21 research outputs found

    Results of fifteen-year monitoring of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) production in selected farm businesses of the Czech Republic from the viewpoint of technological and economic parameters

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    ArticleThe paper presents field trials focused on technological and economic comparison of conventional tillage (CT) and reduced tillage (RT) technologies of soil cultivation and drilling of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). During fifteen production years starting in 2001/02, trials were set up in 520 fields of around 40 farm businesses located in all of the districts of the Czech Republic. With respect to average seed yields, no significant differences were proved with respect to tillage systems, to the application of organic fertilizers and to the fertilization during sowing. Irregular distribution of trial fields into the individual production areas influenced the outcomes thou. Concerning winter rape seed yields, costs per production unit, and earnings per hectare, the most suitable production area proved still to be the potatoes one, but particularly over the recent period also beet production area. The corn production area produced, despite some exceptions, worst results. Over the fifteen-year time, the average oilseed rape yield of all 520 monitored fields was 3.72 t ha–1 . Reduced tillage attained average yield of 3.73 t ha–1 , i.e. matched almost exactly the one of 3.70 t ha–1 attained by conventional tillage. Unit production costs realized by conventional tillage surpassed by 4.1% those gained by reduced tillage. Related earnings per hectare were on the other hand lower by 17.0%. With respect to fuel and labour consumption, reduced tillage brought significant savings reaching in average 20.2%, respectively 24.0%. In terms of yields, reduced tillage with deeper soil loosening proved repeatedly favourable results

    Digestate application with regard to greenhouse gases and physical soil properties

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    Received: February 1st, 2021 ; Accepted: June 18th, 2021 ; Published: August 18th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] article deals with the method of application of digestate with regard to the environment, soil properties and utilization of nutrients by plants. The aim is to monitor the dependence of the emission gas leakage and the dose of applied fertilizer. With the current expansion of biogas plants, a large amount of waste product, especially digestate, is being generated. This product is most often used as a liquid organic fertilizer because it contains substances important for plant growth. The disadvantage of this fertilizer is the release of greenhouse gases into the air. The digestate contains mainly ammonia, nitrogen in the residual organic matter and is a fertilizer with rapidly releasing nitrogen. The ammonium nitrogen contained in the digestate is easily subject to air losses. Therefore, a method of application for a certain crop is sought, where the smallest leaks of gases into the air occur. Different amounts of doses for the same route of administration are compared. To measure the amount of emission gases, a wind tunnel was placed on each variant of the application, taking air above the soil surface, which is discharged to the gas analyser. The monitored greenhouse gases are CH4, NH3 and CO2. Furthermore, physical properties of soil were monitored in order to verify the conditions of the experiment. One of the parameters measured was the soil bulk density of the soil by taking intact soil samples. The penetration resistance of the soil was also determined, which indicates the degree of compaction. The use of nutrients was assessed through the condition of the stand on each variant by monitoring vegetation indices using remote sensing of the earth

    Biochar dosage impact on physical soil properties and crop status

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    In the context of climate change and the ongoing population growth, current agriculture inevitably faces many challenges. Long periods of drought are often followed by shorter periods of heavy precipitation and degraded soil is often unable to retain the rainfall water properly. Apart from common organic fertilizers, soil amendments are currently considered a promising solution that might improve soil quality. The most discussed one is biochar, a natural soil conditioner that might under certain conditions improve soil properties. This study is based on the experiment that was established in 2017 in order to determine the impact of biochar dosage and it’s effect over time. Four parcels approximately 15×30 m were designed in Rapotín, Czech Republic. Each of them was treated with a specific dose of biochar (15, 30, 45, 60 t ha-1 ), and selected soil physical properties such as penetration resistance and reduced bulk density were then measured at the beginning of the cropping season 2019. In addition, vegetation properties were investigated with the use of handheld sensors repeatedly during the season on winter wheat. The dataset contained information about chlorophyll and nitrogen content as well as Normalized Difference Vegetation Index estimations. Acquired values were later compared with the results obtained from the fifth variant founded in 2014 with a 15 t ha-1 dose and from the control variant. Although the dosage levels applied were quite substantial, no significant difference was found when evaluating selected soil properties. Crop response gave similar results. Any of the examined characteristics differed among the 2017 variants and control. Nevertheless, when compared to the 2014 variant, clearly different results were detected. Thus, this study concluded that the effect of biochar dosage is might not be as significant factor, however, the time effect likely is. Therefore, the study has to continue and soil/crop properties will be observed in the upcoming season as well

    Changes in soil properties and possibilities of reducing environmental risks due to the application of biological activators in conditions of very heavy soils

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    This study aims at verifying the effect of farmyard manure (FYM) and of selected activators (Z'fix and NeoSol) on changes of soil properties. Their application should lead to improvement of soil physical properties and of organic matter fixation, to reduction of environmental risks, e.g. of tillage energy requirements. Experimental variants (0.7 ha each) were as follows: I (FYM with Z'fix); II (FYM with Z'fix + NeoSol); III (FYM); IV (Control NPK only). FYM was applied at rates: 50 t ha-1 (2014); 30 t ha-1 (2016). Additional NPK fertilizer (I–IV) was applied according to annual crop nutrient normative. The agent Z'fix was used as an activator of FYM biological transformation (5.5 kg t -1 ). The agent NeoSol was used as soil activator (200 kg ha-1 ; annually). In order to verify the effect, cone index, bulk density, tillage implement draft and chemical soil components (Humus, C/N ration and Ntot) were measured annually. Compared to the control, the application of FYM combined with the mentioned agents (I–III) increased Ntot more than two times. Moreover, it decreased (I–III) bulk density by 8.7%. Tillage implement draft decreased by 3% after the application of FYM with Z’fix (I, II). The study confirmed that FYM application combined with utilization of activators positively influenced soil fertility and helped to reduce environmental risks

    Tractor use monitoring - wireless data transmision

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    Osiągnięcie optymalnej produktywności i operacyjnej efektywności maszyn rolniczych wymaga łatwego dostępu do źródeł danych o procesach użytkowania i utrzymywania [Heacox 2008]. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań systemu JDLink Machine Monitoring System, dostarczonego przez firmę John Debre. System testowano w warunkach Republiki Czeskiej podczas jesiennych upraw roli w roku 2008 w przedsiębiorstwie rolniczym Agro Slatiny S.A. System był zainstalowany na ciągniku John Debre 8530, współpracującym głównie z siedmio-skibowym pługiem obrotowym firmy Rabe Agri GmbH oraz kultywatorem ścierniskowym z broną talerzową Kverneland CLC. System JDLink umożliwił szczegółowe opracowanie operacyjnych danych z obydwu tych agregatów.In order to achieve optimal productivity and operating efficiency of farm machines it is required to have an easy access to sources of data concerning use and maintenance processes [Heacox 2008]. The paper presents test results for the JDLink Machine Monitoring System delivered by John Deere. The system was tested in Czech Republic conditions by Agro Slatiny S.A. agricultural enterprise during autumn land cultivation in 2008. The system was installed in John Deere 8530 tractor, working mainly with a seven-furrow rotary plough manufactured by Rabe Agri GmbH, and stubble cultivator with disk harrow from Kverneland CLC. The JDLink system allowed to carry out detailed processing of operating data from both of the above mentioned units

    Software supporting field tests on sugar beet cultivation

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    Od wielu lat na obszarze całej Republiki Czeskiej prowadzone są badania różnych technologii uprawy buraka cukrowego oraz innych roślin uprawnych. Zastosowanie specjalnie przygotowanej bazy danych ułatwia przechowywanie i przetwarzanie danych uzyskanych w ramach przeprowadzonych doświadczeń. Jednym ze sposobów gromadzenia informacji dotyczących pomiarów polowych, umożliwiających ocenę stosowanej technologii uprawy również pod kontem ekonomicznym jest stworzenie relacyjnej bazy danych zaprojektowanej np. w programie MS Access. Prowadzenie rejestru z tabelami, formularzami, kwerendami i raportami ułatwia zapisywanie wyników, redukuje możliwość wystąpienia błędów oraz umożliwia powstawanie nowych danych. Przyśpiesza to również uzyskanie wstępnych informacji do analizy statystycznej według najróżniejszych kryteriów. Dla przeprowadzenia dokładnej statystycznej analizy wyników opracowanych w bazie danych można zastosować oprogramowanie statystyczne (STATISTICA), które umożliwia automatyzowanie zadań i przedstawianie wyników w wybranej formie.Various technologies used for cultivation of sugar beets and other plants have been tested throughout the Czech Republic for many years now. Using of a specially prepared database facilitates storing and processing of data obtained in the scope of completed experiments. One of the methods used to collect information concerning field measurements, allowing to assess applied cultivation technology also from economic point of view, involves creating a relational database, designed e.g. in the MS Access application. Keeping of a register containing charts, forms, queries, and reports makes it easier to note down the results, reduces chances for error occurrence, and allows to generate new data. It also accelerates the process of obtaining preliminary information for statistical analysis according to all sorts of criteria. In order to carry out accurate statistical analysis of results processed in the database, it is possible to use statistical software (STATISTICA), which allows to automatize tasks and to present results in a selected form

    Yield losses during harvest of various sugar beet cultivars

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    Od wielu lat w gospodarstwie Agro Slatiny prowadzone są doświadczenia polowe mające na celu określenie strat plonu korzeni podczas zbioru różnych odmian buraka cukrowego. W 2005 roku zbadano trzydzieści odmian. Analizowano plon biologiczny, obsadę roślin, zawartość cukru, rzeczywisty plon uzyskany po zbiorze kombajnem HOLMER Terra Dos, plon cukru, straty związane z niewykopanymi i zgubionymi na polu korzeniami oraz straty całkowite. Korzystna pogoda w roku badań przyczyniła się do mniejszej, w porównaniu z poprzednimi latami, zwięzłości gleby, co miało wpływ na niższe straty podczas zbioru badanych odmian.For many years in the farm Agro Slatiny field experiments, aiming at determining root yield losses during harvest of various sugar beet cultivars, have been carried out. In 2005 thirty cultivars were tested. The analysis concerned biological yield, plant density, sugar content, real yield after harvest using the HOLMER Terra Dos combine, sugar yield, losses connected with roots that were not dug up or that were lost in the field, and total losses. Favourable weather conditions in the year of testing contributed to decreased - compared with previous years - soil compactness, which resulted in reduced losses during harvest of the tested cultivars

    Soybean cultivation and harvesting

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    Celem badań było określenie, które z technologii uprawy roli i siewu soi są najbardziej korzystne ze względów technicznych i ekonomicznych. Przedplonem przy uprawie soi były rośliny zbożowe. Po zbiorze zbóż wykonywana była płytka podorywka broną talerzową albo kultywatorem podorywkowym. Dalsza uprawa roli zależała od tego jaką technologię stosował dany zakład (technologię tradycyjną lub uproszczoną). Poszczególne technologie były oceniane ze względu na koszty produkcji, uzyskane plony oraz wynik ekonomiczny uzyskanego plonu. Badania prowadzono w Czeskiej Republice w zakładach rolnych, w których stosowano technologię tradycyjną i technologię uproszczoną. W każdym z zakładów były analizowane i mierzone: liczba roślin na jeden metr kwadratowy, wydajności eksploatacyjne, nakłady pracy, koszty produkcji, straty przy zbiorze oraz uzyskany plon soi.The objective of the research was to determine which of the technologies of soil cultivation and soybean sowing are the most favourable from technical and economical point of view. The forecrop with the soybean cultivation were grain crops. After the corn harvest a shallow skimming with a disk harrow or a skimming cultivator was performed. The further soil cultivation depended on the technology applied by the given plant (traditional or simplified technology). The specific technologies were evaluated for the production costs, the obtained crops and economic results of the obtained crop. The research was done in the Czech Republic in the agricultural plants where traditional and simplified technologies were applied. In each of the plants the parameters that were analysed and measured were: the number of plants per square metre, operating capacities, work expenses, production costs, harvest losses and the obtained soy yield

    Database as a research tool used in technologies of crops production

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    Przechowywanie i opracowywanie danych w ramach obszernych zadań badawczych wymaga wykorzystywania specjalnie tworzonych baz danych. W artykule przedstawiono jedno z możliwych rozwiązań dotyczących tworzenia bazy danych. W proponowanym rozwiązaniu zastosowano znany na rynku program Microsoft Accesss 2002. Program ten wykorzystano do zapisu obserwacji oraz wyników pomiarów badań prowadzonych w wytypowanych zakładach rolnych. Program ten umożliwia też zapisywanie wskaźników ekonomicznych i technologicznych wartości uzyskanych w produkcji roślinnej. Stworzone w bazie danych formularze i powiązania między nimi umożliwiają szybką ocenę analizowanych technologii oraz wybór najbardziej optymalnego wariantu dla danego regionu produkcyjnego oraz zakładu rolnego.Storing and pre-processing data within the scope of a larger research task necessitates putting to use a custom-made database. A possible solution of this issue is demonstrated in this paper by an example of a relation database designed in MS Access for the field measurements and findings focused on economic and technological assessment of various technologies of stand establishment and cultivation of major production crops

    Analysis of technical and technological parameters of winter rape production

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    Celem badań było określenie, które ze stosowanych technologii, z uwzględnieniem regionu produkcji, są technicznie i ekonomicznie najbardziej przydatne. Badania prowadzone były w latach 2001 - 2004. Obejmowały one liczbę roślin które przezimowały, uzyskane plony, zużycie paliwa, nakłady pracy, koszty produkcji (materiałów, surowców i eksploatacji maszyn). Do oceny technologii przyjęto dwie grupy z podziałem na podgrupy. Pierwsza grupa to technologie z tradycyjnym przygotowaniem roli oraz z nawożeniem obornikiem i bez nawożenia obornikiem, druga grupa to technologie z płytkim przygotowaniem roli do siewu czyli technologia uproszczona bez nawożenia obornika i z obornikiem oraz uproszczona z nawożeniem pod redlicę wykonanym przy siewie. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że różnice w kosztach, nakładach pracy i plonowaniu przy produkcji rzepaku ozimego w badanych technologiach tradycyjnych i uproszczonych nie były istotne.The objective of the research was to establish, which of the applied technologies, taking into consideration the production region, are the best suited both technically and economically. The research was done in the years 2001-2004. It covered a number of plants that had overwintered, the obtained yield, fuel consumption, manpower expense, production costs (materials, raw materials and machinery operation). To assess the technology two groups were created, split into sub-groups. The first group included technologies with traditional preparation of the ploughland, with and without manure fertilization, the second group were the technologies with shallow preparation of the ploughland for the sowing, that is, simplified technology with and without manure fertilization, as well as simplified technology with fertilization under the coulter done during the seeding. The research has shown that the differences in costs, work expense and yield regarding winter rape production in the examined traditional and simplified technologies were not significant