1,184 research outputs found

    Anaesthesia for the preeclamptics patient?

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    Preeclampsia is a multisystem disorder of unknown exact origin in pregnancy. Threemayor signs of preeclamsia are: hypertension, oedema and proteinuria. Treatement is symptomatic,delivery contributes to cessation of symptomes, but not immidiately. Anesthesia and analgesia for labour can be epidural, spinal or combined epidural-spinal there are safe according to new dana in literaure, but always paying attention to coagulation status. The major problem is to control hypertension but also to avoide hypotensive episodes that contribute to mothers and childs morbidity and mortality

    Posttraumatic Locked-in Syndrome with an Unusual Three Day Delay in the Appearance

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    We report a rare case of posttraumatic locked-in syndrome (LIS) that appeared after an unusual three day delay. LIS was diagnosed according to clinical status and diagnostic methods (roentgenograms, computerized tomography, transcranial Doppler, electroencephalography, magnetic resonance imaging). A fourteen-year-old girl had a cervical spine injury during floor exercises that provoked LIS 72 hours after trauma. A rapid diagnosis of basilar thrombosis followed by antioedema and continuous anticoagulant therapy significantly improved the neurological status. In conclusion, posttraumatic locked-in syndrome can have sometimes a prolonged three-day delay in the clinical appearance

    Recent advantages in cancer pain management

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    Pain is the most feared symptom associated with cancer and the most prominent symptom reported in cancer patients. Pain management has been extremely difficult to achieve, despite the availability of a number of pharmacological and nonpharmacological approaches, including the use of analgesics, biological therapy, targeted cancer therapies and tumour shrinking paradigms such as chemotherapy and radiation. The correct use of the analgesic ladder advised byWorld Health Organisation (WHO) can lead to adequate long- term pain control in most patients with advanced cancer disease. Opioids are the primary and most effective treatment for cancer-induced pain remaining the cornerstone of pharmagological treatment. Adequate analgesic treatment is not only intended to reduce pain, above all it is aimed to increase the quality of life for cancer patients

    Intraperitoneal analgesia for laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Background and Purpose: Although postoperative pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy is less than open cholecystectomy, many patients still require strong analgesia postoperatively. Intraperitoneal administration of local anaesthetics alone or in combination with opioids can effectively control postoperative pain. The purpose of this study was to assess the analgesic effect of the intraperitoneal administration of bupivacaine and/or tramadol in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Patients and Methods: For this study, 144 patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy were randomized in one of four groups: Group C received 50 ml of saline, Group T received 50 ml of saline containing 100 mg tramadol, Group B received 50 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine while patients allocated to Group TB received 50 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine with 100 mg of tramadol intraperitonealy. Visual analogue scale was recorded half and hours, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 24 hours postoperatively. Incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) was also recorded. In addition, supplementary analgesic and antiemetic consumption were assessed. Results: Pain intensity, PONV as well as postoperative supplementary medications were significantly lower in Group T, Group B and Group TB than in Group C. There were no differences between the three groups receiving tramadol and/or bupivacain in VAS score, incidence of nausea and vomiting and postoperative analgesic and antiemetic consumption. Conclusion: Intreperitoneal instillation of tramadol and/or bupivacaine is an effective method for management of postoperative pain after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. It significantly reduced supplementary postoperative analgesic and antiemetic medication

    Asymptotic and effective coarsening exponents in surface growth models

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    We consider a class of unstable surface growth models, z_t = -\partial_x J, developing a mound structure of size lambda and displaying a perpetual coarsening process, i.e. an endless increase in time of lambda. The coarsening exponents n, defined by the growth law of the mound size lambda with time, lambda=t^n, were previously found by numerical integration of the growth equations [A. Torcini and P. Politi, Eur. Phys. J. B 25, 519 (2002)]. Recent analytical work now allows to interpret such findings as finite time effective exponents. The asymptotic exponents are shown to appear at so large time that cannot be reached by direct integration of the growth equations. The reason for the appearance of effective exponents is clearly identified.Comment: 6 pages. Several parts and conclusions have been rewritten. (Addendum to the article that can be found in http://www.arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0110058


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    This paper examines the impact of standards in the fled of access to court in an administrative dispute on the changes in the organization and functioning of the administrative judiciary in Austria. The author identifies standards on access to court in an administrative dispute arising in the practice of the European Court of Human Rights. The Author also presents the main characteristics of the administrative dispute based on the Austrian Law on Administrative Court adopted in 1985, since the Law was used as a model for regulation of Yugoslav administrative dispute. The aim of this paper is to draw attention to the outdated model on which Serbian administrative dispute is established and to provide guidelines for reforms in the fled of administrative procedural law.У раду се истражује утицаj стандардa у области права на приступ суду у управном спору на промене организације и функционисања управног судства у Аустрији. Ауторка идентификује стандарде права на приступ суду у управном спору настале у пракси Европског суда за људска права. Потом се врши приказ главних одлика управног спора на основу Закона о Управном суду od 1985. године који је послужио као модел регулисања југословенског управног спора. Циљ рада је да укаже на превазиђеност модела на коме је заснован српски управни спор и пружи смернице за реформе у области управно-процесног права

    Neka zapažanja o mljekarskim gazdinstvima u SAD-u

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    Prije svega, mljekarska gazdinstva ili mljekarske farme su specijalizirane za proizvodnju mlijeka. No tu specijaliziranost ne treba shvatiti bukvalno kao da se tamo proizvodi samo mlijeko. U državi Merilend mljekarske farme ostvaruju proizvodnjom mlijeka prosečno 50-60 % od ukupnog prihoda, dok ostalo daju ostale pomoćne grane

    Interlibrary lons : standardized procedures

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    Rad opisuje standardizirane postupke međuknjižnične posudbe koji pridonose zajedničkom korištenju izvora, što knjižnice po svojoj ulozi upravo i razlikuje od svih drugih ustanova. Radni postupak podrazumijeva skup aktivnosti koje su najčešće definirane standardima, čime se osigurava ujednačenost, kvaliteta i sigurnost u njihovoj primjeni. Djelotvorna i organizirana međuknjižnična posudba moguća je uz primjenu postojećih međunarodnih smjernica i standarda. Prikazano je kako IFLA-ine smjernice i načini rada olakšavaju i ubrzavaju cijeli postupak.The paper describes the standardized interlibrary loan procedures which contribute to sharing resources, which is the characteristic of libraries distinguishing them from all other institutions. The workflow process implies a set of activities which are mostly defined by the standards, which ensure the uniformity of service, as well as the quality and security in their application. The effective and organized interlibrary loan service is possible through the application of the existing international guidelines and standards. The paper presents how IFLA’s guidelines and procedures make the interlibrary loan and document delivery quicker and easier

    Anthropologische Auffassung der Identität

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    The anthropological approach to the concept of identity is needed because “identity” (either personal or collective) is not naturally “given”, but it is culturally defined and constituted, for human beings live in cultural settings as “a second nature of man”; so they are humanly conditioned and conceptualised in different “ways of peoples’ lives”. Being that culture makes an essential context of social life and of the personality foundation, it provides the pattern of the common way of living and thinking of the communal experiences as a value-referential framework upon which definitions and interpretations of identities rely. Thereby, cultural paradigm enables researches to understand what identity (collective and personal) expresses in different socio-historical conditions and ideological connotations, assuming that this concept is dynamic vs. the other one, e.g. national pattern of identity which is narrow as well as exclusive; and as a static category, it does not suppose possibility of change. In the paper a traditionally oriented conceptualisation of identity in Serbia will be also treated, together with its influence upon the slow changes within a democratic transition during the new millennium.Potreba za antropološkim pristupom pojmu identiteta javlja se zbog prirode kako osobnog tako i kolektivnog identiteta, budući da nije riječ o fenomenima koji su »prirodno dani«, već o kulturno definiranim i konstituiranim formama ljudskog života u kulturnoj sredini kao »drugoj prirodi«, koja na ljudski način uvjetuje i konceptualizira različite »načine života« pojedinaca i naroda. Budući da kultura predstavlja bitan kontekst ljudskog socijalnog i individualnog života, ona osigurava obrazac zajedničkog načina života i načina mišljenja kolektivnog iskustva, kao vrijednosno-referentni okvir na koji se oslanjaju definicije i interpretacije identiteta. Stoga kulturna paradigma omogućuje istraživačima da razumiju što znači identitet (personalni i kolektivni) u različitim društveno-povijesnim uvjetima i ideološkim konotacijama, pretpostavljajući dinamičan koncept nasuprot nacionalnog obrasca identiteta koji se vezuje za etničke grupe i postaje ekskluzivan te isključuje mogućnost promjene. U tekstu će se razmatrati i tradicionalno orijentirana konceptualizacija identiteta u Srbiji i njen utjecaj na sporost promjena u demokratskoj tranziciji u novom tisućljeću i ukazati na probleme i dileme u tom kontekstu.La nécessité d’une approche anthropologique du concept d’identité provient de la nature de l’identité, qu’elle soit personnelle ou collective, qui n’est pas un phénomène « donné naturellement », mais une forme, culturellement définie et construite, de la vie humaine dans un milieu culturel en tant que « seconde nature » ; celle-ci conditionne et conceptualise humainement les différents « modes de vie » des individus et des peuples. Étant donné que la culture représente le contexte essentiel de la vie sociale et individuelle de l’homme, elle fournit un modèle pour un mode de vie et de pensée commun de l’expérience collective, comme cadre des valeurs de référence sur lequel s’appuient les définitions et les interprétations de l’identité. Ainsi, le paradigme culturel permet aux chercheurs de comprendre ce que signifie l’identité (personnelle et collective) dans des conditions socio-historiques et des connotations idéologiques différentes, en assumant un concept dynamique inverse du modèle national d’identité, qui lui est lié aux groupes ethniques et exclut la possibilité du changement. Le texte traitera également de la conceptualisation, orientée traditionnellement, de l’identité en Serbie, ainsi que de son influence sur la lenteur des changements dans la transition démocratique en ce nouveau millénaire.Der anthropologische Ansatz zum Identitätskonzept wird benötigt, da die „Identität“ (sei sie persönlich oder kollektiv) nicht von Natur aus „gegeben“ ist, sondern für Menschenwesen kulturell definiert und konstituiert ist, die in dem kulturellen Rahmen als der „anderen Natur des Menschen“ leben; so existieren sie menschlich bedingt und konzeptualisiert in verschiedenerlei „menschlichen Lebensarten“. Diese Kultur zu durchleben bildet den essenziellen Kontext des Soziallebens wie auch der Persönlichkeitsgründung, es liefert die Muster der gemeinschaftlichen Lebens- und Denkweise der kollektiven Erfahrung, und zwar als wertmäßig-referenzielles Gerüst, woran sich die Definitionen und Interpretationen der Identitäten anlehnen. Aufgrund dessen befähigt das kulturelle Paradigma die Erforscher zum Verständnis, welche Identität (kollektive oder persönliche) sich in diversen sozialhistorischen Gegebenheiten sowie ideologischen Konnotationen offenbart, vorausgesetzt, dass dieses Konzept im Vergleich zum anderen dynamisch ist, wie zum nationalen Identitätsentwurf, welcher sowohl begrenzt als auch abschließend wirkt und als statische Kategorie keinerlei Änderungsmöglichkeiten duldet. In dem Artikel wird ebenso die traditionell ausgerichtete Identitätskonzeptualisierung in Serbien behandelt und ihre Einwirkung auf die Wandelträgheit innerhalb der demokratischen Transition im neuen Millennium