8 research outputs found

    Mycoremediation as Innovation Model of Ecoremediation of Highly Contaminated Soils

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    Mikoremedijacija je oblik bioremedijacije koji pomoću gljiva vrÅ”i detoksikaciju zagađenih zemljiÅ”ta i voda. Gljive igraju važnu ulogu u svim ekosistemima i u stanju su da reguliÅ”u protok hranljivih materija i energije. Jedna od osnovnih uloga gljiva u ekosistemu je razgradnja koju vrÅ”e micelijumi. Micelijumi izlučuju vanćelijske enzime i kiseline koje razgrađuju lignin i celulozu. To su organska jedinjena iz lanca ugljenika i vodonika strukturom slična mnogim organskim zagađivačima. Na taj način razgrađuju lance toksina u jednostavnije i manje toksične hemikalije. Enzimi gljive mogu razložiti neke od najotpornijih materijala napravljenih od strane čoveka i prirode kao Å”to su nafta, ulje, pesticidi, lijekovi, tekstilne boje itd. Neke od poznatih gljiva koje se koriste u mikoremedijaciji su: bukovača (Pleurotus ostreatus), ćuranov rep (Trametes versicolor), Shiitake gljive (Lentinus edodes), gljive bele truleži (Phanerochaete chrysosporium), Reishi gljive (Ganoderma lucidum), smrčak (Morchella Conica) itd. NajčeŔći metod mikoremedijacije je da se inokuliÅ”u drveni opiljci ili slama sa micelijumom gljive i stave na povrÅ”inu kontaminiranog zemljiÅ”ta ili tamo gde kontaminirana voda mora da proteče kroz to. U zavisnosti od nivoa zagađenja neophodno je izvrÅ”iti nekoliko uzastopnih primena da bi se toksini smanjili na prihvatljiv nivo. Micelije luče enzime koji usvajaju toksične materije sve dok se ne razviju u odrasle pečurke. Stoga je bitno zadržati miceliju da Å”to duže raste prije nego se pretvori u oblik ploda. Prolećna inokulacija je bolja nego jesenja, jer micelije imaju viÅ”e vremena da se raÅ”ire. Mnogi faktori utiču na brzinu i sposobnost apsorpcije i razgradnje toksina pomoću gljiva, a neki od njih su priroda ugljovodonika, temperatura, pH vrednost zemljiÅ”ta, kiseonik, vlažnost vazduha i dr.Mycoremediation is the form of bioremediation which helps with fungi performing detoxification of contaminated soils and waters. Fungi play important role in all environments and are able to regulate the transfer of nutritious materials and energy. One of the basic roles of fungi in ecosystem is degradation which is performed by mycelia. Mycelia excrete extracellular enzymes and acids which break lignin and cellulose. Those are organic compounds from the chain of carbon and hydrogen similar by its structures to many organic pollutants. This way they break down toxins into simpler and less toxic chemicals. Fungi enzymes can break down some of the most resistant materials made by man and nature like crude oil, oil, pesticides, medicine, textile colors, etc. Some of know fungi which are used in mycoremediation are: Oysters (Pleurotus ostreatus), Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor), Shittake mushrooms (Lentinus edodes), White-rot fungi (Phanerochaete chrysosporium), Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum), Morel (Morchella Conica), etc. The most common method is to inoculate wood chips or straw with your mycoremediators and put that substrate on top of the problem soil or where the contaminated water has to flow through it. Depending on the level of contamination it is necessary to execute several consecutive applications in order for toxins to be reduced to acceptable level. Mycelia secrete enzymes which absorb toxic material all the time until they develop to grown mushrooms. Therefore, it is important to keep mycelia to grow as long as possible before it transforms in a form of fruit. Spring inoculations work better than fall inoculations as the mycelium has more time to grow- out. Many factors affect the speed and capability of absorption and degradation of toxins using fungi, and some of them are the nature of hydrocarbons, temperature, PH value of the soil, oxygen, humidity of air and similar

    Održivo upravljanje otpadom u lokalnim samoupravama i zaÅ”tićenim područjima u Republici Srbiji

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    Moderni način života i težnja ka Å”to bržem tehnoloÅ”kom razvoju stvaraju sve veće probleme vezane za količine i menadžment generisanim otpadom. Upravljanje otpadom predstavlja složeni proces usled konstantne opasnosti po životnu sredinu kroz zagađenje vazduha, vode i zemljiÅ”ta, kao i zdravlje ljudi. Nedostatak informacija o količinama, sastavu i mestu nastajanja otpada otežava proces deponovanja i kategorizacije, kao i njegovu reciklažu ili ponovnu upotrebu. Industrijalizacijom i razvojem modernog druÅ”tva i neracionalnim koriŔćenjem prirodnih resursa povećava se količina otpada, te se javlja i potreba za organizovanim pristupom ovom problemu. Za reÅ”avanje ovih pitanja, između ostalog, neophodni su konstantan monitoring, sprovođenje zakonske regulative i povećanje javne svesti. Ovo se posebno odnosi na prikupljanje pouzdanih podataka o količinama generisanog otpada, te njegovom zbrinjavanju u okviru lokalnih samouprava i zaÅ”tićenih područja. U Republici Srbiji za sada ne postoji sistemski organizovano upravljanje otpadom. Međutim, postoji dugoročna strategija u oblasti zaÅ”tite životne sredine koja podrazumeva poboljÅ”anje kvaliteta života stanovniÅ”tva i očuvanje prirode, gde važno mesto zauzima i pravilno postupanje sa otpadom.The modern way of life and aspiration for faster technological development creates increasing problems related to waste quantities and management. Waste management is a complex process due to the constant danger to the environment through pollution of air, water and soil as well as the human health. Lack of waste quantity, composition and location informations makes disposal and categorization process more difficult, as well as its recycling or reuse. Industrialization and development of modern society and irrational usage of natural resources increases the amount of waste, which creates the need for an organized approach to this problem. In order to resolve these issues, among other, the constant monitoring, implementation of legislation and increasing public awareness are necessary. This particularly refers to the collection of reliable data on the quantities of generated waste, and its disposal within the local communities and protected areas. There is no systemic organized waste management in the Republic of Serbia for the time being. However, there is the long-term strategy in the field of environmental protection, which implies improving the population quality of life and preserving the nature, where an important place has the proper waste treatment

    Overview of Potential Applications of Screen Waste Glass in Mortar-Matrix for Liquid Radioactive Waste Immobilization

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    Brzi napredak elektronske industrije doveo je do generisanja velike količine električnog otpada pre isteka njegovog odgovarajućeg životnog veka. Nelegalno odlaganje starih monitora i TV ekrana, odnosno njihovih katodnih cevi (Cathode-Ray Tubes, CRT), predstavlja veliki problem po životnu sredinu iz razloga Å”to je CRT otpad klasifikovan kao opasan zbog visokog sadržaja olova. Stoga, konačnom zbrinjavanju navedenog otpada mora da prethodi tretman u topionici kako bi se olovo odvojilo od stakla. DosadaÅ”nju praksu u Republici Srbiji (RS) dodatno komplikuje nedostatak takvih postrojenja, Å”to zahteva izvoz CRT-a u Zapadnu Evropu uz dodatni troÅ”ak. DosadaÅ”nja istraživanja ukazuju na mogućnost primene CRT stakla u izradi opeka, keramičkih pločica, specijalnih prostorija za odlaganje nuklearnog otpada ili kao agregata u građevinarstvu. Takođe, delimična supstitucija cementa fino mlevenim CRT staklom smanjuje količinu njegove potroÅ”nje povećavajući nivo održivosti ovakvog procesa. Ovaj rad se bavi istraživanjima upotrebe CRT stakla u cementnim materijalima, kako bi se procenila mogućnost njegove upotrebe u malter-matriksima za imobilizaciju tečnog radioaktivnog otpada.The rapid progress of the electronic industry has led to the generation of a large amount of electrical waste before the end of its useful life. Illegal disposal of old monitors and TV screens, i.e. their Cathode-Ray Tubes (CRT), represents a major concern for the environment being CRT waste is classified as hazardous due to its high lead content. Therefore, the final disposal of this waste must be preceded by treatment in a smelter in order to separate the lead from the glass. The current practice in the Republic of Serbia (RS) is additionally complicated by the lack of such facilities, which requires the export of CRT to Western Europe at an additional cost. Previous research indicates the possibility of CRT glass utilization in the production of bricks, ceramic tiles, and special rooms for the disposal of nuclear waste or as an aggregate in construction. Also, the partial substitution of cement with fine ground CRT glass reduces the amount of its consumption, increasing the level of sustainability of this process. This paper deals with the investigation of CRT glass usage in cement materials, in order to evaluate the possibility of its use in mortar-matrix for the immobilization of liquid radioactive waste.XXXII Simpozijum DruÅ”tva za zaÅ”titu od zračenja Srbije i Crne Gore, 4-6. oktobar 2023; Budva, Crna GoraProceedings: [https://vinar.vin.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/11602

    Energy Recovery From Hazardous Waste In Republic of Serbia ā€“ A Review

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    This paper presents energy recovery data by hazardous waste treatment in the Republic of Serbia (RS). Such waste treatment meets modern requirements of environmental protection, by reducing waste and increasing energy use from alternative sources. From a total of 210.000 tons of hazardous waste generated in the RS, only 4.300 tons is utilized as an energy source. Quantity and contribution data of hazardous waste fractions for energy recovery by its treatment in the RS in 2014, shows that only two categories of hazardous waste (ā€žwaste containing oilā€œ and ā€žoil from oil/water separatorā€œ) are treated in a satisfying manner, though in insufficient quantities

    Insufficient implementation of wastewater disposal and municipal waste recycling in healthcare facilities in Serbia

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    Besides acquiring health services, healthcare facilities present a substantial environmental health risk through diagnostics, therapeutic and laboratory practice. Wastewaters from these procedures are a heterogeneous mixture including toxic chemicals, microorganisms, radioisotopes and hormones. Our aim was to point at the existing flaws in managing liquid waste within the all-level healthcare system in Serbia. Cross-section study was implemented in a sample of 45 facilities. Questionnaire was used as a survey tool focusing on wastewater treatment and laboratory analysis. Pretreatment is implemented in only three facilities, while in 9 out of 45(20%) facilities regular laboratory tests of the efluent are practiced. Within the sample of 212 facilities questioned for municipal waste recycling practice, 50% recycles all streams available for recycling, while 50% does not include this process into its regular daily agenda

    Characterization and Environmental Evaluation of Recycled Aggregates from Construction and Demolition Waste in Belgrade City Area (Serbia)

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    Sustainable consumption of construction materials is an important segment of sustainable development goals towards reducing climate change. Since the consumption of natural aggregates raises environmental concerns, there is an increasing demand for use of recycled aggregates (RAs), as it enhances social and environmental benefits and creates a market opportunity. This paper presents the practice of using recycled construction and demolition waste (CDW) in the Belgrade city area (Serbia) as a resource. Two groups of CDW from Vinča landfill site near Belgrade are analyzed: raw material before, and RAs after, construction of a recycling facility on site. Comprehensive characterization is performed (including particle size distribution, density, water and organic pollutants content, various mechanical resistances, flakiness index, etc.) and compilation of samples analyzed and compared to show a holistic overview. The test outputs in both groups show acceptable values and meet required standards, indicating that recycled CDW generated in the Belgrade area can be used as a substitute to natural aggregates. In addition to that, the environmental and economic benefits from this use as a substitute are analyzed and discussed, proving the substantial income from sold Ras and the landscaping benefits, as well as ecological and economic benefits from energy savings

    Generisanje i upravljanje medicinskim otpadom u Srbiji ā€“ pregled

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    U radu su predstavljeni podaci o generisanju, količinama i upravljanju medicinskim otpadom (MO) u Srbiji. Predstavljeni su načini procene i ukupne godiÅ”nje količine generisanja MO po kategorijama. Zaključeno je da se najviÅ”e proizvede farmaceutskog (64%) i infektivnog (32%) MO. Prema dobijenim podacima, upravljanje MO u Srbiji je trenutno na niskom nivou, osim kada je u pitanju infektivni otpad. U radu su predložene jednostavnije metode tretmana u postojećim autoklavima i kompleksnije metode (insineracija i plazmena piroliza), kao kratkoročna i dugoročna reÅ”enja. Predviđena rastuća količina MO zahteva povećanje postojećih kapaciteta prerade i primenu novih reÅ”enja. Kapacitet instaliranih autoklava može da bude uvećan povećanjem njihovog radnog vremena, kako bi se izbegla dodatna ulaganja. Međutim, tretman u autoklavima je pogodan samo za infektivni otpad. Za drugi MO, čije glavne frakcije čine farmaceutski i hemijski otpad ne postoji infrastruktura. Kao privremeno reÅ”enje, farmaceutski otpad se tretira u inostranstvu Å”to na duži vremenski period nije finansijski prihvatljivo. Kako trenutno osnovu tretmana MO u Srbiji čini samo mreža zdravstvenih ustanova opremljenih autoklavima, kao centralnih (CMT) i lokalnih (LMT) mesta tretmana za tretman infektivnog otpada, preporuka je da se ovoj mreži pridruže i dodatni kapaciteti za tretman neinfektivnog otpada, uz istovremenu optimizaciju nivoa organizacije upravljanja celokupnim MO

    Generation and management of medical waste in Serbia: A review

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    This study presents generation, quantities and medical waste (MW) management in Serbia. It represents assessment methods and total annual MW generation by categories. It was concluded that pharmaceutical (64%) and infectious (32%) MW production is the largest. According to available data, MW management in Serbia is currently at low level, except when it comes to infectious waste. Research proposed simpler treatment methods in existing autoclaves and complex methods (incineration and plasma-pyrolysis), as well as short-term and long-term solutions. Predicted MW growing amount requires existing capacity increase for processing and new solutions application. Installed autoclaves capacity could be increased by increasing working time, in order to avoid additional investment. However, treatment in autoclave is only suitable for infectious MW. For other medical waste, which main fractions are pharmaceutical and chemical waste, there is no infrastructure. As temporary solution, pharmaceutical waste is treated abroad which in longer period is not financially feasible. Considering that MW treatment in Serbia currently is based on health facilities network equipped with autoclaves, as central (CTF) and local (LTF) treatments facilities for infectious waste treatment, it is recommended additional capacity implementation for treatment of non-infectious waste to this network, with simultaneous management level optimization of whole MW