18 research outputs found

    Japon bıldırcınlarının diyetlerine ilave edilen ardıç meyvesinin (Juniperus Communis) besi performansı üzerine etkisi

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    Özet BildiriThe present study was conducted to determine the effects of juniper berry (Juniperus communis) supplementation to quail feed rations on fattening performance and some carcass traits. A day-old 150 Japanese quails were used in experiments and quails were kept in cages for 7 weeks. The total 150 quail chicks were randomly separated into 5 groups (1 control and 4 treatment groups) with 3 replicates. Four different juniper berry levels as of 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2% and a control treatment (0%) were implemented. Juniper berry supplementation to feed rations initiated at the end of the 1st week and sustained for 7 weeks. Live weights, feed consumptions, feed conversion ratios and some carcass traits were determined. Juniper berry supplementation into rations during 7 weeks of growing period increased body weight (for male quails R2=98%), cumulative feed intake (R2=97%) and feed conversion ratio (R2=94%) of treatment groups significantly (P<0.01). Carcass weight (P<0.01, R2=71%), carcass yield (P<0.05) and breast yield (P<0.01) were also significantly increased by juniper berry supplementation. A significant difference was not observed between viability of different groups (P>0.05). It was concluded in present study that 0.5-1% juniper berry supplementation into quail feed rations had positive impacts on fattening performance and carcass traits

    Organik ürünlerin tüketimini etkileyen faktörler ve tutumlar : Diyarbakır ili örneği

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    Son yıllarda organik tarım sadece gelişmiş ülkelerde değil, gelişmekte olan ülkelerde de hızla yayılmaktadır. Özellikle sağlıklı beslenme ve güvenilir gıda temini gibi konularda kaygı duyan tüketiciler organik ürünlere karşı olumlu bir tutum sergilemektedir. Bu çalışma, Diyarbakır il merkezindeki tüketicilerin organik ürünlere yönelik tutumlarını ve organik ürünleri tercih etmelerinde etkili olan faktörleri belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma materyali olarak, Diyarbakır ili kent merkezinde seçilmiş haneler ile yapılan anket çalışmasından derlenen yatay kesit verileri kullanılmıştır. Ayrıca benzer konulardaki ulusal ve uluslararası çalışmalar, kitaplar, dergiler vb. diğer yayınlardan da yararlanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örnek seçiminde Ana Kitle Oranlarına Dayalı Kümelendirilmemiş Tek Aşamalı Basit Tesadüfi Olasılık Örnekleme dikkate alınmıştır. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre bireylerin %54.5?i organik ürün tüketirken, %45.5?inin organik ürün tüketmediği belirlenmiştir. Organik ürün tükettiğini ifade eden bireylerin %43.4?ü yaş sebze-meyve ürün grubunu tüketirken, bunu sırasıyla süt ve süt ürünleri (%23.1), organik et (%18.1), yumurta (%8.6) ve balın (%6.5) izlediği saptanmıştır. Bu araştırmanın, tüketicilerin organik ürünlerle ilgili tutumlarının ortaya konması ve organik ürün tüketme tercihlerini etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi açısından önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu bağlamda araştırmanın, gerek politika yapımcılarına gerekse organik tarım firmalarına katkıda bulunması hedeflenmiştir

    Usability of CART algorithm for determining egg quality characteristics influencing fertility in the eggs of Japanese quail

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to determine the effects of egg quality characteristics (egg weight, egg width, egg height, and shape index) on fertility of eggs of Japanese quail with different colored feathers (yellow, white, grizzled, and normal), which are of economic importance for poultry production. For this purpose, 383 eggs of Japanese quail with various feather colors were used. In the study, usability of classification and regression tree (CART) data-mining algorithm as a classification tree method is necessary for poultry breeders to define proper cut-off values of egg quality characteristics that ensure Japanese quail eggs at good quality in fertility. Fertility as the dependent variable in the study was examined as a binary trait (fertile and infertile) and all the egg quality traits accepted as explanatory variables were continuous variables. Feather color was also included as a nominal categorical explanatory variable. The classification tree results showed that the highest fertility ratio of 90.9% was obtained from the eggs of Japanese quail of white, grizzled, and normal feather colors with 10.425 g ≥ egg weight, 24.565 mm ≥ egg width, or the fertility ratio of 88.2% of the eggs was observed with 10.425 g ≤ egg weight and 25.605 mm ≥ egg width. Consequently, usability of the tree-based CART algorithm is important in practice for properly establishing fertilized eggs, depending on feather color types of Japanese quail

    El efecto de suplemento de pulpa de mora blanca seca (Morus alba) en la dieta de codorniz ponedora

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    Objective. This study was conducted to research the effects of different levels of dried white mulberry (Morus alba) pulp supplementation in diets of laying quail on yield performances, egg quality, blood parameters, yolk fatty acid profiles and cholesterol concentrations. Materials and Methods. A completely randomized experimental design, with four treatments and four replicates, was applied. The experimental treatments were M0: control diet; M4: dietary inclusion of 4% mulberry pulp; M8: dietary inclusion of 8% mulberry pulp; M12: dietary inclusion of 12% mulberry pulp. This experiment was carried out for 4 weeks, and 128 7-week-old female quail were used. Results. Addition of dried mulberry pulp to the diet significantly affected weekly feed intake, egg yield, albumin index, yolk weight, triglyceride, LDL, serum cholesterol and yolk cholesterol levels (p&lt;0.05, p&lt;0.01). The feed conversion ratio, egg weight, and egg yolk fatty acid profile were not significantly affected by the dried mulberry pulp in the diet. Conclusions. As a result, it may be stated that adding dried mulberry pulp up to 8% of the diets of laying quail does not cause any adverse effects and may be used without any problems.Objetivo. El presente estudio tiene por objetivo investigar los efectos de los diferentes niveles de suplemento de la pulpa de mora blanca seca (Morus alba) en las dietas de la codorniz ponedora, el rendimiento, la calidad del huevo, los parámetros sanguíneos, perfiles de los ácidos grasos de la yema y las concentraciones de colesterol. Materiales y Métodos. Fue aplicado un diseño experimental totalmente aleatorio, con cuatro tratamientos y cuatro réplicas. Los tratamientos experimentales fueron M0: dieta de control; M4:introducción de 4% de pulpa de mora en la dieta; M8: introducción de 8% de pulpa de mora en la dieta; M12:introducción de 12% de pulpa de mora en la dieta. Este experimento se llevó a cabo durante 4 semanas, y se utilizaron 128 codornices hembras de 7 semanas de edad. Resultados. La agregación de pulpa de morera seca a la dieta influyó notablemente en la ingesta semanal de piensos, la producción de huevos, el índice de albúmina, el peso de la yema, el triglicérido, LDL, los niveles de colesterol en el suero y el colesterol en la yema (p&lt;0.05;p&lt;0.01). La tasa de proporción de conversión del pienso, el peso del huevo y el perfil de ácidos grasos de la yema de huevo no se vieron afectados significativamente por la pulpa de mora seca en la dieta. Conclusiones. Como resultado, se puede señalar que la agregación de pulpa de more seca hasta el 8% de las dietas de codorniz ponedora no causa ningún efecto adverso y se puede utilizar sin ningún problema