21 research outputs found

    Reaction of Aryldiazonium Chlorides with 1,3,5-Triketones. An Evidence for the Azohydrazone Conversion

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    The coupling reactions of diazonium chlorides with sym- 1,3,5-triketones are described. The azo-form of the products · is rearranged .into .the hydrazo-form during this reaction. Dihydrazones (I) were formed in the sodiumacetate buffered so1ution while in the sodium hydroxide solution both (I) and monohydrazones (II) were formed. The spectroscopic analysis, based on the data from infrared and ultraviolet spectra, indicates that dihydrazones exist in the double syn-form with an intramolecular hydrogen bond

    The nexus between prices, employment and output growth: a global and national evidence

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    This paper investigates how output growth, employment growth and inflation influence each other in the short/long run. It builds on Phillips (1962) and Blanchard Fischer (1989) assessment that empirical links between output, employment and prices are central issue in modern macroeconomics. This paper brings a global perspective on short and long term links between employment growth, inflation and output growth using panel cointegration framework with non-stationary heterogeneous panel (119 countries over 1970–2010). The empirical results (on global and national level) strongly support the existence of a long-run equilibrium relationship between output growth, employment growth and inflation. A central finding is that possible trade-off effects between growth, employment and prices varies significantly among economies. Therefore, universal answers to questions Is inflation good for growth or Is there a trade-off between employment and growth are not straightforward for general macroeconomic theory. Each country must design own economic policy (targeting) taking into account the quantitative relationships between growth, employment and prices. This has important policy implications also for price setting policies, cost management, market strategy and risk management through productivity-demand disturbances effects on the business environment

    Kvalitativna procjena eliminacije TCP-a i TAMORF-a iz organizma štakora metodom GC-MS

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    Nerve agents are highly toxic organophosphorus (OP) compounds. They inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE), an enzyme that hydrolyses acetycholine (ACh) in the nervous system. Pathophysiological changes caused by OP poisonings are primarily the consequence of surplus ACh on cholinergic receptors and in the central nervous system. Standard treatment of OP poisoning includes combined administration of carbamates, atropine, oximes and anticonvulsants. In order to improve therapy, new compounds have been synthesised and tested. Tenocyclidine (TCP) and its adamantane derivative 1-[2-(2-thienyl)-2-adamantyl] morpholine (TAMORF) have shown interesting properties against soman poisoning. In this study, we developed a qualitative GC-MS method to measure elimination of TCP and TAMORF through rat urine in order to learn more about the mechanisms through which TCP protects an organism from OP poisoning and to determine the duration of this protective effect. GC-MS showed that six hours after treatment with TCP, rat urine contained only its metabolite 1-thienylcyclohexene, while urine of rats treated with TAMORF contained both TAMORF and its metabolites.Živčani bojni otrovi po strukturi su organofosforni (OP) spojevi, čija je zajednička značajka ireverzibilna inhibicija acetilkolinesteraze (AChE), enzima koji hidrolizira acetilkolin (ACh) u živčanom sustavu. Patofi ziološka zbivanja koja nastaju pri otrovanju OP-spojevima primarno su posljedica akumuliranog ACh na kolinergičkim receptorima i u središnjem živčanom sustavu. Još uvijek nesavršen, standardni tretman liječenja otrovanja OP-spojevima uključuje kombiniranu primjenu estera karbamata, atropina, oksima i antikonvulziva. Kako bi se unaprijedila uobičajena terapija, osobito kod otrovanja somanom, ispituju se antidotski učinci mnogih spojeva. Tenociklidin (TCP) i njegov adamantanski derivat TAMORF pokazali su zanimljiva svojstva pomoćne terapije pri otrovanju somanom. Kako bi se proširile dosadašnje spoznaje o načinu na koji tenociklidini štite organizam od trovanja OP-spojevima te također o trajanju njihova antidotskog učinka, u ovom radu razvijena je GC-MS-metoda za praćenje eliminacije TCP-a i TAMORF-a iz organizma. Rezultati GC-MS-analize pokazali su da šest sati nakon tretiranja štakora TCP-om mokraće sadržavaju metabolit TCP-a 1-tienilcikloheksen, dok šest sati nakon tretiranja štakora TAMORF-om mokraće sadržavaju i TAMORF i njegove metabolite. Drugim riječima, šest sati nakon tretmana TCP se potpuno metabolizira, dok se TAMORF metabolizira djelomično, a djelomično ostaje nepromijenjen

    Mehanizam toksičnosti i detoksikacije organofosfornih spojeva s naglaskom na istraživanja u Hrvatskoj

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    This review comprises studies on the mechanisms of toxicity and detoxication of organophosphorus (OP) compounds done in Croatia in different research areas. One area is the synthesis of antidotes against OP poisoning and their in vivo testing in experimental animals. In vitro studies included in this review focus on the mechanisms of reversible inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), protection of cholinesterases from inhibition by OPs, and reactivation of phosphylated cholinesterases. The third area comprises distribution profiles of BChE and paraoxonase (PON) phenotypes in selected population groups and the detection of OPs and metabolites in humans. Finally, methods are described for the detection of OP compounds in human blood and other media by means of cholinesterase inhibitionPrikazana su istraživanja vođena u Hrvatskoj na različitim područjima mehanizma toksičnosti i detoksikacije organofosfornih (OP) spojeva. Jedno je područje sinteza antidota protiv otrovanja OP spojevima i testiranje in vivo antidota na eksperimentalnim životinjama. Istraživanja in vitro odnose se na mehanizam reverzibilne inhibicije acetilkolinesteraze (AChE) i buturilkolinesteraze (BChE), zaštitu kolinesteraza od inhibicije OP spojevima te reaktivaciju fosfiliranih kolinesteraza. Treće je područje distribucija fenotipova BChE i paraoksonaze (PON) u odabranim populacijama te detekcija OP spojeva i njihovih metabolita u ljudima. Na kraju su opisane metode detekcije OP spojeva u ljudskoj krvi i drugim medijima koje se osnivaju na inhibiciji kolinesteraza