92 research outputs found

    Adriatic sea sharks

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    Morski psi spadaju u razred hrskavičnjača (Selachii, Chondrichthyes). Postoje već 400 milijuna godina i gotovo nepromijenjeni plivaju svjetskim morima, pa tako i Jadranom. Danas u hranidbenom lancu zauzimaju mjesto vodećeg predatora. U ovom radu izložen je kratki pregled upravo morskih pasa Jadranskog mora. Nabrojene su i opisane najčešće vrste koje tamo obitavaju. Uz njih, navedene su i vrste na koje rjeđe nailazimo, ali se ističu svojom veličinom, snagom ili su zabilježeni njihovi napadi na ljude.Sharks belong to a large group of fish in which the skeleton is made of cartilage (Selachii, Chondrichthyes). They have been around for over 400 million years, and they have been swimming almost unchanged for 350 milion years. We can find them in all world seas and oceans, including Adriatic sea. Today they are among the top predators in the food chains. In this work, a short review of the sharks in Adriatic sea has been presented. Most common species have been described. Also, some rare species have been mentioned, because of their lenght, strenght or attacking people

    Adriatic sea sharks

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    Morski psi spadaju u razred hrskavičnjača (Selachii, Chondrichthyes). Postoje već 400 milijuna godina i gotovo nepromijenjeni plivaju svjetskim morima, pa tako i Jadranom. Danas u hranidbenom lancu zauzimaju mjesto vodećeg predatora. U ovom radu izložen je kratki pregled upravo morskih pasa Jadranskog mora. Nabrojene su i opisane najčešće vrste koje tamo obitavaju. Uz njih, navedene su i vrste na koje rjeđe nailazimo, ali se ističu svojom veličinom, snagom ili su zabilježeni njihovi napadi na ljude.Sharks belong to a large group of fish in which the skeleton is made of cartilage (Selachii, Chondrichthyes). They have been around for over 400 million years, and they have been swimming almost unchanged for 350 milion years. We can find them in all world seas and oceans, including Adriatic sea. Today they are among the top predators in the food chains. In this work, a short review of the sharks in Adriatic sea has been presented. Most common species have been described. Also, some rare species have been mentioned, because of their lenght, strenght or attacking people

    Communication Campaign Analysis of the Most Famous Croatian Brands: Attempt to Create Iconic Brands

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    Ikonički brendovi su robne marke koje su postale dio popularne kulture. Oni predstavljaju šire aspekte od samog proizvoda. Uz pomoć njih potrošači kreiraju vlastite identitete, takve robne marke postaju dio njihove svijesti i kulture. Ikonički brendovi su ikone kulture jednako kao i glazbenici, glumci i ostali umjetnici. Njihova tržišna komunikacija i proces kreiranja razlikuje se od ustaljenih tehnika korištenih za stvaranje brenda. Tradicionalni modeli brendiranja kao što su „mind-share“ model, emocionalno brendiranje te, danas često korišteno, viralno brendiranje mogu stvoriti uspješan brend, međutim on neće postati ikona. Kod takvih modela naglasak je na očitoj koristi proizvoda, emocionalnim aspektima ili na konzumentima za koje se smatra da imaju određeni utjecaj na ostale potrošače. Model koji služi za kreiranje ikoničkih brendova naziva se kulturalno brendiranje. Kulturalno brendiranje koristi sve tehnike tradicionalnih modela brendiranja, ali uz to dodaje i jednu bitnu stavku, a to je kreiranje mita povezanog s brendom i smještanje u određeni društveni kontekst. Mit je svojevrsna priča koja se koristi za kreiranje identiteta brenda. Mit prelazi granice jednostavnog opisivanja proizvoda. On je dio šire kulturalne ideologije. Ikonički brendovi tako postaju kulturalne ikone i kulturalni aktivisti. Robne marke koje se smatraju ikonama, a na kojima su opisane tehnike kreiranja ikoničkih brendova su Harley Davidson, Nike, Volkswagen i Apple. Promatrajući proces nastanka tih ikona među robnim markama, zanimljivo je istražiti način na koji su najpoznatije hrvatske robne marke provodile svoje tržišne komunikacije. Upravo je zbog toga provedena analiza sadržaja oglasa Podravkine Vegete, Cedevita vitaminskog napitka, Jamnica mineralne vode, Franck kave te Ožujskog piva Zagrebačke pivovare. Provedenim istraživanjem utvrđeno je predstavljaju li se neke od navedenih robnih marki na način koji je blizak ikoničkim brendovima.Iconic brands are brands that have become a part of a popular culture. They represent broader aspects than the product itself. With their help, consumers get to create their own identities, such brands become part of their consciousness and culture. Iconic brands are cultural icons just as much as musicians, actors, and other artists. Their market communication and creation process differ from the usual techniques used to create the brand. Traditional branding models such as the "mind-share" model, the emotional branding model, and today's often used, the viral branding model, can create a successful brand, but it will not become an icon. Such models emphasize obvious benefits of products, emotional aspects, or consumers that are considered to have a certain impact on others. The branding model that creates an iconic brand is called –cultural branding model. Cultural branding model uses all the techniques of traditional branding models but adds one more important element - creating a myth related to the brand and placing it in a particular social context. Myth is a kind of story used to create an identity of a brand. The myth goes beyond the limits of a simple description of the product. It is part of the broader cultural ideology. Thus, iconic brands become cultural icons and cultural activists. Brands that are considered as iconic and that served as an example for describing techniques of creating iconic brands are Harley Davidson, Nike, Volkswagen, and Apple. Observing the process of creating these icons among brands, it is interesting to explore the way the most famous Croatian brands conducted their market communications. That is why the analysis of the content of Podravka Vegeta, Cedevita vitamin drink, Jamnica mineral water, Franck coffee and Ožujsko pivo from Zagreb Brewery was performed. The research determined whether some of the mentioned brands are presented in a way that is closely related to iconic brands

    Adriatic sea sharks

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    Morski psi spadaju u razred hrskavičnjača (Selachii, Chondrichthyes). Postoje već 400 milijuna godina i gotovo nepromijenjeni plivaju svjetskim morima, pa tako i Jadranom. Danas u hranidbenom lancu zauzimaju mjesto vodećeg predatora. U ovom radu izložen je kratki pregled upravo morskih pasa Jadranskog mora. Nabrojene su i opisane najčešće vrste koje tamo obitavaju. Uz njih, navedene su i vrste na koje rjeđe nailazimo, ali se ističu svojom veličinom, snagom ili su zabilježeni njihovi napadi na ljude.Sharks belong to a large group of fish in which the skeleton is made of cartilage (Selachii, Chondrichthyes). They have been around for over 400 million years, and they have been swimming almost unchanged for 350 milion years. We can find them in all world seas and oceans, including Adriatic sea. Today they are among the top predators in the food chains. In this work, a short review of the sharks in Adriatic sea has been presented. Most common species have been described. Also, some rare species have been mentioned, because of their lenght, strenght or attacking people

    Štetnost dviju vrsta žižaka (Sitophilus granarius L. i Sitophilus zeamais Motsch.) na različitim hibridima kukuruza

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    Storage pests are pests adapted to living indoors, where their entire life cycle occurs on stored agricultural products. Nowadays, insects within storage facilities are the main problem in the storage process. Storage systems such as silos, warehouses, and containers are perfect habitats for insects that feed on stored food because they are protected from weather extremes, have unrestricted access to large food sources, and can live continuously for long periods of time. The objective of this study was to determine the intensity of damage by granary (Sitophilus granarius L.) and maize (Sitophilus zeamais Motsch.) weevils on field maize and popcorn and their biological potential over 20 weeks of the storage process. During the study, physical properties of maize (weight, hectolitre weight, moisture and sample weight) and changes in population density of weevils were measured. The results showed differential susceptibility of maize hybrids to weevil feeding. No differences were found between weevil species in terms of the damage they caused. Popcorn does not favor weevil feeding, resulting in low grain damage and high mortality rates for both weevil species. In contrast to popcorn, field corn favors both weevil feeding and weevil reproductive potential, ultimately decreasing grain mass and qualit and making it unsuitable for human and livestock consumption. More susceptible field maize can be selected for shorter storage time and thus faster delivery to market.Skladišni štetnici prilagođeni su životu u zatvorenom prostoru gdje im se cijeli životni ciklus odvija na uskladištenim poljoprivrednim proizvodima. U današnje vrijeme štete od kukaca unutar skladišnih objekata glavni su problem u skladišnom procesu. Skladišni sustavi poput silosa, skladišta i kontejnera savršena su staništa za kukce koji se hrane uskladištenom hranom pošto su zaštićeni od vremenskih ekstrema, imaju neograničen pristup velikim izvorima hrane te dug period žive neometano. Cilj ovoga rada bio je utvrditi intenzitet oštećenja koje pričinjavaju žitni (Sitophilus granarius L.) i kukuruzni (Sitophilus zeamais Motsch.) žišci na merkantilnom kukuruzu i kukuruzu kokičaru, kao i njihov biološki potencijal kroz 20 tjedana skladištenja. Tijekom istraživanja mjerena su fizikalna svojstva zrna kukuruza (težina, hektolitarska masa, vlaga i masa uzorka) kao i promjene u brojnosti populacija žižaka. Rezultati su pokazali različitu osjetljivost hibrida kukuruza na ishranu žižaka. Nisu utvrđene razlike između vrsti žižaka obzirom na oštećenja koja pričinjavaju. Kukuruz kokičar zbog svoje strukture zrna ne pogoduje ishrani žižaka, što je rezultiralo malim oštećenjima na zrnu te velikom stopom mortaliteta obje vrste žižaka. Za razliku od kokičara, merkantilni kukuruz pogoduje ishrani i razmnožavanju žižaka što naposljetku dovodi do smanjenja njegove mase i kvalitete zrna te postaje neadekvatan za ishranu ljudi i stoke. Merkantilni hibridi zahtijevaju kraće vrijeme skladištenja i bržu isporuku na tržište


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    U radu se na temelju terenskih istraživanja iznosi fonološki opis govora Krilo Jesenica. Sadašnje se stanje (tamo gdje je to bilo moguće) uspoređuje sa stanjem u 15. st. (Poljički statut) i početkom 20. st. (etnološko-lingvistička analiza F. Ivaniševića)


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    U radu se nastoji eksperimentalno istražiti može li se u mlađim razredima osnovne škole pri interpretaciji književnog djela primijeniti nastavni sustav koji odgovara suvremenim potrebama društva. Korelacijsko-integracijski nastavni sustav podrazumijeva drugačiju organizaciju nastave, a počiva na teoriji međupredmetnih veza kojoj je osnova suodnos i prožimanje sadržaja različitih nastavnih predmeta u jedinstvene cjeline, kao i povezivanje ciljeva, zadaća i aktivnosti tih nastavnih predmeta u jednu cjelinu. Eksperiment s usporednim skupinama proveden je u dva treća razreda iste osnovne škole, a cilj je bio dokazati da je korelacijsko-integracijski sustav učinkovitiji, da učenici pokazuju veće zanimanje za književno djelo i nastavne sadržaje, aktivniji su i brže usvajaju nova znanja. Učenici su imali priliku slušati isti književni sadržaj obrađen u skladu s interpretativno-analitičkim sustavom u kontrolnoj skupini (3.a), a u eksperimentalnoj skupini (3.b) sadržaj prilagođen korelacijsko-integracijskom sustavu. Kvantitativna analiza prikupljenih podataka obje skupine, nakon održanog školskog sata, provedena pomoću ispita znanja, pokazala je da je znanje učenika na razini reprodukcije i primjene neznatno veće u eksperimentalnoj skupini, a zadovoljstvo nastavom i aktivna uloga učenika znatno veća u odnosu na učenike kontrolne skupine. Istraživanje dokazuje da se književni sadržaji u nastavi Hrvatskoga jezika mogu jednako uspješno usvojiti ako se primijeni korelacijsko-integracijski nastavni sustav kao i to da pozitivni učinci u recepciji književnog djela i aktivnija uloga učenika pružaju velike mogućnosti dinamiziranju i raznovrsnosti nastave Hrvatskoga jezika koja osim izazova za učitelja pruža veliko zadovoljstvo za učenika.The existing school subjects system which is at the base of the current educational process does not reflect the need of contemporary society for interdisciplinary approach, integrating of different scientific disciplines and stepping out of the traditional perception of each subject being distinct and not allowing for correlation between subjects. With that in mind, the need arises for the integration of different areas of knowledge that the student requires in order to be able to obtain a holistic view of the world. The methodology of teaching literature maps several systems of which the dominant are the problem-creation and interpretation-analysis approach where teaching process is based on the interpretation of the literary work. In this paper we try to explore whether another approach - the one more suitable for the needs of contemporary society - can be applied in the lower classes of elementary school when interpreting a literary work. The correlation and integration system in teaching requires organising lessons in a different way. The basis of this system is the theory of correlation between subjects where there is a connection and merging of the content. Furthermore. aims and activities of different subjects make a whole. The experiment conducted included the comparison of two groups of third grade students who attend the same elementary school. The aim of the experiment was to prove that the correlation and integration system is more efficient, that students show more interest in literature, are more active and learn faster. In one class (3A), which represented the control group, interpretation-analysis system in teaching literature was applied, whereas in the experimental group (3B) the content was adapted for the correlation and integration system. The quantitative analysis of the information obtained in each group (by testing pupils after the lesson) has shown that pupils from the experimental group have a slightly higher level of knowledge in terms of reproduction and application of the content. In addition, the pupils were more satisfied with the lesson and participated in class more actively than the pupils from the control group. The research proves that literary content in Croatian language classes can be learned with equal success if the system of correlation and integration is applied. Furthermore, the positive effect in terms of reception of the literary work as well as active participation of pupils create the opportunity for greater classroom dynamics and making the Croatian language classes more versatile and as such not only it represents a challenge for the teacher but is also enjoyable for the pupils.Diese Studie unternimmt den experimentellen Versuch, ob in den unteren Grundschulklassen bei der Interpretation eines literarischen Werkes das Unterrichtssystem angewendet werden kann, das den Bedürfnissen der modernen Gesellschaft entspricht. Das korrelativ-integrative Bildungssystem impliziert eine andere Unterrichtsorganisation und basiert auf der Theorie der fächerübergreifenden Verbindungen, deren Grundlage die Korrelation und Verschmelzung der Inhalte verschiedener Unterrichtsfächer zu einer einzigen Einheit ist, sowie die Verknüpfung von Zielen, Aufgaben und Aktivitäten dieser Unterrichtsfächer zu einer Einheit. Das Experiment mit parallelen Gruppen wurde in zwei dritten Klassen der gleichen Grundschule durchgeführt, und das Ziel bestand darin, den Beweis zu erbringen, dass das korrelativ-integrative System effektiver ist, dass die Schüler mehr Interesse für literarische Werke und Unterrichtsinhalte zeigen, dass sie aktiver sind und sich schneller neues Wissen aneignen. Die Schüler hatten die Möglichkeit, den gleichen literarischen Inhalt gemäß des interpretativ-analytischen Systems in der Kontrollgruppe (3.a) zu hören, und in der experimentellen Gruppe (3.b) wurde der Inhalt dem korrelativ-integrativen System angepasst. Nach der abgehaltenen Unterrichtsstunde zeigte die quantitative Analyse der gesammelten Daten aus beiden Gruppen, die mit Hilfe der Wissensprüfungen durchgeführt wurde, dass das Wissen der Schüler auf der Ebene der Reproduktion und Anwendung geringfügig höher in der experimentellen Gruppe war, aber die Zufriedenheit mit dem Stundenverlauf und die aktive Rolle der Schüler war deutlich höher im Vergleich mit den Schülern in der Kontrollgruppe. Die Untersuchung beweist, dass die literarischen Inhalte im Kroatischunterricht ebenso erfolgreich erworben werden können, wenn das korrelativ-integrative Bildungssystem angewendet wird und dass auch die positiven Effekte bei der Rezeption literarischer Werke und die aktivere Rolle der Schüler große Möglichkeiten zur Dynamik und Vielfalt im Kroatischunterricht bieten, die außer für Herausforderungen bei den Lehrern auch für eine große Zufriedenheit bei den Schülern sorgen

    Teaching, Implementing and Evaluating Language Competences Within a Training Firm

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    Podučavanje i učenje jednog ili više stranih jezika u ekonomskoj školi nije i ne bi trebalo biti ograničeno samo na ovladavanje poslovnim vokabularom i potrebnom terminologijom, već je prije svega usmjereno na usvajanje širokog spektra znanja i komunikacijskih vještina potrebnih za uspješno poslovanje u međunarodnom okruženju. Ovim radom definirat će se ključne jezične kompetencije koje uspješan poduzetnik mora imati te načini podučavanja, implementacije i vrednovanja istih. Nadalje, pokazat će se kako se jezične kompetencije usvajaju pomoću poslovnih simulacija te kroz problemsku i projektnu nastavu s ciljem implementacije konkretnih znanja i vještina koje su primjenjive i mjerljive u stvarnoj poslovnoj situaciji. Prikazat će se metode podučavanja koje u središte pozornosti stavljaju učenika i osiguravaju mu usvajanje vještina koje su u skladu sa zahtjevima tržišta rada. Sve navedeno autori će potkrijepiti primjerom dobre prakse te pokazati jedan od modela podučavanja i učenja stranih jezika te vrednovanja učeničkih postignuća u okviru modularnog kurikuluma nastavnog predmeta Poslovanje vježbovne tvrtke.Teaching and learning one or more foreign languages in an economics school should not be restricted to acquiring business vocabulary and necessary terminology, but should focus on acquiring a broad spectrum of knowledge and communication skills required for successful business ventures in international surroundings. This paper will define key language competences which are essential for a successful entrepreneur, as well as the methods of teaching, implementation and evaluation of those competences. Furthermore, the paper will explain how these competences are acquired through business simulations and project work with the goal of implementing knowledge and skills that can be applied in real business situations. The authors will demonstrate student - oriented teaching methods which ensure acquiring the skills which are in accordance with demands of the labour market. All of the above will be substantiated by example of good practice based on the model of teaching and learning foreign languages as well as evaluating students’ achievements within the framework of modular curriculum of training firms

    The Knowledge of Foreign Languages as One of the Key Entrepreneurial Competences

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    Poznavanje jednog ili više stranih jezika osnova je uspješnog poslovanje u međunarodnom okruženju. Ovim radom prikazat će se kako nepoznavanje stranih jezika koči poduzetničku proaktivnost te negativno utječe na uspješnost poslovanja. Nadalje, radom će se definirati koje ključne jezične kompetencije uspješan poduzetnik mora imati te kako se te kompetencije mogu steći služeći se interaktivnim metodama poučavanja poslovnog stranog jezika uz poseban naglasak na korištenje analize slučaja (engl. case study). Osim toga, pokazat će se da učenje poslovnog stranog jezika ne znači samo usvajanje poslovnog vokabulara i potrebne terminologije, već je riječ o puno kompleksnijem procesu koji obuhvaća širok spektar znanja i komunikacijskih vještina. Sve navedeno autori će potkrijepiti primjerom dobre prakse te pokazati jedan od modela učenja stranih jezika u okviru obrazovanja za poduzetništvo.The knowledge of one or more foreign languages is the key to running a successful business in international environment. This paper will show that the insufficient knowledge of foreign languages seriously impedes entrepreneurial proactivity and has a negative influence on the success of business. Furthermore, the paper will define the key language competences necessary for a successful entrepreneur and show how these competences can be acquired through interactive teaching methods with emphasis on using case studies. Besides, it will demonstrate the fact that learning a foreign business language is a much more complex process than just acquiring business vocabulary and appropriate terminology. All of the above will be substantiated by the example of good practice based on one of the models of teaching foreign languages as a part of education for entrepreneurship