232 research outputs found

    An Examination of the Pre-competition and Post-competition State Anxiety Levels of Russian Women’s National Volleyball Team Athletes

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    This study of 14 Russian women’s national volleyball team athletes aimed to determine their pre-competition and post-competition state anxiety levels according to some variables. This descriptive study used the Competition State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2) developed by Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump and Smith (1990). This inventory has 9 items in 3 sub-factors: cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self-confidence.A comparison of the pre-competition and post-competition anxiety levels found no statistically significant differences in cognitive anxiety (p>0.05), somatic anxiety (p>0.05) and self-confidence (p>0.05). The highest pre-competition somatic anxiety score fell after the competition, while cognitive anxiety and self-confidence increased after the competition when it was low. There were no statistically significant differences in the athletes’ pre-competition and post-competition anxiety levels by age or income. Considering that success does not occur without a certain level of anxiety, coaches should consider the impact of psychological factors in technical and tactical training

    Study of the Concepts of Athletic Identity and Continuous Sport Self-Confidence in the Light of Various Variables

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    This study was planned and conducted for the purpose of examining the relationship between the concepts of athletic identity and continuous sport self-confidence within the framework of various variables. The study group is comprised of 125 sportsmen of different branches, located at the Ankara Eryaman Olympics Preparation Centre. Along with a personal information form, the participants were subjected to the "Athletic Identity Scale" developed by Brewer and Cornelius (2001) in order to measure the athletic identity roles, as well as the "Continuous Sport Self-Confidence Scale," which is a sub-dimension of the measurement tool developed by Vealey (1986) in order to assess sport confidence. In this study, while no significant difference was found between the total points for continuous sport self-confidence according to gender, a significant difference was found between the athletic identity points. No statistically significant difference was found between the total points for continuous sport self-confidence and athletic identity according to their branches, number of national representation and their years of sport. In the meanwhile, it was found that 64% of the sportsmen in the research group were satisfied with their relations with their parents, while 52% were satisfied with their relations with their friends. It was found that 40% of the sportsmen were satisfied with how they used their spare time, and 48% were satisfied with their success in their studies

    Bjelančevine iz sirutke štite mitohondrijsku funkciju jetre od oksidacijskoga stresa u štakora izloženih akroleinu

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    Acrolein (AC) is one of the most toxic environmental pollutants, often associated with incomplete combustion of petrol, wood, and plastic, oil frying, and tobacco smoking, that causes oxidative damage to DNA and mitochondria. Considering that little is known about the protective effects of whey protein (WP) against AC-induced liver toxicity, the aim of our study was to learn more about them in respect to liver mitochondrial oxidative stress, respiratory enzymes, Krebs cycle enzymes, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). To do that, we treated Sprague Dawley rats with daily doses of AC alone (5 mg/kg bw in 0.9 % NaCl solution), WP alone (200 mg/kg bw, in 0.9 % NaCl solution), or their combination by oral gavage for six days a week over 30 days. As expected, the AC group showed a drop in glutathione levels and antioxidant, transport chain, and tricarboxylic acid cycle enzyme activities and a significant rise in mitochondrial lipid peroxidation and protein carbonyl levels. Co-treatment with WP mitigated oxidative stress and improved enzyme activities. Judging by the measured parameters, WP reduced AC toxicity by improving bioenergetic mechanisms and eliminating oxidative stress.Akrolein je jedan od najtoksičnijih okolišnih onečišćivača, povezan s nepotpunim izgaranjem nafte i njezinih derivata, drva i plastike te s prženjem u ulju i pušenjem duhana, a uzrokuje oksidacijsko oštećenje DNA i mitohondrija. S obzirom na to da se malo zna o zaštitnom djelovanju bjelančevina iz sirutke protiv toksičnoga djelovanja akroleina u jetri, cilj je ovog istraživanja bio doznati više o tome putem oksidacijskoga stresa mitohondrija u jetri, razinâ enzima potrebnih za stanično disanje i Krebsova ciklusa te razinâ adenozin trifosfata (ATP). U tu smo svrhu štakore soja Sprague Dawley gavažom na usta izlagali samo akroleinu u dnevnoj dozi od 5 mg/kg tj. mase (u fiziološkoj otopini), samo bjelančevinama iz sirutke 200 mg/kg tj. mase (komercijalni proizvod, također u fiziološkoj otopini) ili njihovom kombinacijom šest dana u tjednu tijekom 30 dana. Kao što smo i očekivali, skupina koja je primala samo akrolein iskazala je pad razina glutationa te aktivnosti enzima zaduženih za antioksidaciju, lanac prijenosa elektrona i Krebsov ciklus (ciklus trikarboksilnih kiselina) te značajno povećanje lipidne peroksidacije i razina proteinskih karbonila u mitohondrijima. Kombinirana primjena s bjelančevinama iz sirutke ublažila je oksidacijski stres i poboljšala enzimsku aktivnost. Bjelančevine iz sirutke smanjile su toksično djelovanje akroleina na jetrene mitohondrije u štakora tako što su osnažile bioenergetske mehanizme i uklonile oksidacijski stres

    Examining the Pre- and Post-Competition State Anxiety Levels of Sportswomen of the Dutch Women's Volleyball National Team

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    This study was planned and conducted in order to examine the pre- and post-competition state anxiety levels of sportswomen of the Dutch women's volleyball national team. This descriptive study aimed at identifying the pre- and post-competition state anxiety levels of sportswomen of the Dutch women's volleyball national team is in the general survey model. The "Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2" (CSAI-2) consisting of 27 questions, developed by Martens, Burton, Vealey, Bump and Smith (1990) was applied to the 14 sportswomen voluntarily participating in the study. The anxiety inventory comprises the cognitive, somatic and self-confidence sub-factors. Each factor consists of 9 items. The Cronbach Alpha Internal Consistency coefficient was found as 0.91 in Cognitive Anxiety, 0.62 in Physical Anxiety, and 0.95 in Self-Confidence. According to the study conducted, comparing the pre- and post-competition anxiety levels of the sportswomen of the women's national volleyball team, a significant difference was found in cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety and self- confidence anxiety levels of p<0,05. In anxiety levels according to years of practicing sports, a significant difference at a level of p<0,05 was found in pre-competitive somatic anxiety

    Comparison of meat quality and fatty acid profile in slow-growing chicken genotypes fed diets supplemented with Origanum vulgare or Melissa officinalis leaves under the organic system under the organic system

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    This study was conducted to compare the meat quality and selected fatty acids profile of two different slow-growing broiler genotypes (Hubbard S757; S757 and Hubbard Grey Barred JA; GB-JA) fed diets supplemented with dry oregano (Origanum vulgare L., OV; 10 g/kg basal diets) or lemon balm leaves (Melissa officinalis L., MO; 10 g/kg basal diets) under organic housing system. It is concluded that slow-growing genotypes had no effect on L* parameter of the breast, thigh and abdominal fat meat quality. Two hundred and forty chicks were allocated randomly into 4 experimental groups according to a 2x2 factorial arrange-ment. Birds were raised until 98 days in order to achieve an acceptable market live weight. The b* colours of breast and thigh meat were significant different among genotypes and also a* colour of breast meat of GB-JA increased (P<0.05). Slow-growing female broilers produced a higher dry matter content and lower fat content of breast meat as compared with males. There were the higher concentrations of linoleic (C18:2n-6) acid and the lower concentrations of linolenic acid (C18:3n-3) in genotypes fed with supplemented dry oregano or lemon balm leaves diet. Sex affected total unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) composition, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and linoleic acid, were higher in slow growing males breast meat as compared with females breast meat. These results suggested that the slow-growing genotypes might had influenced the colour of breast and thigh meat, although overall meat quality was not affected under the organic system. Key words: , , ,

    Is the Pupil Involved in Duane Syndrome?: Static and Dynamic Pupillometry Characteristics

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    Objectives:Duane syndrome (DS) is typically characterized by abduction and/or adduction deficiency accompanied by eyelid and ocular motility disturbances. Maldevelopment or absence of the sixth nerve has been shown to be the causative factor. The aim of the present study was to investigate static and dynamic pupillary characteristics in patients with DS and compare the results with those of healthy eyes.Materials and Methods:Patients with unilateral isolated DS and no history of ocular surgery were enrolled in the study. Healthy subjects with a best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of 1.0 or higher were assigned to the control group. All subjects underwent complete ophthalmological examination and pupillometry measurements (MonPack One, Vision Monitor System, Metrovision, Perenchies, France) including static and dynamic pupil evaluation.Results:A total of 74 patients (22 with DS and 52 healthy subjects) were included in the study. The mean age of the DS patients and healthy subjects was 11.05±5.19 and 12.54±4.05 years, respectively (p=0.188). There was no difference in sex distribution (p=0.502). Mean BCVA differed significantly between eyes with DS and healthy eyes, and between healthy eyes and the fellow eyes of DS patients (p0.05 for all).Conclusion:In the light of the results of the present study, the pupil seems to be not involved in DS. Larger studies including more patients with different types of DS in different age groups or comprising patients with non-isolated DS may reveal different findings

    Evaluation of Some Reproductive Performance of Ewes, Livability and Growth Traits of Lambs of Akkaraman in Breeder Flocks in Niğde/Bor Province

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    Conducted within the National Sheep and Goat Breeding “subproject: Akkaraman Sheep Breeding Project under farmer conditions in Nigde’s Bor district” between 2018 and 2022, the current study evaluated the reproductive characteristics of ewes as well as the livability and growth traits of lambs. This study investigated some ‘reproductive traits’ of an average of 6000 ewes per year and ‘growth performance and ‘survival traits’ of a total of 30051 head lambs. The birth weight (LBW), 60th-day body weight (BW60), 120th-day body weight (BW120), and 120th-day body weight gain (BWG120) of Akkaraman lambs during the study periods were 4.14±0.19 kg, 18.58±0.03 kg, 31.31±0.02 kg, and 246±2.23 g/lamb/day, respectively. In the study, among the factors affecting the growth characteristics of Akkaraman lambs, only the effect of gender on BWG120 and birth type on BW120 was found to be insignificant. In contrast, the other factors were found to be found to be statistically significant. In the study, it was determined that the number of lambs per Akkaraman ewe giving birth between 2018-2022 varied between 1.03-1.10. The highest livability in Akkaraman lambs was determined in 2018 (96.61%) and the lowest in 2020 (83.21%). As a result, it was found that liveability in Akkaraman lambs was dependent on birth year, the age of the ewe, gender, and birth type

    Polikistik over sendromlu hastalarda insülin direnci ve eser elementlerin ilişkisi

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    Objective: The study was investigate serum zinc (Zn),chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co) and manganese (Mn) concentrations in relation to hormone levels and polycystic ovarysyndrome (PCOS).Materials and Methods: Fourty women between 18-40years of age diagnosed with PCOS. We also seleceted 40healty volunteers as the control group. Serum Zn, Cr, Mn,follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone(LH), Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S), totaltestosterone (TT), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG),insulin, glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, High DensityLipoprotein (HDL-C) and Low density lipoprotein (LDLC) concentrations were determined.Results: Insulin, glucose, triglyceride, DHEA-S levelswere significantly higher in the PCOS group than in thecontrol group, while FSH and Mn levels were significantly lower in the HOMA-IR group than in the controlgroup (p< 0.05).Conclusions: A possible association is perceptible in ourstudy between some of serum trace elements and womenwith PCOS. The association attains a connotative levelwith the involvement of IR in it. Additional studies evaluating the effects of these elements supplementation wouldbe required to confirm the hypothesis as well as to ascertain whether insulin resistance in the presence of manganese deficiency can directly lead to oxidative stress.Amaç: Bu çalışma, polikistik over sendromunda (PKOS) hormon düzeyleriyle çinko (Zn), krom (Cr), kobalt (Co) ve mangan (Mn) konsantrasyonlarının ilişkisini incelemek için tasarlanmıştır. Materyal ve Metot: Çalışmaya endokrinoloji polikliniğine başvuran 18-40 yaş arası PKOS teşhisi konulan 40 kadın ve aynı sayıda sağlıklı gönüllü alındı. Serum Zn, Cr, Mn, Foliküler stimüle edici hormon (FSH), Lüteinleştirici Hormon (LH), Dehidroepiandrosteron (DHEA-S), Total Testosteron (TT), Seks hormonu bağlayıcı globulin (SHBG), insülin, glukoz, kolesterol, trigliserit, yüksek yoğunluklu lipoproteinler (HDL) ve düşük yoğunluklu lipoproteinler (LDL) konsantrasyonları analiz edildi. Bulgular: PKOS grubunda insülin, glukoz, trigliserit, DHEA-S düzeyleri kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede yüksek iken, FSH ve Mn düzeyleri HOMA-IR grubunda kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı derecede düşüktü (p <0.05). Sonuç: Çalışmamızda serum eser elementleri ile PKOS arasında bir ilişki saptanırken, IR’nin dahil edilmesiyle ilişki düzeyi artmaktadır. Ayrıca, mangan eksikliği varlığında insülin direncinin doğrudan oksidatif strese yol açıp açamayacağını belirlemek için bu elementin takviyesinin etkilerini değerlendiren ek çalışmalara ihtiyaç olacağını da düşünmekteyiz

    Investigation of Some Fertility and Growth Traits of Akkaraman Sheep under Breeder Condition in Altunhisar District of Niğde Province

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    The aim of this study was to determine some reproductive and growth characteristics and was to analyses some environmental factors the growth and survival performance of lambs between 2017 and 2020 reared within the framework of the National Small Ruminant Project in Altunhisar district of Nigde. The data of the study were collected from 24000 heads ewes and 24869 male and female lambs raised in 25 different farms. The average of infertility, fertility, fecundity, litter size, single and twining rates of Akkaraman ewes were found to be 7.90, 92.10, 1.04, 1.13, 87.49 and 12.51%, respectively. The effects of year of birth, type of birth, age of dam and gender on birth, 60th day and 120th day live weights of Akkaraman lambs were found to be statistically significant (P<0.001). It was also determined that the effect of type of lambing, gender, year of birth and dams age on the survival of lambs at 60th and 120th days was significant (P<0.01). The average survival rate of lambs at 60th and 120th day was 96.2 and 95.3.%, respectively. As a result, it was concluded that while the reproductive characteristics of Akkaraman ewes were in accordance with the literature reports, the effects of the environmental factors on the live weights and survival of lambs were significant and these factors were partially affected by slower growth

    Determination of citizenship organizational level of physical education teachersBeden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin örgütsel vatandaşlık düzeylerinin belirlenmesi

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    The aim of this research is to determine the organizational citizenship levels of physical education teacher. In our research, survey method was used. The study participant 533 survey. Cronbach's alpha value is obtained as 91.2% for the overall scale of the reliability of the scale was determined to be high. Female teachers have a higher value than the average score courtesy of male teachers (p = 0.001 &lt;0.05). altruism by level of education, the difference between the average education level of teachers according to the conscientiousness and civic virtue subscales were statistically significant. teachers with undergraduate education, according to teachers with graduate level education altruism, conscientiousness and civic virtue score values for the dimensions are higher. The average difference between the levels according to the tasks carried out by level made the task of conscientiousness subscale teachers are statistically significant (p = 0.042 &lt;0.05). According to the economic welfare of altruism among teachers, conscientiousness, courtesy, sportsmanship and civic virtue lower average difference in size is not statistically significant (p&gt; 0.05). ÖzetBu araştırmanın amacı Beden eğitimi öğretmenlerinin örgütsel vatandaşlık düzeylerinin belirlenmesidir. Araştırmamızda anket yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmaya 533 denek katılmıştır. Cronbach’s Alfa değeri genel ölçek için %91.2 olarak elde edilmiş olup ölçeğin güvenirliğinin yüksek olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kadın öğretmenlerin erkek öğretmenlere göre ortalama nezaket skor değeri daha yüksektir(p=0.001 &lt;0.05). Eğitim seviyesine göre diğerkâmlık, vicdanlılık ve sivil erdem alt boyutlarında eğitim seviyesine göre öğretmenler arasındaki ortalama farklılık istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır. Lisans eğitim düzeyine sahip öğretmenlerin, lisansüstü eğitim seviyesine sahip öğretmenlere göre diğerkâmlık, vicdanlılık ve sivil erdem alt boyutlarına ilişkin skor değerleri daha yüksektir.  Görev yapılan kademelere göre vicdanlılık alt boyutunda görev yapılan kademelere göre öğretmenler arasındaki ortalama farklılık istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır (p=0.042 &lt;0.05). Ekonomik refah düzeyine göre öğretmenler arasında diğerkâmlık, vicdanlılık, nezaket, centilmenlik ve sivil erdem alt boyutlarında ortalama farklılık istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değildir(p&gt;0.05)