46 research outputs found

    An easy and practical prognostic parameter: tumor-stroma ratio in Luminal, Her2, and triple-negative breast cancers

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    OBJECTIVE: The stroma surrounding the tumor cells is important in tumor progression and treatment resistance, besides the properties of tumor cells. Studies on the tumor stroma characteristics will contribute to the knowledge for new treatment approaches. METHODS: A total of 363 breast cancer patients were evaluated for the tumor-stroma ratio. The percentage of stroma was visually assessed on hematoxylin-eosin stained slides. The cases of tumor-stroma ratio more than 50% were categorized as tumor-stroma ratio high, and those less than 50% and below were categorized as tumor-stroma ratio low. RESULTS: Tumor-stroma ratio-high tumors had shorter overall survival (p=0.002). Disease-free survival tended to be shorter in tumor-stroma ratiohigh tumors (p=0.082) compared with tumor-stroma ratio-low tumors. Tumor-stroma ratio was an independent prognostic parameter for the total group of patients (p=0.003) and also axillary lymph node metastasis and tumor-stroma ratio was statistically associated (p=0.004). Also, tumor- stroma ratio was an independent prognostic parameter in node-positive Luminal A and B subgroups for overall survival (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: Tumor-stroma ratio is an independent prognostic parameter that can be evaluated quite easily in all molecular subtypes of all breast cancers and does not require extra cost and time to evaluate

    Apoptotik indeks meme kanserli hastalarda neoadjuvan kemoterapiye yanıtı predikte eder mi?

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    Objective: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) plays a major role in the treatment of patients with locally advanced breast carcinoma. Although most patients have benefited from NACT, the rate of residual tumors is still high after treatment (AT). An increase in apoptosis is expected in tru-cut biopsy (TCB) during treatment or AT as the mechanism of NACT is inducing apoptosis. This study aimed to investigate whether evaluating the apoptotic index (AI) from TCB can predict the response before treatment (TC-BT) and whether there is a correlation between AI and clinicopathologic parameters. Methods: Seventy cases of breast carcinomas were included. The AI was evaluated BT and AT by quantifying the apoptosis. The receiver operating characteristic analysis was performed with overall survival (OS) data, and low and high AI cut-offs were obtained. The relationship between AI and response and clinicopathological parameters was evaluated. Results: A significant relationship was found between low AI in TC-BT and at least partial response (p=0.025), longer OS (p=0.01) and disease-free survival (p=0.01), and progesterone receptor-positive tumors (p=0.03). Her2-negative tumors were more prone to low AI. A significant decline in AI (p=0.001) and Ki67 proliferation index (p[removed

    Predicting response to neoadjuvant therapy with glucose transporter-1 in breast cancer

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    OBJECTIVE: Glucose transporter-1 is a marker involved in energy transport in cancer cells. It has been shown to be a poor prognostic factor in many cancer types, including breast cancer. However, there is no satisfactory parameter predicting treatment in breast cancer patients receiving neoadjuvant therapy. This study investigated the effect of glucose transporter-1 in predicting the treatment response of patients receiving neoadjuvant therapy. METHODS: In this study, glucose transporter-1 immunohistochemistry was applied to tru-cut biopsy of patients who were diagnosed with breast cancer and received neoadjuvant therapy between 2010 and 2021. A built-in scoring system was used to evaluate both the pattern and intensity of glucose transporter-1 immunohistochemistry staining. The relationship between glucose transporter-1 immunohistochemistry staining and other clinicopathological parameters was examined. In addition, the relationship of glucose transporter-1 with response to treatment was investigated.RESULTS: A relationship was found between high glucose transporter-1 expression and other clinicopathological parameters (such as estrogen and progesterone receptor negativity, high Ki-67, triple-negative, and Her2 status). Cases with high glucose transporter-1 expression had either a complete or a partial pathologic response. The result was statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Glucose transporter-1 has the potential to be a biomarker that can be evaluated more objectively as an alternative to Ki-67 labeling index in evaluating the response to treatment in patients receiving neoadjuvant therapy

    Preliminary Checking of Some Turkish Diatomaceous Earth Similarities with Commercial Diatomaceous Earths under Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)

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    Diatoms are dead bodies of unicellular algae’s and made up of fossilized diatoms in aquatic ecosystems. Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a dust varying in color depending on composition, from white-grey to yellow to red and active ingredient is amorphous silicon dioxide. DEs are commonly used for purification of water, the purification of juices, separation of various oils and chemicals and also used as an insecticide. Mode of action as insecticide which damage occurs to the insects protective wax coat on the cuticle, mostly by sorption and to a lesser degree by abrasion, or both. The result is the loss of water from the insect's body through desiccation resulting in death. The efficacy of DE against insects depends on different physical and morphological characteristics of the diatoms. In present study, image properties of 10 different Turkish DE samples under Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) were checked and compared similarities with commercial DEs, namely Protector, SilicoSec, Insecto and Pyrisec. SEM image analysis indicated that there were variations in shape and size of dead bodies of diatoms in Turkish and commercial DEs. The shapes of dead bodies of diatoms in Turkish local DE’s named as CBN and BGN were found very similar with those in commercial DE, Silicosec. Local DE coded as DC has a round shape and looks similar to commercial DE of Pyrisec while local DE coded as CAN has triangle shape and its shape was different from those of all other DE samples

    Reporting hormone receptor expression in breast carcinomas: which method has the highest prognostic power and what should be the optimal cut-off value?

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    Background . Hormone receptor (HR) expression is a critical marker that plays a role in the treatment and management of breast cancer. Even if patients receive hormone treatment with a hormone positivity rate of over 1%, it is controversial at what level of positivity they benefit from treatment and contribute positively to their prognosis. Methods . We retrospectively examined the estrogen receptor (ER) / progesterone receptor (PR) expression status, clinicopathological findings, and survival data of 386 patients who underwent surgery for breast cancer. ER/PR expressions of the patients were evaluated according to Allred, H-score and were also grouped according to staining percentages. Separate cut-off values were determined for each of these evaluation methods, and the prognostic power of these methods was investigated using receiver operating characteristic analysis. Results . The prognostic power of all methods was found to be similar in terms of predicting survival. According to the staining percentage of the patients, survival was excellent if the ER value was >80% and the PR value was >1%. Conclusions . All recommended methods for reporting HRs have similar prognostic power. However, in patients with high percentage staining for ER using these methods, the prognosis is excellent. As a result, we predict that if the percentage of ER staining is low, changing the treatment management of patients may be considered clinically

    Development of knitted and woven fabric for medical textiles

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    Bu çalışmada, yeterli antimikrobiyallik özelliğine sahip kullanım performansı yüksek örme ve dokuma tekstil yüzeylerinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında bu özellikler kazandırılmak için hem elyaflardan gelen özelliklerden hem de kimyasallardan gelen antimikrobiyal özelliklerden faydalanılmıştır. Buna göre, çalışma kapsamında, üç farklı iplik numarasından (Ne 40/1, Ne 30/1 ve Ne 17/1) iki farklı eğirme yöntemi (Ring ve Vortex) kullanılarak farklı elyaflardan (pamuk, gümüş, tencel, bambu, poliester, kanallı poliester ve antibakteriyel poliester) iplikler üretilmiştir. Üretilen ipliklerden ise örme ve dokuma kumaş üretimleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örme kumaşlar üç farklı konstrüksiyonda (süprem, interlok ve iki iplik) üretilmiştir. Dokuma kumaşlar ise, iki farklı konstrüksiyonda (1/1 bez ayağı ve saten) farklı atkı ve çözgü ipliği kullanılarak üretilmiştir. Üretilen örme ve dokuma kumaşlara emdirme ve çektirme yöntemi ile Antibakteriyel ve su itici bitim işlemi uygulanmıştır. Geliştirilen kumaşlara fiziksel performans testleri, ısıl konfor testleri ve Antibakteriyel Aktivite, Bakteri Filtrasyon Etkinlik Testi, Nefes Alabilirlik (Basınç Farkı) ve Mikrobiyal Temizlik (Biyoyük) ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar incelendiğinde, antibakteriyel apre uygulanmış örme kumaş (A) ve gümüş elyaf içeren örme kumaş (B1) numunelerin TSE K 599 standardına göre ve performans testlerine göre en uygun kumaşlar oldukları görülmüştür.In this project, it is aimed to develop technical textiles with sufficient antimicrobial properties with high usage performance. Within the scope of the study, both antimicrobial fibers and silver-added chemicals were used to gain these properties. Accordingly, within the scope of the project, yarns are spun from cotton, silver fiber, tencel, bamboo, polyester, polyester coolmax and polyester antibacterial fibers. In this project we used two different spinning methods (Ring and Vortex) from three different yarn counts (Ne 40/1, Ne 30/1 and Ne 17/1). Knitted and woven fabrics were produced from these yarns. Knitted fabrics have been produced in three different constructions (single jersey, interlock and 2-thread) and with different yarn mixtures. Woven fabrics, on the other hand, are produced in two different constructions (1/1 plain and satin) and using different weft and warp yarns. Antibacterial and water- repellent finishing processes 6 Carbon was applied to the knitted and woven fabrics. Performance tests, thermal comfort measurment and antibacterial activity, bacterial filtration efficiency, breathability (Pressure Difference) and Bioburden tests were performed on the developed fabrics. When the results obtained were examined, the knitted fabric (A) and knitted fabric with silver fiber (B1) sample completed all the measurements successfully

    Avrupa Birliği’nde iç ve dış ticaretin yönü

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır.Dünya tarihinde, ülkelerin kendilerini ekonomik ve siyasi yönden birleştirmeye yönelik pek çok teşebbüslerini görmek mümkündür. Fakat bunların pek çoğu dünya tarihi boyunca askeri nitelikli olmuştur. İkinci Dünya Savaşı' ndan sonra, savaş onlar için bir çözüm olmadığından dolayı, alternatif rasyonel birleştirme yolları bulmaları gerektiğinin farkına vardılar. Sonuç olarak, İkinci Dünya Savaşı 'nın bitiminde Avrupa'yı ekonomik ve siyasi olarak birleştirmeyi düşündüler. Bugün Avrupa Birliği, Dünya'da ekonomik ve siyasi bir güç olmakla birlikte birleşik askeri güç doğrultusunda yolunda güvenli bir birliğe doğru ilerlemektedir. Bu, ekonomik yararlara dayalı rasyonel davranış tarzının bir sonucudur. Doğal kaynakların Avrupa Kıt'asın da daha adilce dağıtılmaya başlanması ve ticari engelleri kaldırarak kendi aralarındaki ticaretin genişlemesi, özellikle siyasi alanda ilişkilerini daha fazla geliştirmek için üyeleri harekete geçirmiştir. Bu ülkeler dünyada barışın nasıl sağlanabileceğini, yaşam standartlarının nasıl yükseltilebileceğini, ekonomik sorunların nasıl üstesinden gelinebileceğini göstermiştir. Birliğin içindeki komşu ülkeler, komşu olmayan ülkelere nazaran daha fazla ticaret hacmine sahip olmaktadırlar. Üyeler arasında endüstri içi ve ölçek ekonomilerine dayalı ticaret yaygındır. Kültürel benzerlikler de ticareti yönlendirmiştir. Bununla beraber Avrupa Birliği hammaddeyi Afrika ekonomik bloklarından ithal ederken, sanayi ürünlerini Afrika sömürgelerine ve az gelişmiş ülkelere ihraç etmektedirler. Bu Heckscher - Ohlin modelinin bir sonucudur. Monopol teorisi, ölçek ekonomileri, nitelikli iş gücü gibi yeni teoriler de üyeler arasındaki ticareti açıklayabilmektedir. Sonuç olarak,üye ülkeler birliğe girmeden önceki durumlarıyla kıyaslandığında daha zengin,daha rahat, daha mutlu hayat standartlarına sahip olmaktadırlar yine faiz oranlarının düşmesi sonucu fînansal bir entegrasyona yöneldikleri görülür

    Comparison of the sensititre yeastone antifungal method with the clsi m27-a3 reference method to determine the activity of antifungal agents against clinical isolates of candida spp.

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    Background and aim: Infections caused by Candida species are significantly increasing today, and invasive Candida infections are generally associated with high mortality. Early diagnosis and identification of Candida spp. is important for the determination of antifungal agents that will be used for treatment. The aim of the present study was to provide a better regimen for Candida infections in the future.Materials and methods: The Sensititre YeastOne (SYO) method was compared with The Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute ((MS!) reference broth microdilution (BMD) testing method. Endpoints of minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) were determined for both methods.Results: By using both methods, MIC values of micafungin, caspofungin, voriconazole, and fluconazole were lower than amphotericin B. The values obtained with the SYO method were in high categorical agreement for ecinocandins and amphotericin B. The results of voriconazole and fluconazole were in low categorical agreement. The categorical agreement between the SYO and the BMD results at 24 h was 82.1% for VORI and 98.4% for AMB. Values obtained with SYO method for all antifungal agents were in high essential agreement with the data of the CLSI reference BMD method. The essential agreement between the SYO and the BMD results at 24 h was 94.0% for MFG and 99.0% for AMB.Conclusions: The SYO method was ready-to use, so it appeared to be easier and more efficient for Candida isolates