19 research outputs found

    David among Goliaths: Open access publishing in scientific (semi-)periphery

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    This case study analyses data on papers of Croatian authors published in 2017 from four Web of Science Core Collection citation indexes (SCIEXP, SSCI, AHCI, and ESCI). The primary dataset (5, 176 articles and reviews) was divided into two subsets, the open access (OA) subset (2, 964 papers) and non-OA subset (2, 212 papers). We also used the primary dataset to create a subset of papers published in Croatian journals (1, 588) as opposed to foreign ones. All were screened for full-text OA status, journal JCR quartile ranking, journal dominant discipline, and language of publication. OA papers prevailed with 74.4%. Most were available at publisher websites. The percentage of OA papers in Croatian journals was 99.8%. The share of OA papers was the highest in the humanities and social sciences, which also saw the highest share of papers in the Croatian language

    The impact of Plan S on scholarly journals from less developed European countries

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    In September 2018, Science Europe (https://www.scienceeurope.org/) launched the cOalition S initiative for increasing Open Access (OA) to research data and publications derived from publicly funded scientific research projects. The backbone of the initiative is Plan S with one main goal: "With effect from 2021, all scholarly publications on the results from research funded by public or private grants provided by national, regional and international research councils and funding bodies, must be published in Open Access Journals, on Open Access Platforms, or made immediately available through Open Access Repositories without embargo" (1). Whichever of these three routes is taken, "all publications must be published under an open license, preferably the Creative Commons Attribution license (CC BY), in order to fulfil the requirements defined by the Berlin Declaration". Many European research funders have been endorsing cOAlition S from the very beginning and supporting Plan S as one of the paths to science without publication paywalls. Its aims, principles, and scope are a step forward to open science. Despite this boost, it remains to be seen whether Plan S will have unexpected long-term effects on journals from small or peripheral scientific communities. Many researchers in these communities mainly publish in their domestic journals. Despite limited international reception, these journals can play an important role by increasing access to locally relevant information and helping domestic researchers to improve their publication performance. If the diamond OA publishing model of these journals loses stable national financial support, it would be an additional blow to small scientific communities

    Otvorenost, ali pod koju cijenu – stavovi i praksa hrvatskih autora

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    Objavljivanje u otvorenom pristupu (OA, od engl. open access) danas je prevladavajući oblik komunikacije znanstvenih rezultata. Prema rezultatima ranijih istraživanja udio OA u ukupnom broju međunarodno vidljivih radova hrvatskih autora iznosi 74 %. Početkom 2023. godine provedena je anketa među korisnicima liste znanstvenici.hr da bi se ispitali stavovi i praksa hrvatskih autora u svezi s OA. Anketa je imala cilj sagledati razinu podrške objavljivanju u OA, prepoznavanje pozitivnih i negativnih aspekata, motivaciju za objavljivanje u OA, izvore financiranja te razloge sklonosti određenim OA izdavačima. Prikupljeno je 763 potpuno ispunjenih upitnika. Analiza rezultata pokazala je da 75 % ispitanika podržava objavljivanje u OA te prepoznaje prednosti koje to donosi znanstvenom istraživanju i obrazovnom procesu. Više od 80 % ispitanika slaže se da OA doprinosi bržoj distribuciji novih spoznaja te da radovi objavljeni u OA imaju veće čitateljstvo i vidljivost. S druge strane, gotovo trećina ispitanika smatra da OA povećava komercijalizaciju znanstvenog izdavaštva te da rastući broj objava smanjuje kvalitetu recenzentskog postupka. Kad je u pitanju odabir časopisa za objavljivanje, većini ispitanika kojima znanstveni časopisi predstavljaju najvažniji kanal komunikacije važniji su ugled časopisa i odjek u znanstvenoj zajednici nego otvoren pristup. Praksa OA časopisa koji objavljuju isključivo uz naplatu troškova objave izaziva najviše razilaženja u stavovima. Ispitanici s pozitivnim stavom objavljuju u takvim OA časopisima, poglavito zbog brzine recenziranja i objave. S druge strane, oni s negativnim stavom smatraju da je izdavačima OA časopisa koji naplaćuju objavu važnija zarada od kvalitete objavljenih članaka, navode da nemaju sredstva za plaćanje troškova objave ili ih ne žele plaćati jer se protive preprekama koje se postavljaju objavljivanju znanstvenih rezultata

    Influence of different factors on the RAID 0 paired magnetic disk arrays

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    The rapid technological progress has led to a growing need for more data storage space. The appearance of big data requires larger storage space, faster access and exchange of data as well as data security. RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) technology is one of the most cost-effective ways to satisfy needs for larger storage space, data access and protection. However, the connection of multiple secondary memory devices in RAID 0 aims to improve the secondary memory system in a way to provide greater storage capacity, increase both read data speed and write data speed but it is not fault-tolerant or error-free. This paper provides an analysis of the system for storing the data on the paired arrays of magnetic disks in a RAID 0 formation, with different number of queue entries for overlapped I/O, where queue depth parameter has the value of 1 and 4. The paper presents a range of test results and analysis for RAID 0 series for defined workload characteristics. The tests were carried on in Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard operating system, using 2, 3, 4 and 6 paired magnetic disks and controlled by Dell PERC 6/i hardware RAID controller. For the needs of obtaining the measurement results, ATTO Disk Benchmark has been used. The obtained results have been analyzed and compared to the expected behavior

    Dataset: David among Goliaths: Open access publishing in scientific (semi-)periphery

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    This is the complete dataset about Croatian 2017 publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection citation indexes (WoSCC) (SCIEXP, SSCI, AHCI, and ESCI), their OA status as well as data about Croatian journals indexed in WoSCC which are analyzed in the publication: Macan, B., Škorić, L. & Petrak, J. (2020) David among Goliaths: Open access publishing in scientific (semi-)periphery. Learned Publishing, 33 (4), 410-417 doi:10.1002/leap.1320. This case study analyses data on papers of Croatian authors published in 2017 from four WoSCC citation indexes (SCIEXP, SSCI, AHCI, and ESCI). The primary dataset (5,176 articles and reviews) was divided into two subsets, the open access (OA) subset (2,964 papers) and non-OA subset (2, 212 papers). We also used the primary dataset to create a subset of papers published in Croatian journals (1, 588) as opposed to foreign ones. All were screened for full-text OA status, journal JCR quartile ranking, journal dominant discipline, and language of publication. OA papers prevailed with 74.4%. Most were available at publisher websites. The percentage of OA papers in Croatian journals was 99.8%. The share of OA papers was the highest in the humanities and social sciences, which also saw the highest share of papers in the Croatian language.The primary sources of research data were the Clarivate Analytics WoSCC citation indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXP), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), and ESCI. The initial search of WoSCC indexes was done in May 2019 using search query "Croatia OR Hrvatska" in the "Basic Search" address field, combined with 2017 in the Year Published field. The WosCC address field covers all of the authors’ affiliations addresses. The results were then filtered by document type to include only "article" and "review" papers. What remained was our primary dataset of 5,176 papers, which we used as the basis for all further analysis. Clarivate Analytics InCites was used for disciplinary distribution analysis as well as for quartile distribution (Q) of papers according to the journal’s impact factors (JIF). Hrčak and journals’ homepages were used for the identification of the Croatian journals, and DOAJ was used for the additional checking of their OA status. Our primary dataset was divided into three subsets according to the goals of our analysis: I. OA subset comprised 2,964 papers. It combined two subsets: - a subset of 2,574 papers obtained by refining the primary dataset by the WoS Open Access filter (all OA types according to the WoS typology were included) and - a subset of 390 papers published in Croatian journals which were not marked in WOS as OA papers, but were identified manually by journal name search in Hrčak and DOAJ. II. Non-OA subset included the remaining 2,212 papers. - randomized sample: a random sample was created in order to check if there was any "hidden" OA paper within the non-OA subset. Randomization was based on the expected OA proportion of 20%, 95% confidence interval, and type 1 error of 5%. The OA status of thus obtained 212 papers was checked manually using the article title as a Google Scholar search string. All retrieved papers were inspected to find respective OA full text. III. Croatian journals subset comprised 1,588 papers published by Croatian journals

    Dataset: David among Goliaths: Open access publishing in scientific (semi-)periphery

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    This is the complete dataset about Croatian 2017 publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection citation indexes (WoSCC) (SCIEXP, SSCI, AHCI, and ESCI), their OA status as well as data about Croatian journals indexed in WoSCC which are analyzed in the publication: Macan, B., Škorić, L. & Petrak, J. (2020) David among Goliaths: Open access publishing in scientific (semi-)periphery. Learned Publishing, 33 (4), 410-417 doi:10.1002/leap.1320. This case study analyses data on papers of Croatian authors published in 2017 from four WoSCC citation indexes (SCIEXP, SSCI, AHCI, and ESCI). The primary dataset (5,176 articles and reviews) was divided into two subsets, the open access (OA) subset (2,964 papers) and non-OA subset (2, 212 papers). We also used the primary dataset to create a subset of papers published in Croatian journals (1, 588) as opposed to foreign ones. All were screened for full-text OA status, journal JCR quartile ranking, journal dominant discipline, and language of publication. OA papers prevailed with 74.4%. Most were available at publisher websites. The percentage of OA papers in Croatian journals was 99.8%. The share of OA papers was the highest in the humanities and social sciences, which also saw the highest share of papers in the Croatian language.The primary sources of research data were the Clarivate Analytics WoSCC citation indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-EXP), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), and ESCI. The initial search of WoSCC indexes was done in May 2019 using search query "Croatia OR Hrvatska" in the "Basic Search" address field, combined with 2017 in the Year Published field. The WosCC address field covers all of the authors’ affiliations addresses. The results were then filtered by document type to include only "article" and "review" papers. What remained was our primary dataset of 5,176 papers, which we used as the basis for all further analysis. Clarivate Analytics InCites was used for disciplinary distribution analysis as well as for quartile distribution (Q) of papers according to the journal’s impact factors (JIF). Hrčak and journals’ homepages were used for the identification of the Croatian journals, and DOAJ was used for the additional checking of their OA status. Our primary dataset was divided into three subsets according to the goals of our analysis: I. OA subset comprised 2,964 papers. It combined two subsets: - a subset of 2,574 papers obtained by refining the primary dataset by the WoS Open Access filter (all OA types according to the WoS typology were included) and - a subset of 390 papers published in Croatian journals which were not marked in WOS as OA papers, but were identified manually by journal name search in Hrčak and DOAJ. II. Non-OA subset included the remaining 2,212 papers. - randomized sample: a random sample was created in order to check if there was any "hidden" OA paper within the non-OA subset. Randomization was based on the expected OA proportion of 20%, 95% confidence interval, and type 1 error of 5%. The OA status of thus obtained 212 papers was checked manually using the article title as a Google Scholar search string. All retrieved papers were inspected to find respective OA full text. III. Croatian journals subset comprised 1,588 papers published by Croatian journals

    Istraživanje stavova i prakse objavljivanja radova u otvorenom pristupu među hrvatskim znanstvenicima - anketni upitnik

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    Anketni upitnik izrađen za potrebe istraživanja stavova i prakse objavljivanja radova u otvorenom pristupu među hrvatskim znanstvenicima. Anketa je provedena od u on-line obliku, od 23. veljače do 21. ožujka 2023.g

    Dataset: David among Goliaths: Open access publishing in scientific (semi-)periphery

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    This is the complete dataset about Croatian 2017 publications indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection citation indexes (WoSCC) (SCIEXP, SSCI, AHCI, and ESCI), their OA status as well as data about Croatian journals indexed in WoSCC which are analyzed in the publication: Macan, B., Škorić, L. & Petrak, J. (2020) David among Goliaths: Open access publishing in scientific (semi-)periphery. Learned Publishing, 33 (4), 410-417 doi:10.1002/leap.1320. This case study analyses data on papers of Croatian authors published in 2017 from four WoSCC citation indexes (SCIEXP, SSCI, AHCI, and ESCI). The primary dataset (5,176 articles and reviews) was divided into two subsets, the open access (OA) subset (2,964 papers) and non-OA subset (2, 212 papers). We also used the primary dataset to create a subset of papers published in Croatian journals (1, 588) as opposed to foreign ones. All were screened for full-text OA status, journal JCR quartile ranking, journal dominant discipline, and language of publication. OA papers prevailed with 74.4%. Most were available at publisher websites. The percentage of OA papers in Croatian journals was 99.8%. The share of OA papers was the highest in the humanities and social sciences, which also saw the highest share of papers in the Croatian language

    David among Goliaths: Open access publishing in scientific (semi-)periphery

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    This case study analyses data on papers of Croatian authors published in 2017 from four Web of Science Core Collection citation indexes (SCIEXP, SSCI, AHCI, and ESCI). The primary dataset (5, 176 articles and reviews) was divided into two subsets, the open access (OA) subset (2, 964 papers) and non-OA subset (2, 212 papers). We also used the primary dataset to create a subset of papers published in Croatian journals (1, 588) as opposed to foreign ones. All were screened for full-text OA status, journal JCR quartile ranking, journal dominant discipline, and language of publication. OA papers prevailed with 74.4%. Most were available at publisher websites. The percentage of OA papers in Croatian journals was 99.8%. The share of OA papers was the highest in the humanities and social sciences, which also saw the highest share of papers in the Croatian language