30 research outputs found

    The Facial Characteristics of Individuals with Posterior Crossbite : A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2023 by the authors.Facial morphology is known to be influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Scientific evidence regarding facial parameters in patients with posterior crossbite is lacking. This study aimed to investigate the association between posterior crossbite and facial parameters. This cross-sectional study included 34 adolescents with and 34 adolescents without posterior crossbite in the age range from 13 to 15 years. Facial surface scans were acquired with a 3dMD imaging system, and landmark-based analysis was performed. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney U test and Spearmanā€™s correlations. Individuals in the control group had lower face heights (females: p = 0.003, r = 0.45; males: p = 0.005, r = 0.57). The control group females presented with smaller intercanthal width (p = 0.04; r = 0.31) and anatomical nose width (p = 0.004; r = 0.43) compared with the crossbite group females. The males in the control group had wider nostrils. In the control group, significant correlations among different facial parameters were more common, including the correlations between eye width and other transversal face measurements. On the contrary, the facial width was correlated with nasal protrusion (r = 0.657; p < 0.01) and the morphological width of the nose (r = 0.505; p < 0.05) in the crossbite group alone. In both groups, the philtrum width was linked with the anatomical and morphological widths of the nose. Conclusions: Patients with posterior crossbites have increased face height and different patterns of facial proportions compared with individuals without crossbites.Peer reviewe

    Can Our Blood Help Ensure Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Properties in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery?

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    Funding Information: This research was funded by the European Unionā€™s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the grant agreement No 857287 and the Latvian Council of Science research project No. lzp-2020/1-0054 ā€œDevelopment of antibacterial autologous fibrin matrices in maxillofacial surgery (MATRI-X)ā€. Publisher Copyright: Ā© 2023 by the authors.In recent decades, the potential of PRF has been extensively studied. The number of studies about PRF has increased three times since the year 2012, but the full spectrum of its fundamental properties, such as antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity, is not clearly described. In oral and maxillofacial surgery, PRF is described in alveolar ridge preservation, orthognathic surgery, cleft lip and palate surgery, maxillary sinus augmentation, and dental implant placement as demonstrating favorable results and its clinical advantages. The structural complexity, inhomogeneous nature, and clotting ability of PRF make its antimicrobial effect evaluation complicated. Nevertheless, most of the used antimicrobial testing methods are based on antibacterial agent diffusion ability in culture media. Because the oral and maxillofacial region is the most frequent area of PRF application, its antimicrobial activity evaluation also prevails in the oral microbiome. PRFā€™s biological potential is highly dependent on the specific preparation protocol and methodology used; it should be carefully prepared and kept under proper conditions to keep cellular content alive. PRFā€™s influence on living cells demonstrates a stimulating effect on bone regeneration, and an angiogenetic effect, and it provides anti-inflammatory activity. According to analyzed studies, PRF demonstrated success in oral and maxillofacial surgery in various methods of application. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties were proven by antibacterial activity against different bacterial species, sustained growth factor, sustained release, and cell activity on the material application. Accurately and correctly prepared PRF can ensure antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and it can be a beneficial clinical tool in oral and maxillofacial surgery.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Reaction of Subcutaneous Connective Tissue of Experimental Animals on Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Coated Hydroxyapatite

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    Introduction. Hydroxyapatite (HAp) scaffolds have become an alternative to autologous bone grafts in orthopedic surgery, because it is possible to fill larger scale bone defects and of the decreased operation time and complication risks at the graft donor site, a promising method in bone regeneration is to load bone marrow - mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) on to a HAp scaffold. Aim of the Study. The aim of our study is to compare subcutaneous tissue reaction of experimental animals to implantation of HAp and HAp that is coated with BM-MSCs. Materials and Methods. Autologous BM-MSCs were cultivated from crista iliaca dextra biopsy, 4 HAp ceramic implants were coated with BM-MSC and implanted in subcutaneous tissue on one side and non-coated HAp implants on the other side of the spine of 4 rabbits. Immunohistochemical staining of BM-MSC and connective tissue included TUNEL assay, NFkBp105, HSP 70k, Wnt1, TNF-Ī±, VEGF, MMP-2 antibodies, microscoped at 400X magnification and analyzed semiquantitatively. Results. Routine staining with haemotoxilin and eosin demonstrated formation of granulation tissue around the HAp implant, which was more distinct on the control side. There was an increased number of NFĪŗB p105 positive cells (fibroblasts, myocytes, endotheliocytes) on the experimental side (+++), in comparison to the control side (++). HSP70 and apoptosis index was decreased on the experimental side (++ and 60%), in comparison to the control side (+++ and 70%). Number of MMP2 positive structures was increased on the control side in the fibrous capsule (++), in comparison to the experimental side, where the result varied (0 - +) Conclusions. Cultured BM-MSC activity is partly limited due to the apoptosis, which is probably induced by environmental factors. BM-MSC coated HAp implant stimulates secretion of proliferation marker NFkBp105 in subcutaneous tissue, decreases cell stress, apoptosis and tissue degradation (decreased HSP 70, apoptotic cell count and MMP 2) to improve the local tissue quality and proving BM-MSC tissue protective effect.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    An in vitro and in vivo study on the intensity of adhesion and colonization by Staphylococcus epidermidis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa on originally synthesized biomaterials with different chemical composition and modified surfaces and their effect on expression of TNF-Ī±, Ī²-defensin 2 and IL-10 in tissues

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    The aim of this study was to determine adhesion and colonization of bacteria on the surface of originally synthesized glass-ceramic biomaterials and their effect on inflammation reactions in tissues surrounding the implant. Materials and Methods: Biomaterial discs were contaminated with bacterial suspensions of 10, 102, and 103 colony forming units (CFU)/mL (P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 and S. epidermidis ATCC 12228), and after 2 hours of cultivation, the intensity of bacterial adhesion was determined. For in vivo tests, the samples were contaminated with 102, and 103 CFU/mL cultivated at 37Ā°C for 2 h to ensure bacterial adhesion. Contaminated biomaterial samples were implanted in the interscapular area of chinchilla rabbits for 2 and 4 weeks. The biomaterials were removed, and using plate count and sonification methods, bacterial colonization on the surface of biomaterials was determined. Moreover, the expression of TNF-Ī±, Ī²-defensin 2, and IL-10 in the surrounding tissues was assessed by using immunohistochemistry methods. Results: P. aeruginosa more intensively colonized biomaterials in the in vivo study as compared with S. epidermidis. Il-10 is a regulatory cytokine, which reduces the intensity of inflammatory cell activity, thus reducing nonspecific resistance of the organism. Conclusions: The expression of TNF-Ī± and IL-10 was not affected by short (2 and 4 weeks) biomaterial implantation. Pronounced cytokine expression in tissues around implanted biomaterials contaminated with P. aeruginosa was observed.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Integration of Bone Substituting Biomaterials in Atrophic Posterior Maxilla. Summary of the Doctoral Thesis

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    Promocijas darbs izstrādāts RÄ«gas Stradiņa universitātē. AizstāvÄ“Å”ana: 2013. gada 21. oktobrÄ« plkst. 15.30 RÄ«gas Stradiņa universitātes MedicÄ«nas promocijas padomes atklātā sēdē RÄ«gā, Dzirciema ielā 16, Hipokrāta auditorijā.Lai novērtētu kaulaudus aizvietojoÅ”u porainu biokeramisko materiālu integrāciju atrofiska augŔžokļa mugurējā bezzobu daļā pēc augŔžokļa dobuma pamatnes paaugstināŔanas operācijām, pirms un pēc biomateriāla integrācijas, veikta implantācijas zonas koniskā stara datortomogrāfijas izmeklÄ“Å”ana, nosakot radiodensitāti, reziduālā alveolāra izauguma un kaula/biomateriāla hibrÄ«da morfoloÄ£iska un imÅ«nhistoÄ·Ä«miska izmeklÄ“Å”ana, izveidota datu bāze pacientu izmeklÄ“Å”anas, ārstÄ“Å”anas, pēcoperācijas novēroÅ”anas un pacientu anketÄ“Å”anas datu reÄ£istrācijai un datorizētai analÄ«zei. AnketÄ“Å”anas pētÄ«jumā izvērtēti 148 sinus lift pacienti, kuriem ievietoti 294 zobu implantāti. Analizētas 24 pacientu koniska stara datortomogrammas pirms kaulaudus aizvietojoÅ”u biomateriālu implantācijas un 6-8 mēneÅ”us pēc veiktās operācijas. Kaulaudu trepānbiopsiju histoloÄ£iska un imÅ«nhistoÄ·Ä«miska izmeklÄ“Å”ana pirms biomateriālu implantācijas veikta 17, bet pēc sinus lift operācijas 14 pacientiem. Analizējot 148 pacientu aptaujas anketu datus, novērots neliels pēcoperācijas komplikāciju (1%) un zaudēto zobu implantātu (4%) skaits. Koniska stara radiodensitometrisks implantācijas zonas izmeklējums uzrāda radiodensitometriski blÄ«vāku sinus lift zonu salÄ«dzinājumā ar reziduālā alveolārā kaula zonu, kuras radiodensitometriskais blÄ«vums Å”ajā laika periodā palielinās, bet ne statistiski ticami. Biomateriāla/audu hibrÄ«da bioptātos 6-8 mēneÅ”us pēc implantācijas lielā pārsvarā gadÄ«jumu ir biomateriālu osteointegrācija bez iekaisuma un saistaudu proliferācijas. Kaula morfoÄ£enētiskā proteÄ«na, transformējoŔā augÅ”anas faktora beta, kaula ekstracelulārās matricas proteÄ«nu osteopontÄ«na un osteokalcÄ«na, degradējoŔā enzÄ«ma metaloproteināzes 9, Ŕūnas Å”oka proteÄ«na 70, antimikrobā proteÄ«na defensÄ«na saturoÅ”u struktÅ«ru daudzums trepānbioptātos pirms implantācijas un pēc sinus lift nav statistiski ticami atŔķirÄ«gs. OsteoprotegerÄ«na saturoÅ”u struktÅ«ru daudzums bioptātos pēc biomateriāla implantācijas ir statistiski ticami augstāks kā atrofiskajā alveolārā izaugumā pirms operācijas. Apoptotisko Ŕūnu relatÄ«vais biežums bioptātos ir ar lielām individuālajām svārstÄ«bām, bez statistiskas ticamÄ«bas pirms un pēc implantācijas

    Integration of Bone Substituting Biomaterials in Atrophic Posterior Maxilla. Doctoral Thesis

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    Promocijas darbs izstrādāts RÄ«gas Stradiņa universitātē. AizstāvÄ“Å”ana: 2013. gada 21. oktobrÄ« plkst. 15.30 RÄ«gas Stradiņa universitātes MedicÄ«nas promocijas padomes atklātā sēdē RÄ«gā, Dzirciema ielā 16, Hipokrāta auditorijā.Lai novērtētu kaulaudus aizvietojoÅ”u porainu biokeramisko materiālu integrāciju atrofiska augŔžokļa mugurējā bezzobu daļā pēc augŔžokļa dobuma pamatnes paaugstināŔanas operācijām, pirms un pēc biomateriāla integrācijas, veikta implantācijas zonas koniskā stara datortomogrāfijas izmeklÄ“Å”ana, nosakot radiodensitāti, reziduālā alveolāra izauguma un kaula/biomateriāla hibrÄ«da morfoloÄ£iska un imÅ«nhistoÄ·Ä«miska izmeklÄ“Å”ana, izveidota datu bāze pacientu izmeklÄ“Å”anas, ārstÄ“Å”anas, pēcoperācijas novēroÅ”anas un pacientu anketÄ“Å”anas datu reÄ£istrācijai un datorizētai analÄ«zei. AnketÄ“Å”anas pētÄ«jumā izvērtēti 148 sinus lift pacienti, kuriem ievietoti 294 zobu implantāti. Analizētas 24 pacientu koniskā stara datortomogrammas pirms kaulaudus aizvietojoÅ”u biomateriālu implantācijas un 6-8 mēneÅ”us pēc veiktās operācijas. Kaulaudu trepānbiopsiju histoloÄ£iska un imÅ«nhistoÄ·Ä«miska izmeklÄ“Å”ana pirms biomateriālu implantācijas veikta 17, bet pēc sinus lift operācijas 14 pacientiem. Analizējot 148 pacientu aptaujas anketu datus, novērots neliels pēcoperācijas komplikāciju (1%) un zaudēto zobu implantātu (4%) skaits. Koniska stara radiodensitometrisks implantācijas zonas izmeklējums uzrāda radiodensitometriski blÄ«vāku sinus lift zonu salÄ«dzinājumā ar reziduālā alveolārā kaula zonu, kuras radiodensitometriskais blÄ«vums Å”ajā laika periodā palielinās, bet ne statistiski ticami. Biomateriāla/audu hibrÄ«da bioptātos 6-8 mēneÅ”us pēc implantācijas lielā pārsvarā gadÄ«jumu ir biomateriālu osteointegrācija bez iekaisuma un saistaudu proliferācijas. Kaula morfoÄ£enētiskā proteÄ«na, transformējoŔā augÅ”anas faktora beta, kaula ekstracelulārās matricas proteÄ«nu osteopontÄ«na un osteokalcÄ«na, degradējoŔā enzÄ«ma metaloproteināzes 9, Ŕūnas Å”oka proteÄ«na 70, antimikrobā proteÄ«na defensÄ«na saturoÅ”u struktÅ«ru daudzums trepānbioptātos pirms implantācijas un pēc sinus lift nav statistiski ticami atŔķirÄ«gs. OsteoprotegerÄ«na saturoÅ”u struktÅ«ru daudzums bioptātos pēc biomateriāla implantācijas ir statistiski ticami augstāks kā atrofiskajā alveolārā izaugumā pirms operācijas. Apoptotisko Ŕūnu relatÄ«vais biežums bioptātos ir ar lielām individuālajām svārstÄ«bām, bez statistiskas ticamÄ«bas pirms un pēc implantācijas. Promocijas darbs satur 169 lappuses, izmantotās literatÅ«ras sarakstā iekļautas 294 publikācijas. Ir pieci pielikumi

    Kaulaudus aizvietojoÅ”o biomateriālu integrācija atrofiska augŔžokļa mugurējā daļā. Promocijas darba kopsavilkums

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    The Doctoral Thesis was developed at RÄ«ga StradiņŔ University. Defence: on 21st of October 2013 15.30 in the Lecture theatre Hippocrates of RÄ«ga StradiņŔ University at the Medicine Promotion Council in Riga, 16 Dzirciema Street.In order to assess the integration of porous bioceramic bone substitutes into the posterior edentulous atrophic maxilla after maxillary sinus floor augmentation surgical procedures, a dental cone beam computed tomographic scanning of implantation area was performed, before and after integration of the biomaterial, in order to determine the radiodensity; as well as a morphological and immunohistochemical examination of residual alveolar ridge and bone/biomaterial hybrid. A database of patient examinations, treatments and post-operative observations was developed for registration purposes and for computerized analysis of the patientsā€™ survey. The questionnaire study included 148 sinus lift patients with 294 dental implants. CB computed scans of 24 patients were analyzed before the implantation of the bone substitute biomaterials and 6-8 months after the surgeries. A histological and immunohistochemical examination of bone trepan biopsy was performed on 17 patients before biomaterial grafting and on 14 patients after sinus lift surgical procedure. When analysing the questionnaire results of 148 patients, an insigni-ficant number of post-operative complications (1%) was observed, as well as the loss of dental implants (4%). Cone beam radiographic densitometry of grafting site showed radiodensitometrically denser sinus lift site when compared to residual alveolar bone area, where radiodensitometric density has increased during this period, however this increase was not statistically significant. Biomaterial/tissue hybrid grafts in majority of cases six to eight months after grafts show biomaterial osseointegration without inflammation and connective tissue proliferation. The amount of bone morphogenetic protein, transforming growth factor beta, bone extracellular matrix proteins osteopontin and osteocalcin, degrading enzyme metalloproteinase 9, heat shock protein 70, antimicrobial protein defensin containing structures in trepan-biopsy samples before grafting and after sinus lift show no statistically significant differences. The amount of osteoprotegerin-containing structures in grafts after biomaterial placement was statistically significantly higher than in atrophic alveolar ridge before the surgical procedure. The relative frequency of apoptotic cells in grafts shows large individual variations without any statistical significance before and after grafting

    3D Cone Radiodensitometry in Evaluation of Hydroxyapatite (HAP)/Tissue Hybrid after Maxillary Sinus Flor Elevation

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    Clinical and radiological outcomes of one and two stage maxillary sinus floor augmentation with HAP granules and dental implant insertion, degree of mineralization of residual bone and augmented sinus part were evaluated. 180 dental implant insertions in 84 patients in the age from 32-68 years were included in this study. Patient clinical and CBCT (Cone Beam Computer Tomography) were analyzed by quantitative radiodensitometry using HU (Hounsfield units) after 1 to 5 years after functional loading. Four implants were lost during osseointegration phase the 176 implants survived. We found 2.5 times denser synthetic HAP/bone area comparing with residual bone. With time there was a decrease in radiodensity in HAP augmented maxillary sinus area and an increase of radiodensity in the area of residual alveolar bone

    Bioceramics in Orthognathic Surgery

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the volumetric stability of particulated hydroxyapatite and biphasic ceramic in the sites of osteotomy after orthognathic surgery and subperiostally placed during contourplasty