32 research outputs found

    Ochrana osob a majetku na letišti pomocí hodnocení cestujících

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    Experimental Verification of the Mechanical Resistance of Forensic Marking by Means Synthetic DNA

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    This article deals with experimental verification of resistance of forensic identification marks (microdots in combination with artificial DNA) to property. It is considered mechanical abrasion from potential offender to remove or damage readability of marking and following identification. The aim of this work is to test the hypothesis that forensic marking can be completely removed by the process of mechanical abrasion without causing damages to a protected object. To fulfi ll this purpose it was designed and built a test equipment, where experiments were carried out to confirm or refute the above mentioned hypothesis

    Application of water cumulative charges as a water spouts for intensive flame extinguishing

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    Shape cumulative charge is a set of explosive components that uses directional energy accumulation. The water cumulative charges are filled with water, which forms a water-directed beam that has the ability to effectively counteract the intense flame that is induced by gaseous flammable gas or liquid from the damaged gas duct and extinguishes it. Study contains description of the experimentally constructed cumulative charge as well as the analysis of results of experiments carried out in real conditions. Based on the facts gained from the experiments we can conclude that the cumulative water charge has a significant potential and possibilities to extinguish an intense flame.Web of Science68326426

    Management and data processing of quantitative terrorism research in the European Union and the Czech Republic

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    PURPOSE: The objective of this paper is to examine the discrepancy between a growing number of quantitative research on terrorism and the shortage of alternative sources of objective and reliable terrorism data.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: It compares Global Terrorism Database (GTD) and Europol´s TE-SAT reports for the key trends in number of incidents, casualties and country split for all 28 EU countries. In the case of Czechia the article adds also the national police statistics and illustrates the different perspectives and discrepancies generated by different data sets.FINDINGS: It discusses the long-standing concern on inconsistency and coding methodology and relevance of the application of the international humanitarian law in a country which is not involved in any kind armed conflict which may lead to over-qualification of violent incidents as acts of terrorism, but also notes a specific dimension: the language barrier in sharing and comparing data on the international level.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The article calls for an intensified collaboration, prioritization of actions to address the existing evidence gaps and an increased responsibility of institutions funded by public budgets in collecting, processing and making available the terrorism data.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: In the terrorism research, aggregate data are valuable. We need a good understanding of the specifics of each data source, critically review and cross-check the data available for further research.peer-reviewe

    Ecological Life Cycle Assessment Modified Novolaks Waste Used in Industrial Wastewater Treatment

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    Ecological Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) applied in the assessment of the impact of products on the environment is a technique that allows for the evaluation of the environmental impact of polymeric flocculants used in industrial wastewater treatment. The possibility of conducting a full life cycle and thus manufacturing process analysis allows for reliable and accurate identification of the sources of environmental hazards and the impact of new products on the environment. Newly synthesized waste-based polymers are water soluble and possess the properties of flocculants, while reducing the parameters in industrial wastewater. In the paper, there are presented the results of the analysis conducted using LCA technique for the assessment of the impact of modified waste phenol formaldehyde resin (Novolak) on the environment. LCA technique was used to assess the impact of the new flocculant applied in the process of metallurgical wastewater treatment taking into account the environmental impact of the fl occulant manufacturing process

    Risk assessment in the area of public universities

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    DOI nepřidělenThe article deals with the application of risk analysis for the identifi cation and assessment of unlawful acts within the premises of public universities (referred to as PU). The subject of this article are options for increasing security level of these buildings, and thus it also provides an overview of potential involvement of selected risk analysis in practical assessment of security risks

    Protection of the national critical infrastructure

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    Several critical infrastructures have been identifi ed in the Czech Republic that when disturbed or destroyed, they would impact on the performance of the state’s functions. Failure of any such infrastructure could cause a failure of critical infrastructure in another Member State or Member States. Considering this international proportion, an integrated approach of the whole EU has been chosen to identify weaknesses, vulnerable points and gaps in protective measures. The goal of every EU member state is to protect entities and elements of critical infrastructure, prevent their disruption or their destruction, and minimize the impacts of possible failures of such infrastructures on the national and regional levels (Explanatory Memorandum, 2000)

    Experimental verification of selected risk factors disrupting ecall system function

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    standards, its manufacturers are forced to adapting, developing and implementing new design features increasing level of passive protection of passengers as well as implementing systems affecting active protection level. Both of these kinds of protection help to reduce the severity of subsequent damage to passegners during an accident or to prevent the accident occurance, but do not help to shorten the time span between this accident occurance and arrival of the rescue service. This function provides an emergency call system, which is capable of immediate automatic transfer of information about the accident via GSM network to the emergency call center. This transfer, unfortunately, could be disrupted by certain risk factors, which are experimentally evaluated in the article

    Increasing Personal Safety in Road Transport Using the Emergency Call Service

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    Constantly increasing requirements on road safety lead to the development of new technologies and safety systems implemented in motor vehicles. Most of these systems help prevent accidents or reduce the severity of subsequent damage to persons and property occurred during an accident. However, these systems do not contribute to reduce the delay of the first aid ensured to injured persons. This function provides an emergency call system, which is capable of immediate detection of traffic accidents and ensures automatic transfer of information about the accident to the emergency call center. The information transfer is realized via GSM network, which may be disrupted by certain risk factors. The article presents the outcomes of the experiments in which these factors were evaluated

    Conception of effective mass and effect of force-measurement of taekwon-do master

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    Background: Engagement of mass during a strike in martial arts and its relation to generated force is one of the factor, deciding on the success of an athlete. The aim of this study was to calculate the quantitative portion of effective mass of a athlete who execute striking techniques, by registering a force of strike and time of its contact with a sensor (target). Material and methods: Black belt taekwon-do (International Taekwon-do Federation) master (age 32 years, body mass of 60 kg, height of 160 cm) performed three types of techniques for three times; roundhouse kick, front kick, side kick and straight punch. His target was a shield mounted on force plate MC 12-2K with amplifier GEN5. Acceleration data was obtained by mounting wireless IMU sensor manufactured by Noraxon attached to a lateral side of a foot. Results: The highest force was registered for side kick (2406.9 ± 299.8 N), and the lowest for front kick (2008.6 ± 284.8 N). The shortest time of contact with a target had roundhouse kick (0.026 ± 0.010 s), while the longest front kick (0.119 ± 0.052 s). The highest effective mass was achieved by front kick (44%). The highest effect of force coefficient was obtained by roundhouse kick. Other techniques with much lower values seems to be push-like movements. Conclusions: During strike, a crucial factor for its effectiveness lies in its destructive power. It does not only depend on generated force and engaged mass, but also on contact duration. Proposed quantitative indicators could be beneficial during preparation of an athlete to sport competition. Correctly calculated effective mass allows to measure force in a training environment.Web of Science111161