quality parameters of wholegrain wheat flour and wholegrain buckwheat flour from non-treated buckwheat grains (non-treated wholegrain buckwheat flour) and autoclaved buckwheat grains (autoclaved wholegrain buckwheat flour). After investigation of nutritional and functional properties of aforementioned flours, new wholegrain tagliatelle formulations, with different wholegrain buckwheat flour content (10–30%) have been developed. Sensory, nutritional and functional quality parameters of buckwheat containing tagliatelle samples were analysed and compared with control tagliatelle sample from wholegrain wheat flour. Proximate composition, content of minerals, content of total polyphenols and quantitative and qualitative composition of polyphenols were investigated in both, flour samples and produced uncooked and cooked tagliatelle samples. Antiradical activity on DPPH radicals, and content of less favourable compounds, phytic acid and HMF, have been tested, as well. Tagliatelle physical properties, dimensions, cooking properties, colour and textural properties were determined by instrumental and sensory methods. Tagliatelle acceptability was evaluated by the consumers. The obtained results indicate that wholegrain buckwheat flour (autoclaved or non-treated) incorporation into tagliatelle formulation led to an improvement of nutritional and functional profiles of tagliatelle samples, followed by greater or lesser deterioaration of sensory profile, depending on substitution level and type of wholegrain buckwheat flour
Spontaneously fermented ancient wheat sourdoughs in breadmaking: Impact of flour quality on sourdough and bread physico-chemical properties
In this study changes during fermentation of spontaneously fermented modern and ancient (spelt, emmer, and khorasan) wheat sourdoughs and their feasibility to act as leavening agents in breadmaking were evaluated. During 6 h of fermentation, sourdough was characterized for lactic acid bacteria and yeasts counts, pH, total titratable acidity (TTA), proteolytic activity, rheological and electrophoretic profiles. The effects of 25 and 50 g/100g sourdough addition on physico-chemical and sensory properties of refined wheat flour bread were also investigated. Although in all sourdoughs a pH drop, increase in proteolytic activity, gliadin and glutenin degradation with fermentation were recorded, due to different flour composition and microbial activity, tested sourdoughs significantly differed in rheological properties and breadmaking quality. Wheat sourdough being characterized by the highest acidification, increase in proteolytic activity, and the most extensive hydrolysis of gliadins, resulted in bread with the lowest specific volume and hardest crumb texture. Emmer sourdough, having the highest TTA, ash and wet gluten content, exhibited the highest extensibility, the least pronounced changes in proteolytic activity and the electrophoretic pattern which produced bread with the highest volume and softest texture. In general, ancient wheat varieties have shown great potential in sourdough breadmaking in comparison to modern wheat
Nutritivna, funkcionalna i senzorska svojstva bezglutenskih krekera pripremljenih od brašna slanutka i uljne pogače tikve golice
Research background. Despite the growing trend of the gluten-free market and the presence of a wide range of gluten-free products, there are still some shortcomings in nutritional and sensory quality of these products. The commercially available gluten-free products are characterised as products of inferior nutritional quality, particularly in terms of protein and dietary fibre content and with high glycaemic index. On the other hand, from a sensory point of view, gluten-free products usually have inappropriate textural and mechanical properties, poor mouthfeel and flavour. This is a consequence of the limiting choice of raw materials that mainly possess large amount of carbohydrate components.
Experimental approach. Chickpea flour and two types of pumpkin seed press cake flour (virgin and cold pressed), at two substitution mass fractions (20 and 35%), were blended to produce gluten-free crackers without the presence of conventional gluten-free starch-rich ingredients. This study aims to investigate the effect of these non-conventional flours on nutritional and physicochemical properties, sensory acceptability, antioxidant activity and glycaemic index of crackers.
Results and conclusions. All produced crackers can bear nutritional claims ’high fibre’, ’source of protein’ and ’source of minerals’. Replacing chickpea flour with pumpkin seed press cake flour increased protein and total phenolic content and enhanced antioxidant activity. The selected combination of raw materials allows the production of gluten-free crackers with a moderate glycaemic index. Besides nutrient content, the addition of cold-pressed flour increased overall sensory acceptability, noticeably improving taste and flavour scores compared to the control and crackers with virgin pumpkin seed flour.
Novelty and scientific contribution. To the best of our knowledge, there is no study investigating the use of chickpea and pumpkin seed press cake flour blend without using conventional gluten-free flour and starch. The used non-conventional flour represents complementary raw materials in terms of protein quality and valuable alternatives to produce nutrient-rich, health-promoting gluten-free crackers with reduced glycaemic response and acceptable sensory properties.Pozadina istraživanja. Usprkos rastućoj potražnji za bezglutenskim proizvodima i širokoj paleti ovih proizvoda dostupnih na tržištu, i dalje postoje određeni nedostaci u njihovoj nutritivnoj i senzorskoj kakvoći. Komercijalno dostupni bezglutenski proizvodi okarakterizirani su kao proizvodi slabije nutritivne vrijednosti, naročito u pogledu sadržaja proteina i dijetetskih vlakana te visokog glikemijskog indeksa. S druge strane, s gledišta senzorske kakvoće, ovi proizvodi obično nemaju odgovarajuća teksturna i mehanička svojstva te zadovoljavajući okus i aromu, što je posljedica ograničenog izbora sirovina, u kojima prevladava ugljikohidratna komponenta.
Eksperimentalni pristup. Brašno slanutka pomiješano je s brašnom uljne pogače tikve golice preostale nakon proizvodnje djevičanskog ili hladno prešanog ulja u dva udjela (20 i 35 %) i upotrijebljeno kao sirovina za proizvodnju bezglutenskih krekera bez uobičajenih bezglutenskih sastojaka bogatih škrobom. Svrha je istraživanja bila utvrditi utjecaj ovih nekonvencionalnih vrsta brašna na nutritivna i fizikalno-kemijska svojstva, senzorsku prihvatljivost, antioksidacijsku aktivnost i glikemijski indeks krekera.
Rezultati i zaključci. Proizvedeni bezglutenski krekeri mogu biti označeni nutritivnim deklaracijama kao što su \u27bogati vlaknima\u27, \u27izvor proteina\u27 i \u27izvor minerala\u27. Zamjenom dijela brašna slanutka brašnom uljne pogače tikve golice preostale nakon proizvodnje djevičanskog i hladno prešanog ulja povećao se udjel proteina i ukupnih fenola te poboljšala antioksidacijska aktivnost krekera. Odabrana kombinacija sirovina omogućila je proizvodnju bezglutenskih krekera umjerenog glikemijskog indeksa. Osim što je poboljšalo nutritivna svojstva, brašno pogače preostale nakon proizvodnje hladno prešanog ulja tikve golice povećalo je ukupnu senzorsku prihvatljivost krekera, znatno poboljšavajući okus i aromu u usporedbi s kontrolnim uzorkom i krekerima s dodatkom brašna pogače preostale nakon proizvodnje djevičanskog ulja.
Novina i znanstveni doprinos. Prema našim spoznajama, u literaturi nisu dostupna istraživanja uporabe brašna slanutka i uljne pogače tikve golice bez uobičajenog dodatka bezglutenskog brašna i škroba. Upotrijebljeni nekonvencionalni sastojci, osim što su komplementarni u smislu kakvoće proteina, predstavljaju vrijedne alternative za proizvodnju nutritivno bogatih bezglutenskih krekera s povoljnim učinkom na zdravlje, smanjenim glikemijskim odgovorom i prihvatljivim senzorskim svojstvima
Physicochemical Changes of the Gluten-Free Rice-Buckwheat Cookies during Storage – Artificial Neural Network Model
The influence of storage time, temperature, and packaging on some physicochemical characteristics of gluten-free rice-buckwheat cookies was studied. Shelf life markers, such as water activity (aw), hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), firmness, and color parameters were modelled in relation to different storage conditions. Principal component analysis was applied to study the similarity among samples according to the observed parameters. The mathematical model in the form of an artificial neural network was developed to predict the physicochemical parameters of cookies during 6-month storage. The most evident differentiation among samples was observed for color coordinate a*, aw , and HMF. Regarding the methods for determination of the parameters, priority should be given to the instrumental determination of color as the most convenient method. The processing of experimental data allowed the creation of useful mathematical model to be used in predicting the behavior of physicochemical changes of cookies by different factor combinations during storage
Effect of anthocyanin-rich brine on techno-functional and sensory properties of pickled baby corn
Pickling is one of the oldest preservation methods of food by fermentation. Pickled vegetables are good sources of natural antioxidants such as vitamins, carotenoids, flavonoids and other phenolic compounds. However, in the phase of cob development before fertilization in maize grain, the synthesis of bioactive compounds that affect its final color has not yet taken place. Many studies showed that black soybean seed coat, rich in polyphenols and dietary fibres, can be used as bioactive ingredients in functional foods and pharmaceutical products targeting different health problems. Having in mind the great potential for the use of black soybean seed coat as an ingredient in food products the objective of this study was to investigate the effect of anthocyanin-rich brine from black soybean seed coat on techno-functional properties of pickled baby corn, as well as their sensory properties. The experimental material consisted of three maize hybrids (Zea mays L.) and one soya genotype recently developed at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Polje, in the vicinity of Belgrade, Serbia. Since the high content of soluble-free phenolic compounds (in total 40762.2 mg CE /kg), primarily anthocyanins (in total 11882.9 mg CGE /kg), was detected in the black soybean coat a very high antioxidant capacity (399.54 mmol Trolox Eq /kg) was expected. The addition of black soybean coat had a positive impact on anthocyanin content in Baby corn samples and its color. In this study, we observed three anthocyanins in Baby corn samples. The major anthocyanin was cyanidin 3-glucoside which ranged from 184.62 to 247.47 μg/g. It was followed by delphinidin 3-glucoside, which ranged from 12.24 to 34.93 μg/g and pelargonidin 3-glucoside, which ranged from 12.50 to 17.61 μg/g. The addition of anthocyanin-rich soybean coat changed the baby corn cobs' color to a red range. Baby corn samples had CIE a* values more than 16-fold higher than the control Baby corn sample. In addition, the control Baby corn sample had yellow color values CIE b* higher by 86.3%, 79.8%, and 85.0% than popping, semi-flint, and sweet Baby corn samples with salt and sugar, respectively
Potencijalna primena sorte tritikalea 'Odisej' u proizvodnji čajnog peciva
Triticale, a hybrid cereal developed by crossing of wheat and rye, has certain advantages over wheat, such as higher environmental tolerance and higher content of dietary fiber. The application of triticale flour in food industry is limited by poor rheological properties of dough and low gluten strength. Potential application of hexaploid triticale cultivar 'Odisej' for the production of cookies was assessed in this study. Additionally, the values of basic grain quality parameters for Odisej were determined, such as hectoliter weight, thousand kernel weight, grain size, protein and wet gluten content, gluten index and falling number. Cookies were prepared from refined and wholegrain triticale flour and their physical properties (dimensions, color, hardness) and sensory properties were compared to the cookies prepared from refined and wholegrain wheat and rye flour. Cookies manufactured from refined triticale flour had high spread ratio (diameter/high) value, similar to that of cookies prepared from refined wheat flour. Total sensory score of cookies manufactured from refined triticale flour was the highest among all samples, indicating that it can be successfully used in cookies production.The quality of wholegrain triticale cookies could be improved by the use of milling technique adequate for the production of wholegrain flour.Tritikale, hibridna žitarica dobijena ukrštanjem pšenice i raži, ima određene prednosti u odnosu na pšenicu, kao što su veća otpornost prema uslovima sredine i veći sadržaj prehrambenih vlakana. Primena brašna tritikalea u prehrambenoj industriji ograničena je lošim reološkim svojstvima testa i slabim glutenom. U ovoj studiji istražena je potencijalna primena heksaploidne sorte tritikalea "Odisej" u proizvodnji čajnog peciva. Pored toga, utvrđene su vrednosti osnovnih pokazatelja kvaliteta zrna (hektolitarska masa, masa 1000 zrna, veličina zrna, sadržaj proteina i vlažnog glutena, gluten indeks i broj padanja) za sortu "Odisej". Čajna peciva su pripremljena od belog i integralnog brašna tritikalea, a njihova fizička svojstva (dimenzije, boja, tvrdoća) i senzorska svojstva upoređena su sa čajnim pecivima pripremljenim od belog i integralnog pšeničnog i raženog brašna. Čajna peciva proizvedena od belog brašna tritikalea imala su vrednost odnosa širenja (prečnik/visina) sličnu vrednosti dobijenoj za čajno pecivo od belog pšeničnog brašna. Zbirna ocena senzorskog kvaliteta čajnog peciva proizvedenog od belog brašna tritikalea bila je najveća među svim uzorcima, što ukazuje da se belo brašno tritikalea može uspešno koristiti u proizvodnji čajnog peciva. Kvalitet čajnog peciva od integralnog brašna tritikalea mogao bi da se poboljša primenom tehnike mlevenja koja je adekvatna za proizvodnju integralnog brašna
Veštačke neuronske mreže za predviđanje kvaliteta različitih genotipova paradajza
Sensory analysis is the best mean to precisely describe the eating quality of fresh foods. However, it is expensive and time-consuming method which cannot be used
for measuring quality properties in real time. The aim of this paper was to contribute to
the study of the relationship between sensory and instrumental data, and to define a proper model for predicting sensory properties of fresh tomato through the determination of the
physicochemical properties. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to the
experimental data to characterize and differentiate among the observed genotypes, explaining 73.52% of the total variance, using the first three principal components.
Artificial neural network (ANN) model was used for the prediction of sensory properties
based on the results obtained by basic chemical and instrumental determinations. The
developed ANN model predicts the sensory properties with high adequacy, with the
overall coefficient of determination of 0.859.Senzorska analiza predstavlja najbolje sredstvo za precizno opisivanje kvaliteta svežih namirnica. Međutim,to je skupa i dugotrajna metoda koja se ne može koristiti za merenje pokazatelja kvaliteta u realnom vremenu. Cilj ovog rada bio je da doprinese proučavanju odnosa između podataka dobijenih primenom senzorske analize i instrumentalnih metoda i da definiše odgovarajući model za predviđanje senzorskih svojstava svežeg paradajza pomoću određivanja fizičko-hemijskih svojstava. Analiza glavnih komponenti (RSA) primenjena je na eksperimentalne podatke da bi se okarakterisali i diferencirali posmatrani genotipovi, objašnjavajući 73,52% od ukupne varijanse, koristeći prve tri glavne komponente. Model veštačke neuronske mreže (ANN) korišćen je za predviđanje senzorskih svojstava na osnovu rezultata dobijenih osnovnim hemijskim i instrumentalnim određivanjima. Razvijeni ANN model predviđa senzorska svojstva sa visokom adekvatnošću, sa ukupnim koeficijentom determinacije od 0,859
The application of triticale flour for the production of cookies
Triticale is a hybrid cereal developed by crossing of wheat and rye. It is characterized by higher environmental tolerance than wheat and increased content of lysine, amino acid which is deficient in most cereals. The application of triticale flour in bakery and confectionary industry is limited by high stickiness of dough and low gluten strength. Refined and wholegrain flour prepared from hexaploid triticale cultivar ‘Odisej’ were used for the production of cookies in this study. The cookies were prepared according to the standard method of American Association of Cereal Chemists for the evaluation of baking quality of cookie flour – micro wire-cut formulation. Dimensions, colour, hardness and sensory properties of triticale cookies were compared to the cookies prepared from refined and wholegrain wheat and rye flours
Sensory, nutritional and functional profile of whole grain pasta with buckwheat flour addition
U okviru disertacije ispitani su i upoređeni pokazatelji kvaliteta integralnog pšeničnog i integralnog heljdinog brašna dobijenog mlevenjem netretiranih (netretirano integralno heljdino brašno) i autoklaviranih zrna heljde (autoklavirano integralno heljdino brašno). Nakon ispitivanja nutritivnih i funkcionalnih svojstava pomenutih brašna, kreirane su i proizvedene integralne taljatele sa različitim sadržajem integralnog heljdinog brašna (10–30%). Pokazatelji senzorskog, nutritivnog i funkcionalnog kvaliteta proizvedenih taljatela sa integralnim heljdinim brašnima ispitani su u poređenju sa kontrolnim uzorkom taljatela od integralnog pšeničnog brašna. U ispitivanim uzorcima brašna i taljatela određeni su osnovni hemijski sastav, sadržaj mineralnih materija, sadržaj ukupnih rastvorljivih polifenola, utvrđen je kvalitativni i kvantitativni sastav polifenolnih jedinjenja, ispitana je antiradikalska aktivnost na DPPH˙ i određen je sadržaj fitinske kiseline i 5-hidroksimetilfurfural. Pored analize nutritivnih i funkcionalnih svojstava, na taljatelama su sprovedena ispitivanja fizičkih osobina (dimenzije) i svojstva taljatela pri kuvanju. Instrumentalno su izmereni boja i teksturna svojstva nekuvanih i kuvanih taljatela. Senzorska ocena taljatela sprovedena je uz primenu panela utreniranih ocenjivača, metodom bodovanja i panela potrošača, testom dopadljivosti. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se supstitucijom dela integralnog pšeničnog brašna integralnim heljdinim brašnom (autoklaviranim ili netretiranim) postiže unapređenje nutritivnog i funkcionalnog profila uzoraka obogaćenih taljatela, uz manje ili više izraženo narušavanje senzorskog profila, u zavisnosti od stepena supstitucije i vrste integralnog heljdinog brašna.This study investigated quality parameters of wholegrain wheat flour and wholegrain buckwheat flour from non-treated buckwheat grains (non-treated wholegrain buckwheat flour) and autoclaved buckwheat grains (autoclaved wholegrain buckwheat flour). After investigation of nutritional and functional properties of aforementioned flours, new wholegrain tagliatelle formulations, with different wholegrain buckwheat flour content (10–30%) have been developed. Sensory, nutritional and functional quality parameters of buckwheat containing tagliatelle samples were analysed and compared with control tagliatelle sample from wholegrain wheat flour. Proximate composition, content of minerals, content of total polyphenols and quantitative and qualitative composition of polyphenols were investigated in both, flour samples and produced uncooked and cooked tagliatelle samples. Antiradical activity on DPPH radicals, and content of less favourable compounds, phytic acid and HMF, have been tested, as well. Tagliatelle physical properties, dimensions, cooking properties, colour and textural properties were determined by instrumental and sensory methods. Tagliatelle acceptability was evaluated by the consumers. The obtained results indicate that wholegrain buckwheat flour (autoclaved or non-treated) incorporation into tagliatelle formulation led to an improvement of nutritional and functional profiles of tagliatelle samples, followed by greater or lesser deterioaration of sensory profile, depending on substitution level and type of wholegrain buckwheat flour
Chemical, rheological and sensory characteristics of sweet spreads made from by-products of soya bean and maize
Sweet maize cob (SMC) and black soya bean seed coat (BSC) were used to prepare a sweet spread.
Chemical composition of the prepared spread and its rheological and sensory characteristics were investigated.
The results were compared with those of commercial plum and raspberry jams and spreads.
Spreads made from SMC and BSC had the highest content of proteins, total fibres, hemicellulose and cellulose.
In relation to fruit jams, they are distinguished by the presence and content of p-coumaric, ferulic
and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acids, as well as of flavonoids such as catechin and quercetin. SMC spread with
3.2% of BSC had the highest content of total anthocyanins (666.75 mg CGE kg
1) (cyanidin 3-glucoside
equivalent). Cyanidin-3-glucoside (Cy-3-Glu) was the most abundant anthocyanins in SMC/BSC containing
spreads, while in raspberry jam, that was cyanidin-3-sophoroside (Cy-3-Sop). According to chemical,
rheological and sensory properties, SMC/BSC containing spreads could be competitive with fruit jams
and spreads