27 research outputs found

    The development of mobile application in Flutter framework

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    V okviru diplomske naloge smo opisali problem dolgotrajnega in nepotrebno zapletenega razvoja mobilne aplikacije za več platform, ki se pojavi zaradi različnih tehnologij, načinov dela in smernic za razvoj na posameznih platformah, kar obseg dela pogosto podvoji. Nato smo predstavili ogrodje Flutter, katerega namen je pohitriti in poenostaviti ta razvoj, ga primerjali s podobnimi konkurenčnimi rešitvami in ga uporabili za izdelavo demonstracijske aplikacije. To smo po izgledu, zmogljivosti in stabilnosti primerjali z aplikacijami, razvitimi s pomočjo konkurenčnih rešitev in domorodnih (angl. textit{native}) orodij. Z ugotovitvami pri razvoju aplikacije smo predstavili smiselnost uporabe ogrodja Flutter in opisali njegovo prihodnost kot ogrodje za razvoj ne samo mobilnih temveč tudi spletnih in namiznih aplikacij.In the scope of this BSc thesis, we described the problem of developing a multi-platform mobile application, which is a result of differing technology and guidelines that often lengthens and complicates the development. We presented Flutter, a framework designed to alleviate this problem by developing the application with a single codebase for all platforms, compared it to competing solutions and used it to develop a demo application. We then compared the resulting application to ones developed with similar multi-platform frameworks and native tools using the metrics of design, performance, and stability. Using what we learned with the development of the demo application we then described the viability of Flutter and its future as a framework for not only mobile but also desktop and web applications

    Angleški pacient

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    V diplomski nalogi se ukvarjam s podobnostmi in z razlikami med romanom in filmom Angleški pacient. Za razumevanje obeh umetniških del začnem s predstavitvami avtorjev: najprej predstavim pisatelja Michaela Ondaatja, njegovo čez tri celine potekajoče odraščanje in njegova zgodnejša dela, ki nas na koncu pripeljejo do njegovega dela Angleški pacient. Postmodernistični roman je štiri leta po izidu izjemno uspešno predelan v film, za katerega je zaslužen režiser Anthony Minghella, čigar življenjepis prav tako predstavim. Po povzetku vsebine romana primerjam film z romanom in ugotavljam, da čeprav je film na svoj način zvest zgodbi, ki jo spoznamo v Ondaatjevem romanu, ga poudarek na ljubezenski zgodbi med grofom Almásyjem in Katherine postavi v žanr epske romantične drame. V romanu pa podrobneje spoznamo like, ki so v filmu potisnjeni na obrobje, njihovo izgubljenost po koncu ene izmed najbolj krvavih vojn v človeški zgodovini in njihovo iskanje lastne identitete, s katero se bodo lahko spopadli s svetom po končani vojni.In undergraduate thesis I deal with the similarities and differences between the novel and film The English Patient. To understand both works of art I begin with the presentation of the authors: writer Michael Ondaatja, his adolescence stretched across three continents and the early works, which ultimately lead to his work The English Patient. For years after release is the postmodernist novel successfully processed into a film, credited with director Anthony Minghella, whose CV I also present. After the summary of the content of novel, I compare the movie to the novel and I note that, although the film is true in its own way to story, which we got to know in Ondaatjevem novel, it makes emphasis on the love story between Count Almásyjem and Katherine, which places it in the genre of epic romantic drama. In the novel we recognize characters in details, their disorientation after the end of one of the bloodiest wars in human history, and their search for their own identity, that they will be able to cope with the world after the war. All this is marginalized in the film


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    Pogovor o zaposlovanju je dandanes ena najpogostejših in hkrati pomembnejših tem v socialnem in gospodarskem okolju držav širom sveta. V času svetovne gospodarske krize in svetovnega kolapsa na področju zaposlovanja so delodajalci še kako bolj pozorni pri zaposlovanju novega kadra, ki ga potrebujejo za uresničitev in dosego svojih ekonomsko gospodarskih ciljev. Delodajalci so tisti, ki kader iščejo in se prilagajajo razmeram na trgu ter tudi smerem današnje delovne zakonodaje, ki nalaga delodajalcem vse več zakonskih obligacij in vse manj mahinacije pri izbiri svojega kadra. Tako je danes slika na trgu delovne sile takšna, da je vse več povpraševanja po delu in vse manj prostih delovnih mest, kar kaže na izrazito neravnovesje. Hkrati s tem imajo delodajalci čedalje zahtevnejše kriterije pri izbiri novo zaposlenih, v okviru nove zakonodaje so lažja in hitrejša odpuščanja, vse več je stečajev podjetij, stavk zaposlenih in drugih podobnih anomalij, ki so v nasprotju z zdravim gospodarskim okoljem. Tako imajo danes redka podjetja, ki še zaposlujejo, izredno velik problem, kako ob tej masi brezposelnih ljudi izbrati najprimernejšo osebo oziroma kandidata. Poslužujejo se tako najrazličnejših standardnih metod in prijemov za izbiro in selekcijo, vse pogosteje pa posegajo tudi po različnih alternativah. V diplomski nalogi so zajete teoretične osnove o kadrovskih procesih, o pridobivanju kadrov, njihovi selekciji in izbiri, planiranju, uvajanju in nadaljnjem razvoju kadrovskega managementa. Rdeča nit diplomske naloge se navezuje na obstoječe razmere na trgu delovne sile, na katerega v največji meri vpliva bolj ali manj uspešno poslovanje podjetij, na podlagi česar zavisijo oblike, metode in tehnike zaposlovanja kadrov, kakor tudi pogostost in način objavljanja prostih delovnih mest. V nalogi je, tudi s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika, pojasnjena raziskava, s katero se je analitično ugotovilo in potrdilo, ali je podjetje X svojim kadrom dejansko omogočilo to, kar so jim ponudili pred začetkom nastopa službe, torej na razgovoru o zaposlitvi. Rezultati analize so tekom raziskave podjetja X in izvedbe ankete novo zaposlenih izkazali, da odstopanj med navedbami ponujenih delovnih zadolžitev, ugodnosti, navedb o delovnih razmerah in drugo pred sklenitvijo delovnega razmerja ter med ugotovljenim dejanskim stanjem po nastopu službovanja praktično ni bilo.The job interview is nowadays one of the most common and at the same time the most important subjects in the social and economic environment in countries all over the world. In these times of worldwide economic crisis and employment market collapse employers are even more attentive to what kind of staff they employ to achieve their economic goals. Employers are the ones who are searching for staff and are adapting to market conditions and the directives of modern day employment legislation, which imposes on employers increasing legislative obligations and less chance of machinations in choice of staff. The picture on the employment market shows an increase in demand for work and at the same time an increasing number of vacancies – a clear sign of imbalance. At the same time the employers have stricter criteria for new employees, new legislation enables easier and faster layoffs, an increasing number of companies is filing for bankruptcy, employees are going on strike, and other similar anomalies, which are in contrast to a sound economic environment. The few companies that are still hiring new employees encounter problems trying to choose the most suitable person out of this mass of the unemployed. They opt for all the different common methods and approaches to choose and select, but they also increasingly make use of alternative approaches to the problem. The thesis encompasses the theoretical principles of staff processes, staff recruitment, selection and choice, planning, integration, and development of staff management. The emphasis of this thesis lies in the existing conditions on the employment market, which are being most importantly influenced by more or less successful operating performances of companies, on which the different ways, methods, and techniques of staff employment are based, as well as the frequency and way of advertisement of available jobs. The thesis also contains the explanation of a survey - conducted in the form of a questionnaire - which analytically establishes and confirms if company X has actually fulfilled what it had offered before the actual start of employment, i.e. at the job interview. The results of the analysis - during the research in company X and the survey of new employees - show that there was basically no difference between the promised work obligations, benefits, statements of working conditions before the start of employment and the conditions at the actual work place

    Marketing communication of plant protection products in Bayer CropScience

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    Tržno komuniciranje je danes preprosto nujno za preživetje podjetja. Pomembno pa je, da podjetje razvije svojstveno in učinkovito strategijo tržnega komuniciranja in oblikuje optimalno kombinacijo komunikacijskih orodij. To velja tudi za tržno komuniciranje fitofarmacevtskih sredstev, čeprav je sicer to okolje zelo konzervativno. V prvem delu naloge so predstavljena teoretična izhodišča tržnega komuniciranja in značilnosti fitofarmacevtskega trga, v drugem delu pa so konkretno predstavljene značilnosti podjetja Bayer CropScience in tržnega komuniciranja fitofarmacevstkih sredstev v podjetju. V sklepu so predstavljene ugotovitve o prednostih in slabostih tržnega komuniciranja v Bayer CropScienceToday marketing communication is simply vital for surviving of any company. It\\u27s important however to develop a unique and efficient marketing communication strategy and optimal combination of communication tools. Though being a rather conservative environment this aplies also for marketing communication of plant protection products. In the first part of the paper marketing communication theoretical basis and typical characteristics of plant protection products market are presented. Bayer CropScience company and its marketing communication concrete activities are presented in second part. The conclusion brings final findings of strenghts and weaknesses of marketing communication in Bayer CropScience

    Laboratorijske vaje iz kemije

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    Thermodynamics of Transfer of Some Alkyl Acetates from Water to Water–Ethanol Mixtures

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    Kemija z biokemijo

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    Kemija z biokemijo je učbenik za študente visokošolskega strokovnega študija kmetijstva. V učbeniku so tudi laboratorijske vaje