13 research outputs found

    Age, Growth and Mortality of Unio tigridis (Bourguignat, 1852)

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    Unio tigridis has an importance for the biodiversity of freshwater ecosystem of the Turkey. However, there is no available literature in the world on the growth of this species yet. The aim of this study, therefore, was to describe the age, growth and mortality of this species living in Lake Gölbaşı from Hatay providence, Turkey. A total 428 of specimen were collected using by divers with hand dredges in depth of 1 to 6 meters based on annual sampling strategy from June- 2004 to May- 2005. Lengths and weighs of sample were ranged as 2.1 to 9.2 cm (6.79 ± 1.52) and 1.1 to 73.05 g (34.18 ± 15.56), respectively. Weight-Length relationship of all specimens was described as W=0.193L2.63 (R2=0.94). Thus, a negative allometric growth was detected in the sampled population. The age of each individual was determined by counting the external shall annuli-growth interruption lines. The sampled population was composed of 18 age classes. Specimen belong to age class 7 was the most presented with 20.33 percent in the population. The rate of male to female (m:f) was 0.91:1. Seasonalized von Bertalanffy growth model (SVBGM) was used to describe the growth. From these results, it was shown that seasonality in growth does not occur in this lake for this species (L∞ = 8.80 cm (Shell Length), K = 0.271 year-1, t0 = -0.161 year, C = 0.014, ts = 0.100 year with RSS = 23.22). The total mortality rate (Z ± Se) was calculated as 0.401 ± 0.015 year-1 with R-square = 0.99 (CL of Z with 95 % = 0.361 - 0.440 year-1). Although, there is no fishing, no pollution and no predation risk on this species yet, due to growth characteristic, high K and low L∞, this type of species are vulnerable to extinction

    Gölbaşı Gölü'nün (Hatay: Türkiye) gastropod faunası ve onları etkileyen bazı fizikokimyasal parametreler

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    An investigation was carried out on the native gastropod species in Lake Gölbaşı, Hatay. During the research 3 species belonging to the subclass Pulmonata (Gyraulus piscinarum, Radix labiata, Anisus leucostoma) were detected along with 9 species of the subclass Orthogastropoda (=Prosobranchia) including Theodoxus jordani, Semisalsa contempta, Semisalsa longiscata, Bithynia phialensis, Valvata saulcyi, Valvata piscinalis, Melanoides tuberculatus, Melanopsis praemorsa ferussaci, Melanopsis costata costata. These gastropod species were collected from 4 stations chosen in the lake. Furthermore, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature were measured at the sampling sites.Hatay ili sınırları içerisinde bulunan Gölbaşı Gölü’nün ekolojik yapısına uyum sağlayan yerli gastropod türleri araştırılmıştır. Yapılan araştırmaya göre gölde Pulmonata altsınıfına ait 3 tür (Gyraulus piscinarum, Radix labiata, Anisus leucostoma), Orthogastropoda (=Prosobranchia) altsınıfına ait 9 tür (Theodoxus jordani, Semisalsa contempta, Semisalsa longiscata, Bithynia phialensis, Valvata saulcyi, Valvata piscinalis, Melanoides tuberculatus, Melanopsis praemorsa ferussaci, Melanopsis costata costata) tespit edilmiştir. Bu gastropod türleri Gölde tespit edilen 4 istasyonda belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca örnek alınan alanda suyun bulanıklığı, sıcaklığı, çözünmüş oksijeni ve pH’sı ölçülmüştür

    İki tatlı su midyesinin yenilebilir kısımlarının besin kompozisyonu ve yağ asidi profilleri

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    The proximate compositions and fatty acid profiles of the freshwater mussels Unio terminalis and Potamida littoralis were compared. The crude protein (11.87-11.97%), lipid (2.55-1.05%), ash (1.68&amp;#8211;1.61%) and moisture (80.36-81.69%) contents of U. terminalis and P. littoralis were observed. Lipid content of U. terminalis was found to be significantly (P&lt;0.05) higher than in P. littoralis. The percentages of total saturated fatty acids (SFA) and total monounsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) were higher in U. terminalis than in P. littoralis, whereas the corresponding total polyunsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) content was lower. The n3/n6 ratio of U. terminalis and P. littoralis were 1.54-1.40, respectively. The data obtained indicate that the % composition of n3 PUFAs is greater for U. terminalis. Both of these species are good sources of EPA and DHA. Therefore, it was concluded that freshwater mussels U. terminalis and P. littoralis are suitable as healthy food choice.Tatlı su midyesi Unio terminalis ve Potamida littoralis’in besin kompozisyonu ve yağ asidi profilleri karşılaştırılmıştır. U. terminalis ve P. littoralis’in ham protein (%11,87-11,97), lipit (%2,55-1,05), kül (%1,68-1,61) ve nem (%80,36-81,69) içerikleri incelenmiştir. U. terminalis’in lipit içeriği P. littoralis'inkine göre önemli ölçüde (P<0,05) yüksek bulunmuştur. U. terminalis’in toplam çoklu doymamış yağ asitleri (MUFA) içeriği P. littoralis’inkine oranla daha düşük iken; toplam doymuş yağ asidi (SFA) ve toplam tekli doymamış yağ asidi (PUFA) yüzdeleri daha yüksek bulunmuştur. U. terminalis ve P. littoralis’in n3/n6 oranları sırasıyla 1,54-1,40 olarak tespit edilmiştir. Bulgular, n3 PUFA yüzde kompozisyonunun U. terminalis için daha yüksek olduğunu göstermiştir. Her iki türün EPA ve DHA’nın iyi birer kaynağı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuçta, tatlı su midyeleri U. terminalis ve P. littoralis sağlıklı gıda seçenekleri olarak uygun bulunmuştur

    Offshore Farming of the Mediterranean Amberjack (Seriola dumerili) in the Northeastern Mediterranean

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    The growth rate, survival, and feeding parameters of Mediterranean amberjack (Seriola dumerili Risso, 1810) cultivated in offshore cages in the Gulf of İskenderun (Hatay, Turkey) were investigated from July 2006 to March 2008. Two offshore cages (339 m3) were placed at a depth of 10 m in a sheltered area 500 m off the coast. Juveniles (101.97±14.54 g), caught with seine nets 400-1200 m from the coast, were stocked in the cages at 250 per cage. Fish in one cage, Group A, were fed commercial pellets for all 20 months whilst fish in the second cage, Group B, were fed pellets for the first 16 months and frozen sardines for the following four. The mean live weight, survival, feed conversion ratio, daily feed consumption, and water quality parameters were recorded monthly. Group B reached a significantly (p<0.05) greater weight (2785.00±64.91 g) than Group A (2441.14±38.13 g). Food conversion ratios ranged 1.16-2.46 for group A and 1.10-2.28 for group B, low when compared with other studies on amberjacks in the Mediterranean. Average mortality was 25%, due to a Zeuxapta seriolae (Monogenea: Heteraxinidae) infection in December 2006 (20%) and fish handling for measurement in June 2007 (~5%). The farmed amberjacks had significantly higher protein and lipid contents than their wild counterparts at the end of the 20-month feeding period. Amberjacks found frozen sardines more appealing than pellets, especially during the winter. In conclusion, it is advised to feed Mediterranean amberjack frozen sardines or other trash fish during the winter grow-out period. Their rapid growth rate, as well as their adaptability to farming, make offshore net cages a promising system for the aquaculture of this species

    Investigation on economical characteristics of freshwater mussels in Gölbaşi Lake (Hatay)

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    Dünya da su ürünleri aktiviteleri içinde, midye kabuğuna dayalı kabuk endüstrisi adı altında bir sektör gelişmiştir. Bu sektörde, binlerce insana milyonlarca dolarlık istihdam alanı oluşturulmuştur. Ülkemizde böylesi bir sektörün varlığını ve bugün ne durumda olduğunu araştırmak üzere tasarlanan bu çalışmada, bölgemiz tatlı su midyelerindenPotamida littoralis (Cuvier, 1798), Leguminaia wheatleyi (Lea, 1862), Unio terminalis (Lea,1863) ve Anodonta pseudodopsis (Locard, 1883)'inhangi alanlarda değerlendirildiği ve alternatif değerlendirilme sahalarının ne olabileceği konusunda cevap alınmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla, Ülkemiz için azımsanmayacak bir populasyon gösteren tatlı su midyelerinin Hatay ilinden toplanan kabuklarının eski Osmanlı el sanatı olan sedef kakmacılığı ile düğme ve süs eşyası yapımında değerlendirilmeleri araştırılmış ve daha geniş yelpazede yer alacak şekilde nasıl değerlendirilebileceği konusuna açıklık getirilmeye çalışılmıştır. Gölbaşı Gölü'nde bulunan midyelerden özellikle P.littoralis ve L.wheatleyi'nin sedef kakmacılığında değerlendirilebileceği, U. terminalis'ininci üretiminde nükleus olarak kullanılabileceği ve A. pseudodopsis'in kabuk süsleme sanatında değerlendirilebileceği sonucu elde edilmiştir. Midyelerin besin kaynağı olarak tüketilmesi yönünde yapılan araştırma sonucunda, Almanya başta olmak üzere birçok Avrupa ülkesinde pazarı olan bir ürün olduğu tesbit edilmiştir.A new industry has been developed based on shell bivalves sector in fisheries activities. Billion $ employment for thousand people has been provided by this sector. This study aim to determine current status of freshwater bivalves production, which areas fresh water bivalves were evaluated and what other alternative areas fresh water bivalves might be evaluated. Freshwater mussels collected from Hatay whether useable in Ottoman hand craft or not will be evaluated. Also, this bivalve's shell could be evaluated in ornamentals and button. In conclusion, freshwater mussels have a huge population how useable other widely spread sectors were investigated. In this study, Potamidalittoralis and Leguminaia wheatleyi can be evaluated in Ottoman hand craft , Unio terminalis can be useable in pearl production as nucleus and Anodonta pseudodopsis might be taken in the shell of the decorative arts is obtained.Musselsconsumedas a food sourceinterms ofresearch results, a productof economic valuethathas been established inEurope especiallyin Germany

    Gölbaşı Gölü (Hatay)'nde bulunan unio terminalis delicatus'un üreme biyolojisi ve yetiştiricilik potansiyelinin araştırılması

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    TEZ4503Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2003.Kaynakça (s. 112-131) var.vı, 149 s. ; res.; 30 cm.…Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:FBE.2003.D.14

    Investigation of shell structure of lake Gölbasi freshwater mussels in the crystallized level

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    Bu çalışmada, Gölbaşı Gölü (Hatay)'nde bulunan Anodontapseudodopsis (Locard, 1883) ve Unioterminalis (Lea, 1863)'in kabuk yapısı makro ve mikro düzeyde incelenerek, inci üretimine uygunluğu araştırılmıştır. Makro düzeyde; kabuğun kalınlığı, parlaklığı, rengi, periostrakum tabakasının şekli ve rengi, nakre tabakasının rengi incelenerek, kabuk ölçümleri uzunluk, genişlik ve yükseklik olarak yapılmıştır. Mikro düzeyde yapılan araştırmada; midye kabuğunun periostrakum, nakre ve vertikal yüzey tabakasının morfolojisi taramalı elektron mikroskobunda incelenmiştir. Bu incelemeler sonucunda, A. pseudodopsis'in kabuk kalınlığı 1.83±0.83 mm, uzunluğu 125.74±9.7 mm, genişliği 43.44±5.03 mm ve yüksekliği 82.18±4.57 mm olarak ölçülmüştür. Kabuk şeklinin yanlardan şişkin, üsten görünüşü ovalimsi yumurta biçiminde olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Periostrakum tabakasının açık ve koyu kahverengi, nakre renginin, soluk bakır veya parlak gümüşi renkte ve nakre plaka kalınlığının 1±0.5 µm olduğu bulunmuştur. U. terminalis 'in kabuk kalınlığı 2.87±0,34 mm, uzunluğu 82.96±3.93mm, genişliği 28.90±1.66 mm ve yüksekliği 46.49±1.62 mm olarak ölçülmüştür. Nakre plaka kalınlığı 1,5±0,6 µm olup nakre tabakası, beyaz, krem-gümüş rengindedir. Kabuk renginin, kahverenginin açık ve kızıl tonlarında olduğu, yanlardan basık, üstten görüşte uzunlamasına oval olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Nakre plakalarının şekli A. pseudodopsis 'de çoğunlukla dörtgen veya beşgen, bazen altıgen yapıda olduğu, U. terminalis 'de ise beşgen veya çoğunlukta altıgen şeklinde olduğu saptanmıştır.In this study, the shells tructure of Anodonta pseudodopsis (Locard, 1883) and Unio terminalis (Lea, 1863) found in G&ouml;lba&amp;#254;ı are examined at macro and micro level and the fitness to product&amp;#253;on of pearl is searched. At macro level; thetickness, brightness, colour of theshell, the form and colour of periostracum layer, the layer of the nacre are examined and the measure of the shell is made by length, hightness and widht. In thesearch at micro level; the surface layers morphology at periostacum, nacre and vertical of shell is examined in scanning electronmicroscope. At the end of these examinations, it is measured that the tickness of periostracum A. pseudodopsis is 1.83&plusmn;0.83 mm, it lenght is 125.74&plusmn;9.7 mm, width is 43.44&plusmn;5.03 mm and height is 82.18&plusmn;4.57 mm. It is identified that the form of the shell is swollen from the sides and the top wiev is like oval egg. It is found that the layer of periostracum is light and darkbrown, nacre is palecopper and brigh tsilver, the platetickness of nacre is 1&plusmn;0.5 &micro;m. It is measured that the shell tickness of U. terminalis is 2.87&plusmn;0.34 mm, the lenght is 82.96&plusmn;3.93, width is 28.90&plusmn;1,66 mm and height is 46.49&plusmn;1.62 mm. The platetickness of nacre is 1.5&plusmn;0.6 &micro;m and is colour is cream-silver. It is identified that the shell colour is dark and red tones brown, flottened from sides, longitudinal oval from top. It is determined that the form of nacre plate, inA. pseudodopsis, is mostly quadrilateral or pentagonal, sometimes hexagon while U. terminalis is pentagonal or mostly hexagon

    Offshore Farming of the Mediterranean Amberjack (Seriola dumerili) in the Northeastern Mediterranean

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    The growth rate, survival, and feeding parameters of Mediterranean amberjack (Seriola dumerili Risso, 1810) cultivated in offshore cages in the Gulf of Iskenderun (Hatay, Turkey) were investigated from July 2006 to March 2008. Two offshore cages (339 m(3)) were placed at a depth of 10 m in a sheltered area 500 m off the coast. Juveniles (101.97 +/- 14.54 g), caught with seine nets 400-1200 m from the coast, were stocked in the cages at 250 per cage. Fish in one cage, Group A, were fed commercial pellets for all 20 months whilst fish in the second cage, Group B, were fed pellets for the first 16 months and frozen sardines for the following four. The mean live weight, survival, feed conversion ratio, daily feed consumption, and water quality parameters were recorded monthly. Group B reached a significantly (p < 0.05) greater weight (2785.00 +/- 64.91 g) than Group A (2441.14 +/- 38.13 g). Food conversion ratios ranged 1.16-2.46 for group A and 1.10-2.28 for group B, low when compared with other studies on amberjacks in the Mediterranean. Average mortality was 25%, due to a Zeuxapta seriolae (Monogenea: Heteraxinidae) infection in December 2006 (20%) and fish handling for measurement in June 2007 (similar to 5%). The farmed amberjacks had significantly higher protein and lipid contents than their wild counterparts at the end of the 20-month feeding period. Amberjacks found frozen sardines more appealing than pellets, especially during the winter. In conclusion, it is advised to feed Mediterranean amberjack frozen sardines or other trash fish during the winter grow-out period. Their rapid growth rate, as well as their adaptability to farming, make offshore net cages a promising system for the aquaculture of this species


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    The effects of four stocking densities of 20, 40, 60, 80 mussels/m(2) on growth of Unio tigridis were investigated. The growth of the freshwater mussel U. tigridis in cages was studied for a year from March 2003 to April 2004 in Lake Golbasi. Juvenile mussels with the initial weight of 0.64 +/- 0.08 g were stocked in metal cages placed on the lake bottom. Growth in live weight, shell length, width and height was measured monthly for the four different stock groups. Chlorophyll a, magnesium (Mg), nitrite (NO(2)), nitrate (NO(3)), amount of organic matters, ammonia (NH(3)), phosphate (PO(4)), silica (Si) and calcium (Ca) were also analyzed monthly. All water quality parameters were within proper limits for mussel culture. At the end of the study, the greatest live weight (5.55 +/- 0.03 g) was obtained from 40 mussels/m(2), with 3.5 2 +/- 0.02 cm and 1.47 +/- 0.03 cm as length and width values, respectively. The greatest height was determined in a stocking rate of 60 mussels/m(2), with 1.99 +/- 0.03 cm. Therefore, juveniles should be stocked in early spring for U. tigridis at a level of 40-60 individuals/m(2)

    The characterization and activity of protease enzyme on different days of Tadpoles [Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771)]

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    In this study, protease enzyme activity of Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771) tadpoles was determined during the larval period starting from 25 Gosner stage (1960). When the P. ridibundus tadpoles reached the 25 Gosner stage (1960) on the 22nd day, the sampling was continued until the metamorphosis was completed by sampling at 5-day intervals. Initial average weight and length of the tadpoles were 0.076 g and 6.42 mm, respectively. The tadpoles were fed with pellet feed the size of 2 mm and 39% crude protein content twice a day in the morning and afternoon. The differences in the protease activity between the 22nd day and the 62nd day of the metamorphosis were found statistically significant (P<0.05). It has been observed that the protease enzyme reached maximum level at the 32nd day. In the next stages, protease activity showed a tendency to increase and decrease up to metamorphosis. These results can be used as the basis for the most appropriate nutritional formulation for P. ridibundus in the larval stage