34 research outputs found

    Sustavi upravljanja gibanjem s komunikacijskim kašnjenjem

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    In this paper motion control systems with delay in measurement and control channels are discussed and a new structure of the observer-predictor is proposed. The feature of the proposed system is enforcement of the convergence in both the estimation and prediction of the plant output in the presence of the variable, unknown delay in both measurement and in control channels. The estimation is based on the available data - undelayed control input, the delayed measurement of position or velocity and the nominal parameters of the plant - and does not require apriori knowledge of the delay. The stability and convergence is proven and selection of observer and the controller parameters are discussed. Experimental results are shown to illustrate the theoretical predictions.U ovome su radu razmatrani sustavi upravljanja gibanjem uz prisutno kašnjenje u mjernom i upravljačkom komunikacijskom kanalu te su predložene nove strukture estimacije/predikcije iznosa kašnjenja. Predloženi sustav poboljšava konvergenciju estimacije/predikcije izlaza iz procesa u prisustvu promjenjivog i nepoznatog kašnjenja u mjernom i upravljačkom kanalu. Estimacija se zasniva na dostupnim podacima – upravljačkom signalu bez kašnjenja, mjerenim signalima položaja ili brzine te nazivnim parametrima procesa – te ne zahtijeva a-priori poznavanje iznosa kašnjenja. Dokazane su stabilnost i konvergencija sustava upravljanja te je razmatran odabir parametara estimatora i regulatora. Prikazani su eksperimentalni rezultati kojima se ilustrira valjanost teoretskih rezultata

    Co-design and robots: A case study of a robot dog for aging people

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    © Springer International Publishing AG 2016. The day-to-day experiences of aging citizens differ significantly from young, technologically savvy engineers. Yet, well-meaning engineers continue to design technologies for aging citizens, informed by skewed stereotypes of aging without deep engagements from these users. This paper describes a co-design project based on the principles of Participatory Design that sought to provide aging people with the capacity to co-design technologies that suit their needs. The project combined the design intuitions of both participants and designers, on equal footing, to produce a companion robot in the form of a networked robotic dog. Besides evaluating a productive approach that empowers aging people in the process of co-designing and evaluating technologies for themselves, this paper presents a viable solution that is playful and meaningful to these elderly people; capable of enhancing their independence, social agency and well-being

    The influence of antisperm Ig G and Ig A antibodies from cows sera and cervical mucus on bull sperm motility

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of antisperm Ig G and Ig A antibodies (ASA) from the sera and cervical mucus of cows on bulls sperm motility. A total of 64 cows was included in the study and samples of sera and cervical mucus were collected on the day of artificial insemination. Cows were of Busha breed or mix breed with Simmental. The presence of antisperm Ig G and Ig A antibodies was determined by indirect immunofluorescence method and according to these results, cows were divided in groups as follows: cows with high or low ASA titer in their sera and cows with high or low ASA titer in the cervical mucus. Influence of antisperm antibodies on sperm motility was further estimated by Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA). Results demonstrated a significant difference in the influence of antisperm antibodies depending on their origin and titer. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46002: Molecular genetic and ecophysiological researches on the protection of autochthonous animal resources, sustaining domestic animals’ welfare, health and reproduction, and safe food production

    Uticaj antispermalnih antitela Ig G i Ig A klase poreklom iz seruma i cervikalne sluzi krava na pokretljivost spermatozoida

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of antisperm Ig G and Ig A antibodies (ASA) from the sera and cervical mucus of cows on bulls sperm motility. A total of 64 cows was included in the study and samples of sera and cervical mucus were collected on the day of artificial insemination. Cows were of Busha breed or mix breed with Simmental. The presence of antisperm Ig G and Ig A antibodies was determined by indirect immunofluorescence method and according to these results, cows were divided in groups as follows: cows with high or low ASA titer in their sera and cows with high or low ASA titer in the cervical mucus. Influence of antisperm antibodies on sperm motility was further estimated by Computer Assisted Semen Analysis (CASA). Results demonstrated a significant difference in the influence of antisperm antibodies depending on their origin and titer.Osnovni cilj ovih istraživanja je bio da se ispita uticaj antitela Ig G i Ig A klase protiv antigena spermatozoida (ASA) iz krvnog seruma i cervikalne sluzi krava na pokretljivost spermatozoida bika. Studijom je bilo obuhvaćeno 64 plotkinje a uzorci seruma i cervikalne sluzi su prikupljani na dan veštačkog osemenjavanja. Krave su bile rase buša ili melezi buše sa simentalcem. Titar antitela Ig G i Ig A klase je određivan metodom indirektne imunofluorescence i na osnovu tih rezultata krave su bile podeljene u sledeće grupe: plotkinje sa visokim i niskim titrom ASA u krvnom serumu i plotkinje sa visokim i niskim titrom ASA u cervikalnoj sluzi. Uticaj ASA na pokretljivost spermatozoida je zatim određivan kompjuterskom analizom (Computer Assisted Semen Analisis - CASA). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju značajne razlike u uticaju ASA na pokretljivost spermatozoida u zavisnosti od njihovog porekla i titra

    More than just friends: in-home use and design recommendations for sensing socially assistive robots (SARs) by older adults with depression

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    As healthcare turns its focus to preventative community-based interventions, there is increasing interest in using in-home technology to support this goal. This study evaluates the design and use of socially assistive robots (SARs) and sensors as in-home therapeutic support for older adults with depression. The seal-like SAR Paro, along with onboard and wearable sensors, was placed in the homes of 10 older adults diagnosed with clinical depression for one month. Design workshops were conducted before and after the in-home implementation with participating older adults and clinical care staff members. Workshops showed older adults and clinicians sawseveral potential uses for robots and sensors to support in-home depression care. Long-term in-home use of the robot allowed researchers and participants to situate desired robot features in specific practices and experiences of daily life, and some user requests for functionality changed due to extended use. Sensor data showed that participants’ attitudes toward and intention to use the robot were strongly correlated with particular Circadian patterns (afternoon and evening) of robot use. Sensor data also showed that those without pets interacted with Paro significantly more than those with pets, and survey data showed they had more positive attitudes toward the SAR. Companionship, while a desired capability, emerged as insufficient to engage many older adults in long-term use of SARs in their home

    Inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics to the patients with acute bronchitis

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    © 2019 Inst. Sci. inf., Univ. Defence in Belgrade. All rights reserved. Background/Aim: Inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics to the patients with acute bronchitis is frequent event in clinical practice with potentially serious consequences, although majority of treatment guidelines do not recommend it. The aim of this study was to reveal risk factors associated with inappropriate prescribing of antibiotics to the patients with acute bronchitis in primary healthcare. Methods: This case/control study included the adult patients with acute bronchitis during the initial encounter with a general practitioner. Prescription of an antibiotic was an event that defined the case, and patients without prescribed antibiotic served as controls. Results: Antibiotics (mostly macrolides and beta-lactams) were prescribed to the majority of patients with diagnosis of acute bronchitis (78.5%). A significant association was found between antibiotic prescription rates and patient age, whether an attending physician is a specialist or not and the average number of patients a physician sees per day [ORadjustedwas 1.029 (1.007-1.052), 0.347 (0.147-0.818) and 0.957 (0.923-0.992), respectively]. Conclusion: When there is primary care encounter with patients suffering from acute bronchitis, older patients are more likely to receive inappropriate antibiotic prescription, especially if their physician is without specialist training and has less patient encounters in his/her office daily