5 research outputs found

    Business etiquette: selected examples : Graduate paper

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    Globalni svijet je prepun kulturnih razlika Å”to se u velikoj mjeri odražava na poslovanje. Komunikacija između ljudi različitih kultura uzrokuje sudaranje različitih svjetova. Također, interkulturalna komunikacija uključuje interakciju ljudi čije su kulturne percepcije i simbolički sustavi dovoljno različiti da mijenjaju komunikacijski čin. Sposobnost prihvaćanja i prilagođavanja drugim kulturama posebno je bitno za poduzeća koja posluju na globalnoj razini. Potrebno je uvažiti činjenicu kako poslovni bonton nije jednak u svim kulturama. Ono Å”to je za jednu kulturu dobro i lijepo može dovesti do uvrijede članova druge kulture. Poslovni bonton obuhvaća način pozdravljanja, odijevanja, poslovnoga komuniciranja, odvijanja poslovnih sastanaka, pregovaranja te kulturu jedenja. Tako Njemački poslovni stil zahtjeva točnost, organiziranost i profesionalnost. Također, u Americi je točnost vrlo važna te treba imati u vidu gustoću prometa. S druge strane u Brazilu je poslovna komunikacija opuÅ”tena i ne temelji se na određenim pravilima, uobičajeni su prekidi drugih dok govore. Poslovni bonton u Kini i Egiptu se u potpunosti razlikuje od poslovnog bontona u Hrvatskoj. U Egiptu točnost nije prioritet, postoji mogućnost da se domaćin ne pojavi na sastanku, sastanci se često prekidaju pozivima i posjetima obitelji te se u istoj prostoriji ponekad odvija nekoliko sastanka. Australci su u poslovanju vrlo otvoreni, vole provocirati, darivanje kod njih nije uobičajeno, vole kritizirati sebe, ali ne i primati kritike. Kako interkulturalno poslovanje ne bi doživjelo neuspjeh zbog različitih običaja, partneri bi trebali upozoriti jedni druge o pojedinim zabranama i dopuÅ”tenjima u njihovoj kulturi poslovanja. Također očekuje se da komunikatori znaju barem jedan strani jezik, engleski jezik zauzima vodeće mjesto u internacionalnom poslovanju.The global world is full of cultural differences which is largely reflected in business. Communication between people of different cultures causes collisions of different worlds. Also, intercultural communication involves the interaction of people whose cultural perceptions and symbolic systems are different enough to change the act of communication. The ability to accept and adapt to other cultures is especially important for companies operating globally. It is necessary to take into account the fact that business etiquette is not the same in all cultures. What is good and beautiful for one culture can offend members of another culture. Business etiquette includes the way of greeting, dressing, business communication, holding business meetings, negotiating and eating culture. Thus the German business style requires accuracy, organization and professionalism. Also, in America, accuracy is very important and traffic density should be kept in mind. In Brazil, on the other hand, business communication is relaxed and not based on certain rules, interruptions of others as they speak are common. Business etiquette in China and Egypt is completely different from business etiquette in Croatia. In Egypt, punctuality is not a priority, there is a possibility that the host does not show up for the meeting, meetings are often interrupted by calls and family visits, and several meetings sometimes take place in the same room. Australians are very open in business, they like to provoke, giving is not common with them, they like to criticize themselves, but not to receive criticism. In order for intercultural business not to fail due to different customs, partners should warn each other about certain prohibitions and permissions in their business culture. Also, communicators are expected to know at least one foreign language, English occupies a leading position in international business

    Business etiquette: selected examples : Graduate paper

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    Globalni svijet je prepun kulturnih razlika Å”to se u velikoj mjeri odražava na poslovanje. Komunikacija između ljudi različitih kultura uzrokuje sudaranje različitih svjetova. Također, interkulturalna komunikacija uključuje interakciju ljudi čije su kulturne percepcije i simbolički sustavi dovoljno različiti da mijenjaju komunikacijski čin. Sposobnost prihvaćanja i prilagođavanja drugim kulturama posebno je bitno za poduzeća koja posluju na globalnoj razini. Potrebno je uvažiti činjenicu kako poslovni bonton nije jednak u svim kulturama. Ono Å”to je za jednu kulturu dobro i lijepo može dovesti do uvrijede članova druge kulture. Poslovni bonton obuhvaća način pozdravljanja, odijevanja, poslovnoga komuniciranja, odvijanja poslovnih sastanaka, pregovaranja te kulturu jedenja. Tako Njemački poslovni stil zahtjeva točnost, organiziranost i profesionalnost. Također, u Americi je točnost vrlo važna te treba imati u vidu gustoću prometa. S druge strane u Brazilu je poslovna komunikacija opuÅ”tena i ne temelji se na određenim pravilima, uobičajeni su prekidi drugih dok govore. Poslovni bonton u Kini i Egiptu se u potpunosti razlikuje od poslovnog bontona u Hrvatskoj. U Egiptu točnost nije prioritet, postoji mogućnost da se domaćin ne pojavi na sastanku, sastanci se često prekidaju pozivima i posjetima obitelji te se u istoj prostoriji ponekad odvija nekoliko sastanka. Australci su u poslovanju vrlo otvoreni, vole provocirati, darivanje kod njih nije uobičajeno, vole kritizirati sebe, ali ne i primati kritike. Kako interkulturalno poslovanje ne bi doživjelo neuspjeh zbog različitih običaja, partneri bi trebali upozoriti jedni druge o pojedinim zabranama i dopuÅ”tenjima u njihovoj kulturi poslovanja. Također očekuje se da komunikatori znaju barem jedan strani jezik, engleski jezik zauzima vodeće mjesto u internacionalnom poslovanju.The global world is full of cultural differences which is largely reflected in business. Communication between people of different cultures causes collisions of different worlds. Also, intercultural communication involves the interaction of people whose cultural perceptions and symbolic systems are different enough to change the act of communication. The ability to accept and adapt to other cultures is especially important for companies operating globally. It is necessary to take into account the fact that business etiquette is not the same in all cultures. What is good and beautiful for one culture can offend members of another culture. Business etiquette includes the way of greeting, dressing, business communication, holding business meetings, negotiating and eating culture. Thus the German business style requires accuracy, organization and professionalism. Also, in America, accuracy is very important and traffic density should be kept in mind. In Brazil, on the other hand, business communication is relaxed and not based on certain rules, interruptions of others as they speak are common. Business etiquette in China and Egypt is completely different from business etiquette in Croatia. In Egypt, punctuality is not a priority, there is a possibility that the host does not show up for the meeting, meetings are often interrupted by calls and family visits, and several meetings sometimes take place in the same room. Australians are very open in business, they like to provoke, giving is not common with them, they like to criticize themselves, but not to receive criticism. In order for intercultural business not to fail due to different customs, partners should warn each other about certain prohibitions and permissions in their business culture. Also, communicators are expected to know at least one foreign language, English occupies a leading position in international business

    Diuretic 99mTc DTPA renography in assessment of renal function and drainage in infants with antenatally detected hydronephrosis

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    Background/Aim. The controversy over the postnatal management of infants with antenataly detected hydronephrosis (ANH) still exists. We presented the results of diuretic 99mTc diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) renography in 30 infants with the antenatal diagnosis of unilateral renal pelvic dilatation. The aim of this study was to assess the renal function determined by the pattern of drainage and split renal function (SRF) on diuretic renography and to correlate these findings with anteroposterior pelvic diameter (APD) estimated by ultrasonography. Methods. A total of 30 infants with 60 renal units (RU) (25 boys and 5 girls, median age 6.0 months, range 2-24) presented with unilateral hydronephrosis on ultrasound in the newborn period, underwent DTPA diuretic renal scintigraphy (F+15 protocol). The median APD evaluated on perinatal ultrasound was 15 mm (range 5-30). The postnatal associated clinical diagnosis were pelviureteric junction obstruction (PUJ), simple hydronephrosis, megaureter, vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) and posterior urethral valves in 11, 10, 6, 2 and 1 infant, respectively. Images and Tmax/2 after diuretic stimulation on the background subtracted renographic curves were used as the criteria for classifying the drainage as good, partial, and poor or no drainage. The SRF was calculated with the integral method. Results. Good drainage was shown in 36/60, partial drainage in 13/60 and poor or no drainage in 11/60 RU. The SRF >40% was observed in 55/60 RU, with no RU showing SRF lower than 23.5%. In infants with severe ANH the obstruction was not excluded in 94.1%. Conclusion. Diuretic renography in antenatally detected hydronephrosis should be a useful tool in postnatal follow up, especially in differentiating nonobstructive hydronephrosis from obstructive. It is also importanat to assess and monitor the SRF. Our results suggest that even in the presence of partial or no drainage, SRF may not be significantly impaired

    Combined bone scintigraphy with 99mTc-MDP and 99mTc-ciprofloxacin in differentiation of hip and knee prosthesis aseptic loosening and infection: A preliminary study

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    Background/Aim. Although the number of new primary implantation of hip and knee prostheses every year increases, the rate of failed arthroplasty is nearly the same. The main question is whether it is an aseptic instability or instability caused by infection. The aim of this preliminary study was an attempt with combined 99mTc-ciprofloxacin and 99mTc-methylene diphosphonate (MDP) bone scintigraphy to improve diagnostic accuracy in the differentiation of hip and knee prosthesis aseptic loosening and periprosthetic joint infection. Methods. Inclusion criteria of patients for this study were based on suspected periprosthetic joint infection: painful prosthetic joint, restricted joint movements and increased value of erythrocyte sedimentation rate or levels of C-reactive protein. We examined 20 patients with implanted 14 hip and 6 knee prosthesis. All patients also underwent plain radiography of suspected joint. In all patients, three-phase 99mTc-MDP bone scintigraphy was performed. Three to five days after the bone scan, we performed scintigraphy using 99mTc-ciprofloxacin with the calculation of accumulation index. Periprosthetic joint infection was confirmed on the basis of microbiological findings. Results. Periprosthetic joint infection was confirmed in fourteen of twenty observed joints, in five of them the aseptic loosening was present and in one patientā€™s symptoms were not related to the prosthesis (poor biomechanics of prosthetic joints caused by weaknesses of muscle). Estimated sensitivity/specificity for 99mTc-MDP bone scintigraphy alone were 100/17%; for 99mTc-ciprofloxacin scintigraphy were 85,7/100%. Sensitivity and specificity were 92,3% and 83,3%, respectively for results obtained with combined assessment by both methods. Our study confirmed the high negative predictive value of 99mTc-MDP bone scan. The negative result of bone scan virtually excludes the possibility of periprosthetic infection. On the other hand, positive findings of 99mTc-MDP scintigraphy cannot with certainty confirm the infection. Conclusion. Combined 99mTc-MDP scintigraphy with 99mTc-ciprofloxacin scintigraphy significantly increases the ability of differentiation of aseptic loosening from periprosthetic joint infection

    Functional recovery of patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy treated with coronary artery bypass surgery and concomitant intramyocardial bone marrow mononuclear cell implantation: A long term follow-up study

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    Background/Aim. Intramyocardial bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMNC) implantation concomitant to coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery as an option for regenerative therapy in chronic ischemic heart failure was tested in a very few number of studies, with not consistent conclusions regarding improvement in left ventricular function, and with a follow-up period between 6 months and 1 year. This study was focused on testing of the hypothesis that intramyocardial BMMNC implantation, concomitant to CABG surgery in ischemic cardiomyopathy patients, leads to better postoperative long-term results regarding the primary endpoint of conditional status-functional capacity and the secondary endpoint of mortality than CABG surgery alone in a median follow-up period of 5 years. Methods. A total of 30 patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy and the median left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of 35.9 Ā± 4.7% were prospectively and randomly enrolled in a single center interventional, open labeled clinical trial as two groups: group I of 15 patients designated as the study group to receive CABG surgery and intramyocardial implantation of BMMNC and group II of 15 patients as the control group to receive only the CABG procedure. All the patients in both groups received the average of 3.4 Ā± 0.7 implanted coronary grafts, and all of them received the left internal mammary artery (LIMA) to the left anterior descending (LAD) and autovenous to other coronaries. Results. The group with BMMNC and CABG had the average of 17.5 Ā± 3.8 injections of BMMNC suspension with the average number of injected bone marrow mononuclear cells of 70.7 Ā± 32.4 Ɨ 106 in the total average volume of 5.7 Ā± 1.5 mL. In this volume the average count of CD34+ and CD133+ cells was 3.96 Ā± 2.77 Ɨ 106 and 2.65 Ā± 1.71 Ɨ 106, respectively. All the patients were followed up in 2.5 to 7.5 years (median, 5 years). At the end of the follow-up period, significantly more patients from the group that received BMMNC were in the functional class I compared to the CABG only group (14/15 vs 5/15; p = 0.002). After 6 months the results on 6-minute walk test (6-MWT) were significantly different between the groups (435 m in the BMMNC and CABG group and 315 m in the CABG only group; p = 0.001), and continued to be preserved and improved on the final follow-up (520 m in the BMMNC and CABG group vs 343 m in the CABG only group; p < 0.001). Cardiovascular mortality was also significantly reduced in the BMMNC and CABG group (p = 0.049). Conclusion. Implanatation of BMMNC concomitant to CABG is a safe and feasible procedure that demonstates not only the improved functional capacity but also a reduced cardiac mortality in a 5-year follow-up in patients with ischemic cardiomyopathy scheduled for CABG surgery