77 research outputs found

    Galati Port during its Porto-Franco Status

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    It is our intend to present the influence of Porto-Franco Status upon the economic development of the Galaţi Port, but also upon the entire region of Galaţi. Trade liberalization leads to a real golden age of the city between 1837-1874 was favourable to capital accumulations through massive grain and cattle exports on the Western Europe market

    Cosa de niños

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    The present article analyzes the novel called Una muchacha muy bella (2013) by the Argentinian Julián López. It is considered a childhood novel about the former dictatorship in Argentina. Nevertheless, it shows differences with other texts (as much films as literary texts) produced up to the present. The article analyzes the protagonist, a child son of an activist woman during the dictatorship. It examines the construction of the character and its relation with the facts that are connected with the historical moment of the text. Those things the child knows are constructed on the vague limits between the things he knows about his mother situation and those things he does not know. There is also a link of sense with a dictatorship that acts in a clandestine way, hiding several facts and showing other facts. It is made a comparison between the place that took society during the dictatorship: a society that could not know everything, but it had to know at least something.El presente artículo analiza la novela Una muchacha muy bella (2013) del argentino Julián López. Se la considera parte de los relatos de infancia sobre la última dictadura militar en Argentina. No obstante, presenta diferencias con esta línea y los textos (tanto fílmicos como literarios) producidos hasta el momento. Se analiza la figura protagonista de la novela, un niño hijo de una mujer militante: se estudia la construcción del personaje y su relación con los hechos que tienen que ver con el momento histórico en el que se enmarca el texto. El saber del niño se construye sobre límites difusos entre lo que conoce acerca de la situación de su madre y aquello que desconoce. Esto como correlato, además, de una dictadura que actúa clandestinamente, ocultando unas acciones, pero a la vez mostrando otras. Se establece la analogía con el lugar de la sociedad en general durante la dictadura: una sociedad que podía no saber todo lo que ocurría, pero que de ninguna manera no podía no saber nada

    Development and Experimental Testing of a FEM Model for the Stress Distribution Analysis in Agricultural Soil due to Artificial Compaction

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    It is known that the compaction phenomenon of agricultural soil can be defined as an increase in its dry density, respectively as in reduction of its porosity, and it can result from any natural causes as: rainfall impact, soaking, internal water stress from soil, and other. An important role has the artificial compaction, which is generated by the contact with tyres or caterpillars of tractors and agricultural machines. In present, one of the most advanced methods for modelling the phenomenon of stresses propagation in agricultural soil is the Finite Element Method (FEM), which is a numerical method for obtaining approximate solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations of this distribution. In this paper, the soil has been idealised as an elastic-plastic material by Drucker- Prager yield criteria. This paper presents a model for prediction of the stress state in agricultural soil below agricultural tyres in the driving direction and perpendicular to the driving direction, which are different from one another, using the Finite Element Method. General model of analysis was created using FEM, which allows the analysis of equivalent stress distribution and the total displacements distribution in the soil volume, making evident both of the conditions in which the soil compaction is favour and of the study of graphic variation of equivalent stress and the study of shifting in the depth of the soil volume. Using an acquisition data system and pressure sensors, the theoretical model was experimentally checked in the laboratory

    Development and Experimental Testing of a FEM Model for the Stress Distribution Analysis in Agricultural Soil due to Artificial Compaction

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    It is known that the compaction phenomenon of agricultural soil can be defined as an increase in its dry density, respectively as in reduction of its porosity, and it can result from any natural causes as: rainfall impact, soaking, internal water stress from soil, and other. An important role has the artificial compaction, which is generated by the contact with tyres or caterpillars of tractors and agricultural machines. In present, one of the most advanced methods for modelling the phenomenon of stresses propagation in agricultural soil is the Finite Element Method (FEM), which is a numerical method for obtaining approximate solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations of this distribution. In this paper, the soil has been idealised as an elastic-plastic material by Drucker- Prager yield criteria. This paper presents a model for prediction of the stress state in agricultural soil below agricultural tyres in the driving direction and perpendicular to the driving direction, which are different from one another, using the Finite Element Method. General model of analysis was created using FEM, which allows the analysis of equivalent stress distribution and the total displacements distribution in the soil volume, making evident both of the conditions in which the soil compaction is favour and of the study of graphic variation of equivalent stress and the study of shifting in the depth of the soil volume. Using an acquisition data system and pressure sensors, the theoretical model was experimentally checked in the laboratory

    Хирургический метод лечения геморроидальной болезни в сочетании с хронической анальной трещиной

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    Clinica Chirurgie Constantin Ţîbîrnă, USMF Nicolae Testemiţanu, Spitalul Clinic Municipal Sfânta Treime, Conferinţa consacrată aniversării celor 40 de ani de la fondarea SCM Sfânta Treime 17 iunie 2016 Chișinău, Republica MoldovaAnalyzed surgical tactic in hemorrhoidal malady associated with chronic anal fi ssure. Have been highlighted the advantages of the selective method of solutioning the associated pathology, as the rates of the precocious complications (the algic syndrome, bleeding, urinary retention) and late complications(anal stricture, anal incontinence etc.) would be lower.В данной работе анализируется хирургическая тактика у пациентов с геморроем в сочетании с хронической анальной трещиной. Были выделены преимущества выбранного метода в решения сопутствующей патологии. Как результаты хирургического лечения – более низкая частота ранних послеоперационных осложнений (кровоизлияние, болевой синдром, задержка мочи) и поздних осложнений (анальнoe недержание и т.д.)