10 research outputs found

    Architecture of a Management Information System for Farmers

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    In view of growing importance of data, information and knowledge in companies has become very actual issue of the quality of their processing through the information system modules. Using of modules of the management information systems for qualified analyzes conducted over primary data stored in companies in the Czech Republic is not too widespread. The aim of this article is based on a long-term investigation conducted to analyze the situation and propose for agricultural holdings architecture management information system for farmers to support their decision-making activities


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    The main task of applications supporting the managing is to analyze current data and on the basis of their analysis from different views to provide the managers with the possibility to identify also non-standard situations in the firm. The process of getting data, information and knowledge from the vast files is not only a technological problem but particularly a managerial one. That is why set technologies are used as the tools for meeting information needs. From the managerial point of view the aim of the process is to get as much relevant information for solving given matter of fact problem as possible

    Business Process Management in Linking Enterprise Information Technology in Companies of Agricultural Sector

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    Business Process Management is one of the most important components of a process-driven organization that we perceive as a sum of processes that are more or less follow-up. By adjusting and managing these processes, we can greatly influence the organization's performance, efficiency, flexibility and competitiveness. Business Process Management is important to support the technical infrastructure of modern information systems and communication technologies. These systems are part of the overall enterprise information system. The following article focuses on information and communication technologies for the proper and efficient functioning of process management in agro sectoral companies. This article presents a summary of theoretical knowledge and practical recommendations for creating and maintaining a process management system in enterprises with the support of information and communication technologies. For a more detailed analysis of this issue, statistical research, the partial results of which are subjected to statistical testing, are presented in the following article

    Data Protection and Security in SMEs under Enterprise Infrastructure

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    Information is becoming a highly valued commodity of strategic importance in the period of globalization of trade, cooperation and mutual integration of companies. These facts bring a new perspective and the importance of adequate information security in IS/IT, especially in connection with their electronization and electronic exchange. The protection and security of IS/IT is therefore becoming increasingly important for companies and is one of the key factors for the economic success of SMEs, as well as in agricultural organizations and rural development organizations. Management's interest in IS/IT security and information results not only from a threat to prosperity, but also in the case of the threat to the company's own existence. By analysing the risks, adopting IS/IT security policy, developing safety standards, and implementing security in the life of the company, the security process does not end but comes into a qualitatively new stage. At the moment when the main problems are solved and the environment, at least to a certain extent ready, there is time for important routine activities. This is monitoring, control and audit

    Influence of the Correct Management of the IT Department on the Quality of Data And Information Processing

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    The article examines the influence of the existence of an information system and the existence of an information strategy for the management of information systems and information and communication technologies in the company. Two hypotheses have been identified: H1 - in the monitored sample of enterprises there is an increasing tendency of the existing department of informatics, as a separate unit and H2 - monitored respondents are used to manage information systems and information and communication technologies created information strategy. The article was developed based on scientific methods - using holistic methodology, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. The established hypotheses were verified by a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire survey was supplemented by direct questioning. The established hypotheses were not confirmed

    Monitoring of Integrated Accounts Rendering and Non-Financial Information Disclosure to Agricultural Holdings (on the Basis of the Volgograd Region)

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    The article describes the quality and reliability of the public reporting rendering by large agricultural holdings and full disclosure of financial and non-financial information reporting. The results of long-term monitoring and research carried out at the Department of Accounting and Auditing of the Volgograd state agrarian university as well as the Strategy for integrated development of the rural areas of the Volgograd region results were given here. Recommendations for the coherently integrated reporting adapting in the accounting process of agricultural enterprises were made