18 research outputs found

    Architecture of a Function-as-a-Service Application

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    Serverless computing and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) are programming paradigms that have many advantages for modern, distributed and highly modular applications. However, the process of transforming a legacy, monolithic application into a set of functions suitable for a FaaS environment can be a complex task. It may be questionable whether the obvious advantages received from such a transformation outweigh the effort and resources spent on it. In this paper we present our continuing research aimed at the transformation of legacy applications into the FaaS paradigm. Our test subject is an airport visibility system, a sub-class of the meteorological services required for airport operations. We have chosen to modularize the application, divide it into parts that can be implemented as functions in the FaaS paradigm, and provide it with a simple cloud-based data management layer. The tools that we are using are Apache OpenWhisk for FaaS and Airflow for workflow management, Apache Airflow for workflow management and NextCloud for cloud storage. Only a part of the original application has been transformed, but it already allows us to draw some conclusions and especially start forming a generalized picture of a Function-as-a-Service application

    Ontea: Platform for Pattern Based Automated Semantic Annotation

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    Automated annotation of web documents is a key challenge of the Semantic Web effort. Semantic metadata can be created manually or using automated annotation or tagging tools. Automated semantic annotation tools with best results are built on various machine learning algorithms which require training sets. Other approach is to use pattern based semantic annotation solutions built on natural language processing, information retrieval or information extraction methods. The paper presents Ontea platform for automated semantic annotation or semantic tagging. Implementation based on regular expression patterns is presented with evaluation of results. Extensible architecture for integrating pattern based approaches is presented. Most of existing semi-automatic annotation solutions can not prove it real usage on large scale data such as web or email communication, but semantic web can be exploited only when computer understandable metadata will reach critical mass. Thus we also present approach to large scale pattern based annotation

    Email Analysis and Information Extraction for Enterprise Benefit

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    In spite of rapid advances in multimedia and interactive technologies, enterprise users prefer to battle with email spam and overload rather than lose the benefits of communicating, collaborating and solving business tasks over email. Many aspects of email have significantly improved over time, but its overall integration with the enterprise environment remained practically the same. In this paper we describe and evaluate a light-weight approach to enterprise email communication analysis and information extraction. We provide several use cases exploiting the extracted information, such as the enrichment of emails with relevant contextual information, social network extraction and its subsequent search, creation of semantic objects as well as the relationship between email analysis and information extraction on one hand, and email protocols and email servers on the other. The proposed approach was partially tested on several small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and seems to be promising for enterprise interoperability and collaboration in SMEs that depend on emails to accomplish their daily business tasks

    EMBET: Towards User Assistance, Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing *

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    Abstract. In this paper we describe a User Assistant for collaboration and knowledge sharing. Theory, implementation and use of such system are described. The key idea is that a user enters notes in a particular situation/context, which can be detected by the computer. Such notes are later displayed to other or the same users in a similar situation/context. The context of user is detected from computerized tasks performed by user. The system is based on EMBET architecture (Experience Management based on Text Notes). Other systems in application environment can also provide context sensitive notes to be displayed for the user. Thus users can collaborate and fill up application specific knowledge base with useful knowledge, shown to users in the right time.

    System Supporting Network Enterprise Business Activities via Electronic Communication

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    Email repositories and an email activity are valuable assets for any modern internet based business organization. In order to achieve organizational objectives or to successfully run business activities in any organization need to be communicated. Communication is important part of a business process and collaboration. In most of internet oriented businesses, email is considered as a primary medium for information exchange, and email also plays a major role in an SME business process. In this paper we describe how to create framework above email infrastructure which supports various business activities (enterprise resource planning, customer relational management, workflows and document flow). Innovation lies in not changing way of doing business activities in organization and context sensitive information delivery

    Automated Content-based Message Annotator –

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    Abstract. In this paper we suggest annotation of email messages as a new way of using predefined knowledge for organizations that use email communication as a part of their business processes. The paper describes a tool (ACoMA – Automated Content-based Message Annotator) that enables providing of knowledge in organization when solving a problem within business process. If analyzed text is linked to specific application domain and ontological model of the domain exists, the tool can be directly linked to business context of organization.

    Empowering Automatic Semantic Annotation in Grid

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    Nowadays, capturing the knowledge in ontological structures is one of the primary focuses of the semantic web research. To exploit the knowledge from the vast quantity of existing unstructured texts available in natural languages in ontologies, tools for automatic semantic annotation (ASA) are heavily needed. In this paper, we present the ASA tool Ontea and empowering of the method by Grid technology for performance increase, which help us in delivering formalized semantic data in shorter time. We have adjusted Ontea annotation algorithm to be executable in the distributed grid environment. We also give performance evaluation of Ontea algorithm and experimental results from cluster and grid implementation