180 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Audit Committee and Corporate Governance in Companies

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    The audit commitee and the corporate governance are two important structures that continously develop and related with each other. This study talks over the principles and goals of audit, independant audit, internal audit, internal control, corporate governance. The relationship between the audit commmite and the corporate governance activities is described via examining the the relationship between audit committe, independance audit, internal audit and executive board

    Enerji tüketimi ve ekonomik büyüme ililşkisi : Türkiye uygulaması (1970-2014)

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    xiv, 70 sayfa : tablo, şekil29 cm. 1 CDÖZETGelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkeler için enerji tüketimi hayati birgereksinimdir. Bu gereksinim, Sanayi Devrimi’nin yaşanması ile daha nethissedilmiştir. Enerjiye duyulan ihtiyacın artışı ve karşılanması ülke politikalarıaçısından önem taşımaktadır.Bu çalışmada küresel ve ulusal enerji kaynakları, grafikler ve tablolaryardımıyla incelenecektir. Enerji tüketimi ve ekonomik büyüme ilişkisini etkileyenfaktörler ortaya konulacaktır. Küresel ve ulusal politikalara yer verilecektir.ABSTRACTEnergy is a vital necessity for developed and developing countries. Withthe Industrial Revolution the need for energy became more crucial. The increase inthe demand for energy and meeting this increasing demand is important for policymakers in the countries.In this study, global and national energy resources will be examined withthe help of graphics and tables. The factors affecting the relationship between energyconsumption and economic growth will be set forth. Global and national policies willbe discussed

    Moral Grandstanding as a Narcissistic Intrinsic Satisfaction

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    The aim of this study is to define the concept of moral grandstanding and discuss its antecedents, motivations behind it, and implications. Moral grandstanding is described as contributing to moral discourse to persuade others that one is morally respectable. Individuals who value their moral standing are more concerned about their own self than the topics that they claim to discuss. Therefore, it is likely that individuals who perform moral grandstanding may be high on the narcissistic personality trait. Although moral grandstanding can bring about reputation and fame to individuals, it can be associated with society contribution in some cases. While advertising their prosocial behavior, individuals’ true motivation may not be obvious. Thus, it is essential to understand their actual motivation for the behavior in question as well as their level of narcissism in order to understand whether the behavior is considered as an example of moral grandstanding. Pathological narcissism and the intrinsic-extrinsic motivation concept of self-determination theory were used to extend the current understanding of the moral grandstanding concept in the present study. Lastly, the real-life implications of moral grandstanding were discussed with reference to current issues like the pandemic

    Uluslararası normlara ve temsili endüstriyel demokrasiye atıfla işyeri çalışan temsilciliğinin kurumsal inşası: Türkiye için bir çift kanaldan temsil modeli önerisi

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    This article explores the feasibility of setting up a shopfloor social dialogue mechanism in Turkey based on the synthesis of EU Directive (2002/14/EC), the German works council model and various dimensions of Turkish labour law and practice. Evaluating the outputs of the questionnaire conducted between the years 2015-2016 and addressed to selected samples of representatives of labour unions and employers’ organizations as well as to officials of the Turkish Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the article proposes two alternatives for a dual-channel representation system: namely, the establishment of works councils to co-exist with unions and the election of employee representatives. Since the majority of Turkey’s workplaces are currently unrepresented by unions, it is assumed that either option may serve the objectives of adapting Turkish labour relations to international standards and locating representative industrial democracy at the core of work life.Bu makale, AB Direktifi (2002/14/EC), Alman İş Konseyi Modeli ve Türk İş Hukuku uygulamalarının çeşitli boyutlarıyla sentezine dayalı olarak, Türkiye'de sosyal diyalog merkezli bir işyeri çalışan temsilciliği mekanizması modeli önerisinde bulunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Makalede işçi ve işveren örgütlerinin temsilcilerinin yanı sıra, Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanlığı’nın bazı yetkililerinden oluşan örneklem grubuna yönelik 2015-2016 yılları arasında yürütülen anketin çıktıları temel alınarak, çift kanallı bir temsil sistemi için işçi sendikaları ile birlikte var olacak çalışma konseylerinin kurulması ve çalışan temsilcilerinin seçilmesi olmak üzere iki alternatif model önerilmektedir. Türkiye'de hâlihazırda işyerlerinin çoğunluğu için sendika temsili söz konusu olmadığından, önerilen her iki seçeneğin de gerek Türkiye'deki çalışma ilişkilerinin uluslararası standartlara uyumu gerekse temsili endüstriyel demokrasiyi çalışma hayatının merkezine yerleştirme hedeflerine hizmet edebileceği düşünülmektedir.Publisher's Versio

    Platelet-Rich Fibrin Used as a Scaffold in Pulp Regeneration: Case Series

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    Regenerative endodontic treatment (RET) is a biologically based treatment approach to provide root development and increase the prognosis of teeth. The purpose of this case series was to evaluate the clinical and radiological results of RET using platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), in 4 immature teeth with necrotic pulps. At the end of 18-24-month follow-up, no clinical symptoms were recorded. Apical closure was observed in 3 of the 4 teeth. All of the preoperative periapical lesions were healed. However, a calcified tissue formed in the middle third of the root in one case diagnosed with chronic apical periodontitis at 3-month follow-up. PRF was successful as a scaffold and can be recommended for revascularization protocol of necrotic immature teeth. However, prognosis of tooth can be attributed to many factors such as duration of pulp necrosis, pretreatment status of the periapical region and viability of living tissues

    Evaluation of COPD patient’s relatives assessment of disease awarness, load of care giving and loss of workforce: Turkish Thoracic Society COPD working group

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    Objective: Our aim is to measure the level of awareness of patient’s relatives COPD, to determine the caregiver burden of patient's relatives, and to determine whether there is a work day loss. Material and method: 252 COPD patients and 252 patient’s relatives from 11 centers were included in this questionnaire study. Ethics committee was approval. Disease information of the patients were recorded and a questionnaire was applied. Socio-demographic characteristics of the patient’s relatives were recorded and a questionnaire consisting of 24 questions including COPD disease, treatment and loss of working days and Zarit Scale used in chronic diseases were used. Results: 128(50.8%) of the patients according to GOLD were group-D.97(38.5%) of the patient's relatives were working. 253(94.4%) knew that COPD was a lung disease. 62(24.7%) were not able to go to work for 1-14 days. 125(57.1%) spent outside the home from 1 to 14 nights, because those accompanied to patients. In univariate analysis were detected mMRC(p<0.001), CAT(p<0.001), the number of comorbidities of patients(p=0.027),Conclusion: In COPD increases caregiving burden. This burden is greater in symptomatic patients and when comorbidities are present. Psycho-social and legal regulations should be investigated and solutions should be produced for the person who gives care to COPD patients

    Maksiller sinüzit ve odontojenik enfeksiyon ilişkisinin dental volümetrik tomografi görüntüleri ile değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Radyografik olarak sinüzit bulguları bulunan hastaların maksiller posterior dişlerindeki enfeksiyonlar ile maksiller sinüzit ilişkisinin, dental volümetrik tomografi (DVT) görüntüleri kullanılarak değerlendirilmesidir.Gereç ve Yöntemler: 1000 hastaya ait DVT görüntüsü, maksiller sinüs mukoza kalınlığını saptamak amacıyla retrospektif olarak tarandı. Sinüs mukozası kalınlığının 2 mm ve üzerinde olduğu olgular patolojik olarak kabul edildi. Patolojik olgular içerisinde sinüse komşu molar ve/veya premolar dişlerde apikal lezyonu bulunanlara, radyografik olarak odontojenik maksiller sinüzit tanısı kondu. Sinüs mukozası kalınlaşmasına etki edebilecek faktörler; demografik değişkenler, diş tipi ve apikal lezyona ait parametreler (lezyonlu diş/ kök sayısı, lezyon çapı, lezyon-sinüs tabanı mesafesi) olmak üzere 3 farklı başlıkta değerlendirildi. Veriler tanımlayıcı istatistik ve lineer regresyon analizi ile incelendi (p=0.05). Gözlemci içi uyum değerlendirmesinde Kappa testinden yararlanıldı (κ).Bulgular: Mukozal kalınlaşma saptanan 202 olgunun, % 47,5'inde odontojenik maksiller sinüzit olduğu saptandı. Odontojenik maksiller sinüzitin en sık gözlendiği diş tipi 1. molar dişlerdi (p&lt;0.05). Mukozal kalınlaşma miktarı ile istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki; cinsiyet (erkekler), lezyonlu kök sayısı, lezyon çapı ve lezyonlu diş sayısı arasında saptandı (p&lt;0.05).Sonuçlar: Özellikle erkek hastalarda 1.molar dişte birden çok kökü etkileyen geniş apikal lezyon(lar) varlığında, lezyonun sinüse olan uzaklığından bağımsız olarak odontojenik maksiller sinüzit gelişme riski artmaktadır. Ayrıca, iyileşmeyen veya tekrarlayan inatçı sinüzit olgularında dişhekimi konsültasyonu ve endodontik tedavi opsiyonu mutlaka değerlendirilmelidir.ANAHTAR KELİMELER Apikal lezyon, maksiller sinüzit, DV

    A Newborn with Congenital Mixed Phenotype Acute Leukemia After In Vitro Fertilization

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    Congenital leukemia is a rare disease. The majority of cases of this disease are acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). Congenital acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is rare and most often is of B cell lineage. Rarely, some cases have been designated biphenotypic or mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL). Herein, we report a preterm newborn referred to us as a result of the appearance of blue-violaceous dermal nodules on her body at birth. She was a twin and the product of an in vitro fertilization (IVF) pregnancy. Physical examination showed jaundice, hepatosplenomegaly, and peripheral facial nerve palsy in addition to dermal nodules. Bone marrow aspiration showed 40% blasts of lymphoid lineage; skin biopsy and its immunohistochemistry revealed myeloblastic infiltration of the dermis. Cytogenetic analysis (46,XX), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis, and cranial magnetic resonance were normal. The patient was diagnosed with congenital MPAL, and an association between IVF and congenital leukemia was suggested

    Development of knitted and woven fabric for medical textiles

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    Bu çalışmada, yeterli antimikrobiyallik özelliğine sahip kullanım performansı yüksek örme ve dokuma tekstil yüzeylerinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında bu özellikler kazandırılmak için hem elyaflardan gelen özelliklerden hem de kimyasallardan gelen antimikrobiyal özelliklerden faydalanılmıştır. Buna göre, çalışma kapsamında, üç farklı iplik numarasından (Ne 40/1, Ne 30/1 ve Ne 17/1) iki farklı eğirme yöntemi (Ring ve Vortex) kullanılarak farklı elyaflardan (pamuk, gümüş, tencel, bambu, poliester, kanallı poliester ve antibakteriyel poliester) iplikler üretilmiştir. Üretilen ipliklerden ise örme ve dokuma kumaş üretimleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Örme kumaşlar üç farklı konstrüksiyonda (süprem, interlok ve iki iplik) üretilmiştir. Dokuma kumaşlar ise, iki farklı konstrüksiyonda (1/1 bez ayağı ve saten) farklı atkı ve çözgü ipliği kullanılarak üretilmiştir. Üretilen örme ve dokuma kumaşlara emdirme ve çektirme yöntemi ile Antibakteriyel ve su itici bitim işlemi uygulanmıştır. Geliştirilen kumaşlara fiziksel performans testleri, ısıl konfor testleri ve Antibakteriyel Aktivite, Bakteri Filtrasyon Etkinlik Testi, Nefes Alabilirlik (Basınç Farkı) ve Mikrobiyal Temizlik (Biyoyük) ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar incelendiğinde, antibakteriyel apre uygulanmış örme kumaş (A) ve gümüş elyaf içeren örme kumaş (B1) numunelerin TSE K 599 standardına göre ve performans testlerine göre en uygun kumaşlar oldukları görülmüştür.In this project, it is aimed to develop technical textiles with sufficient antimicrobial properties with high usage performance. Within the scope of the study, both antimicrobial fibers and silver-added chemicals were used to gain these properties. Accordingly, within the scope of the project, yarns are spun from cotton, silver fiber, tencel, bamboo, polyester, polyester coolmax and polyester antibacterial fibers. In this project we used two different spinning methods (Ring and Vortex) from three different yarn counts (Ne 40/1, Ne 30/1 and Ne 17/1). Knitted and woven fabrics were produced from these yarns. Knitted fabrics have been produced in three different constructions (single jersey, interlock and 2-thread) and with different yarn mixtures. Woven fabrics, on the other hand, are produced in two different constructions (1/1 plain and satin) and using different weft and warp yarns. Antibacterial and water- repellent finishing processes 6 Carbon was applied to the knitted and woven fabrics. Performance tests, thermal comfort measurment and antibacterial activity, bacterial filtration efficiency, breathability (Pressure Difference) and Bioburden tests were performed on the developed fabrics. When the results obtained were examined, the knitted fabric (A) and knitted fabric with silver fiber (B1) sample completed all the measurements successfully