Mycoremediation as Innovation Model of Ecoremediation of Highly Contaminated Soils


Mikoremedijacija je oblik bioremedijacije koji pomoću gljiva vrši detoksikaciju zagađenih zemljišta i voda. Gljive igraju važnu ulogu u svim ekosistemima i u stanju su da regulišu protok hranljivih materija i energije. Jedna od osnovnih uloga gljiva u ekosistemu je razgradnja koju vrše micelijumi. Micelijumi izlučuju vanćelijske enzime i kiseline koje razgrađuju lignin i celulozu. To su organska jedinjena iz lanca ugljenika i vodonika strukturom slična mnogim organskim zagađivačima. Na taj način razgrađuju lance toksina u jednostavnije i manje toksične hemikalije. Enzimi gljive mogu razložiti neke od najotpornijih materijala napravljenih od strane čoveka i prirode kao što su nafta, ulje, pesticidi, lijekovi, tekstilne boje itd. Neke od poznatih gljiva koje se koriste u mikoremedijaciji su: bukovača (Pleurotus ostreatus), ćuranov rep (Trametes versicolor), Shiitake gljive (Lentinus edodes), gljive bele truleži (Phanerochaete chrysosporium), Reishi gljive (Ganoderma lucidum), smrčak (Morchella Conica) itd. Najčešći metod mikoremedijacije je da se inokulišu drveni opiljci ili slama sa micelijumom gljive i stave na površinu kontaminiranog zemljišta ili tamo gde kontaminirana voda mora da proteče kroz to. U zavisnosti od nivoa zagađenja neophodno je izvršiti nekoliko uzastopnih primena da bi se toksini smanjili na prihvatljiv nivo. Micelije luče enzime koji usvajaju toksične materije sve dok se ne razviju u odrasle pečurke. Stoga je bitno zadržati miceliju da što duže raste prije nego se pretvori u oblik ploda. Prolećna inokulacija je bolja nego jesenja, jer micelije imaju više vremena da se rašire. Mnogi faktori utiču na brzinu i sposobnost apsorpcije i razgradnje toksina pomoću gljiva, a neki od njih su priroda ugljovodonika, temperatura, pH vrednost zemljišta, kiseonik, vlažnost vazduha i dr.Mycoremediation is the form of bioremediation which helps with fungi performing detoxification of contaminated soils and waters. Fungi play important role in all environments and are able to regulate the transfer of nutritious materials and energy. One of the basic roles of fungi in ecosystem is degradation which is performed by mycelia. Mycelia excrete extracellular enzymes and acids which break lignin and cellulose. Those are organic compounds from the chain of carbon and hydrogen similar by its structures to many organic pollutants. This way they break down toxins into simpler and less toxic chemicals. Fungi enzymes can break down some of the most resistant materials made by man and nature like crude oil, oil, pesticides, medicine, textile colors, etc. Some of know fungi which are used in mycoremediation are: Oysters (Pleurotus ostreatus), Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor), Shittake mushrooms (Lentinus edodes), White-rot fungi (Phanerochaete chrysosporium), Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum), Morel (Morchella Conica), etc. The most common method is to inoculate wood chips or straw with your mycoremediators and put that substrate on top of the problem soil or where the contaminated water has to flow through it. Depending on the level of contamination it is necessary to execute several consecutive applications in order for toxins to be reduced to acceptable level. Mycelia secrete enzymes which absorb toxic material all the time until they develop to grown mushrooms. Therefore, it is important to keep mycelia to grow as long as possible before it transforms in a form of fruit. Spring inoculations work better than fall inoculations as the mycelium has more time to grow- out. Many factors affect the speed and capability of absorption and degradation of toxins using fungi, and some of them are the nature of hydrocarbons, temperature, PH value of the soil, oxygen, humidity of air and similar

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